Commend Northrop-Grumman
Category: Commendation | Target: Northrop-Grumman
Proposed by: Makdon | Onsite Topic
Note: This draft was accepted for the World Assembly Accelerator Program, but is not currently being sponsored by the Ministry of WA Affairs. If you're interested in participating in this program, we encourage you to apply with your draft(s)!
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.The Security Council,
Darkly noting the great importance that knowledge of the world’s nations plays in facilitating foreign affairs, and that the significance of this information being readily available and effectively collated cannot be overstated, for without it relations cannot feasibly be conducted in any reasonable manner; the ramifications for such mismanaged relations would surely be dark,
ApplaudingNorthrop-Grumman and their shadowy archivists for their commitment to the arcane task of maintaining well organized and frequently updated indexes of both nation’s capitals and leaders, which are truly ancient, having been maintained by Northrop-Grumman for fifteen and sixteen long years respectively,
Remarking that the two mysterious indexes believed to have originated somewhere within the dark realm of Northrop-Grumman possess the following merits compared to the regular procedure of finding and viewing a nation’s information panel:
- The indexes of Northrop-Grumman contain useful references to information nation’s have chosen to provide that is relevant to their capital or biographical of their leader, which is both utile and edifying,
- Nations newly founded are not able to display their capital or leader, so Northrop-Grumman’s indexes can be the only way to discover them,
- The indexes allow for the quick finding of information on multiple nations, since they are all held in one place,
Knowledgeable also of the fact that Northrop-Grumman’s indexes have additionally inspired a separate catalog of national sports that employs the same methodology and layout, and cognizant that there is no standard display for national sports, so without the index foreign nations are left completely in the dark,
Intimidated by the extensive work of Northrop-Grumman in creating the Universal Network for the Integrated Transactional Economy (UNITE), a national and transgalactic computer system that registers all citizens, organizations of citizens, and foreign visitors through the use of a personal identification card, and which provides numerous advantages by providing easy and efficient flow of information and government services,
Astounded by Northrop-Grumman’s labor in chronicling countless collections of invaluable accounts of historic events that would otherwise have been lost after a shift in record keeping abandoned all previous years’ knowledge, a vast swathe of which Northrop-Grumman’s archivist managed to preserve and are still available for all of NationStates today,
Confident that in light (or as the case may be, darkness) of these contributions, which exemplify both long lasting commitment and frightening technical prowess, there can be no question that Northrop-Grumman is overly deserving of recognition,
Hereby commends the most dark nation ofNorthrop-Grumman.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Commend Northrop-Grumman was defeated 6,398 votes to 5,613 (46.7% support).
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