- Discord
- kyle.kyle

I have reached my dream of playing for the #PremièreLigue, living the life as an @OlympiqueNyonnaisFC player. But I am a Predicean, a citizen of Alessano, and my country needs me.
I am going back to fight for my country.
The invaders shall not pass! Non passeranno!
#NonPasseranno! #VivaPredice
10.6K Retwitches • 58.1K Likes

Replying to @arduino_biagioni
Sad to see you go bro. This is a brave decision and I salute you for heeding the call of your country... fight the good fight!
I wish you the best in your endeavours. God bless you and I hope to see you again eventually!
1.6K Retwitches • 7.6K Likes

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