Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:11 PM
fuck ketchup in all its forms
i said it
Pax - Today at 11:11 PM
Fuck you in all your forms
Ketchup is the nectar of allah
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:12 PM
Allab* you Strangereal elitist
Pax - Today at 11:12 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:12 PM
selling tickets for Pax vs Syr, now only $2!
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:12 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:12 PM
There is no god but Allab, and Mehrab is his prophet
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:12 PM
we unite under memes
Pax - Today at 11:12 PM
Let's do a pokemon battle.
Are you ready?
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:12 PM
Pax Memegolica
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:12 PM
Pax - Today at 11:12 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:12 PM
I choose you, @math-ologist Ph.D (Andy)
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:12 PM
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:13 PM
Sil Dorsett - Today at 11:13 PM
well then use an imgur link
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:13 PM
i use bribery?
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:13 PM
Andy! Use Imperyk Hellmarch!
Pax - Today at 11:13 PM
I use Illusia.
Illusia use harden!
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:13 PM
Illusia loafed around
Pax - Today at 11:13 PM
Great, my pokemon is retarded.
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:13 PM
sorry syr i bribed the pokemon guys
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:13 PM
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:13 PM
i put money on illusia
Pax - Today at 11:14 PM
Illusia use space lasers!
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:14 PM
lose this battle so i can count my stacks
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:14 PM
I switch Andy out for @Sil Dorsett!
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:14 PM
Illusia got confused! It hurt itself in its confusion!
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:14 PM
Sil Dorsett! Use Alice Rant!
Pax - Today at 11:14 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:14 PM
Illusia fainted
Pax - Today at 11:14 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:14 PM

Sil Dorsett - Today at 11:14 PM
It's super effective!
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:14 PM
no thanks that's unhygenic
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:14 PM
god damn it that's like 10 bucks down the drain
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:14 PM
Pax - Today at 11:14 PM
I choose you Sil Dorsett!
math-ologist Ph.D (Andy) - Today at 11:14 PM
thanks a lot syr :angry:
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:14 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:14 PM
Great now this is another memorable amusing discord quotes
Pax - Today at 11:14 PM
Sil Dorsett, use ember!
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:15 PM
"Pax vs. Syr"
Sil Dorsett - Today at 11:15 PM
Pax doesn't have enough badges
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:15 PM
Pax - Today at 11:15 PM
You don't have enough badges you twat
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:15 PM
Sil Dorsett doesn't listen to Pax
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:15 PM
Syr has all badges
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:15 PM
None of you have enough badges
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:15 PM
From Kanto up to Alola
Pax - Today at 11:15 PM
Fuck pokemon
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:15 PM
Pax - Today at 11:15 PM
you twat
Pax - Today at 11:15 PM
Square up
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:15 PM
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:15 PM
All of you are scrubs
Pax - Today at 11:15 PM
I'll take you down sucka
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:15 PM
no u
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:15 PM
I already did
Pax - Today at 11:15 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:16 PM
Illusia is too tired to battle
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:16 PM
@Pax Omae wa mou shindeiru.
Pax - Today at 11:16 PM
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:16 PM
Syrixia is actually still communist
Sil Dorsett - Today at 11:16 PM
It's super effective!
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:16 PM
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:16 PM
and is working with Cogoria to ruin the PU
Pax - Today at 11:16 PM
The final trick up my sleeve!
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:17 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:17 PM
No! There's no running away from a Trainer battle!
Pax - Today at 11:17 PM
Put it on my bill
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:17 PM
You also have to black out
Good night sweet prince
punches @Pax
Pax - Today at 11:17 PM
You dickfuck
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:17 PM
Syr stole all of @Pax's money afterwards
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:17 PM
I was assuming that was going in a different direction
Pax - Today at 11:17 PM
You know what Illusia that's godmodding
You can't decide that
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:17 PM
Well fuck you
Pax - Today at 11:17 PM
I'm calling the weed
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:18 PM
I can decide a lot
Pax - Today at 11:18 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:18 PM
Pax - Today at 11:18 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:18 PM
I'm Syrge W. Bush
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:18 PM
I can decide this
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:18 PM
and I have the best strategery
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:18 PM
I am a solipsist
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:18 PM
Syrge approv'd
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:18 PM
all of you are imaginary
Pax - Today at 11:18 PM
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:18 PM
now shut up and stop existing
Pax - Today at 11:18 PM
No, I'm make-believe.
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:18 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:18 PM
Syrge did 7-11
Pax - Today at 11:18 PM
There's a difference.
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:18 PM
Pax - Today at 11:18 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:18 PM
Go! Team Rocket
Pax - Today at 11:19 PM
Fuck Team Rocket
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:19 PM
Syr my foot will coexist with your ass you don't shut your trap
Pax - Today at 11:19 PM
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:19 PM
throws lamb sauce
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:19 PM
doesn't shut trap
Pax - Today at 11:19 PM
throws temper tantrum
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:19 PM
make a move beeyatch
oh and you know what else
santa claus ain't real
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:19 PM
@Sil Dorsett can you softkick syr
Sil Dorsett - Today at 11:19 PM
I can.
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:19 PM
with love from me
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:19 PM
Pax - Today at 11:20 PM
Call the fire department because we got a sick burnnnnnnnnnnn
Sil Dorsett - Today at 11:20 PM
but I won't.
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:20 PM
dammit Sil
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:20 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:20 PM
oh thank allab
Pax - Today at 11:26 PM
Do as you wish
Illusianary Works - Today at 11:26 PM
"crappy Eras"
Midir (The D.D.M) - Today at 11:26 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:26 PM
Plemby, McM, Arpeyi, Bootsie, Felis, Eumenor, Kalti, Kannex, Nebula, and us(edited)
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:26 PM
I just remembered someone else Syr
Pax - Today at 11:26 PM
RMB RP is so much better with it's constant godmodding
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:26 PM
that I did not want to
Pax - Today at 11:26 PM
And lack of following the rules.
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:27 PM
New fucking Ducklands
oh my god
and Derpington
please no
@The Heretic McNaCl show us the posts. you've triggered my sick sense of curiosity
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:27 PM
@Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros I see how it is
don't include me in that list
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:27 PM
and you
forgot you
Yalkan fluff me - Today at 11:27 PM
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:27 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:28 PM
Pax - Today at 11:28 PM
Another person arrived.
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:28 PM
"yes, I was such a cringey feederite"
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:28 PM
I don't remember that middle occurance
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:28 PM
nah, you were just cringey, ducky boy
neither do i
Pax - Today at 11:28 PM
I think chess is the most beautiful thing in the world
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:28 PM
What year did you first join @Flufflord Darcania
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:28 PM
also, classy prefix for Ducklands
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:29 PM
I could lookup your forum account but lazy
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:29 PM
I joined NS in December 2014
Midir (The D.D.M) - Today at 11:29 PM
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:29 PM
I joined the forums Feb. 1st, 2015
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:29 PM
right yes. End of r3n’s term
And beginning of my last term
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:29 PM
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:29 PM
That lasted 1 month
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:29 PM
:flag_us: :flag_fi: SYRIXIA :flag_fi: :flag_us:, Plemby, McM, Arpeyi, Bootsie, Felis, Eumenor, Kalti, Kannex, Nebula, Darcania, New Sekai, Piscivore, and Sodium
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:29 PM
Pax - Today at 11:29 PM
Did no one hear me?
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:29 PM
wait Darc joined the forums like a week or so after I joined nationstates
Pax no one cares about you right now
we're reminiscing
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:30 PM
which means
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:30 PM
I think TNP RP started to gain popularity in early 2014
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:30 PM
i got here before darc
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:30 PM
But took off in 2015
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:30 PM
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:30 PM
And Darc is still better than you
Pax - Today at 11:30 PM
Did anyone hear that?
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:30 PM
cries internally
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:30 PM
Not that that's hard :stuck_out_tongue:
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:30 PM
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:30 PM
Pax - Today at 11:30 PM
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:31 PM
Communist Syrixia was still best Syrixia
Pax - Today at 11:31 PM
You know what, if someone can make eras look appealing to me then I'm on board.
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:31 PM
I was 21 when I joined NS
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:31 PM
can't wait for that to cycle around again
I'll give it another 4 months
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:31 PM
Glorious Alfred Nursson
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:31 PM
well Sodium and Syrixia aren't really the type to make Eras look appealing
but I promise it is
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:31 PM
Shut up Darc I'm great
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:31 PM
exhibit A
Pax - Today at 11:31 PM
What's exhibit B?
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:31 PM
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:32 PM
one moment
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:32 PM
Exhibit B is the size of Darc's ego
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:32 PM
I miss John Sirus lol
I want him to do guest lecturing around Eras
Pax - Today at 11:32 PM
I don't want to go to Exhibit B now.
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:32 PM
Serious answer: Eras is one of the most tight-knit, fun, and amazing online subcommunities I've ever been in.
Sassy answer: Eras is a festering hub of satanic godless communism. ENTER AT OWN RISK.
Yalkan fluff me - Today at 11:32 PM
Darc doesn’t have an ego
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:32 PM
exhibit B
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:32 PM
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:32 PM
this is srs bsns
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:32 PM
por que no los dos
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:32 PM
I remember when I first got into RP as Delegate some people didn’t like it
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:33 PM
puritans: why not both
McMasterdonia - Today at 11:33 PM
As in game players
Pax - Today at 11:33 PM
Why is it called eras?
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:33 PM
Former English Colony
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:33 PM
former forum admin
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:33 PM
Isn't she, like, a teacher now or something(edited)
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:33 PM
she was cool
Pax - Today at 11:33 PM
Why erastide?
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:33 PM
That was her name
in NS
Pax - Today at 11:34 PM
So it's an homage?
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:34 PM
Pax - Today at 11:34 PM
The Heretic McNaCl - Today at 11:34 PM
Game Players are sweaty mouthbreathing neckbeards
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:34 PM
most of the really old and influential TNPers have something named after them
for example, the forum categories
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:34 PM
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:34 PM
Port Thel, Magicality City, etc.
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:34 PM
let's not forget Forum Operations
named after the illustrious user
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:34 PM
Forum Operations is a forum
Pax - Today at 11:34 PM
Well isn't that just cultesque!
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:34 PM
not a category
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:34 PM
which I totally didn't just make up now
@Flufflord Darcania oh
Pax - Today at 11:35 PM
Which one was 'rp_advice'?
Highly influential I assume.
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:35 PM
RP Advice was a pioneer of TNPRP
Pax - Today at 11:35 PM
I bet.
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:35 PM
They led the way back in the day
Pax - Today at 11:35 PM
She sounds awesome.
Tell me more.
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:36 PM
She sounds hideous.
"Jake from State Farm"
Pax - Today at 11:36 PM
Tell me more
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:36 PM
Well, you see, I called Jake from State Farm at 3 in the morning
to talk about insurance
Pax - Today at 11:36 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:36 PM
turns out
Pax - Today at 11:36 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:36 PM
he was wearing khakis
Pax - Today at 11:36 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:36 PM
does that not shock you enough
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:36 PM
don't encourage him
Pax - Today at 11:36 PM
I want to see how crazy it gets
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:37 PM
Pax - Today at 11:37 PM
Show me the dark ways.
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:37 PM
if you want to see how crazy it gets
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:37 PM
Let me ask you this Pax
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:37 PM
DM him and ask for an invite
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:37 PM
Imagine living beneath the waves with a strong-sighted blessing of most excellent fabric.
Pax - Today at 11:37 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:37 PM
Holding the fabric over your gills, you would begin to breathe-drink its warp and weft. Though the plantmatter fibers imbue your soul, the wretched plankton would pollute the cloth until it stank to heavens of prophecy. This is one manner in which the Scrolls first came to pass, but are we the sea, or the breather, or the fabric? Or are we the breath itself?
Can we flow through the Scrolls as knowledge flows through, being the water, or are we the stuck morass of sea-filth that gathers on the edge?
Imagine, again, this time but different. A bird cresting the wind is lifted by a gust and downed by a stone. But the stone can come from above, if the bird is upside down. Where, then, did the gust come from? And which direction? Did the gods send either, or has the bird decreed their presence by her own mindmaking?
The all-sight of the Scrolls makes a turning of the mind such that relative positions are absolute in their primacy.
I ask you again to imagine for me. This time you are beneath the ground, a tiny acorn planted by some well-meaning elf-maiden of the woodlands for her pleasure. You wish to grow but fear what you may become, so you push off the water, the dirt, the sun, to stay in your hole. But it is in the very pushing that you become a tree, in spite of yourself. How did that happen?
The acorn is a kind of tree-egg in this instance, and the knowledge is water and sun. We are the chicken inside the egg, but also the dirt. The knowledge from the Scrolls is what we push against to become full-sighted ourselves.
One final imagining before your mind closes from the shock of ever-knowing. You are now a flame burning bright blue within a vast emptiness. In time you see your brothers and sisters, burnings of their own in the distance and along your side. A sea of pinpoints, a constellation of memories. Each burns bright, then flickers. Then two more take its place but not forever lest the void fills with rancid light that sucks the thought.
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:37 PM
. . .
Pax - Today at 11:37 PM
Yes, I feel like I've unlocked something!!!
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:37 PM
okay you can cease now
Sil Dorsett - Today at 11:37 PM
Syrge W. Bush, King of Nidaros - Today at 11:38 PM
Each of our minds is actually the emptiness, and the learnings of the Scrolls are the pinpoints. Without their stabbing light, my consciousness would be as a vast nothingness, unknowing its emptiness as a void is unknowing of itself. But the burnings are dangerous, and must be carefully tended and minded and brought to themselves and spread to their siblings.
ok now it's done
Lotion(LE,RL, also lol) - Today at 11:38 PM
Woah syr
you type fast
Flufflord Darcania - Today at 11:38 PM
take it to your server
Pax - Today at 11:38 PM
I've achieved success.