Bow to your Queen


Well at least one of the Queens of TNP.

Hey I'm Mercy (legitimate name you may call me by, but I'll also accept Your Majesty), excuse the header it just seemed more interesting than "Hey".​
Check out my county if you wish. I really just joined to see if I had good decision making skills. So far my Economy is on a steady rise but the other two seem to fluctuate too much for my liking.

I am a Dungeon Mistress so I may join the RP threads if I'm ever in the mood for it but you probably wont see or hear from me much. I've been part of the game for maybe a month, come on whenever I feel like it but I'm not a steady player.

Well that's about it.
I do suggest better emoticon choices though
Welcome to The North Pacific.

Another Queen for our collection I see. I wonder how Astarial and Dalimbar will feel about the competition?

[me] ponders