The Second Great War

(well if not then I'm in trouble with Sionne XD)

Sebt allowed himself a smile "Thank you Eva, please pass my gratitude to your government..." Before allowing Sionne to connect and begin relaying the battleplan. While the Nebulan fleet and 3rd fleet would engage in establishing a beachhead in the south to occupy the Rhuvish' attention the Imperial Ravens would run a campaign of disruption at Radar and air defense facilities. All pilots would fly as close to the ground as possible to reduce detection, making good use of their VTOL capabilities to make slow approaches. Once defences were disrupted the diversionary force would hold position. This would inevitably force the Rhuvish to abandon the crags to attaempt a counterattack or remove forces from the region to reinforce their borders to the Northwest and east. Being caught in a defensive war on three fronts would put the Rhuvish under pressure and allow Alliance forces to restrict the amount of territory the Imperium could claim, indeed if the Nazos made those crags a stronghold then that territory could be easily ceded to IA, all it would take would be a little arguing at the negotiating table to convince them that area was somewhere the Alliance was desperate to hold and they would doubtless accept it. The other issue would be the Rhuvish U-boats, the Manta had evaded a large number so having Hunter-Killers to keep them on edge would be necessary. The Ravens had already devised a plan to neutralize the Rhuvish fleet, or at least cause enough disruption and damage to render them an easy pickings.It would not be a simple or easy victory but the Alliance battle plan would hold, indeed if Espladian and Tajis forces could be gathered to the fold then another point of attack would allow them an even greater advantage. Sebt would wait to see what the other leaders thought of this strategy and any improvements that could be made. He made sure to inform them that he would be with the 7th Legion as they advanced ensuring to send Leah and Sean a breakdown of the plans and his intention to address the Guslant senate in person to convince them of the need to contribute air forces once the defences were disrupted. It was clear Ulrich's ego far superceded his tactical ability, he had made it clear he expected an assault from only one front. The Heliocannons would be prepared to shoot down any nuclear launches when they hit lower orbit. The Alliance would have to quickly garner the trust of the Rhuvish.
EVA replied by sending a list of active Trinnish assets, ranging from ballistic missiles that can use either conventional or nuclear warheads, to individual troops, including rank, name, specialty and service number, to drones, to the entire TRSS (Trinish Recon Satellite System). All of which, EVA thought could be integrated as and when needed.
(btw I will have limited access til Sunday 1800hrs gmt but will try to reply as much as I can. Heading to the family seat for a bit.)

Sebt reviewed the Trinnish arsenal, starting to formulate how best to utilise these resources. He contemplated the best way to utilise the Trinnish forces, if possible opening a supply line to the southern front would be ideal.

Before Latin Doors, before War, before Caesar, nothing can be born of nothing.
This is the Latin Peace.

By order of His August Majesty, Caesar,
The Augustine Office issues the following Statement.

Imperium has been informed that the 'state' of Yeraennus has guaranteed the security of the false idols in Friedrich Ulrich's cabinet, and has threatened war on Imperium should we move to secure our sovereign claim over the Rhuvish territory. We can only assume this is a foolhardy attempt to strike at Imperium, to kill our people and take our land and prosperity, whilst we are distracted, as we have no intention of allowing the sovereign equivalent of a limp, crippled rabbit to stop us from asserting our position in this life, and the next. This is not the move of a lion, prepared to take on a nation at its best to assert their sovereign status, but the move of a mewling kitten that wishes to bite the tail of a bear, while the bear deals with the mud and muck of swine, fattened for the slaughter.

We sincerely ask its citizens to take up arms and words against the idiocy of their government. The children of Yeraennus should not be sent to pay for the sins of the children of Rhuvanland, for the means of shoring up the self-worth of their sovereign, walking towards ignobility. Imperium is prepared to support any who should wish to fight for their freedom from the eccentricities of a government on its way into the rubbish bin of history.

We, of course, have always made apparent this stance in regards to the Rhuvish citizenry. Any who should dare - who should pray, beyond hope - for a Rhuvanland free of the failed democracy that has created this inane farce of a government is welcome to make themselves known to Imperium, by any means they can secure. Imperium is prepared to support them to the very furthest extent of our substantial resources, such that they may help us show Rhuvanland the prosperity and security of their newfound sovereign.

On this matter, Imperium would like to reiterate that shipping entering Imperium's waters destined for or originating from Rhuvanland is to be seized and reclaimed by the August government. Furthermore, we would like to formally announce that shipping destined for or originating from Yereannus currently within August waters is to be turned back. Shipping not within August waters, but in the process of entering August waters, and destined for or originating from Yereannus, is to be seized and held in escrow. Crewmembers aboard seized vessels are to be returned to their nation of citizenship; unless that nation is Yeraennus or Rhuvanland, in which case the crewmembers are to be imprisoned. All such crewmembers are to be added to the August travel blacklist, unless they have a dual citizenship with an unoffending nation, in which case they will be invited to renounce their citizenship in the offending nation and testify to an August tribunal regarding matters of national security, in exchange for return to their remaining nation of citizenship. Crewmembers with a dual citizenship in an offending nation and an ambassadorial partner (a Novrith Pact or Pax Latina member) will be extradited, following the regular paths for extradition.

Citizens of Yereannus are to be banned from entry into Imperium, and to have their visas revoked, as are citizens of Rhuvanland. Any already present are to be expelled from the nation, and extradited to consenting ambassadorial partners. Any who cannot secure endorsement are to be sent to Yeraennus, via a consenting ambassadorial partner.

We have, at all points, made known our preparedness to offer salvation to the people of Rhuvanland. We reject, out of hand, the accusations that we intend to commit genocide in Rhuvanland - our intention is to make it known that we are prepared to take any foolhardy protest, distraction, or challenge against, to, or of our might as complacency in our move to bring Friedrich Ulrich to justice. Our intention is not to enter into a slaughterhouse, but to remove any and all potential resistance to our occupation at the source. Anyone who should take the simple and exceedingly practical move of surrendering where they stand, or leaving the battlefield, will be taken into our busom not as children as Rhuvanland, but as children of the Rhuvish territory. We simply wish to ensure that fools like Friedrich Ulrich are not given the luxury of throwing civilians, of Rhuvish territorial citizens, at our army, in the hopes that they will do anything more than waste our ammunition. Any Rhuvish man, woman, or child who is told the lie that Imperium is not in Rhuvanland to wage war shall know that Ulrich lies for his self-gain - they shall know that to dedicate their life in service, in open rebellion, to their Caesar is the greater choice over dying for their fell Chancellor. All who survive Ulrich's failed state shall be embraced as citizens of Caesar.

That being said, Imperium does not intend to show leniency to you, Sphan, child of K'ter. Yeraennus can sign its death warrant if it wishes. Its people can thank their Gods that our only concern is eradicating any fool that wishes to approach us under the guise of challenging us. If Yeraennus so much as approaches our waters with armaments, we shall let our claim in Rhuvanland stand and deal with you. We are not in the business of killing our own citizens, in Rhuvanland, for imagined crimes, and for compliance with our requests. Our intention is to end those who have created this crisis, who stand in leadership positions - whether they stand in Rhuvanland, or in Yeraennus - and those who dare to use impassioned pleas, to the very ethical systems that their state has flaunted, to hold Imperium at bay. There will be no leniency for their servants in the battlefield.

While we wait to gauge the response of the international community to the Rhuvish crisis, we welcome Yeraennus to accept our apologies for not yet being able to offer them a strike that complies with their empty threats. It would be our pleasure to court your ill-placed attention regardless. We intend to deal with our own house, but cannot do so while sick, rabid dogs dare to foul our lawn.

Sta'nh Ye'ra

As a nation, the State of Yeraennus condemns the ignorant and foolhardy insults and actions of the nation of the Imperium Augustum and it's equally foolish actions by it's equally ignorant king. The Yeraenn people wish to do nothing more than uphold the civil freedoms, life, and culture of the long-beleaguered and war-torn Rhuvish people, while simultaneously casting down the oppressive government which rules it. But it is a fallacy and a moral disservice to those under this current monstrous oppression, the Rhuvish People, to force them to be assimilated into a country they have no cultural ties to, simply to feed that imperialistic and morally corrupt country's desire to rule over other cultures and to satisfy their old and obsolete world-view. How can such a nation be taken seriously, when in the motto of a nation, there lies hypocrisy. These imperialistic and oppressive petty 'nobles' do not seek any peace; they only seek war that benefits themselves at the expense of others.

Why would our own citizens take up arms when they so dearly support the civil and cultural freedoms of all peoples of the world, and their government seeks to do just that? Our children are not paying for the sins of the Rhuvish, they are serving them by protecting their identity and seeking to eradicate the monstrous spawn that is the Sonacist party. Your talk of obsolescence should be better directed at your own nation, with an old and defunct ideology that modern nations have abandoned. Imperialism has no place in the current world.

Your stance on Rhuvanland has been stated, and it is to take it over completely, to force their inhabitants to give up their lives, to force yourself upon them to simply bring yourself wealth. There is no hiding your intentions. You seek to replace one totalitarian and oppressive government with another. This does not solve their problem, it simply moves it to another.

You attempt to force us to action, to make us the aggressors, by imprisoning our free and sovereign citizens and restricting their livelihood, as if they were under your dominion. You have no right to do so, and are condemned as overstepping your bounds as a nation, believing that you are superior to the world and can force others to renounce their culture or be imprisoned. Yeraenn ships are considered Sovereign Yeraenn territory, regarded as embassies. To take our ships and imprison our sailors would be an act of unrightful and unlawful invasion and war.

Your 'salvation' is the attempt to force them to renounce their sovereignty or be subdued and killed, and then to force the survivors to work for you to benefit your imperialistic needs and goals. You reject these accusations of genocide, but you offer the citizens no choice but to give up their freedom or be slaughtered. Friedrich Ulrich is only used as an excuse to follow your antiquated ideology of imperialism and cultural superiority. That man will be brought to justice by others, as he is vile and unworthy of life, enslaving and oppressing his own citizens, but no reasoned citizen will jump from one oppressive government into another, as you expect them to do.

Your declaration of no-quarter is expected. Your threats and insults are useless in your obvious attempt to break the Yeraenn spirit. We do not seek invasion, but we will be prepared to strike down those who oppose the freedom of the Rhuvish with all expected force. We will not seek war, but if you come to us with threat of invasion, you will find your blood spilled like water from a storm. Do not threaten us. Do not challenge our, or the Rhuvish people's, sovereignty and freedom.

You make threats that are as foolish as you are. We are not surprised that you are angered that we challenge you, seeing as no nation has done so yet, complacent as they are. Our attention is focused on the freedom of the Rhuvish, from both the NAZO party and you. You are simply another petty king and dictator who has the audacity to claim false superiority.
"In the name of the friendship and sincerest respect between the Kannexan Reich and the Wolvesh realm, the Kannexan Reich pledges material and transport support for the Wolvesh-led endeavor in Rhuvanland," stated the Aussenministerium spokeswoman of the Reich. "The Ostsee Fleet of the Reichsmarine has henceforth been directed to aid the Wolvesh military effort against the regime in Rhuvanland by such means." The Kannexan official continued her cold, passion-bereft speech in characteristic Beamter-German until all points were covered. No mention of any other participant powers, and no mention for relations or possible compromises with Rhuvanland. At the end of the press release, the reporters and journalists sat stunned in the room. Then a flash of camera light broke their silence and immediately they cried, "Frau Sprecherin! Frau Sprecherin!" for questions, but the young official halted as to gather her papers, turned, and left the room, leaving the media grasping for straws and bawling for further information.

The break with Rhuvanland was sudden but not unforetold. Yet the Questions for the Chancellor on the following Wednesday featured varied responses to Chancellor Henneburg's sudden decision to back the Wolvesh. Some Democrats toed the party line, praising the response against characteristic of Kannexan willingness to confront injustice and tyranny throughout the world. "Für Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie!" as one young Congressman declared, to which the others let out a collective snicker. Even some Nationalists praised Henneburg's decision with halted, reserved tones. On the other hand, a great number of Chancellor Henneburg's own Democrats sized him up with questions almost bordering on mistrust and hostility. The opposition Nationalists of course added to the pile. Why now? Why, after weeks of indecision, had Henneburg decided to act now? It was hard to believe that years ago, this same Chancellor Henneburg led the Kannexan Reich in sweeping the rug with the communists in the very same country that was now the source of these international headaches...

At any rate, of the powers, Kannex had wanted the least to do with the crisis, but the Reich lay in a favorable geographical situation to act. Kannexan naval superiority extended comfortably past Pelhafor to the Phoenix Strait; notably the Jang Fleet had fought in Rhuvish waters before. Only Syrixia lay closer to Rhuvanland, and the Syrixians seemed even less willing to act.
"Sir, the Imperium has threatened Yeraennus with war."
Antlerio rubbed his eyes wearily. "I want it known that Imperium vessels will be stopped in Nebulan waters."
"The Wolvesh are also preparing for their invasion. Our fleet is in position and the last reinforcements have arrived."
"How many of our aircraft carriers do we have down there?"
"Three, sir; all but one."
"Remind the Wolvesh of our aerial capabilities. Our aircraft might not be the best, but we can make a lot of them. Bombing attacks on rural areas with a Rhuvish or Imperium presence are not beyond our capabilities."
A person in all-white armor stood facing a large monitor inside their lair, the blue glow of the screen reflecting onto their mask. "Agent Catalyst", said a woman's voice, and the person turned around to see a hologram of a hooded woman. "Overseer," the person responded, bowing their head slightly. "I presume you have prepared the fragmented factions of the Krieg Clan to follow your commands," the Overseer said, approaching Catalyst. "Yes ma'm. It is almost as it is when Vega was the commander--," Catalyst began. "Vega was an idiot, and is irrelevant. Her trial in Carrotopolis is only helpful to us, as if she is behind bars, she will never be able to tell the government of Guslantis about our plans and our hideouts. Meanwhile, our wonderful friend, Sebt is leading a suicide mission to Rhuvanland, a mission that will only reap in rewards to us, and us solely. You, my dear commander, will be the catalyst to my solution, and you will cause the most destruction to Guslantis and the entire world. While the idiotic nations of Kannex, Wolfsea, and Yeraennus are arguing about the best way to destroy Rhuvanland, we will find out the best way to upset the Guslant government," said the Overseer. "A coup?", asked Catalyst. "Vega was idiotic to try a coup of the Jewel. Our solution will be long and painful, the only antidote being the woman named Vanessa Hoskins, which Guslantis will never want to take! You will directly listen to me, and me alone, and one day our people will be in control. Be patient as war envelopes the foul nations of the South. Let the Cabinet not decide to act, let them appear weak. All will go to my plan, and my plan alone. I will finish what Charles started. Unfortunately for him, I will not fail, and Guslantis will be nearly crumbled when we are done. Let me know of what you find, and I will make sure that I document it. "Yes Overseer," said Catalyst, turning back to the monitor.

Meanwhile, in the Overseer's Throne Room, Lord Hedden approached the throne, carrying a clipboard. "Mrs. uh...Beier, I prepared the trial defense as you wished, though I don't see why you're going against the previously agreed upon defense, our third defense member will be most confused," he said. "She is an idiot. Self-absorbed in her own want. She will not notice a slight change in our defense. And neither will you," the Overseer replied. "But ma'm, I cannot stand here and allow you to blatantly change the defense," argued Hedden. "Then don't," the Overseer responded, turning in her chair to face him. She stood and showed him her gloves, which had electricity generators on each of her fingertips. Lord Hedden looked confused, his eyes looking to the gloves, and the look of pure evil on the Overseer's face. "If I can't trust you with my identity, then I can't trust you to leave this room. Relax Matthew, this will be quick and painful," she said. Lord Hedden began to back away, dropping his clipboard.

The Overseer activated her gloves, and electricity shot from her hands to Hedden. He screamed in utter pain, as the Overseer walked toward him. "Mercy, goddamnit! Mercy!", he screamed in pain. "Oh, of course," she said, turning off her glove's electricity power. She then eyed a sword that was hung in her Throne Room. Lord Hedden, kneeling in pain, also saw it, fearing for his life. "No," he uttered. "I'm sorry, Matthew, I can't risk it," she said, activating her glove's other power, a power to bring objects to her. She reached for the sword, and it floated down into her hand. "Mrs. Beier," he uttered in hopes of mercy. She grasped the sword in both hands, and looked down at her prey. She swung the sword downward and aimed it toward Hedden's neck.

A few hours later, Akerman walked out of the Cabinet meeting, angry. She was unaware of the two new villains plotting the destruction of potentially the entire world, or that Lord Hedden had been brutally slaughtered just hours before. All she knew was that the Cabinet of Guslantis voted not to intervene in Rhuvanland, and that Minister Nagarkar had somehow managed to get the majority of the Cabinet to agree that not intervening would be the best option for the Jewel. "I really don't understand it," she said to Scottsfield as the two walked out of the Thomas Building. "Emily, it is politics, it is best we don't try to argue with it," said Scottsfield, calmly. As the two crossed the street, Akerman bumped into Lady Beier, causing the latter to go flying with her papers onto the ground. "Oh, I'm dearly sorry," said Scottsfield, helping Lady Beier up. "Oh no, no, it's fine, I can do it myself," replied Beier, grabbing her papers and standing up. "I'm just on my way to the Ministria Tower to meet Matthew, we have some more things to discuss in terms of the defense of Vega," said Beier, waving goodbye, and walking toward the Ministria Tower to meet Hedden, a meeting that would never take place.
Sebt sighed as the Hyperion made its way into Pigletville, the seventh legion had already made it's way to the southern border. He decided it would be best to check in with Akermann and Scottsfield. He had already seen to it the invasion was ready to go the moment the 7th set off for the Rhuvish border. He had already informed the Imperator that the Nebulan fleet's aircraft were to await the signal that Rhuvish radar was down on the south coast whilst the Trinnish were prepared to advance soon after. He flicked the connect option, expecting to get through to either General. He would join the 7th Legion as soon as his conference with Prime Minister Briggs was concluded.

Meanwhile Sionne had already delivered an edict to the Imperium.

Rendered unto Ceaser:
Within the next few days an allied invasion of Rhuvanland will be taking place. For obvious reasons I cannot reveal whom has agreed to support the Alliance, however we are well aware of your designs for Rhuvanland, hence the acceleration of our plans. I would rather not allow such blatant landgrabbing but it would be foolish not to at least attack simultaneously, not when our primary objective, the removal of the Nazos, is the same. After the war is won we can discuss terms, as a show of faith I give you my personal communication code to allow fast access. Make no mistake, this is a war neither of us can lose nor a peace that will be easily won, I hope you are wise enough to accept this offer.

(Wow... guessing somebody is a bit POed with Sebt. XD)
"The vote for Proposal 3233 has concluded," the Speaker announced. "With 63% support, the proposal has passed."
Many parliament members applauded. Proposal 3233 had been designed to increase government liability for industrial accidents in state-owned factories.
The Speaker cleared her throat. "Next up for final review and vote: Declaration of War 13."
The room went silent.
"Declaration of War 13 reads as follows," the Speaker said nervously. "'Having taken into consideration that the National Sonacists in Rhuvanland have committed human rights abuses and suppressed political opposition, the government of the Watching Nebula hereby declares war on Rhuvanland.
"'This declaration of war will enter into force upon approval from the Emperator.'"
Antlerio stood on the balcony and watched the MPs carefully. At the sound of footsteps behind him, he turned.
"I had to see it, you know," Malachit said casually. "Had to be there when it happens. I suspect the Rhuvish imagine me to have horns and a pitchfork. Wouldn't miss it for the world."
"I'm not sure it's wise for you to carry this grudge," Antlerio replied quietly.
"What's that bit about you giving approval for? Don't you want this to begin?"
"Yes, but not until the Wolvesh begin their attack. Only then will I approve it."
"They're voting," Malachit said quietly.
The Speaker glanced at her screen. "The vote for Declaration of War 13 has concluded. With 73% approval, the vote has passed."
"And now we wait," said Antlerio.
You can't fight in here, this is
The War Room
Alba Longa, Imperium

To call it a motley crew would be an understatement. The Lictor-Magister gave the Naval-Magister, Gaius Plinius Secundus, an occasional suspicious glance. The Naval-Magister, in turn, gave the Aerial-Magister, Titus Statilius Taurus, a rather unabashedly hostile stare. The Censor-Magister, Claudia Metrodora Murcius, seemed to be giving herself a look of total and utter disappointment. All the while, the Divine-Magister, Rhea Aeneus Silvia, looked as if she had every intention of convening a holy crusade against each and every person sat at the table - and, for that matter, everyone from the aides to the wait-staff who brought in the catering.

"I see no reason to draw this meeting out. I think we can debrief."

Standing at the head of the table, the Vigilator-Magister, Magnus Dux Lauretta Minervus Septembrus, was the woman in charge. In Caesar's absence, she managed the Magisters, his eyes and ears in the services, as Caesar curried favour and gave orders in equal measures to the nobility, the elected representatives, and the services at the Senate. The Vigilatory Service was the rescue and emergency service of Imperium - an odd bedfellow at a war room. But they were currently a powerful actor in Imperium - Lauretta's famed underling, the Praefect Hilarius da Vinci Ignatius, had been crucial in convening the New Intelligensian Occupation Government. In that capacity, their unarmed personnel had been a great boon in stabilizing the people of New Intelligensia - of assuring them of peaceful intentions. Caesar intended to have the Praefect manage New Intelligensia, too - she would manage an interregnum government, until a permanent one could be convened in peacetime. It was an intention that had earned her the enviable privilege of a nickname, at the highest levels of Imperium's upper-class society - the 'pro-proconsul'.

It had been agreed that Praefect Hilarius da Vinci Ignatius would be transferring command of the New Intelligensian Praefecture to Benazir Bhutto, the pre-occupation governor of the island, to be returned following the normalization of relations expected any day now. She would be taking control of an Urban Praefecture - the armed police. Military police, special weapons teams, counter-terrorist squads, and more operated under the umbrella of the Urban-Magister, Crassus Julius Isauricus, a gentleman who had been woefully incapable at asserting any sort of power against his notoriously heavy-handed Vigilatorial counterpart.

Praefect Hilarius da Vinci Ignatius would be handling peacekeeping and nation-building, behind the frontlines of Imperium. But, at the fore, the Terrestrial-Magister would be leading the charge. Spearheading the push for territory, supported keenly by aerial and naval assets, Dux Antonius Octavian Lepidus would be the face of the operation, and its supreme commander in service to Hilarius da Vinci Ignatius - the Proconsul of Rhuvanland. Limitor-Magister Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, responsible for border security and aspects of fixed asset security, would provide a mostly advisory role, taking full responsibility over the management of amphibious landings and formation of bulkheads, to help lighten the administrative load of the more relevant Magisters. A matter he was fine with - plenty of opportunities for him to exercise his newfound freedom in Imperium. Could finally get that holiday home he'd been wanting. Down in the south, across the sea from Silly String, perhaps. Word was that Aemilius had plans for that beach there.

The Proconsulate was a combined Legature - the 1st Rhuvish (Proconsulate) Legature. A single Legion of lightly armed police officers and military police, numbering 10,000, was contributed by the Vigilatorial Service - the First Proconsular Legion. Three legions, of 30,000, were armed police officers of the Urban Service - the Second, Third, and Forth. The remaining legion was contributed from the Limitorial Service - the Fifth - to maintain territorial integrity in the region, and to establish battlefield communications with other operators.

A Naval Legature would maintain naval superiority, accompanied by an Aerial Legature. The 2nd Rhuvish (Naval) Legature, and 3rd Rhuvish (Aerial) Legature. The 4th Rhuvish (Terrestrial) Legature maintained four Legions of ground forces (the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Terrestrial Legions), as well as the 1st Speculatorial Legion - intelligence agents, to assist in maintaining a command structure, strategic and tactical planning, and to provide support in keeping the peace in occupied territory. The 5th, and final, Rhuvish (Terrestrial) Legature, also had four Legions of ground troops (the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Terrestrial Legions), and a single Exploratorial Legion. The Exploratorial Legion would be tasked with spearheading the push to secure a beachhead, and from there, to take on the role of special operations across Rhuvanland.

This was the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate - a field army, nominally representing 250,000 combat and non-combat operatives.

They waited patiently, called up from the already mobilized troops and officers who had been expecting to respond to the McMasterdonian crisis. Ships were commissioned, flight-plans drawn up, and civilian maritime authorities informed of the impending temporary shut-down of the strait, as the naval vessels preapred to pull out of Imperium's inner seas. They waited patiently for Caesar's call, as Caesar waited.

For what Caesar hesitated, no-one was yet sure.
The end of the month saw the airing of a very anticipated documentary-drama show on Channel One. It billed simply as Die Kaiser -- "the emperors." With colorful CGI and effects and household-name casting, the series was to cover the family of the Kannexan Kaiser from the Reich's founding. Patriotic music blared as scenes of recreated 18th-century battles rocked the screen, interspersed by the heartfelt acting of a handsome young actor playing the Reich's very own Johann Niemza, the first kaiser. The early Kannexans were shown as daring settlers, brave warriors -- better Teutons than their Teuton forefathers.

The week before, the Imperial Museum at Weiterburg had opened an exhibit featuring nearly two hundred paintings by famous Kannexan artists. It was simply billed as 'the best art of Kannex,' but the world-famous paintings of still-lifes and flowers and peaceful landscapes were notably absent. Instead, all the paintings of the exhibit shared one theme -- the Kannexan Geist. Dashing contrasting whirlwinds of colors -- scenes of fire, of battle, of Kannexan kaisers and noblemen in their Germanic dress. Kannexan soldiers in battle gear, storming enemy positions with guns in their hands. A Kannexan captain with death in his eyes raising his clenched fist, as he stands on top of a mountain of corpses, beckoning for his squad to advance. Kannexan faithful celebrating Christmas, gathered around a Lutheran priest. A modern-day jet fighter sporting the red-white-red colors of Reich, soaring in the air. Everything the Kannexans admired about themselves was on display.

The radio music took on a different atmosphere. The old pop songs about teenage love and partying slowly but surely lost their airtime to good old German country songs about honest-to-God folk, the land, Kannexan beer, and the army. Old songs bards used to sing back in the days of the military dictatorship were brought back. Before, the diffusion of pop culture throughout the world meant that songs in English and French could often be heard on Kannexan radio, next to the new rap pieces. But soon only German remained, the clean, polished German that one expected of a model Kannexan.

On an unrelated note, recruitment figures for the Reich military had risen. Political commentators, especially from the right, hailed this as a positive development. Surveys indicated that the younger generation was becoming more concerned about the 'security of the Kannexan Reich' in the world. Finally, they were losing their self-absorption and becoming proper Deutsch-speaking citizens of the Reich...
It was nearing 2200 hours in Althafen, the second largest city in Rhuvanland. Many citizens were going about the end of their daily routine, unaware of the storm brewing in their very city. Down near the docks, in one of the abandoned warehouses, a war not unlike the one brewing between nations at the very same time, was about to begin. Except this was not a war of territory, or ideals, or even freedom. This was a war of profit, and a war of crime.

Two figures, hidden in darkened and unmarked clothing, stood on a few crates, looking out over a indeterminate number of other people, dressed in the same way. The first one, taller and broader, standing nearly two full heads above the other and a rich baritone voice with an accent barely recognizable as Low Yeraenn, spoke. "Operatives. You know who I am, or at least have a sneaking suspicion. No matter. I will be giving you your orders tonight. This city, Althafen, is the major port and second largest city in Rhuvanland. We have been ordered to attack strategic locations and commence brawls to disrupt trade and the running of the city. If the operation is a complete success, damage is estimated to cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions. Avoid killing civilians, but openly attack Nazos, active combatants, and police. No quarter, no cruelty. Understood?" In response, the group of Operatives stamps once in unison, stating their agreement without words. "Good. Make our enemies rue this night. Strike like the tempest, go with the storm. Ye'ra Ath'aeraza."

The first buildings struck were the shipyards and docks. Molotovs were tossed into warehouses, bombs on the dock pillars, supplies and crates were raided, to be stolen or destroyed as the Operatives went about their mission. Firefights were started between Operatives and police. Slowly but surely, they proceeded into the heart of the city, hitting objectives like banks and stores, factories and warehouses when and where they found them. Police reports wildly varied on the size of the attacking force. Some said as little as 200 or 300, but many ranged up to the low thousands. Even as Operatives fell, they still pushed forward, taking as many lives as they lost. Gunfire, arson and explosions lit up the night as the sprees of crime continued, as the unmarked assailants pushed to the center of the city.
For many years the Sheireni Mafia, formally known as the Phra Dong Triad, wreaked havoc in Caltania. Until recently Shei Ren was an anarchosyndicalist commune. Perfect for organized and unorganized crime. And where there was organization, there was efficiency, which allowed organized crime to ultimately prevail against unorganized crime. For the past year or so, however, Shei Ren had become a nation, and it was a direct democracy. The Triad already had agents in Lha Shan influencing the Assembly, but Shei Ren and Caltania weren't enough. Even their worldwide networks weren't enough. The Triad had money, and power, and they wanted to broadcast their organized crime units to wherever the opportunity was. They had hitmen for hire. Bank robbers. Strippers and prostitutes.

The Triad, although they operated out of the small and nonpowerful Communal Republic of Shei Ren, was if anything more powerful than the nation itself. They could certainly overrun Shei Ren's 'army' and torch Lha Shan if they wanted, and had influence over the Assembly. However, this would be against their best interests. And Ho Qong, the 489 Ken Zhu of the Triad, knew this. Speaking to his top mobsters; 432 Fu Ken Zhu Zhao Dui, 428 Xiang Hap-Ki Moon, and 428 Qian Xia Gu-Kyi; Ho discussed how to expand the Triad's influence. "The Triad needs to figure a way to expand its influence, and to do that we need to find the jackpot of all jackpots." he said. Xia responded, "There is an ongoing conflict in Rhuvanland, boss. All over the news." Ho looked pleased. He hadn't thought of this. "Heh. Let's see how this works. I see money and I want us to give it a shot. Make it happen. Mess this up, and I'll shoot you through the head. This is opportunity begging us to take it."

Two months later, the PDT had done it. But there was still the reason for all the publicity at hand: the conflict. Around the same time the K'ters showed up in Althafen, the Ken Zhu had sent his own men specific orders. He knew where the money was. Cause chaos, protect the Nazos, and prevent the K'ters from carrying out their mission. Speaking in Sheirenese, the Qi in charge of the operation said, "The Ken Zhu has ordered that we protect the Nazos. Our spies in Yeraennus have confirmed that Sphan K'ter is launching attacks against our territory. We're to protect a large source of money, as well as a large source of power." PDT agents had secretly been placed in Rhuvish companies and the Nazo government. With all the hubbub about Nazo Rhuvanland going on, the PDT would make a nice boatload of cash.

Suddenly, out of the shadows came a veritable army of PDT enforcers. They carried out their orders. K'ter mafiosos were wiped out left and right. Money was stolen from the K'ters before they could escape with it. K'ter bombs were defused while Triad bombs rocked hidden K'ter operating posts and bases. Along with the police came the bullets of the PDT, shooting in unison with the Rhuvish against the Yeraenn scum, wishing to profit all the while serving both their greed and their idiotic state's wish to play the merciless game of conquest. Within the hour, around 3,000 PDT troops were loose in the city, bearing down on their K'ter counterparts. This, the commander thought, was to be known as the Battle of Althafen. The PDT would be strong, while the K'ters would look weak and the Rhuvish would trace them to Yeraennus, allowing the PDT to exploit Yeraennus as well for money.

But the Rhuvish did not like foreigners fighting on their soil, and this was apparent as an army of 7,000 Rhuvish soldaten were on their way by orders of the Führer to restore order.
To: Caesar Augustus, Imperium Augustum
From: Abigail Hutchinson, The Monarchy of Guslantis

Dear Caesar Augustus,

The Jewel offers to you an observer, a woman of renown in her own regard by the name of Beth Moore, to watch over the Imperium fleets and actions and make sure that the interests of the Monarchy are kept intact, as well as assuring the prosperity of both your nation, and mine. Please let me know if the Jewel can be of further assistance, and please make sure that Moore reaches you safely in due time.

-Abigail Hutchinson
Governor of the Theed Province
Caesar was not as busy as one would expect. Air seemed to flow in from the closed windows, the penthouse overlooking the bay. Its glass was deceptively clear - it was thick, reinforced glass, enough to deflect a bullet. The air that seemed to be flowing through it was actually piped in, from a crack adjacent to the glass. A light electrical charge resonated through the glass, every now and again, as the wind buffeted against it. The current of the air was isolated entirely from the smooth, consistent breeze that occupied Caesar's time.

A steel plate, probably two inches thick, listened for the current of the glass.

Even the sunlight did not dare tread where Gods sat. The glass was subtly tinted, blocking UV rays from approaching.

Like all good politicians, all good businessmen, Caesar made time for the finer things. A spot of tea, in a sweetly tinted, china cup. The cup had, at some point, had its glaze cracked, and filled back in with gold, before being reglazed. A common technique in Imperium - but the art on the cup was so antiquated, it could easily predate the practice. The gentle smell of peppermint floated through the room, cleared out occasionally by, yet again, an uncommonly even smell of the sea.

Silently, a woman opened the door, her feet entirely absent from attention until they struck the immaculately polished cherrywood flooring. Heel, toe, heel, toe. Her heels clicked against the creaking floorboards, as the lone Caesar was roused from his cup of tea. It sounded almost like a ship, caught in the eye of a storm. Her short stature and bouncy, curly brunette hair moved deliberately, and in rhythm. Behind her, an aide held something behind her back, her stride as measured as her companion's - albeit without even a hint of the dominance.

That momentary peace in the middle of hell. This was the lighthouse. One could watch it happen - imagine it to be a game on radar screens and the news.

The aide lifted the silver platter from behind her back, and lifted its cover, revealing a double-sealed envelope. One of the seals had been broken - a seal, simply, of the Augustine Office. The other was a seal of the Peregrine-Magister, whose security team had been responsible for the article. Caesar pulled a knife from inside his dressing gown - a small, fierce looking thing. It was carved out of ivory - from some far-flung place. Sharpened to a deadly point, and sheathed in a leather case. It was but a moment to slice the seal, leaving it divided perfectly. Taking the letter from it, he handed the empty envelope back to his aide.

"Magister. I've been expecting you."

"I apologise, Your August Majesty. I have been following developments with the Novrith Pact, and with the Democratic Union. Praefect Proxeny had an aide updating me on the Novrith Pact's emergency meeting."

"Good things only, from the Novrith Pact, I assume?"

"Better than our wildest expectations."

"Damn. How goes the Democratic Union?"

"Slow, as always. Our contacts are not yet reporting on anything beyond the public record and procedural matters. We believe that a motion to sanction Rhuvanland has been put to vote, as has a motion to support our occupation of Rhuvanland - but their likelihood of succeeding, voting records, and their contents, we cannot yet confirm. I don't believe it is tenable, any longer, to wait for them to move on the matter."

"We shall have to assume they are willing to negotiate after the fact, then. And, on the topic, one should endeavour to inform me of Beth Moore's resume."

"A career politician. Native to Guslantis, strong background in finances and policy advisement. Record as a somewhat more laissez-faire representative of that nation, although, in my view, not overtly so. Ultimately, a consumate electoral player."

"Corrupt and foolish, then."

"Maliciously and deliberately so."

Caesar took a sip from his tea, as the Lictor-Magister stepped forward to refill Caesar's cup. The Peregrine-Magister tried to hide her surprise, as he broached the shadows that she did not even know existed in the penthouse, surrounded by all sides by windows, although no sooner than she had been startled did she realise he had already noticed her fear. He leaned towards her, and whispered. "I'm sure you two would be able to talk shop."

A curt cough from the seat set the Lictor-Magister about his business.

"She intends to become an observer, on behalf of Guslantis, and to accompany our fleet. I see no reason to deny them the privilege."

The Lictor-Magister interjected again. "You would see no reason at all, Magister Dux." The Peregrine-Magister audibly grit her teeth, at the sarcastic use of her hard-earned title. It was not enjoyable to be criticized for one's common birth - particularly given the Lictor-Magister's background. Like being accused of swineherding by the swine.

Before she could respond, Caesar spoke. "There is plenty of reason to grant them the privilege. Guslantis is a wonderful compromise candidate to maintain independent and justifiable oversight of our operation - not a member of the Novrith Pact, or the Pax, nor of the so-called 'Alliance'. And, judging from the dossier the Lictor-Magister has made available to me -" "It was no trouble, your August Majesty," the Lictor-Magister offered the Peregrine-Magister an innocent smile, "I merely had to entreat some friends in the Speculatorial Service. I know how poorly the Speculator-Magister gets on with...the Magister Dux."

"Judging from the dossier, Beth Moore is one of Guslantis' finest. I am sure she will find her time enjoyable."

Before Latin Doors, before War, before Caesar, nothing can be born of nothing.
This is the Latin Peace.

By order of His August Majesty, Caesar,
The Augustine Office issues the following Statement.

Having received a correct and formal communique from Governor Abigail Hutchinson of Theed, Guslantis, regarding the August operation in Rhuvanland, we see it fit and proper to offer the following response. As of this morning, Beth Moore has been nominated as an observer, on behalf of Guslantis, to be attached to the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate, and to be permitted to report back to Guslantis on operational matters relevant to the interests of the Monarchy of Guslantis.

After much deliberation, we have decided to accept the nomination, and invite Abigail Hutchinson to contact the Peregrine Service for diplomatic access and transport arrangements, to facilitate Beth Moore's attachment. Beth Moore will be attached to the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate Field Command in Alba Longa until the Sacre Comitate is deployed, and will then be reassigned to the 2nd Rhuvish (Naval) Legature in good time for its departure, her presence at which will be the responsibility of our Lictorial Service. Upon the establishment of a beachhead in Rhuvanland, and the formation of the Rhuvish Proconsulate, Beth Moore will be attached indefinitely to the 1st Proconsular Legion, 1st Rhuvish (Proconsular) Legature, where she will join the general staff of Proconsul-Presumptive Hilaria da Vinci Ignatius.

Beth Moore is invited to secure aforementioned access and transportation at her earliest convenience. For operational security, we cannot reveal details of the Rhuvish departure, but can assure the international community that arrangements made in consultation with the Peregrine Service will ensure Beth Moore's timely attachment to the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate.
Official Message from His Majesty's Government of the Syrixian Empire:
His Magnificence's Government
Official Message from the Syrixian Empire
His Magnificence's Government has taken notice of the increased rhetoric originating from the Sonacist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland, as well as the slowness of the Democratic Union in reaching an official decision as after a consensus being reached they still went through five days of voting, all the while the Novrith Pact and the Imperium Augustum make a decision speedily and efficiently. Thus, it is in the best interest of His Magnificence's Government to make this declaration itself.

The National Parliament has voted around thirty minutes to an hour prior to the release of this declaration, and the motion in question has been approved by the Prime Minister and signed into law by the Emperor. Thus, we hereby declare the following:

E. The Syrixian Empire shall support the actions of the Novrith Pact and the Imperium Augustum in bringing order to Rhuvanland. The turmoil in Rhuvanland has gone on for too long and Rhuvanland must be rebuilt, but not with a system that elects fascist, intolerant leaders and commits atrocities.

D. The Syrixian Empire will assist the Democratic Union and the worldwide community in sanctions against Rhuvanland.

T. The Syrixian Empire will assist the Novrith Pact and/or the Democratic Union in a military intervention in Rhuvanland should it occur.
An emergency meeting of the Royal Council was called. Each member cancelled their schedules and flew to Karthied to meet with the King. They were informed that a flight carrying Esplandian and Tajin nationals had been rerouted to Schwarzenau, Rhuvanland for an unscheduled landing. While the Rhuvish government had yet to make a statement or demands, it was obvious to everyone in the room this was about the spy that had been captured in Serzulem. The King believed the Nazos would either ask for a trade, or threaten to execute captives until their spy was released.

The King had been informed personally by the Tajin President, Reynard Anaukshai, who it was likely was already preparing to move against the Nazos in some way which would have dangerous ramifications for everyone. Reynard had learned about the capture of the plane from his agents in Rhuvanland, but how long he had known about it could only be guessed.

'From this point on all discussion of this matter will be person to person,' Sherwin commanded. 'No calls or messages about this to anyone. Inform as few as possible.' He then laid out what steps would be taken over the coming hours, planning contingencies, and preparing for the worst.

Typhus Skywing was strapped into the cockpit of an F-16 and then flown as fast as was possible to Tajis. He carried with him sealed messages for the Tajin leaders and President Anaukshai. He had been told very little, but his father had been adamant about the importance of this mission, so the young man had agreed and decided it was best not to ask questions.

The jet was well over halfway to Tajis even before permission had been granted to fly through foreign airspace. Around 2:00 am they landed in Serzulem, and Typhus was met there by Count Baelag Gent who drove him the the Presidential Enclave north of the city.

Reynard met them at the main entrance, along with many of his ministers and advisers. After greeting everyone, Typhus was escorted to a large conference room where he presented the sealed documents to the president. Reynard opened and read them silently while everyone waited.

'King Sherwin urges that we wait before moving to rescue the hostages,' Reynard said placing the documents down in front of him. 'I'm afraid I can't do that. I have already dispatched a special ops team to retrieve them. I'm afraid you came too late.'
Back at the temporary Base of Operations, the two leading figures were staring at the charts, listening to the ever-worsening reports come in. The taller one cursed, "Tolis sul'aes! These PDT fools are siding with the Nazos. How did we not plan for this? Contact the magnate immediately, include the Godfather in the conversation as well. As for the operatives, bring in the remaining ones, focus on getting to fortified positions and chokepoints. Let's teach these southern fools what the North means by professional business."

In Althafen, the beleaguered Operatives caught wind of the orders from the temporary HQ. Pushing back the attacks just enough to retreat to defensible locations, the operatives took cover behind hastily set-up barricades and blockades, taking potshots at the police and PDT troops. Slowly, the Yeraenn casualties began to dwindle, until the city was locked in virtual stalemate, with occasional bursts of gun-fire ringing out across the city. While not actively losing anymore, many operatives were too tied down to continue operations and heists.

Meanwhile, several important calls were made. The first, to Sphan K'ter. Due to his office, the man was still awake at such odd hours and barely looked surprised as the phone call came in. However, when he picked up, his calm demeanor dropped, showing a face colder and crueler than ice. "I understand. Those PDT fools think they can play me at anarchy. Your requests are authorized. Leave no combatant left standing. I will authorize the deployment to Khiara." Sphan hung up the phone, his face stony as he pondered the PDT's involvement. He sends a short message to Khiara. "An associate will call in 5 minutes. He will ask for the mobilization of Yeraenn troops to Althafen. I have authorized his request. Do so." Leaning back in his seat, he sighs. He turns around, looking out over the city again, pondering the fate his actions would bring about tonight. With great hesitancy, he calls the number the Kannexian representative had left. "Direct this to your leader. Yeraennus is declaring war on the Nazo Party. We have accepted your alliance. Our operation begins tonight, in Althafen. May our victory be swift and complete."

Almost exactly 5 minutes later, Khiara Algen, in full combat regalia, received the call. She picks up, inwardly concerned by the Generalissimo's curt text. "Yes, I understand. Sphan authorized it. I will begin deployment into Althafen upon hang up. Hold out until then."

5 minutes later, a group of 10,000 Yeraenn vo'lija, a full division of Yeraenn military troops, were en route to Althafen. Tonight was to be fateful, one way or another.
Antlerio looked up from his computer.
"Yeraennus has declared war on Rhuvanland," said the Head of Foreign Affairs.
Wordlessly, Antlerio reached for Declaration of War 13.

Declaration of War 13:
Having taken into consideration that the National Sonacists in Rhuvanland have committed human rights abuses and suppressed political opposition, the government of the Watching Nebula hereby declares war on Rhuvanland.

After signing, Antlerio reached for his pencil and wrote out a statement. He handed it to the aide.

Supreme Countermand Statement:
All vessels allegiant to the kingdom of Yeraennus may pass through Nebulan waters on the grounds that they remain at least thirty kilometers from our coast.
Sebt stood in the Crucible, Sionne ready to record his declaration

"People of the North Pacific, as you are doubtless aware the rise of the National Sonacist government in Rhuvanland is a cause of concern for many. Regardless of whom cuts this cancer from our region the removal of this toxic organisation is essential to preventing another great war. We all remember with heavy hearts the disgusting desolation caused to the people of Cronaal in that conflict by their own power-mad ruler and now another lunatic sits upon a bloodied throne as we allow him to rule over his own little kingdom, a kingdom he has demonstrated he wishes to expand. Myself and other like-minded leaders have decided that the Nazo rulers must be dealt with and our concerns with the threatened policy of the Imperium Augustum leads us to believe that their claims to Rhuvanland must not go uncontested. The Imperial Military Khanate of Wolfsea, alongside the Trinnish Federation, the Kannexian Reich, The Intergalactic Planetary of The Watching Nebula and The Stank of Yeraennus, shall not allow Imperialistic ambition to go unchecked, therefore an Alliance has been established, henceforth known as the Argent Alliance, dedicated to the removal of the NAtional Sonacist party and protection of the Rhuvish people. Some call us interlopers, that it is not our fight, but men like Ulrich, whose lust for power and holding onto the power already obtained, are beyond reason, their ambitions unfettered, we go to war today to prevent a second great war from becoming a reality. You will judge us, hate us, call us warmongers but we will fight to ensure you do not have to, we will die to make sure your borders are not threatened. Sleep safe in your beds tonight, go to your jobs, spend time with your loved ones, that is all."

Sionne nodded, indicating the message was recorded and broadcast across the region. Sera looked at Sionne as Sebt massed his neck "Sionne... I'm worried... just because we have an alliance..." "The Nazos are an implacable foe, anyone who cannot see that is a fool..." the A.I. interrupted "You humans waste so much time attempting to rationalise it all when the logical position is obvious, one small war to prevent a much greater conflict."
Across Nebula, the Kalinins, and Nebula's two overseas military bases, bombers were readied. Missile silos were placed on alert, ready to pummel Rhuvish military positions into submission. The Nebulan fleet meanwhile had gotten into position. Everything was ready for the Wolvesh signal to begin.

Before Latin Doors, before War, before Caesar, nothing can be born of nothing.
This is the Latin Peace.

By order of His August Majesty, Caesar,
The Augustine Office issues the following Statement.

Here, and in the North Pacific, we watch the crisis in Rhuvanland escalate.

The turncoats of Yeraennus, who guaranteed the independence of Rhuvanland, and have immediately declared in favour of their 'Argent Alliance', choose to spearhead an invasion against Rhuvanland for the gains and dirtied money assured to them by their masters in Wolfsea. Nebula, too, has turned from blockading Yeraennus to becoming their stalwart ally in their methodical dismantling of the principles of sovereign agency. These are the hypocrites who dare tell the Democratic Union that Imperium's war of expansion is to destroy Rhuvanland, not to rebuild it.

Where we act alone - as an alliance of One - these fools require a quintet to entreat the lands of the Rhuvish territory to beget their wealth to the ailing capitals of these ailing dynasties. Imperium stands alone against unreliable governments and unreliable allies. We have learned from Wolfsea's mistakes. We do not intend to become the masters of the people of Nebula, and Yeraennus.

We shall plot our own way, and pray that the Democratic Union choose to formally and immediately recognize the dangers that have been put, not just in the way of the sovereign order to which they are so committed, but to Imperium itself. This is not some cynical occupation to crush an upstart rebellion - this is a war, in which Imperium has been pit against the massed resources of five nations, two of which are dangerous, inconsistent rogue states.

We see no way to negotiate - to bargain with the Argent Alliance. There have been no invitations to us, amongst the first of the world's states to declare war on Rhuvanland. Indeed, in response to our declaration, Yeraennus chose to throw its support behind Rhuvanland, and Nebula chose to blockade Yeraennus, wisely. Yet they now stand together, to oppose our righteous and just claim on the Rhuvish territories. We cannot be confident that any member of the Argent Alliance is prepared to uphold the promises we expect of them to come to a resolution on this matter.

We can only trust in the organization against which we have so loudly railed in the past - we must hope that through the Novrith Pact, we have been granted newfound respect by the Democratic Union, such that we may see in them the same face of stalwart defense. Until then, we see no further way to hold off on our operation, in the hopes of international support - even as minor as verbal consent from the assembled nations of the Union.

We must move now, lest the Argent Alliance salt our fields and burn our Latin citizens in Rhuvanland.

As of today, the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate has been deployed to Rhuvanland. They will be departing accompanied by Guslantis' Beth Moore, who has been appointed as Imperium's independent correspondant with the Democratic Union.
Within minutes Sebt was en-route to join the 7th legion, he quickly replied to the Imperator "Use precision ordinance, civilian casualties are to be kept to an absolute minimum." then, unaware of Caeser's edict, attempted to contact him directly.

Two days in a row. You'd think they'd have learned. But the Peregrine-Magister's Office had totally and utterly failed to inform anyone at all of his daily schedule. He couldn't blame them, unfortunately - it was his own fault. Expecting one moment of time to himself.

But no. You start a war, and suddenly, you're the world's favourite person to chat to. Guslantis, and now...Wolfsea.

"That's correct, your August Majesty." Caesar put down his tea on his coffee table, and stepped out onto the facsimile-balcony. It was a small box that jutted out, into the air, surrounded on three sides by glass. It gave him the most thrilling sense of being...outside. Without having to deal with the issues of actually being outside, like insects, and inconsistent wind conditions. Oh, how Caesar hated inconsistent wind conditions.

"Very well, put him on the speakers, and send the Peregrine-Magister up."

The Lictor-Magister coughed. "Allow me, young lady." The aide nodded quickly, and scampered off.

"Good evening. Sebt, I presume?"
Sebt nodded, forgetting this was not a holographic chat "Caeser, I trust you have had time to consider my offer... I'm en-route to join with our seventh legion. We shall be launching our diversionary attack on the Rhivish coast within the next few hours." he paused momentarily "As stated our goal of removing the National Sonacists is a shared one, once they have been removed I see no reason the Alliance and Imperium cannot negotiate, naturally we have our concerns as i'm sure you do but you are an honourable man, i'm certain you can be reasoned with to bring about the best possible outcome for the Rhuvish people."
Sebt's voice resonated through the oak-wood cabinets, concealed in the window-sills. It gave a most pleasing surround-sound effect, although anyone with even a semblance of class could tell that the voice was unfortunately distorted by an imperfect transmission medium. Even the secure line to the Palace used a mono-audio channel, to preserve its compatibility with civil phone lines. Shame, really.

Caesar stroked his chin for a moment, considering how to approach Sebt's...proposal? No, an opening.

"I am also quite certain I can be reasoned with. My concern, unfortunately, is with the Argent Alliance as a whole. While Wolfsea has given us no reason to distrust you, your allies are more questionable. You work with Nebula - a nation that is not well-known for easy negotiations. For that matter, it was not so long ago that Nebula had placed a blockade on your more distasteful partner - Yeraennus. They threatened war on us for invading Rhuvanland, and immediately turned-coat to support your Alliance.

It does not give me hope that half your Alliance calls for mutually beneficial talks, and the other half has gone as far as to guarantee the target of both of our aggressions to stave off our war effort, so that it could itself take on the wealth of Rhuvanland."
Nebulan reconnaissance drones were deployed in hordes. Their purpose was to gather data on Rhuvish military and civilian areas, in order to ensure a minimum of collateral damage. Targets were analyzed by specialists back in Nebula, then rated based on the civilian presence.
Permission was given immediately to begin strikes on civilian-free areas.
The Imperium received a call from an unlikely source, the Rhuvish Foreign Ministry -- under Ulrich's right-hand man, Heinrich Schlother. The bald, mustached man wore glasses that reflected the light in the room but it was clear in the video screen that the Rhuvish man was grinning. He wore a very friendly smile. "Let's talk peace," Schlother spoke in the Imperium's tongue, with a slight German accent.

(Allowed by Syrixia.)

"Was wollen Sie -- was woltl ihr -- eigentlich, mein Herr?" Anton Attenburg spat over the video-call. The Kannexan Aussenministerdid not look pleased; dark circles stayed under his bloodshot eyes and his chestnut hair was unruffled. The young Kannexan minister did not look healthy.

"Wir müssen Frieden reden, Herr Attenburg." The Rhuvan replied.

"Hah! Frieden! Es gibt doch keine Hoffnung mehr, noch keinen Frieden, Freund. Your government destroyed all hope of peace when you went against the D.U. Four great powers are descending upon the Rhuvish coast. What peace do you want? The peace you will get is a loser's peace."

"The Kannexan people will not bear the sight of their Rhuvish brothers reduced to slavery, Herr Attenburg."

"What's with this pan-Germanic talk? I have not heard of such, since before the Rhuvish opposition was gassed to death!" Attenburg's eyes were full of fire now; his exhaustion had loosened his diplomat's tongue. "If only the Reich had allowed you to suffer under the Syrixian annexation years ago. No doubt you would be worshipping elephant gods now."

"Party Chairman Ulrich's rhetoric -- "

"Rhetoric?!" exclaimed the Kannexan.

"Ulrich's rhetoric was merely against the Kannexan loan sharks and corporations that dominated the postwar Rhuvish economy, mein Herr. Let me remind you, Herr Attenburg, that we have not willingly harmed any Kannexan national since our takeover, that we have allowed all Kannexans to leave the country safely. Let's not both pretend that our politicians don't use exaggeration and feats of grandiose speech in order to mobilize the people and better the country -- "

Attenburg's wits were returning now as the Kannexan shook off his drowsiness. Recollecting his composure, he straightened up in his chair and stared directly into the web camera. To the Rhuvan this gave the impression of a direct stare or glare. "Do not compare our systems of government, mein Herr. Rhuvanland has long since departed what we may call democracy. Our politicians do not cry for murder." Attenburg glanced to the side, as if exchanging looks with an aide. "But we are not here to debate Il Principe. What is that you offer?"

"Call off the invasion, Herr Attenburg. Tell your Wolvesh friends to stop their saber-rattling. At this rate, Rhuvanland divided between two fronts will fall. More than half of the country will fall to the Imperium, which has a quarter million-strong " -- curious how the Rhuvans knew that -- " -- invasion force ready to cut through Rhuvish territory. You know we do not stand a chance. If you do not agree to a ceasefire, we will fall to the Latinate barbarians. The blood of Germanic brothers will be on your hands. The Imperium's conquest of Rhuvanland will only spark a second Great War. Do not fall into the trap of perpetual war, Herr Attenburg. You know Kannex will not survive it, and neither will Nebula or Wolfsea. The reign of the Easterners will be short if they allow the Imperium to seize hold of Rhuvanland. Take this peace while you still have it. My people are contacting the Wolvesh khan as we speak."
"We have had our own disagreements with Nebula in the past, particularly during the Great War, however I believe that both they and Yeraennus will be open to discussing the situation. If not I am confident in the skills of my diplomatic corps to reach an acceptable agreement to get them to do so, so long as we are all willing to compromise I see no reason why we cannot achieve our goals." Sebt replied, already ordering Sionne to notify Sera to contact the Nebulan Imperator and the Yeraenn leadership
Antlerio picked up the phone. "Hello? Yes. Who is this?"
He listened for a moment. "Yes, we are open to negotiation with the Imperium if it becomes necessary. Is there anything else that you want to know?"
Sera shook her head "Not at all Imperator, the Khan will be most pleased by this development, I wish you and your forces good fortune." she smiled.

Statement of the Office of the DU Chair

The Office of the Democratic Union Chair announces that the Council has passed the following resolution:

After great consideration and deliberation, the Council of the Democratic Union does resolve that actions against the Socialist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland (hereinafter referred to as "Rhuvanland") are necessary.

  1. That the transfer of electronic or physical funds from Member States to public or private entities or persons is prohibited;
  2. The Governments of the Member States shall freeze all assets held by public or private entities or persons in Rhuvanland;
  3. That residents of the Member States are prohibited from traveling to Rhuvanland, unless on the specific exception of their respective governments or the DU chair;
  4. Residents or Citizens of Rhuvanland shall not be granted entry to Member Nations unless:-
    • They arrive requesting asylum or refugee status;
    • They already hold citizenship or residency in the member nation;
    • They are eligible for citizenship or residency based on family relations or any other such criteria as the Member Nation in question shall provide;
  5. The Member States shall withdraw their respective ambassadors from Rhuvanland;
  6. Diplomatic relations between Rhuvanland and the Member States shall be conducted by a joint Democratic Union representative appointed by the Chair subject to the confirmation of the Council;
An emergency meeting of the Royal Council was called. Each member cancelled their schedules and flew to Karthied to meet with the King. They were informed that a flight carrying Esplandian and Tajin nationals had been rerouted to Schwarzenau, Rhuvanland for an unscheduled landing. While the Rhuvish government had yet to make a statement or demands, it was obvious to everyone in the room this was about the spy that had been captured in Serzulem. The King believed the Nazos would either ask for a trade, or threaten to execute captives until their spy was released.

The King had been informed personally by the Tajin President, Reynard Anaukshai, who it was likely was already preparing to move against the Nazos in some way which would have dangerous ramifications for everyone. Reynard had learned about the capture of the plane from his agents in Rhuvanland, but how long he had known about it could only be guessed.

'From this point on all discussion of this matter will be person to person,' Sherwin commanded. 'No calls or messages about this to anyone. Inform as few as possible.' He then laid out what steps would be taken over the coming hours, planning contingencies, and preparing for the worst.

Typhus Skywing was strapped into the cockpit of an F-16 and then flown as fast as was possible to Tajis. He carried with him sealed messages for the Tajin leaders and President Anaukshai. He had been told very little, but his father had been adamant about the importance of this mission, so the young man had agreed and decided it was best not to ask questions.

The jet was well over halfway to Tajis even before permission had been granted to fly through foreign airspace. Around 2:00 am they landed in Serzulem, and Typhus was met there by Count Baelag Gent who drove him the the Presidential Enclave north of the city.

Reynard met them at the main entrance, along with many of his ministers and advisers. After greeting everyone, Typhus was escorted to a large conference room where he presented the sealed documents to the president. Reynard opened and read them silently while everyone waited.

'King Sherwin urges that we wait before moving to rescue the hostages,' Reynard said placing the documents down in front of him. 'I'm afraid I can't do that. I have already dispatched a special ops team to retrieve them. I'm afraid you came too late.'

Two hundred and seventy three. Two hundred and seventy hostages -- no, guests of the Rhuvish, courtesy of Ulrich. The flight, of course, had been steered off their path by unusually strong winds and strayed accidentally into Rhuvish airspace. The Rhuvish had been diligent about defending their territory. The Rhuvish air force, not taking any chances with spy planes, escorted the plane to Rhuvanland. But now that it was confirmed to be an unsuspicious commercial flight, the pending invasion of Rhuvanland by half a dozen powers made any journey home too dangerous for the crew and passengers. So, Ulrich had extended his courtesy to the two hundred and seventy three foreigners. About two-thirds were Esplandians. The other third consisted of a number of Taijins, Syrixians, Kannexans, Wolvesh, and citizens of the Imperium.

"We hope your stay in Rhuvanland is as short as possible," Ulrich spoke in gentle German to a family from the Imperium. An interpreter made sure Ulrich's words were loudly heard to the family, but more importantly to the television cameras. Ulrich wore his suit and his smiling lips held a cigar, a far cry from the brute in military dress that the outside world was accustomed to. He spoke German with a lackadaisical Austrian dialect, joking and assuring the grounded passengers in full view of the cameras. The two Latin parents nodded, their faces pale and lips drawn tight. It appeared they dared not trust themselves to speak in front of the Rhuvish Fuehrer. Ulrich bent down and brought himself to the level of the small blond child, a little Latin boy. "Hallo, kleiner Kaiser. Du siehst wie ein künftiger Augustus, ne'? Ein Kaiser. Das ist was wir Rhuvishe heissen, 'Caesar'. Du sollst dein Milch trinken, um gross und stark zu sein." Ulrich turned to his aide. "Hey, Sie. Sie müssen gewährleisten, die kriegen ihr Milch und Essen. Gute Unterbringungen für unsere Gäste. Natürlich, wir alle hoffen für den Frieden."
Heinrich Schlother's voice echoed through a tinny phone speaker, and a young lady on the other end quivered curiously as she took the call.

"Ah, yes. Hello Mr. Schlother. You've reached the Augustine Office reception, Mallory speaking. I'm afraid that this line is busy, I'm going to have to ask you to hold, please. For urgent service, please press 1. To leave a message, please...ah, press 3. Press 2 for hold music."

The Peregrine-Magister gave Mallory a warm nod. "Very good, Mallory. You'll make a wonderful secretary yet."

On Caesar's line, Sebt finished a thought. Caesar stifled a cough, already missing his warm cup of tea. Ah well. It would still be there when he was done - his little coffee-table had a hotplate built in. For long, annoying phonecalls like this one.

"I am willing to listen to your propositions, on behalf of the Argent Alliance. That being said, it would facilitate our discussion if you keep in mind that I am not yet dissuaded from distrusting Yeraennus and Nebula. Now then, I believe Imperium has been upfront about its goals in Rhuvanland - what of the Argent Alliance's? I find it hard to believe that all the members of your organization interprets 'protecting the Rhuvish people' in the same way."
On the private runway of the Pigletville International Airport, Beth Moore made her way to the Thomas Air flight waiting for her. She ascended the stairs to the plane, and only stopped at the sound of a woman's voice. "What? You can't wait long enough for me to bid you adieu?", asked the woman, who, Beth turned to look at. The woman, dressed in a black dressed suit, was Governor Hutchinson. "Abigail? Sorry, I thought you'd be busy being the leader of the most peaceful nation in the South," replied Moore. "Heh, okay, if that's what you want to call it. In just a few minutes I'm going to have to stop Emily from strangling one of the Ministers. Anyway, as a former diplomat myself, I know the feeling of not having someone to send you off. Minister Baldwin, if you'll take it from here," she said, as Baldwin popped up from around the nose of the plane. "Surprise!", he said cheerfully, as he nodded to Hutchinson to leave. The governor walked off, and the minister smiled at his former aide. "Give 'em hell, Beth," he said, jokingly. "That's 'give 'em hell ma'm' to you," she responded, parting her hair. She waved goodbye as she ascended the steps and the plane prepared to take off.

In the Alerentia Building, Akerman threw one of the Ministry Hands against the wall. "What the hell is the explanation for this utter nonsense?", she yelled in his face. "I...don't know, I'm not a Cabinet member, I'm just the--," he began, before she threw him across the room. "I want to know why the damn Cabinet thinks nonintervention is a perfectly dandy damn plan!", she said, as the Hand got up. "Ms. Aker--," he began, before Akerman flipped him onto the floor again. "Emily, there's an incoming transmission from Khan Sebt...connecting you now," said Ayuda as the screen showed the face of Sebt.

"You better have something positive to say or I'm going to stick my foot up your--," began Akerman, angrily, before Scottsfield stopped her. "I'm dearly sorry, Sebt. Akerman is not too happy with the Cabinet right now, what is it that you require from us?", the calm general asked. Akerman excitedly patted Scottsfield on her shoulder repeatedly. "We can hotwire one of the Minister's helicopters!!!," said Akerman, in utter excitement, quite like that of a five year old. "No...Sebt, sorry, you might have to make it quick, you're losing the attention of Akerman," said Scottsfield, trying to calm down the fueled general.
Sebt nodded "What we want is for the Rhuvish people to not simply be some kind of servitor in their own lands, that their rights and freedoms are protected. The Yeraenn may have been getting excitable with their talk of genocide but it is always best to err on the side of caution." he replied "Our concern is that we would merely be trading one conquest-hungry oppressor for another, however your willingness to negotiate indicates otherwise but we must still be sure. The post-war negotiations will give us all a better opportunity to thrash something out but for now I shall leave you to return to business. If you could be so kind as to get whoever will be handling the Rhuvish incident to get in contact with me then we can open negotiations as quickly as possible. Good Afternoon." disconnecting the call Sebt turned to receive the message from Akerman and Scottsfield "Generals, yes, I believe I do have some good news. The Imperium is willing to negotiate regarding the post-war situation, it isn't much but it means that we can at least concentrate on Ulrich without having to watch our backs constantly. The Alliance is now officially at war with Rhuvanland and we shall shortly begin our diversary assault from the south, we're hanging back our assault from the north and west until we can get some headway made, after all if Ulrich is idiotic enough to chose such an obvious ambush spot then keeping them occupied there while our main assault begins should be simple." he smiled "Oh and General Akerman..." his tone lightening "I trust your words regarding your foot and my backside are not an attempt a flirting, despite our views on Polyamory I am a happily married man." indicating he was actually somewhat flattered before a voice interrupted "Sir, need I remind you..." "Sionne! No interruptions." he sighed, somewhat annoyed with his A.I. before noting the expression on Akerman and Scottsfield's faces "I apologise, Sionne is our Strategic Intelligence Operation Network Navigation Entity, somewhat similar to Ayuda. She is still learning to interact with others... perhaps Ayuda could teach her a few things..." he joked.
Life in Nazo Rhuvanland was wonderful. The entire country brimmed with full employment; all able-bodied men sweated and toiled away with grins on their face to the sound of marching music as women made merry housekeeping. The Nazo leadership scorned Christianity but tolerated it anyway; on every pulpit, the priests and reverends that had survived the purges railed against the danger of being charmed by foreign customs and pledging ever-lasting loyalty to Ulrich. After all, der Führer was second only to der Herr (the Lord). With the expulsion of the foreigners, native-born Rhuvish now were masters of their own country.

The talk of war excited many. Young men from all over the country, especially high school boys in their suited-up uniforms, chattered excitedly about making it big in the Army or the Navy. One could imagine himself standing at the helm of one of those new Rhuvish destroyers, being decorated with a combat medal by Ulrich himself! And all the boys, the girls, the men, and the women knew war was coming, because every other song on the state-sanctioned radio was Volk ans Gewehr, "the people to arms," a German Marseillaise. The ugly, autotuned pop music of English-speaking foreigners was now gone, replaced by God-fearing German music.

Of course, not all German music was proper. An off-duty Staatspolizei officer in the capital recently caught a man in a bar singing something particularly seditious. The drunken man was bawling the old country song, "Wer kennt den Weg?" (Who knows the way?):

Who knows the way
back to that time,
back to the good ol' past
the way to home
and to my first love,
Who knows the way, oh,
who knows the way...

The old drunk was promptly arrested for singing about wanting to go back to pre-Nazo times, and wishing for the past in which foreigners controlled the country. No one was willing to defend him -- that is, not one of the Nazo-sponsored public attorneys volunteered -- so the man was sentenced and shot in front of a wall.

The foreigners had mostly since been expelled. The Taijin immigrants used to climb over the border in droves. Through their willingness to pursue the lowliest of labors, they had caused high unemployment as well as high crime rates. They infested the inner cities. The old government had struggled to keep them out, but now the efficient Nazos succeeded in driving most away. There was now talk of building a wall in the northern border, perhaps, to keep away the illegal migrants. The wall would be at Taiji's expense.

Other problematic foreigners remained.

The Staatspolizei took care, however. Sonder-vans raced around the cities of Rhuvanland. Many foreigners had been relocated to certain districts where the government could keep an eye on them. Now the Staatspolizei arrived en masse, their polished black military dress gleaming in the sun. The first they saw was a Syrixian shopkeeper, a fairly successful one in the neighborhood. He was immediately recognized as Syrixian by his darker skin. He yelped incoherently as the black-clad Rhuvishmen grabbed him. As he struggled the Nazo officers brandished their batons and beat him over the head. Still, the man was strong, and continued to throw himself at the officers. A woman, the man's wife, appeared at the door, screaming in her foreign tongue. A young black-haired boy appeared behind her, peering at the chaos. The Nazo officers stopped and unholstered their guns. The Syrixian man immediately became still. He gave terse words to his woman, who was nonetheless sobbing inconsolably. Then without any more resistance, the Syrixian man let himself be pulled to into the dark van.

The Rhuvishmen of Kannexan, Syrixian, and other foreign descent were all 'picked up' -- abgeholt.
The Tajin special forces were dropped into Rhuvish territory, escaping detection from the Nazos by cover of night. They arrived at Schwarzenau airport in the early morning before sunrise. After a quick reconnaissance of the hanger where the prisoners were kept, they moved in.

The initial assault went well. The outer guards were dispatched quietly and then the hanger was breached. A quick fire fight dispatched the guards around the prisoners with only a few civilian casualties. Extraction was called as the Tajins gathered up the rescued passengers. However, shortly after a large number of Nazos descended on the airport, and heavy fighting commenced.

The helicopter enroute for extraction was recalled due to the heavy resistance. The Nazos stormed the hangar and captured the surviving special forces.

(OOC: This takes place after Amelia has left Rhuvanland, just waiting on Syrixia.)