7. Cogoria shall be permitted to send a force of 100 (one hundred) observers to ensure elections are carried out legally
8. Kannex shall provide a force of 100 (one hundred) observers to ensure elections are carried out legally
9. A neutral power agreed upon by Cogoria and Kannex shall provide a force of 500 (five hundred) observers to ensure elections are carried out legally.
As a neutral power, the above demands seem very out of line. What you propose needing 500 observers for can easily be accomplished by a team of 10 observers from the League. They are trained specifically for the task you mention. I can already tell you that the counter-proposal from the League will be their own team of observers along with one representative observer from both Cogoria and Kannex. There is absolutely no need for the number of people you propose to oversee election legality.
Edit: One other thing to point out... While I do mention that there are only ten observers from the League, the actual number of Peacekeepers is significantly higher but I see no reason at the moment that they will be involved to a large extent.