Nation in The North Pacific: the republic of indoskovia
Current World Assembly nation: the republic of indoskovia
Discord Username (if applicable): unavalible at this time
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 8 PM EST
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: umm i have roleplayed wars
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: indoskovian armed forces
we are a generally militaristic nation and we would be proud to join your ranks as if we cannot offer you anything we can offer you a last stand and a fight in any circumstance I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council as it is now my responsibility and forever be my responsibility to protect our region because we believe that you win a war is with tactics and those tactics will always be used on the battlefield and may we be protected in battle and in peace
Current World Assembly nation: the republic of indoskovia
Discord Username (if applicable): unavalible at this time
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 8 PM EST
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: umm i have roleplayed wars
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: indoskovian armed forces
we are a generally militaristic nation and we would be proud to join your ranks as if we cannot offer you anything we can offer you a last stand and a fight in any circumstance I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council as it is now my responsibility and forever be my responsibility to protect our region because we believe that you win a war is with tactics and those tactics will always be used on the battlefield and may we be protected in battle and in peace
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