Ministry of Cards Office
Ministry Overview: the Ministry of Cards (MoCa) is the newest organization brought forth by the leadership of The North Pacific. Established on September 15, 2020 by orders of Delegate Kranostav, the function of this ministry is to directly oversee much of the cards-related programs TNP regularly introduces and maintains.
Cards provide a direct incentive for contributing to the region's well-being, hence why they are so frequently utilized in the region's day-to-day actions. Such examples include: 1) endorsing the delegate in exchange for increased chances of pulling cards, 2) obtaining citizenship for the purpose of joining the Cards Guild organization, and more.
Purpose of this Thread: this thread will be used for the Minister of Cards, any Deputy Minister of Cards, or any designated cards staffer to post short announcements. Additionally, any question relating to the Ministry of Cards (or cards in general) can be asked here; a response will be given from a user experienced in cards whenever possible.
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