Nog, The Harbinger of Capitalism - Today at 8:17 PM
West Virginia is the inbred love child of Kentucky and Virginia
Nog, The Harbinger of Capitalism - Today at 8:17 PM
West Virginia is the inbred love child of Kentucky and Virginia
#Poolside:Cimmeria - 12/14/2017
So, about this you seriously have to pay $5 just to talk here?
An Adorable Little Doggie - 12/14/2017
Sodium the Great Old One - 12/14/2017
No you walnut
An Adorable Little Doggie - 12/14/2017
Xentherida - 12/14/2017
Goyanes - 12/14/2017
Sodium the Great Old One - 12/14/2017
An Adorable Little Doggie - 12/14/2017
It goes towards our funding against internet neutrality
Xentherida - 12/14/2017
OF COUR--- Your ISP has blocked this comment. To see this comment, pay $9.99 now
Cimmeria - 12/14/2017
Sodium the Great Old One - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Xentherida - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
An Adorable Little Doggie - 12/14/2017
[Please pay $5.99 to continue to see content from this website provider]
Overthinkers - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by Russians]
Darcania - 12/14/2017
I just came back from work to see spam in hell?(edited)
Cimmeria - 12/14/2017
This isn't funny!
Xentherida - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Jiodi - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider](edited)
Sodium the Great Old One - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
SarahHansonYoung - 12/14/2017
@Jews for Nazi Outreach
Such levels of centrism have never been seen before
Cimmeria - 12/14/2017
How will I be able to talk to y'all of stuff like this happens?
Jiodi - 12/14/2017
by paying the appropriate amount of money
Cimmeria - 12/14/2017
How am I gonna do that?!
Corporate Whore (Iraelia) - 12/14/2017
Cimmeria - 12/14/2017
So, is anyone worried about the change?
Tlomz - 12/14/2017
Well the internet was alive and well 4 years ago
So I think we will survive
As long as you [The remainder of this comment has been restricted by you service provider]
Cimmeria - 12/14/2017
Jiodi - 12/14/2017
yeah but 4 years ago couldnt comcast throttle your bandwidth whenever they wanted?
i seem to recall throttling happening
Tlomz - 12/14/2017
Well comcast is still a piece of [The remainder of this comment has been restricted by you service provider]
#The-Gardens (TNP RP server):John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
Xentherbaldwin - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Sodium-mas - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
We wub you too MJ :kissing_heartedited)
I will Stab you with a spoon
Yukkira - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
@Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia Can you see this?
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
I'm gonna stab you first Yukki >:L
John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
Xentherbaldwin - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
Man, chats been dead
Why am I the only one typing?
Xentherbaldwin - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Peter Goyffin [Goyanes/Ascalon] - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
Yukkira - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Xentherbaldwin - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
@Peter Goyffin [Goyanes/Ascalon] @Xentherbaldwin THIS ISN'T FUNNY!
Xentherbaldwin - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
Woke afWoke afWoke afWoke afWoke afWoke afWoke afWoke afWoke af
Darcania - 12/14/2017
why is there so much spam
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
I'm alone...
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
It brings out the worst in us
This content has been @Yukkira
John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
Gen terida
John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
@Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Miss North Pacific (The Syca) - 12/14/2017
John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
Cogoria, master of the Strait - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
John C.K. Doe - 12/14/2017
Xentherbaldwin - 12/14/2017
[This comment has been restricted by your Service Provider]
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - Today at 11:43 AM
@Nog, The Harbinger of Capitalism ikr
I leave for three days
To play EU4
And then fucking nuclear war
Alunyantarctica - Today at 11:43 AM
Darc is then law
Nog, The Harbinger of Capitalism - Today at 11:43 AM
Nuclear war?
Yukkira - Today at 11:43 AM
To be fair, the crisis only became canon about a day ago.
Nog, The Harbinger of Capitalism - Today at 11:43 AM
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - Today at 11:43 AM
A cartel in CB has a nuke
Yukkira - Today at 11:44 AM
Nog, The Harbinger of Capitalism - Today at 11:44 AM
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - Today at 11:44 AM
and Goy and Syr and Yuki and quite a few others are freaking out
Yukkira - Today at 11:44 AM
Iraelia, Mini-Syrixia - Today at 11:44 AM
Nog, The Harbinger of Capitalism - Today at 11:44 AM
I am happy
~ban @Xentherida#3313 - Today at 6:26 PM
mention my name please
if your a mod
Xentherblobwin - Today at 6:26 PM
@~ban @Xentherida#3313
Blobmania - Today at 6:26 PM
Xentherblobwin - Today at 6:27 PM
inb4 someone posts this to amusing discord quotes
Prydania - Today at 5:02 PM
I was around 20 when I realized going into history basically meant I’d backed myself into one career path
Darcania - Today at 5:02 PM
Xentherbaldwin - Today at 5:02 PM
drama exam, question 1.
"What inspired you to become a waiter?"
Darcania - Today at 5:03 PM
the drama
have you seen customers at restaurants?
Xentherbaldwin - Today at 5:03 PM
throws plate to floor
Darcania - Today at 5:03 PM
as a dishwasher I agree with breaking dirty dishes
keep it up ?
let's get back on topic
Berkowitzia - Today at 5:04 PM
Darcania - Today at 5:04 PM
Prybae's telling me to get back into RP
Prydania - Today at 5:04 PM
does anyone’s nation have unbreakable plates?
Darcania - Today at 5:04 PM
but y'all are awful
. . .
I rest my case
Craviter:Papa Lenin - 12/26/2017
Hydrogen Fluoride
just figure out a way to disperse that over a wide area
"Fuck anything in this general region"
Hydrogen Fluoride produces Hydrofluoric acid upon contact with moisture
Esplandia and Arrandal - 12/26/2017
Wrong channel yo
Papa Lenin - 12/26/2017
oh shit
Pingfest 2018 Part 1:Vapia - Yesterday at 12:25 PM
Ping reeeeee
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:26 PM
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:27 PM
@Naizerre | Gotmark
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:27 PM
Oh look here's me getting pinged and not throwing a fit
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:27 PM
is this vip only right now?
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:28 PM
it's almost like I know there are ways to disable ping notifications
hey @everyone did you guys know you can disable ping notifications?
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:28 PM
i hate you
Malphe - Yesterday at 12:28 PM
I'm not even mad, I'm impressed.
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:28 PM
you said it one post ago
Ya Friently Neighborhood Emperor - Yesterday at 12:28 PM
Sgt. Pry of the Yukon - Yesterday at 12:28 PM
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:28 PM
Malphe - Yesterday at 12:28 PM
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
Andy (Andrenne & Skanda) - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
I was going to say "friend"
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
Your status is set to online. You do not get to complain about pings
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
i hate pings
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
Because @Naizerre | Gotmark is a very dear friend
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
they didnt even burn witches at salem
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
@Xentherbaldwin Hi
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
I agree, @Naizerre | Gotmark is a great guy
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:29 PM
We should all ping @Naizerre | Gotmark and say nice things about him
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
~ban madjack
FeytBOT - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
~ban <user> [days] [reason]
Bans user and deletes last X days worth of messages.
If days is not a number, it's treated as the first word of the reason.
Minimum 0 days, maximum 7. Defaults to 0.
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
@Naizerre | Gotmark got me my first job at McDonald's
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
the bots angry
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
who do we ping, mcm? @Naizerre | Gotmark?
Fratley - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
FeytBOT - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
Fratley has left the server.
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
Yes please feel free to ping me
Malphe - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
I hear that @Naizerre | Gotmark is a highly admirable individual.
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
@Naizerre | Gotmark is the one guy here I can talk tolkien with
Ya Friently Neighborhood Emperor - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
Yes ping @Naizerre | Gotmark
Malphe - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
why did fratly leave lol
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
I am set to do not disturb and thus I don't get ping notifications
Malphe - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
You spelt it wrong so I get it
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
mass pings
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:30 PM
@Naizerre | Gotmark is as well loved as he is well endowed(edited)
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
He doesn’t get ping notifications now eh?
Malphe - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
evil laughing
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
why are we even talking about ping
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Ya Friently Neighborhood Emperor - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
It'd be nice if you could disable specific pings
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
I could double ping him but then other people would
Xentherbaldwin - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Malphe - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
You can disable everyone and here pings, Friently
Mošordia (& Valencia) - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Why is everything on fire rn.
Ya Friently Neighborhood Emperor - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
No @everyones but still recieve pings on me
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
. . .
Ya Friently Neighborhood Emperor - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
you're a mod btw
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
@Naizerre | Gotmark, I’m so sorry to hear that you, @Naizerre | Gotmark, don’t get ping notifications. But, @Naizerre | Gotmark, that’s alright, because you’re reading these anyway, @Naizerre | Gotmark.
Malphe - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Screw you and everything you stand for.
Me too.
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
and as I said that is possible
Ya Friently Neighborhood Emperor - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
But.. but... i put a s behind iy
Malphe - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
Screw everone.
Canada GR - Yesterday at 12:31 PM
that really needs to stop
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
it parses it by name wherever it is
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
ties Friently to a stake
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
you have to be very careful
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
You can also disable pings on a per channel or per server basis
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
@everyone no more pings pls
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
amazing right guys?
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
. . .
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
Scottie - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
Disable the fucking pings
Canada GR - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
if i block someone will there ping not bother me anymore?
Scottie - Yesterday at 12:32 PM
like server-side
Dinoium - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
the pings are so annoying >.<
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
we don't say disable any more
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
@McMasterdonia, why did you, @McMasterdonia, of all people, do the everyone ping, @McMasterdonia? I mean really? @McMasterdonia?
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
I suggest not blocking admins
but blocking mass pings is possible
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
sheesh i get into discord and everyone is going mad
QuietDad - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
Can always just mute your speakers
Scottie - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
Cause I need the pings to know when there is something important. If I keep getting pinged for useless shit im making a complaint or leaving or whatever
Sankami - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
Canada GR - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
i dont want the notification at all
Dinoium - Yesterday at 12:33 PM
Canada GR - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
i only want pings that are actually relevant
Scottie - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
I would understand a noob but its admins and mods
So its just annoying
Andy (Andrenne & Skanda) - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
this is what happens when someone makes an everyone ping :wink:
Cogoria - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
An admin has requested no more pings.
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
That ping was important
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
That was an official comment from me
Requesting no more pings
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
if you're on a computer: click the server name in the upper left, notification settings, and then "suppress @ everyone and @ here"
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
Every ping I've done today was important.
Russian Blob (Tlomz) - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
Why hath I been summoned 3 times
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
I did a Doesn't RP ping
Russian Blob (Tlomz) - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
Is the world ending?
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
encouraging them to RP
McMasterdonia - Yesterday at 12:34 PM
did you see my nice comment about you stgeorge
Andy (Andrenne & Skanda) - Yesterday at 12:35 PM
welp back to eras lounge for me
Scottie - Yesterday at 12:35 PM
Darc if I supress all pings I wont get any notification for announcements and wont see when there are things I need to attend to which will in turn hurt my time RPing here.
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:35 PM
Then I did an everyone ping, so the people who complain about pings would know how to not get pinged
Ya Friently Neighborhood Emperor - Yesterday at 12:35 PM
Darcania - Yesterday at 12:35 PM
@Scottie You can set it so every post in #announcements pings you
Russian Blob (Tlomz) - Yesterday at 12:35 PM
Back to WA
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:35 PM
It's almost as if they were important pings
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:35 PM
#the-gardens. You will never find a greater hive of scum and villainy.
Scottie - Yesterday at 12:36 PM
@Darcania Then I wont get pings anywhere else, I need to see relevant important pings not annoying ones.
Whatever tho im gonna go do other shit
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:36 PM
I inaugurate this
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:36 PM
What about my ping was annoying or not relevant, Scottie?
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:36 PM
Pingfest 2018
Cogoria - Yesterday at 12:37 PM
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:37 PM
Attack of the Planet of the Pings
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:38 PM
Attack of the Rise of the Genesis of the Start of the Planet of the Pings 2: Origins: The Movie: The Game: The Movie
Yukkira the Anime Blob - Yesterday at 12:39 PM
@Naizerre | Gotmark What the hell MJ. You're on a pinging spree. I call ADMIEN ABOOOOSE
@Járnsöxueyjannadrottning Lóreley Yes. You can use an puppet for RMB RP. Just DM me the name of your puppet and I'll hand it off to whoever needs to know.
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:39 PM
i mean yuki, járnsöxueyjannadrottning lóreley made their own region
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:39 PM
two pings = a spree
someone tell the OED
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:40 PM
But one was an everyone ping
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:40 PM
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:40 PM
And if you don't want an everyone ping, there are things you can do to not get an everyone ping
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:40 PM
that technically counts as multiple pings
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:40 PM
Help yourself, instead of bitching
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:40 PM
Treasure Island [Syr] - Yesterday at 12:40 PM
Everyone ping = heresy and must be burned as a witch in the county square
Pingfest 2018 Part 2:Iraelia, Lord of the Caanites - Yesterday at 12:51 PM
The fuck happened
Yukkira the Anime Blob - Yesterday at 12:51 PM
I mean, I give two shites because I get notifications but no sound/buzz.
Iraelia, Lord of the Caanites - Yesterday at 12:51 PM
I leave to play EU4
For one goddamn hour
Andy (Andrenne & Skanda) - Yesterday at 12:51 PM
mj did a few everyone pings everyone got mad then syr did this
Yukkira the Anime Blob - Yesterday at 12:52 PM
@Iraelia, Lord of the Caanites stuffs Irael back into the EU4 hole
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:52 PM
I did one everyone ping
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:52 PM
i dont know what happend
gotmark why
Yukkira the Anime Blob - Yesterday at 12:52 PM
Yes it was just one everyone ping
But anywho
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:52 PM
nvm that was from earlier
Naizerre | Gotmark - Yesterday at 12:52 PM
Berkowitzia - Yesterday at 12:53 PM
Yeehaw.:Xentherbaldwin - Today at 12:44 AM
you better check yoself
before you tex yoself
the-gardens:Esplandia and Arrandal - Today at 7:04 PM
I once had a girlfriend named Kaiko :thinking:
Yalkantphaseme - Today at 7:04 PM
Was she nice
I need to know this for my fanfiction(edited)
Esplandia and Arrandal - Today at 7:04 PM
Yes, but very strange
Xentherbaldwin - Today at 7:05 PM
2d characters don't count
Berkowitzia - Today at 7:05 PM
2nd characters do count xentherbaldie
Andy (Andrenne & Skanda) - Today at 7:05 PM
i mean in skanda it's a unisex name
Xentherbaldwin - Today at 7:06 PM
you dare disrespect stanley baldwin
as the swiss parliament
Berkowitzia - Today at 7:06 PM
f the baldie council
Xentherbaldwin - Today at 7:06 PM
Yalkantphaseme - Today at 7:06 PM
Xentherbaldwin - Today at 7:06 PM
call me baldie one more time n ill rek ya m8
Berkowitzia - Today at 7:07 PM
and what will youdo? Polish your head and try to make me blind?
Xentherbaldwin - Today at 7:07 PM
Esplandia and Arrandal - Today at 7:07 PM
@Xentherbaldwin which Baldwin brother are you? Certainly not Alec
Xentherbaldwin - Today at 7:07 PM
Berkowitzia - Today at 7:07 PM
~ban Xentherbaldwin(edited)
Esplandia and Arrandal - Today at 7:07 PM
Detective Syrixia and the Mystery of the Yoke:Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 12:53 PM
I'm drunk. Next person to say thr word gets a new rll
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 12:54 PM
thr word
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 12:54 PM
@Oh Hai MarCogoria but fr what do you mean by "new rll"
new role?
new roll?
new rice?
no dice?
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 12:54 PM
If you say the word
You get it
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 12:55 PM
the word...?
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 12:55 PM
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 12:55 PM
well can I have one? :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 12:55 PM
It's a fuckem abomin nation
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 12:55 PM
is that the name of the role?
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 12:55 PM
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 12:56 PM
oh, that's what you say
a fuckem abomin nation
did I do it right
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 12:58 PM
No. Only idiots who say the word get it
The role
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 12:59 PM
Well how would you define "idiot"
What is your threshold
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:01 PM
9nly for idiotsvwhobsayvtheword
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:01 PM
If everything is your definition
then all people here are idiots
which means I can have the role
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:01 PM
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:03 PM
But see, Cog: if everyone is an idiot then everyone can have the word.
And to get the role you must say the word.
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:03 PM
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:03 PM
So since I am part of the group that is "everyone", as it is "everyone", I can have the word.
So tell me the word
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:03 PM
Cause I'd have to say it making me a yoke
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:04 PM
Did you mean "joke"? Or literally "yoke"? Either way, how would saying the word make you either of those things?
I would simply like to know the word so I may say the word.
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:05 PM
I said what I meant
It's a ducking yoke
A thing
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:06 PM
How is it a yoke upon you then? This implies that you would be, in some way, stuck, if you said the word. I am asking HOW you would be stuck.
90% sass (esp/arr) - Last Friday at 1:07 PM
Syr's a city boy he wouldn't know what that is
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:08 PM
It looks to me like some form of stocks.
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:09 PM
It's a ypke
90% sass (esp/arr) - Last Friday at 1:09 PM
It's to put around the neck of livestock to pull a plow
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:09 PM
90% sass (esp/arr) - Last Friday at 1:09 PM
It was also used on slaves
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:09 PM
I did look up "Irish yoke" and Cog is actually right in saying "yoke" is a term for "thing"
Which begs the question
@Oh Hai MarCogoria If saying the word would make you a thing, what thing would that be?
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:10 PM
A yoke
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:10 PM
OK, let's rephrase it
What is the nature of the yoke you think you would be if you were to say the word
HAL 9001 (Sasten) - Last Friday at 1:11 PM
Somehow I don't see this conversation going anywhere.
Deer Loves Fluff [Pry/Iraelia] - Last Friday at 1:11 PM
a yoke is traditionally used on livestock, around the necks. it was also used on slaves, as Esp said.
it's origin as a tool around the neck and shoulder areas has also lead to the word "yoke" meaning the shoulder area of a shirt.
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:11 PM
That is the definition I knew.
But it also means "thing" - it is an Irish slang term
90% sass (esp/arr) - Last Friday at 1:11 PM
Also it's a slang term for work and/or marriage where I'm from lol
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:11 PM
That is the definition Cog was using
Oh, I see
so if he said the word then I would say it to him
which means he'd have to give me the role
and that'd be work for him
Is that hypothesis correct, Cog?
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:12 PM
A y9ke is a fuckimg thing!
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:12 PM
OK, so it wasn't
So he was definitely using the "thing" definition
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:12 PM
If I said the yoke I'd have to do myself
With the fuckong thing
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:13 PM
OK, now he's just confusing me
Never mind
90% sass (esp/arr) - Last Friday at 1:13 PM
Cog already said he was drunk and Syr's trying to figure out his reasoning lol![]()
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:13 PM
So I guess I was right then
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:13 PM
No one's right! Right is ducking Hitler! Right is not ok
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:14 PM
If you're referring to the political right wing, then this is an incorrect statement, but that is a topic for Poolside.
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:14 PM
Pools are manky
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:14 PM
Time to look up "manky"...
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:14 PM
Like a bath for a hundred people
But cold
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:15 PM
manky in British English. (?mæ?k? ) adjectiveWord forms: mankier or mankiest slang. worthless, rotten, or in bad taste.
In this, Cog, I agree
I do not like pools
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:15 PM
I'm not fucking British!
90% sass (esp/arr) - Last Friday at 1:16 PM
You're just in denial
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:16 PM
It means the same thing in Ireland
Just checked
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:16 PM
You said British! Collins would be turning in his grave
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:17 PM
Google said British
It's British English
colour valour all that
Deer Loves Fluff [Pry/Iraelia] - Last Friday at 1:17 PM
aka proper English
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:17 PM
shush you
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:17 PM
That's racist and wrong
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:18 PM
Alright, calm down...
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:18 PM
We died by the truckload to be irish
Not british
King Galactus of Hawaii [GOTNZ] - Last Friday at 1:18 PM
He means correct English
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:18 PM
I'm lying down
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:19 PM
Twas Google's words, not mine
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:20 PM
My rum is gone
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:26 PM
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 1:26 PM
I give up
I brb
Lemme know if you guys found out what the nature of the thing is
HAL 9001 (Sasten) - Last Friday at 1:26 PM
Similar pronunciation, different word.
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:27 PM
edited andy* (Skandrenne) - Last Friday at 1:27 PM
that’s the yoke
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:27 PM
edited andy* (Skandrenne) - Last Friday at 1:27 PM
badum ts
joke, yoke
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:27 PM
I dont get it
edited andy* (Skandrenne) - Last Friday at 1:27 PM
that’s okay it was a bad joke
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:27 PM
What was?
They're two different words
Why are all the ad's online about got young singles in my area? I'm none of those things
Why dony they all get together?
Surely they're good matches? They be a lot in common
HAL 9001 (Sasten) - Last Friday at 1:32 PM
Alright, enough with the yoke jokes.
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:33 PM
A yoke can be a joke
On viouslu
HAL 9001 (Sasten) - Last Friday at 1:34 PM
But can a joke be a yoke?
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:34 PM
King Galactus of Hawaii [GOTNZ] - Last Friday at 1:34 PM
Have I ever told you that you people are the worst?
HAL 9001 (Sasten) - Last Friday at 1:34 PM
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Last Friday at 1:34 PM
I'm great when I'm drink
I'm boring other wise
It's snowing
But I made it to the pub
I guess I'm good at something
I'm home now and I thought the rum was gone but I found more and some whiskey
But I've only one can of coke
But I'm watching tv so i win
Unless it's a contest then I probably only got 3
3 is good though
All good things have 3
yard defence exploter (xen) - Last Friday at 1:49 PM
HAL 9001 (Sasten) - Last Friday at 1:54 PM
And here we see the innocent bystander attempting to decipher the ramblings of the drunken Irishman and a bunch of degenerates.
Loisyr Griffin [Syrixia/Valland] - Last Friday at 2:05 PM
I take it we had no luck?
because we're banter lordsSasten:I swear, the RP server is an amusing quotes goldmine.
Total TNP 2: Shogun:Sorf - Today at 11:54 PM
Beauty and Harmony
all governed by one eternal Seth MacFarlane
all that begins must end
the reign of the old Family Guy is OVAH
Sasten's Vocabulary Needs an Embiggening:Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 5:48 PM
My guess would be that the existing legislature in Benolia would be strengthened, embiggened, and reformed upon independence in 1936
Banana [Benolia] - Today at 5:50 PM
I wasnt aware of the structure of Syrixian colonial government
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 5:50 PM
HAL 9001 [Sasten] - Today at 5:51 PM
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 5:51 PM
it's a word
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 5:51 PM
the andinkster (skandrenne) - Today at 5:51 PM
i guess he needs to embiggen his vocabulary
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 5:51 PM
the andinkster (skandrenne) - Today at 5:52 PM
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 5:52 PM
boom roasted
Because the above doesn't show the whole story...:HAL 9001 [Sasten] - Today at 5:52 PM
I know what it is you morons.
the andinkster (skandrenne) - Today at 5:52 PM
Goy is the Stortinget - Today at 5:53 PM
Detective Syr Tries Again:Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 6:47 PM
@Oh Hai MarCogoria btw, because I just remembered; can I know the word?
It's been a while but I'm still curious
I never got closure
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Today at 6:47 PM
What word
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 6:48 PM
The word that I say to get the role
The one that's only for idiots
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Today at 6:48 PM
Ah yes
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 6:48 PM
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Today at 6:48 PM
No you cannot know
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 6:49 PM
w a t
Oh Hai MarCogoria - Today at 6:49 PM
It must be said in ignorance
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 6:49 PM
the fuck's that mean
FeytBOT - Today at 6:49 PM
Yeah, RIP.
All In A Day's Work:Prydania - via Voice Chat
My NS activity today was cursing at everyone
sir ixia:"When Gražvydas Sereika had caught up with the others he was able to get behind a printer. After being there for 10 mins one of the employees had noticed him and being vomiting. "HUUUURRRRRGHHHH". Using a lighter he waited for the employee to get to the other side of the printer and he lit his coworker's throat on fire. He then took his weapon and ran back to where the others were."
@A. Miedzy
Xentherida is Mildly Insane:#the-gardens:
xentherido da opressr - Today at 7:35 PM
@Syrudodortumgelödachachi after some mild retardation on my behalf, all your OOC posts are now in their own topic.
edit the OP to make it more formal. i'll drop in purpletext mod note into your IC thread.
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 7:41 PM
Wyssendraig - Today at 7:42 PM
xentherido da opressr - Today at 7:42 PM
want a quick way to die? take a shot xen fucks things up
xentherido da opressr - Today at 7:52 PM
@PFC. Fallsie
So the main way to get started is by a map claim.
FeytBOT - Today at 7:52 PM
Eras (Forum RP) Map Claims Topic:
Strangereal (RMB RP) Map Factbook:
Eras Map Claims Topic
the home and government of region The North Pacific of the online game Nationstates
xentherido da opressr - Today at 7:52 PM
The Forum RP uses the Eras map
Which is what we call Earth
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 7:53 PM
uh xen
he's an rmb rper
xentherido da opressr - Today at 7:53 PM
oh fuck.
Wyssendraig - Today at 7:53 PM
xentherido da opressr - Today at 7:53 PM
totally mild
xentherido da opressr - Today at 7:54 PM
somebody just put me out of my misery tbh
#PLAYBOY:CoIC Overlord [Pry/Iraelia] - Today at 10:05 PM
@Feyt your new avatar is hot
Wyssendraig - Today at 10:05 PM
it's getting a slight change
Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Today at 10:05 PM
@Feyt hey sexy
Wyssendraig - Today at 10:05 PM
. . .
The Nog:Leviathan-Avalon Symbiote - Today at 7:28 PM
Essentially, the existing conflict would create an even battleground for the Leviathan/Avalonians and not be as stacked against them as it is currently.
But whatevers.
We'll cope with guerrilla warfare
Lozinak AA - Today at 7:30 PM
I'm not necessarily up for it because I dont have things fleshed out well enough yet for where I want the alliance to go, but It looks like the nog and Syr might be interested in some violence
That Empire with a Death Star - Today at 7:33 PM
Lozinak AA - Today at 7:30 PM
the nog
man, i love the TNP
The Nog - Today at 7:34 PM
I feel powerful
How to Lit:Goy is the Stortinget - via Voice Chat
To transcend to the highest tier of lit that ever exists- you can smoke Yalkan.
Fuck-Fuck Games:Yalkan - via Voice Chat
Do not play fuck-fuck games. You will die.
Is he a bit under the weather?:Syrudodortumgelödachachi - Yesterday at 8:36 PM
Whether the weather is cold, or whether the weather is hot, we must weather the weather whatever the weather, whether the weather is hot, or whether the weather is cold, whether the weather - no matter the weather - or whether the weather at all, whether Feklor Frochtermann lit the meteorologist’s fucking throat on fire
Goy's Father:Mouxordia - via Voice Chat
I don't want to hear about your shaven or unshaven father.
Yalkan on the Origins of Cancer:Yalkan - via Voice Chat
Everything gives you cancer, dude. Like, if you eat a lot of warm things you get cancer.
Yalkan on my Memes:Yalkan - via Voice Chat
I know Syr is memeing. I'm taking his joke, taking it into the woods, and putting a 45 to its head while it digs its own grave.
Yalkan on Biology:Yalkan - via Voice Chat
Biology sucks elephant penis.
SPICY:Krolj Jadzia III Arrandal (esp) - Today at 8:12 PM
How do you like @dem apples?
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:12 PM
takes off glasses
mother of god.
dem - Today at 8:12 PM
@Krolj Jadzia III Arrandal (esp) you want a piece of me
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:13 PM
ooh spicy
Yalkan Roasts Me:East Verusa (Puczovska) - Today at 8:13 PM
Flesh Communism...
Not a bad idea...
scribbles notes
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:14 PM
@East Verusa (Puczovska) this is what you're messing with
Yalkan - via Voice Chat
I know Syr is memeing. I'm taking his joke, taking it into the woods, and putting a 45 to its head while it digs its own grave.
Yalkan't handle my singing - Today at 8:15 PM
If I wanted a piece of you I would've taken my pound while you sleep
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:15 PM
That's what she said
Yalkan't handle my singing - Today at 8:15 PM
Too bad you wouldn't know what that is syr
East Verusa (Puczovska) - Today at 8:15 PM
Saw that?
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:15 PM
oh fuck
that was actually pretty good XD
The Letter Chain:Novus Italian Imperium Of Vapia - Today at 8:22 PM
East Verusa (Puczovska) - Today at 8:22 PM
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:22 PM
Goy is the Stortinget - Today at 8:22 PM
East Verusa (Puczovska) - Today at 8:22 PM
Ach nein.
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:22 PM
Furry Puns:dem - Today at 8:23 PM
what's a furry's favorite song
fur elise
Novus Italian Imperium Of Vapia - Today at 8:24 PM
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:24 PM
furries are heretics and must be burned as witches in the county square
Novus Italian Imperium Of Vapia - Today at 8:24 PM
dem - Today at 8:24 PM
i hope you're not
fur real
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:24 PM
don't make me colonize yo ass again
Yalkan't handle my singing - Today at 8:24 PM
Novus Italian Imperium Of Vapia - Today at 8:24 PM
Right the fuck now
dem - Today at 8:25 PM
okay okay
i'll paw-se my furry puns
East Verusa (Puczovska) - Today at 8:25 PM
für God's sake...
Yalkan't handle my singing - Today at 8:25 PM
I mean I think these are fantastic
dem - Today at 8:26 PM
thanks yalkan
at least someone is ap-purr-eciating my humor
East Verusa (Puczovska) - Today at 8:26 PM
Mein Gott...
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:27 PM
kill me
Softlick:St George [Gotmark/Naizerre] - Today at 8:28 PM
~softkick @Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore
HAL 9001 [Sasten] - Today at 8:28 PM
I go away for a few minutes and come back to a complete dumpster fire. What a surprise.
FeytBOT - Today at 8:28 PM
Done. That felt good.
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore has left the server.
@Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore has joined the server.
HAL 9001 [Sasten] - Today at 8:28 PM
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:28 PM
too late
i was already back
East Verusa (Puczovska) - Today at 8:28 PM
FeytBOT - Today at 8:28 PM
Yeah, RIP.
Novus Italian Imperium Of Vapia - Today at 8:28 PM
Wtf is a softlick
Syrixia, Aspiring Alliance Whore - Today at 8:28 PM
@Novus Italian Imperium Of Vapia that is the single best typo ever.
Darcania on Himself:Darcania - via Voice Chat
I’m not a person. I’m a floof. It is a much higher state of being.