Kayode ahems: "We are unfortunate to have lost McMasterdonia's interest in the Association, however I do feel it is necessary that we still honor the treatises of Article Six in Treaty Zero. If we are to act as a mediator of the conflict, we should maintain our neutrality in the affairs of an urgent and developing conflict that could have major implications in the politics of Meterra."
"As for applications," she moved on, "We ask that applicants respond to the questions in this
"The Federal Commonwealth, too, is suspicious of the Oclusian government. While we do honor the collapse of the old, bigoted government, we musn't be too hasty to accept the new government that has taken its place—which, as it stands, is obscure in its ideology, morality and intentions. While we do not plan on outright denying the Oclusian application, we would still like to know more about the new government before we can make a decision. To the reformed Oclusian government, we ask the following: how prevailing is the nation's approval of your rule, are there any challenges to your rule, what is your new stance on the rights of the peoples within your nation, and how committed are you to the social contract involved in META?"
"In other news, I would like to remind you all—the Signatories—to appoint your jurists which will represent your nations' interests in the newly created Tribunal. I would also like to remind our Observers—Syrixia, Midir, and Skanda, to specify the categories of goods you would like to trade as Third–Party Members."