Uh... just because the League has close ties with Kannex does not mean that all three nations view them in a positive light. There is a reason I haven't role-played anyone from Andalucia... the government there views the Kannexan government as haughty, arrogant and having too high of a opinion of itself. The Kaltian and Callaician governments are the ones more friendly and open in relations with the Kannexan government. The League's government follows the voice of the majority among the three national governments and that is currently in favor of being with friends with Kannex (to an extent) even though Andalucia disagrees.
Also, the location within the League that I'm offering to let the peace talks be held in the Aurelian Palace (Aurelian Palazz) in the town of Laufen (in Callaici), today a resort town but originally a retreat / resort home for the ruling mercantile government of Callaici when it was a Serene Republic.