they are not the same militaries!Gladio:Surbervania approved, pending a security check by the admins
A Lost Soul - Due to your behavior In the previous militaries that you were In and your behavior here In TNP your application to join The NPA Is rejected.
End of discussion. You've heard the general's decision. If you want to petition this further, please feel free to reach out to me through PM or telegram.A Lost Soul:they are not the same militaries!Gladio:Surbervania approved, pending a security check by the admins
A Lost Soul - Due to your behavior In the previous militaries that you were In and your behavior here In TNP your application to join The NPA Is rejected.
I am instructed to deny this application.flemingovia:Nation In TNP: Northern Flemingovia
Current WA nation: Flemingovia
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Previous Military experience(If any): Various stints with the North Pacific Army, back in the day. I have occasionally accompanied the NPAF on missions to help out more recently.
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any): The Church of Flemingovianism.
RL country: United Kingdom
I, Flemingovia request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
Welcome to the NPA!Giqvista:Nation In TNP: Giqvista
Current WA nation: Giqvista
NPA Division: <The Auxiliary>
Previous Military experience: None
Other military or non-military organisations you are involved In: None
RL country: South Korea (residing in Singapore)
I, Giqvista request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our region's security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
Approved! Welcome to The North Pacific ArmyHobbsburg:Nation In TNP: Hobbsburg
Current WA nation: Hobbsburg
NPA Division: < The Auxiliary, Special Forces >
Previous Military experience(If any): none
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any):
RL country: USA
I, Hobbsburg request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
CrimsonTideFan - Denied.CrimsonTideFan:Nation In TNP: The Greater South
Current WA nation: Ever changing
NPA Division: Special Forces
Previous Military experience(If any): Officer and former MoA of SPSF
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any): Currently involved with the SPSF, serving as an officer.
RL country: United States
I, CrimsonTideFan, request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our region's security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
Renian, approved. Welcome to the NPAF.Renian:Nation In TNP: Renian
Current WA nation: Renian
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Previous Military experience(If any): no
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any): no
RL country:USA
I, ____karim_____ request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.