Accepted! Welcome to the NPA.Current World Assembly nation: La Corta
Discord Username (if applicable): La Corta
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Most Days at 12PM, others at 12AM.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: NPASF
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Thank you!Accepted! Welcome to the NPA.
Accepted blah blah Bob is lazyNation in The North Pacific: Cretox State
Current World Assembly nation: Cretox State
Discord Username: Cretox#0125
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Major is much easier than minor. Can do major most days.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: NPASF (updating)
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: TNP, LWU, WA Elite
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in The North Pacific: Neptunian Military Administration
Current World Assembly nation: Neptunian Military Administration
Discord Username (if applicable): Neptune
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?: Only 12 am at the moment due to working at night.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Aux
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: Negative
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Accepted! Welcome home.Nation in The North Pacific: Unitegone
Current World Assembly nation: Huks Gares
Discord Username (if applicable): Owen#8590
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?: Can only attend Minors
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: NPASF
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Former Captain (I think of NPA), former Chief of General Staff of UKAF, spent a little while with TGW.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: Only other region I am involved with is NSUK but not militarily.
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Lofi Girl
Current World Assembly nation: Lofi Girl
Discord Username (if applicable): Lofi Girl#9205
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? - I can attend both operations at 12AM and 12PM EST.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: I wish to join the NPASF branch.
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: I have no previous NationStates military experience.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: I am not involved in any other military or non-military organizations.
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation in TNP: Souieralia
Current WA Nation: Souieralia
NPA Division: The Auxiliary
Previous Military Experience (if any): N/A
Other military or non-military organization you are involved in (if any): N/A
RL country: Australia
I, Souieralia request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to The North Pacific Region, our people and our government.
Nation in The North Pacific:
Eternal Skies
Current World Assembly nation:
Eternal Skies
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?
12am EST
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: The Auxiliary
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
All accepted. Apologies for the delay. I will DM you some instructions shortly.Nation in The North Pacific: zohaib
Current World Assembly nation: zohaib
Discord Username (if applicable): zainnn#8453
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?: 10AM-1PM EST
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Special forces
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: THEWARVETRANS
Current World Assembly nation: THEWARVETRANS
NPA Divistion: Dont know
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None
Rl country: India
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Accepted! You'll get a DM shortly.By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
And accepted!By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Accepted! Will DM shortly with more information.Nation in The North Pacific: Kronogistan
Current World Assembly nation: Kronogistan
Discord Username (if applicable): Kronos#7021
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? I can attend major.
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: NPASF
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Order of the Sword circa 2015-16, The Galactic Order circa 2016-2018, Kingdom of Great Britain circa 2018-2021. I'm more of a jumper, I can run point but I'm out of practice, and triggering is still very new to me.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: N/A
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Accepted pending a successful admin check (you should get one shortly as part of your citizenship application).Nation in The North Pacific: United States of ConnX
Current World Assembly nation: United States of ConnX
Discord Username (if applicable): Parth Anand#9999
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? No
Which branch (Aux or NPASF) do you wish to join: Auz
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None
By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation