Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)

Nation in The North Pacific: Pacronesia
Current World Assembly nation: Pacronesia
Discord Username (if applicable): paperclip404#0122
Are you able to attend operations at 12 AM/12 PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Usually 4 PM to 8 PM [Mondays-Saturdays]
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in if any: None

By my honor and by my conscience, I will endeavor to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position in military leadership, I will endeavor to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavor to represent The North Pacific with honor and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
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Nation in The North Pacific: Firulia
Current World Assembly nation: Firulia
Discord Username (if applicable): Not Applicable
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? I am able to attend from 12 am to 10 pm
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Non
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: Non

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Firulia
Current World Assembly nation: Firulia
Discord Username (if applicable): Not Applicable
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? I am able to attend from 12 am to 10 pm
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Non
Other NationStates military or non-military
organizations you are involved in, if any: Non

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Can someone check my application please?!
Nation in The North Pacific: New Jerusalemm
Current World Assembly nation: New Jerusalemm
Discord Username (if applicable): deano#5480
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? If this means 24/7, no. If not, 2AM to 3AM and 10AM to 11AM EST
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: WA

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Accepted pending an admin check here (should be taken care of soon; no need to do anything yet).

Nation in The North Pacific: Pacronesia
Current World Assembly nation: Pacronesia
Discord Username (if applicable): paperclip404#0122
Are you able to attend operations at 12 AM/12 PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Usually 4 PM to 8 PM [Mondays-Saturdays]
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in if any: None

By my honor and by my conscience, I will endeavor to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position in military leadership, I will endeavor to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavor to represent The North Pacific with honor and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Accepted! I'll DM you shortly.

Nation in The North Pacific: Firulia
Current World Assembly nation: Firulia
Discord Username (if applicable): Not Applicable
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? I am able to attend from 12 am to 10 pm
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Non
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: Non

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Denied- your given nation isn't in TNP. Please reapply with a valid TNP nation.
Nation in The North Pacific: RON
Current World Assembly nation: ron
Discord Username (if applicable): Not Applicable
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? sure
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: npasf
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: a little bit :angel:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: atm none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: RON
Current World Assembly nation: ron
Discord Username (if applicable): Not Applicable
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? sure
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: npasf
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: a little bit :angel:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: atm none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Accepted; welcome back!
Nation in The North Pacific: Kilead
Current World Assembly nation: Kilead
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: The Auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: The R.E.A.P.E.R program.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation In TNP: Monitor
Current WA nation: Monitor
NPA Division: The Auxillary
Previous Military experience(If any):None
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any):
RL country: None

I, Grelenna request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
Nation In TNP: Monitor
Current WA nation: Monitor
NPA Division: Special Forces
Previous Military experience(If any):None
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any):
RL country: N/A

I, Monitor request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
Nation in The North Pacific: Treekidistan

Current World Assembly nation:

Discord Username (if applicable): Indusse#2211

Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Depends, most probably 12PM EST

Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux

Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Nothing Notable. Just a few raids, liberations and piling.

Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: Indian Armed Forces, because I'm the founder.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: Kilead
That nation doesn't exist. Do you mean Kileadan Republic?

Nation In TNP: Monitor
Current WA nation: Monitor
NPA Division: The Auxillary
Previous Military experience(If any):None
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any):
RL country: None

I, Grelenna request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
That's the old oath. Please use the current one, same as the other applicants at this time.

Nation in The North Pacific: Treekidistan

Current World Assembly nation:

Discord Username (if applicable): Indusse#2211

Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Depends, most probably 12PM EST

Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux

Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Nothing Notable. Just a few raids, liberations and piling.

Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: Indian Armed Forces, because I'm the founder.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
DMed regarding Indian Armed Forces.
Nation in The North Pacific: Monitor

Current World Assembly nation:

Discord Username (if applicable): Jinter#7963

Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? yes

Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux

Previous NationStates military experience, if any: helped 1000 islands liberating a region once

Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: Kileadan Republic
Current World Assembly nation: Kileadan Republic
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: The Auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: The R.E.A.P.E.R program.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Oceanica Empire
Current World Assembly nation: Oceanica Empire
Discord Username (if applicable): N/A
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? None
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Black Africa
Current World Assembly nation: Black Africa
Discord Username (if applicable):morez
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? 12pm Est
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join:NPASF
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation

Once your application is accepted and you have passed the necessary security checks by the admins you will receive a message from the Minister of Defense. Following that you may be remasked as a member of The North Pacific Army.
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Nation in The North Pacific: New Sark Land
Current World Assembly nation: New Sark Land
Discord Username (if applicable): SB#6048
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 12AM
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific
Nation in The North Pacific: [Dogtopia of oz)
Current World Assembly nation: [Dogtopia of Oz}
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Mostly on work days, at 8:00 (AM) - 3:05 (PM) I live in Queensland Australia and am on that time, I am on late my time most nights and around 4pm is (my time) on weekends. I work during the week. There are of course situational variations where life may prevent me from getting on but the times quoted are very regular.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Army. I was an adult volunteer in the Navy Cadets, and am applying for the Airforce cadets
Previous NationStates military experience, a few years on and off
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, World assembaly. thats it so far.

By my honor and by my conscience, I will endeavor to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation

c, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
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Nation in The North Pacific: SamTamay
Current World Assembly nation: SamTamay
Discord Username (if applicable): wiyth#5045
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? About any time of the day except at night and morning 10:00pm-9:00AM EST
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: NPASF
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Yokashai Israel
Current World Assembly nation: Yokashai Israel
Discord Username (if applicable): The 88th#1524
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? I can attend at both times
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: NPASF
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: The Tetra Core
Current World Assembly nation: The Tetra Core
Discord Username (if applicable): Lion223#8413
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Sometimes I will be able to attend at 12PM but that's definitely not guaranteed.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: Thethen
Current World Assembly nation: Thethen
Discord Username (if applicable): Cocon#0280
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 12PM, most likely around the first half.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: N/A
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: N/A

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
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Nation in The North Pacific: United Czechia
Current World Assembly nation: United Czechia
Discord Username (if applicable): none
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?Sometimes i can, sometimes I can't.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
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Nation in The North Pacific: Conozek
Current World Assembly nation: The King Isle
Discord Username (if applicable): Tartan#1061
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? I can attend Minor
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: The NPASF
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: The Grey Wardens, The SPSF, The PRAF, The Sekhmet legion.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
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Nation in The North Pacific: Nokturnus
Current World Assembly nation: Nokturnus
Discord Username (if applicable): Missing#7796
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? Yes
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: N/A
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: N/A

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: Epicuria Libertaria
Current World Assembly nation: Epicuria Libertaria
Discord Username (if applicable): DjinnHunterX#6568
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? Yes
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: N/A
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: N/A

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
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Nation in The North Pacific: North Macaronesa
Current World Assembly nation: Overseas Macaronesia
Discord Username (if applicable): send help#4465
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? No, I'm only on from 9-10 AM EST, and 6-8 PM EST.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Nope, this is my first time!
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
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Nation in The North Pacific: Federal republic of wakanda

Current World Assembly nation: Federal republic of wakanda

Discord Username (if applicable): Skull Knight#4201

Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? yes

Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join:NPASF

Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none

Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: The Zheng Dynasty
Current World Assembly nation: The Zheng Dynasty
Discord Username (if applicable): ExplosiveBomby XVII #8480
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Not all the time, but sometimes because I'm a student. Anywhere from 12PM to 9PM EST
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Auxiliary
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA? No, not at the moment.
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: UNION KINGDOMS
Current World Assembly nation: UNION KINGDOMS
Discord Username (if applicable): Carl Johnson#7857
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Not all the time, but sometimes because I'm a student. Anywhere from 5EST to 6EST.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
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