Eras Map Claim Thread #3

With Ruskaland gone, I wanna give Eras another shot.
Please add this claim onto the map, and I wish that the nation to be called "Valamo"

I do want to apologize for requesting a claim after requesting for my nation to be removed so soon.
Nevertheless, thank you.

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I would like Ereion removed from the map. I just can't find the motivation to do anything with it, on top of stress. and it feels wrong to take up the real estate.

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I would like to claim this land as "Tlaakatland" for my second nation.

Note: See Notice on Update

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I'd like to claim this area east of the blue under Acria. (If possible, could I also claim the small islands to the east as well?)

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I would like to claim the five islands to the north of Ereion, which previously made up the nation of Bonelia, for my first and only nation, the Crown Isles of Victoria. On the map, I would like it to be "Crown Isles."

Note: See Notice on Update

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Claim in red.

Note: You provided no name for the nation.

Nation name: Ecclesia poenitens

Note: I am going to need a justification for why your nation is named "The [State] of Church Penitent" in the language of Umbrial the language of the Augustum People.

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I would like to claim the five islands to the north of Ereion, which previously made up the nation of Bonelia, for my first and only nation, the Crown Isles of Victoria. On the map, I would like it to be "Crown Isles."

Note: See Notice on Update

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Nameless (Jumpshare)
Nameless (Imgur)

-Notice: Due to the actions of certain claimants, the Cartography and RP Moderation Staff has come to the conclusion to deny all claims to the islands of continent of Iteria. Spamming Cartography is not okay, stealing from other people is not okay, ignoring RP Moderation to continue your actions is not okay, gloating and posturing to other members of the community is not okay.

Furthermore due to this the islands that sit east of Imperium Augustum are to be embargoed from claims for two subsequent updates.

- Cassosili
- Funkadelia
- Ereion

- Acria
- Trasetland

- N/A

On Hold

Statistical Notes
Total Map Area: 182,250,000 Km2
Land Area of Map: 34,074,688 Km2
Claimed Area: 20,587,900 Km2

Percentage of Area Claimed: 60.42%
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I would like to ask the Cartography Team to decrease the size of Takashima and make it an NPC due to its historical relevance in the FW and the IW so the history of the rest of the nations of Iteria can remain unaltered. I would like to however, formally ask for a new second nation beneath of the Vestrugatia called Kaludgar.

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I would like to claim this land as Sundred

Last edited by a moderator:
Nameless (Jumpshare)
Nameless (Imgur)


- Auster Corona
- Balanest
- Pascolar (Was slated for removal last update but forgot)

- Crown Isles of Victoria (Crown Isles)
- Sundred (Artemis)
- Kalundgar (Malorian Second Nation)

- Iraelia (Border Fix)
- Takashima (Downgraded to NPC)

On Hold

Statistical Notes
Total Map Area: 182,250,000 Km2
Land Area of Map: 34,074,688 Km2
Claimed Area: [TBD] Km2

Percentage of Area Claimed: [TBD]
I'd like to claim this area east of the blue under Acria. (If possible, could I also claim the small islands to the east as well?)

As I failed to specify properly previously, I'd like to claim these islands marked in blue with the rest of Acria. If needed, I can give up a portion of my mainland. Thank you.

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Nameless (Jumpshare)
Nameless (Imgur)


- Berkowitzia ~ Subjective Removal
- Kranostav ~ Subjective Removal
- Darcania
- Chii-Mara



On Hold

Statistical Notes
Total Map Area: 182,250,000 Km2
Land Area of Map: 34,074,688 Km2
Claimed Area: 19,232,916 Km2

Percentage of Area Claimed: 65.44%

I would like to claim this archipelago as Tlaakatland.

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Respected Cartography Team.
I recently noticed that the Time at which i posted my claim the SMALL LAKE AREA (<< CLICK IT )was also included.
Then again i realized that it went above the Pixel Limit for claims, hence i request you to Correct my map with the New
Correction Claim.
Also, The New Border actually dates back to Syrixian Colonial Era when the Syrixians Governed the Area within the Border (in the claim).
The Lake allowed fast transportation of goods across South and South-West of Kian.

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Application for my second nation, Ponterre.

Thank You.

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Currently pending citizenship.

Note: Citizenship is not required, I also added you as Pordan, we generally have not allowed "North, East, South, Central, or West" in a name because it implied forced history on other nations bordering a nation without their consent. I also rejected the island addition because I didn't feel that it fit well with where it was located and no actual reasoning was added with the claim.

(p.s. do not respond to this message in this thread, any comments should be made in the Discussion Thread or in the Discord Cartography channel)

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Claim for Sorbkraialand


Note: I have been informed you are planning significant collaboration between your main nation and second nation without a very good reason I am compelled to deny you.

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I have returned (yet again) under the banner of Sovereignty of Emmasia.

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Nameless (Jumpshare)
Nameless (Imgur)

1.) Sasten, Highton, and Syrixia have been added to the Cartography Team
2.) Due to the game-side actions of Crown Islands the Cartography and Forum RP Moderation Staffs have agreed to remove Crown Islands from the Eras Map.

~ Victoria (See Note #2)
~ Eireistan (30 Days NP)
~ Plemobria (60 Days NP)

~ Ponterre (Highton SN)
~ Tlaakatland (Callise SN)
~ Pordan
~ Emmasia
~ Oclusia

~ Acria
~ Krevt

On Hold

Statistical Notes
Total Map Area: 182,250,000 Km2
Land Area of Map: 34,074,688 Km2
Claimed Area: 20,499,560 Km2

Percentage of Area Claimed: 60.16%
I would like to create a second nation:
The Union of the Somaad

Note: Added but edited due to distorted image.

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I would like to claim this area for my second nation, The Great Zhen Empire (Zhen)

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I'd like to claim the below for the Ba'Gau Mon'Kai (The Promised Land of the Fire Nation):


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I would like to request to be removed from the map. I currently do not have the time to RP a nation.

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I'll claim Loz' old spot on the southern coast of the continent Meterra. You don't even need to change the color - I'm fine with red.
If I could be named 'Fiji Federation.'

Note: We generally don't allow RL nation names.

Last edited by a moderator:
Nameless (Jumpshare)
Nameless (Imgur)


- Regenalia
- Sundred
- Trasetland

- Alnaria
- Zhen
- Ba'Gau
- Willitya
- Alyirra
- Conolio
- Somaad


On Hold

Statistical Notes
Total Map Area: 182,250,000 Km2
Land Area of Map: 34,074,688 Km2
Claimed Area: 20,795,784 Km2

Percentage of Area Claimed: 61.03%