OOC: The Black Isle

Quite frankly, I view everyone else as invading and taking land for the sake of taking land. Yes, the Rose Union has taken over some areas but then again, we are only administering aid and once that is done, my forces will leave and Nirih will be back to governing itself. Who shall be governing Nirih though remains to be seen as I haven't yet figured out how to deal with the whole mess (it will be under Cronaali control though). And Cronaal can have the islands back once the whole fiasco is over.
To be honest, this is not what I had in mind when I suggested humanitarian aid. I agree, this is an invasion of Cronaal. What I had in mind was peacekeepers coming into a town, monitoring the area and distribution supplies, making sure everyone was okay. Then, once the situation was stable in the region, they would move on, save for a few peacekeepers. This would be systematic across the nation, in multiple towns. When criminals came, the peacekeepers would prioritise defending the civilians, and seeing them off.
To be honest, this is not what I had in mind when I suggested humanitarian aid. I agree, this is an invasion of Cronaal. What I had in mind was peacekeepers coming into a town, monitoring the area and distribution supplies, making sure everyone was okay. Then, once the situation was stable in the region, they would move on, save for a few peacekeepers. This would be systematic across the nation, in multiple towns. When criminals came, the peacekeepers would prioritise defending the civilians, and seeing them off.
You and Kalti should pair up.
Myroria will remain IC opposed to this no matter how many times the Established Peoples assure us they're just "peacekeepers". :P

They're occupying land and administering it on behalf of their home nation because one person who used to be the leader of Cronaal asked them to. Even if they plan on turning the country over to Kray or whoever, this is an invasion.
IC, Sadakoyama is also opposed to the rest of the world's "peacekeeping" invasions, because in our view it's a bunch of rubes stumbling into our laboratory poking fingers into the petri dishes, knocking over the equipment, and ruining our experiments. :)
Myroria will remain IC opposed to this no matter how many times the Established Peoples assure us they're just "peacekeepers". :P

They're occupying land and administering it on behalf of their home nation because one person who used to be the leader of Cronaal asked them to. Even if they plan on turning the country over to Kray or whoever, this is an invasion.
IC, Sadakoyama is also opposed to the rest of the world's "peacekeeping" invasions, because in our view it's a bunch of rubes stumbling into our laboratory poking fingers into the petri dishes, knocking over the equipment, and ruining our experiments. :)
What kind of experiments!? :o.

Like Nazi's using their captured in violent pressure-chamber experiments or something else?
Yeraennus is planning on funding the rebuilding of infrastructure in Cronaal when they have the chance. We're basically going to tell people to let the SIA deal with it and bugger off once all the major hitches are dealt with.
Yeraennus is planning on funding the rebuilding of infrastructure in Cronaal when they have the chance. We're basically going to tell people to let the SIA deal with it and bugger off once all the major hitches are dealt with.
Where is this money coming from? It sounds insanely expensive, enough to create a large debt.
Myroria will remain IC opposed to this no matter how many times the Established Peoples assure us they're just "peacekeepers". :P

They're occupying land and administering it on behalf of their home nation because one person who used to be the leader of Cronaal asked them to. Even if they plan on turning the country over to Kray or whoever, this is an invasion.
I'm enjoying Myroria's POV, different from everyone else's :p
OOC, I agree with Myro's view on the real meaning of peacekeepers.

IC, We don't care and aren't claiming to be peacekeepers.

How much time has elapsed so far since Lara broadcasted her radio message? Working on my next post but don't want to push ahead any farther than I already have.
I, myself, am on Day 1 since the broadcast but other's seem to be about a week to a few weeks after.
Wow, okay. Holding off on my next post then. :lol:
To be honest, this is not what I had in mind when I suggested humanitarian aid. I agree, this is an invasion of Cronaal. What I had in mind was peacekeepers coming into a town, monitoring the area and distribution supplies, making sure everyone was okay. Then, once the situation was stable in the region, they would move on, save for a few peacekeepers. This would be systematic across the nation, in multiple towns. When criminals came, the peacekeepers would prioritise defending the civilians, and seeing them off.
Actually that's what mine are doing, at least on the small islands right now. They haven't gotten to the main island of Nirih yet. Once all is said and done, most will leave with a few remaining behind on Dun Aulin to provide any last minute aid before they too go home. I don't know what's going on with the rest of the nations here but I agree... what I'm doing should have been done across the country.
Yeraennus is planning on funding the rebuilding of infrastructure in Cronaal when they have the chance. We're basically going to tell people to let the SIA deal with it and bugger off once all the major hitches are dealt with.
Where is this money coming from? It sounds insanely expensive, enough to create a large debt.
Tolima is probably gonna foot the bill, and maybe Naizerre will convince the Dictatorial Union to fund me >:D

I will cover the consequences when it comes up.
Yeraennus is planning on funding the rebuilding of infrastructure in Cronaal when they have the chance. We're basically going to tell people to let the SIA deal with it and bugger off once all the major hitches are dealt with.
Where is this money coming from? It sounds insanely expensive, enough to create a large debt.
Tolima is probably gonna foot the bill, and maybe Naizerre will convince the Dictatorial Union to fund me >:D

I will cover the consequences when it comes up.
Ah, okay.
Myroria will remain IC opposed to this no matter how many times the Established Peoples assure us they're just "peacekeepers". :P

They're occupying land and administering it on behalf of their home nation because one person who used to be the leader of Cronaal asked them to. Even if they plan on turning the country over to Kray or whoever, this is an invasion.
To be fair, the Established Peoples did kinda cause this. This is them atoning for their actions by reversing their wrongs, and thus something Syrixia will join in on. Not interfering here "in the name of sovereignty for Cronaal" is hypocrisy at its finest. Cronaal is not sovereign. At the moment, Cronaal is nothing. If Myroria wishes sovereignty for Cronaal, it should help make it something once more.
I respect Myroria's opinion but I have to ask... would you rather us sit back and let Cronaal burn? Because if so, I can easily recall my forces and let the people of Nirih die.
I respect Myroria's opinion but I have to ask... would you rather us sit back and let Cronaal burn? Because if so, I can easily recall my forces and let the people of Nirih die.
Exactly. For a proud member of the Novrith Pact such as Myroria, this seems somewhat dickish. I might consider not continuing to try to join after all.
Part 5 of O.B.I.D. is up. Aid workers are moving village to village in both Nirih and the three islands to the south providing food and medicine. The Sykehus are providing more intensive medical care for citizens who need it. Edeshire, the capital city, is not being touched until Alya and Madoc (Kalti and Andalucia) can work out the problem between Volandi and Azgeda. They will provide humanitarian aid but do not want to get caught in a crossfire between the two.

So far, I don't see how what I'm doing amounts to an invasion... My forces are doing exactly what their title says, providing aid to the citizens then moving on. The ones on Dun Aulin are there for exactly the reason I've already stated, a base of operations with which to coordinate all humanitarian operations. That island / base also acts as the main focal point for when my forces leave after all this is over.
Posting later today. The Legion is going to attack Ganjarius while Syrixia is going to attempt to liberate Rodon.

As well, I feel somewhat betrayed by the Novrith Pact. Perhaps after this I shall hold a Novrith Conference-style RP of my own to discuss future developments.

I'll be watching the Pact's actions closely.
IC, Sadakoyama is also opposed to the rest of the world's "peacekeeping" invasions, because in our view it's a bunch of rubes stumbling into our laboratory poking fingers into the petri dishes, knocking over the equipment, and ruining our experiments. :)
What kind of experiments!? :o.

Like Nazi's using their captured in violent pressure-chamber experiments or something else?
Nothing so ghastly. A lot of it is studying the effects of radiation poisoning and the other diseases running rampant. We are also using experimental treatments (with consent) on victims of these illnesses and on the gravely injured; for example, we are testing cloned spinal replacements to reverse paralysis. We've already had some success with re-growing damaged peripheral nerves. We've also been providing volunteers with prototype biomedical implants.

On the ground in Cronaal proper, we have been providing acceptable candidates with experimental weapons systems for field testing (one of which I broadly hinted at already). We've also been conducting surreptitious psychological and sociological observations of the behavior patterns of the survivors. On the non-anthropological side, scientists from agronomists to zoologists have been studying the geo- and biosphere of the islands.
I respect Myroria's opinion but I have to ask... would you rather us sit back and let Cronaal burn? Because if so, I can easily recall my forces and let the people of Nirih die.
They wouldn't die

unless they had adverse reactions to tear gas :evil:
You and Kalti should pair up.
Not a bad idea; I'm about to make a post about a request to help them in their operations, with them in the same places as them. We'll supply a few peacekeepers, but we will focus mainly on medics and supply distributors. We'll send in a few medical ships too, laden with supplies.
You and Kalti should pair up.
Not a bad idea; I'm about to make a post about a request to help them in their operations, with them in the same places as them. We'll supply a few peacekeepers, but we will focus mainly on medics and supply distributors. We'll send in a few medical ships too, laden with supplies.
How about one of your teams runs into one of ours?
How about one of your teams runs into one of ours?
Sounds interesting, please elaborate.

So where would they run into each other? On our ships going there? You come over to the section of land we'll be working on with Kalti? And who will encounter who - one of our humanitarian ships/squads with a scientist group? And what will we encounter each other doing? Or is the whole "running into each other" thing just one of us popping over for a quick hello, or will it be something longer than that?
You and Kalti should pair up.
Not a bad idea; I'm about to make a post about a request to help them in their operations, with them in the same places as them. We'll supply a few peacekeepers, but we will focus mainly on medics and supply distributors. We'll send in a few medical ships too, laden with supplies.
As Callaici is your northern neighbor, please direct any requests to Magistrate Agusti Vatanius, Legate Jessamine Vassidia or one of the Callaician Secretary Generals (Atreus, Rhea, Silvanus and Isabela).

Magistrate Vatanius is the current leader of Callaici, Legate Vassidia oversees the Department of Home and Foreign Affairs and the Secretary Generals represent Callaici on the Rose Union level.
As Callaici is your northern neighbor, please direct any requests to Magistrate Agusti Vatanius, Legate Jessamine Vassidia or one of the Callaician Secretary Generals (Atreus, Rhea, Silvanus and Isabela).

Magistrate Vatanius is the current leader of Callaici, Legate Vassidia oversees the Department of Home and Foreign Affairs and the Secretary Generals represent Callaici on the Rose Union level.
Alright, posted, with Callaici being the main nation addressed, although it is also half-directed to the Union. Additionally, we'll probably send in about five or six hospital ships in, along with about eight large supply ships. Maybe two to three thousand medics will also be sent, and about five thousand peacekeepers.
How about one of your teams runs into one of ours?
Sounds interesting, please elaborate.

So where would they run into each other? On our ships going there? You come over to the section of land we'll be working on with Kalti? And who will encounter who - one of our humanitarian ships/squads with a scientist group? And what will we encounter each other doing? Or is the whole "running into each other" thing just one of us popping over for a quick hello, or will it be something longer than that?
We've had teams on the ground there for a couple of years now, all over the island. I was thinking your guys go to help a certain community and find we are already there, examining people, giving out medicines, food rations, TP, etc. As you talk to our doctors though, something is off; the people still seem to be suffering symptoms of illnesses you guys can treat easily.

You decide how to react to this, but it turns out this particular community is one of our control groups for drug trials.

Maybe you also notice us loading up "cultural information"--books, artworks, computer hard drives, etc--that we are trading for treats like candy, Sadakhan comic books, or flashlights; maybe small alcohol powered generators for really nice items.

ETA: If you don't like that idea, I have others. Like meeting a science team observing an area too dangerous to enter because a particularly savage warlord controls it; we have been spiking the water supply with powerful contraceptives (as well as letting some food and drug supplies, similarly tainted, be captured) to see what happens when no children are born in a primitive social group.
As Callaici is your northern neighbor, please direct any requests to Magistrate Agusti Vatanius, Legate Jessamine Vassidia or one of the Callaician Secretary Generals (Atreus, Rhea, Silvanus and Isabela).

Magistrate Vatanius is the current leader of Callaici, Legate Vassidia oversees the Department of Home and Foreign Affairs and the Secretary Generals represent Callaici on the Rose Union level.
Alright, posted, with Callaici being the main nation addressed, although it is also half-directed to the Union. Additionally, we'll probably send in about five or six hospital ships in, along with about eight large supply ships. Maybe two to three thousand medics will also be sent, and about five thousand peacekeepers.
Sounds good. As stated in my response, direct them to Dun Aulin. It's the operational center of the Rose Union's humanitarian aid efforts.

Also, Syrixia, should you wish to get involved over here as well you are welcome to but it looks like you might have your hands full.
Sounds good. As stated in my response, direct them to Dun Aulin. It's the operational center of the Rose Union's humanitarian aid efforts.
Sounds good, though I will probably only start typing up that post tomorrow; I'm going to wait a little bit for the story to progress. IC'ly, we're getting our ships ready, and making sure everything's sorted.
Sounds good. As stated in my response, direct them to Dun Aulin. It's the operational center of the Rose Union's humanitarian aid efforts.
Sounds good, though I will probably only start typing up that post tomorrow; I'm going to wait a little bit for the story to progress. IC'ly, we're getting our ships ready, and making sure everything's sorted.
Take your time. I plan on going to Mexico tomorrow to hang at the beach for the whole day so I won't be home or around to post.
Cronaal maniacally laughs in the background, watching my minions RP for me.
Accidentally drops a nuke on Cronaal... Well, good going everyone we broke the nation... Nothing to see here, move along...
hi caesar heard there was a war on

but enough about caesar, let's talk about Imperium.

Imperium has decided to ignore the matter entirely, partially because we're busy, but also because we're busy. Make of that what you will. I can make communique posts and shit if people want me to, but as far as the free press are concerned, it doesn't look like there's really any foreign policy direction coming from the Palace re: Cronaal.

I don't think any response from me is really needed re: Yeraen's and Myro's exchange, but they'd know what works for them.
And thats why we're only hunting warlords and WMDs with infiltration teams.

Also Andrea may well have some very undiplomatic things to say about Novrith and Myoria. Just don't take it personally My.
This RP, like so many other war RPs before it, is beginning to stress me out to the point where it's distracting me from my schoolwork and making me constantly check the forum like a madman.

What should I do? Should I just drop out?
Just do what I do: check the forums twice a day, before school and after you finish your homework, and wait for spring break.
This RP, like so many other war RPs before it, is beginning to stress me out to the point where it's distracting me from my schoolwork and making me constantly check the forum like a madman.

What should I do? Should I just drop out?
Ya'll the ones making this into a war role play scenario. I'm over here in my corner of Cronaal actually trying to save the people and provide aid. The rest of you have gone imperialistic and want more and more land. I can with 99.9% certainty say that Nebula will ask for a military base when this is all over. My solution, instead of imperialism, war and gaining land, try what I've done which is expand on the issues facing the people and how your people respond and help.