The Second Great War

A Speech from the Prime Minister of Syrixia
Pataliputra Imperial City, Syrixian Empire
February 10th, 2016

"Yesterday, February 9th, 2016 — a date which will live in infamy — the innocent nation of Tajis was suddenly and deliberately attacked by ground and air forces of the Sonacist "Federal Republic" of Rhuvanland. In the hours since the beginning of the attack, Rhuvanland has undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout its region of the globe, and the honorable nations of the world have endeavored to strike back in turn."

"The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the Syrixian Empire have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation. As Prime Minister of His Magnificence's Government and chief representative of the people of his realm, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense, that always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against an innocent people."

"No matter how long it may take them to overcome this premeditated invasion, the Tajin people, in their righteous bravery, will win through to absolute victory. And it is with that notion that we sympathize. I believe that I interpret the will of the Parliament, of His Magnificence the Emperor, and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend the Tajins to the uttermost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger another nation."

"Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that Tajis's people, their territory and their interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God. Syrixia wishes to join the honorable alliance of the Imperium Augustum, Guslantis, Wolfsea, and others who sympathize with Tajis and the allied cause."

"I hereby declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Rhuvanland against Tajis on Tuesday, February 9th, 2016, a state of war has existed between the Syrixian Empire and what I no longer wish to call a Rhuvish "republic", but instead a Rhuvish Empire."

(OOC: I had fun writing this.)
The Queen-Regent had departed a four how long briefing with various security officials and Minister Whitwell regarding the ongoing battle plans in McMasterdonia, and the evolving situation in Rhuvanland. Amira herself did not particularly see the need to concern herself with this Rhuvish matter internationally, and had left it to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to bring McMasterdonian opinion to the Democratic Union and to Novrith. Nonetheless, the strong statement by the Syrixian Prime Minister had come as welcome news to the Queen Regent. Syrixia had in the past been a nation that gave McMasterdonian cause for concern. McMasterdonia - the old and wise father figure, and Syrixia that appeared as a young, testing, upstart.

Of course the Queen always had the greatest respect for the Maharajah, but he had some poor Prime Ministers. He couldn't help that his people made such terrible decisions. She couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him - having to deal with such incompetence because of constitutional restrictions. The Queen continued to speak to Minister Whitwell while approaching her study - both agreed that it'd be wise for her to write to the Government of Syrixia - to seek clarification about the statement on Rhuvanland.

Letter to Syrixia (CONFIDENTIAL):


Emperor Rajesh II
Syrixian Imperial Palace
Pataliputra, Imperial City
The Syrixian Empire
February 10 2016​

Your Imperial Majesty, Emperor Rajesh II of the Syrixian Empire,

I write to you today to congratulate you on great changes that have occurred within your nation over the past few months. While I believe many credit these changes to electoral decisions made by voters - I know that you have taken a personal helping hand in guiding the nation and the new administration down a more conciliatory path.

We agree strongly that the attack against the Taijis must be condemned on the strongest terms. We have witnessed ourselves the poison of extremism fester. Such extremism must be destroyed, before the entire nation is lost. Your decision to ally yourself with the great powers of Novrith is an admirable one - a decision that will not be forgotten by the honourable and culturally superior nations of the Novrith alliance.

The decision of your government to support the Imperium as the rightful claimant to Rhuvanland are admirable, just, and appropriate actions for any self-aware Eras power. I would like to ask you what you believe the appropriate course forward should be? Would you be prepared to support the installation of an Imperium backed monarchy in order to maintain political stability within the troubled Rhuvanland? The benefits of a monarchy are very clear - not only would it restore stability, but it would provide the Rhuvish a strong and reliable figure with whom they could rally behind.

As I am sure you will agree, the role of a monarch is as much a cultural one today as it was a political one centuries ago. The installation of a monarchy would restore the cultural significance to a once proud Rhuvanland and give it the political & cultural strength to stand independently - without fear of Nazo extremism.

Finally, what do you believe are the plans of this other alliance, that initially claimed moral superiority over Novrith, will be once it becomes clear that Imperium has secured Rhuvanland?

I eagerly await your response. I hope that soon I will be able to welcome you to Intelligentsia, as soon as our war is over.

May flemingovia bless you and your family.

Your friend,
Queen-Regent of the McMasterdonians

Tögbätä, Naizerre

Mboto Jones continued his weekly address to the nation of Naizerre. "And finally, we move onto the emerging situation in the east, where gangsterism is still going strong. The despicable state of Rhuvanland, who attack and kill their own Marä and commit Mbëtïlö against themselves, has come under attack from various other states, almost all Tö Gîgî. Not a single one of these nations should themselves higher than Rhuvanland, for they all commit a yë tî kamënë in their attacks on a sovereign nation.

We are not convinced by the arguments of Imperium Augustum nor are we impressed by the exploitation of this conflict by states such as Yeraennus for promotional purposes. This is also a yë tî kamënë but is not unexpected from the decadent Tö Gîgî. It is to another state that we must address our main point." The President paused for a moment, weighing his words.

"The Syrixian Empire has entered this conflict. This is not surprising for a state that has no Mbëlä and no sense of worth. The Syrixians are warmongers, among the worst of all the Tö Gîgî, the worst of all the exploiters, the gangsters and the criminals. They have no Marä, there is no Marä of the Tö. They would commit Mbëtïlö against themselves but would imply there was an inherent honour to betray.

Even now, they lock their fellow Tö Gîgî in a Sulûlu that should hold themselves. They attack and go to war with their own creation, an entity they brought into being with their actions against the few Marä of the Tö. They know this, and they see this and they care not for their yë tî kamënë. And so, it comes to the Marä and myself, Ngê Nbïä, to set a course of action that will bring Mbëlä to the east - or at least part of it.

There now exists a state of Birä between the Syrixian Empire and the Marä of the Naizerri. Look to your nyîtâ! Look to those of the Marä! For we shall go to war and destroy the Tö Gîgî, end the yë tî kamënë of the great enemy. Their Mbëtïlö will end - and it will come at our hands!"
Marä - tribal nationality, in this instance to describe the people and lands of Naizerre as a whole
Ngê Nbïä - High Chief
Mbëlä - order
Tö Gîgî - east (tö) outside (gîgî), in this instance meaning eastern outsiders
Tïkïsängö - treason
Sulûlu - prison cell
Mbëtïlö - treaty
yë tî kamënë - shameful act
nyîtâ - brother
mbûki - blood pact
Powered along a pair of electromagnetic rails, the projectiles shot out. The air around the Yeraenn ships crackled and the sea sprang up in revolt as the projects broke the sound barrier. The railgun could not be fired in succession or many times at all; the rails would melt. The bullets zipped across the sea, covering a mile a second. A few bullets were shot too low and drove themselves into the sea, cutting a swath of water that fell and rose. Others were slowed by the thick air pressure; only two reached Althafen harbor and there they collided into the harbor sea with a tremendous explosion.

In the southern sea, the Rhuvish submarines sent the coordinates of the enemy ships to its allies and dove into the depths. Submarines could not be 'routed'; each submarine acted as a lone wolf and served to tear the enemy formation apart. Rhuvish torpedoes aimed for propellers and reactors at the back of the ships; a direct hit would severely disable or even destroy them. Within an hour, the incoming Yeraenns found themselves under aerial attack. Now that the Yeraenns had been detected, the surface fleet and air power could be brought down on them.

The Rhuvish Reichsluftwaffe would not go down. The highly motivated Rhuvish fighters dogged Argent bombers flying from Guslantis, mauling them with air-to-air missiles. The sky was a huge battlefield, full of flame and smoke and metal. The proximity of the Rhuvish bases allowed their aircraft to repair and sortie quickly. Anti-aircraft fire, flak and SAMs, rose up from the vast Rhuvish landscape like grass growing in a field. The Argents were pursued and attacked, unable yet to break the Rhuvish defenses. A few hours after the first Argent attacks, explosions began ripping into Guslantis. The Rhuvish were firing cruise missiles in an attempt to disable Argent bases.

"Die Mutter aller Schlachten kommt. Alle der großen Mächten der Welt kommen nach unserem großen Rhuvanland um zu sterben. Das Schicksal wird das Urteil verkünden. Die Feinde wissen aber nicht, dass die Nationalsonazistische Ideologie lebt in eurem Geist, im Geist dieses Volkes. Ganz gleich, wie viele Bomben lassen sie fallen, oder wie viele Mörder schicken sie um unsere Kinder zu töten... Rhuvanland wird siegen. Nationalsonazismus wird siegen. Wir werden siegen. Heil, Rhuvanland!"
When they had to, the Naizerri could move very, very quickly. Naizerri fleets were still deployed at sea following the Waterways Crisis the last time the Syrixians had decided to flex their muscles, and they began the process of moving down from existing positions in McMasterdonian waters towards the crisis hit central seas. Long range air craft were deployed from Naizerre to buzz Syrixian air space from almost above radar range. They weren't to engage Syrixian forces unless directly attacked and their refuelling plane left them half way over the Southern Oceans.

The deployed fleet consisted of three carrier groups, each escorted by eight escort ships, fulfilling a number of roles. Deployed as well on orders of the High Chief Mboto Jones were 5 newly commissioned Astela-class attack submarines. Only part way through sea tests, the subs weren't expected to do overly well in combat situations but instead to be a lingering threat, striking quickly and disappearing into the deep.

The fleets main air threat came from the deployment of 210 M.Cs 82 "Illusion" Multirole fighter craft across all three Beurling class Fleet Carriers. These carriers also offered significant strike capability, rounding out the deployment from Naizerre. It wouldn't be enough to really achieve anything lasting against the Syrixians, but it could definitely cause some damage.

The fleet would make its way down the western coast on the central continents, and from there attacks against Syrixian assets would begin. Naizerre was going to war.
Letter to Mboto Jones:
To Mboto Jones

We in the Grand Federation of Xentherida strongly condemn your declaration of war against Syrixia. The foolish hypocrisy in your actions is beyond palpable. The way to stop a nation's warmongering is not by declaring war against it - this ultimately proves that it is not them, but you who is the warmonger.

You did not even impose prior sanctions, such as a condemnation or embargo, as you simply rushed towards a conflict with another nation. Even a coalition of nations with likewise opinions could be formed, gathering support for your cause, rather than turning them all away with an unnecessary conflict that will have less effect than any other response. More conflict is not what is needed on Eras.

So we request that you redact your declaration of war against Syrixia, or we will impose economic sanctions against you. For the sake of not just your nation, but the entire image of a peaceful West, we ask that you stop.

Yours sincerely,
Adam Blomstedt, incumbent Prime Minister of Xentherida.

Just a note, in Xentherida, we really don't approve of hypocrisy, especially with a conflict for a conflict. Also, unless something really big happens (Rhuvanland develops nukes or invades more nations), we won't get involved.
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News reached King Sherwin in the early morning hours that the city of Ancar had fallen to the Rhuvish. Reports that had filtered in through the night told of disparate fighting throughout the city as Esplandian and Tajin forces attempted to hold off the enemy advance. While more troops were arriving in Tajis daily, they would not be deployed in time to provide help. The defenders had withdrawn from Ancar, beaten, and we're now in full retreat towards Oterjad Province.

The fall of Ancar was a heavy blow. The Rhuvish now controlled all of the Province of Ascontin, Tajis' largest wine producing region. This also meant the entire shore of the Westlake was now in enemy hands.

Nathaniel de Alayn had moved northward into the Upper Shinai, the same place where sixty years before the Esplandians had fought to unentrench the communists.

Sherwin ordered bombers from Nalfladeg Air Force Base on the Isle of Feyzo to begin an immediate campaign of air strikes into Rhuvanland with the intent of disrupting the Rhuvish war machine.

Meanwhile the carrier, the RES Alistair Montgomery was ordered closer to Rhuvish waters along with the greater part of the Esplandian First Fleet.

It was also time, he thought, to contact the Wolvesh. They were already prepping for a land invasion and he wanted to make sure that Esplandia would be part of the operation. He picked up his phone and asked his secretary to connect him.
Official Communique of the Marä of Naizerre

Adam Reitano, Incumbent Prime Minister of Xentherida, I am not just who asked for your input on this issue, but allow me to inform you as to the inaccuracy of your words.

You claim that I, Mboto Jones, Ngê Nbïä, High Chief of the Marä of Naizerre, have not condemned the government of Syrixia. You are mistaken. I have condemned the government of Syrixia as a warmonger in the past, and I did so in my Marä's declaration of war against the gangsterism and tïkïsängö of Syrixia.

You, Adam Reitano, Incumbent Prime Minister of Xentherida, claim that I, Mboto Jones, Ngê Nbïä, High Chief of the Marä of Naizerre, have no imposed sanctions against Syrixia. You are mistaken. I, Mboto Jones, Ngê Nbïä, High Chief of the Marä of Naizerre, involved my Marä in the Coalition on Waterways against the warmonger Syrixia and the gangster Nebula. You, Adam Reitano, Incumbent Prime Minister of Xentherida, involved your nation in that same Coalition.

You, Adam Reitano, Incumbent Prime Minister of Xentherida, claim that I, Mboto Jones, Ngê Nbïä, High Chief of the Marä of Naizerre, have rushed into a war without thought or without cause, without pause to cast my eye around Eras to find allies, to find nyîtâ.

Adam Reitano, Incumbent Prime Minister of Xentherida, I invite you to predict what would happen were Syrixian gansterism to go unchecked. I do not need an answer for I know it already. Look at Cronaal and the devastation Syrixia wrought. Look at Shei Ren and the disruption Syrixia brought to Eras. And look at Rhuvanland and see, no, Zîngo, awaken yourself and see that everything that has happened in Rhuvanland has come from Syrixia.

It is not warmongering to follow a just cause. It is not against peace to war against gangsters. Every Syrixian soldier one of my nyîtâ from my Marä kill or maim saves 5 lives, or 10 lives or 10,000 lives down the line.

Adam Reitano, Incumbent Prime Minister of Xentherida, sanction me, Mboto Jones, Ngê Nbïä, High Chief of the Marä of Naizerre, nyîtâ to all peaceful Marä, if you must, but also take the time, Adam Reitano, to look inside yourself and find the truth in my words.

Syrixia must be stopped for the good of all Marä.

Marä - tribal nationality, in this instance to describe the people and lands of Naizerre as a whole
Ngê Nbïä - High Chief
Zîngo - awaken
Tïkïsängö - treason
nyîtâ - brother
The Queen-Regent had departed a four how long briefing with various security officials and Minister Whitwell regarding the ongoing battle plans in McMasterdonia, and the evolving situation in Rhuvanland. Amira herself did not particularly see the need to concern herself with this Rhuvish matter internationally, and had left it to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to bring McMasterdonian opinion to the Democratic Union and to Novrith. Nonetheless, the strong statement by the Syrixian Prime Minister had come as welcome news to the Queen Regent. Syrixia had in the past been a nation that gave McMasterdonian cause for concern. McMasterdonia - the old and wise father figure, and Syrixia that appeared as a young, testing, upstart.

Of course the Queen always had the greatest respect for the Maharajah, but he had some poor Prime Ministers. He couldn't help that his people made such terrible decisions. She couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him - having to deal with such incompetence because of constitutional restrictions. The Queen continued to speak to Minister Whitwell while approaching her study - both agreed that it'd be wise for her to write to the Government of Syrixia - to seek clarification about the statement on Rhuvanland.

Letter to Syrixia (CONFIDENTIAL):


Emperor Rajesh II
Syrixian Imperial Palace
Pataliputra, Imperial City
The Syrixian Empire
February 10 2016​

Your Imperial Majesty, Emperor Rajesh II of the Syrixian Empire,

I write to you today to congratulate you on great changes that have occurred within your nation over the past few months. While I believe many credit these changes to electoral decisions made by voters - I know that you have taken a personal helping hand in guiding the nation and the new administration down a more conciliatory path.

We agree strongly that the attack against the Taijis must be condemned on the strongest terms. We have witnessed ourselves the poison of extremism fester. Such extremism must be destroyed, before the entire nation is lost. Your decision to ally yourself with the great powers of Novrith is an admirable one - a decision that will not be forgotten by the honourable and culturally superior nations of the Novrith alliance.

The decision of your government to support the Imperium as the rightful claimant to Rhuvanland are admirable, just, and appropriate actions for any self-aware Eras power. I would like to ask you what you believe the appropriate course forward should be? Would you be prepared to support the installation of an Imperium backed monarchy in order to maintain political stability within the troubled Rhuvanland? The benefits of a monarchy are very clear - not only would it restore stability, but it would provide the Rhuvish a strong and reliable figure with whom they could rally behind.

As I am sure you will agree, the role of a monarch is as much a cultural one today as it was a political one centuries ago. The installation of a monarchy would restore the cultural significance to a once proud Rhuvanland and give it the political & cultural strength to stand independently - without fear of Nazo extremism.

Finally, what do you believe are the plans of this other alliance, that initially claimed moral superiority over Novrith, will be once it becomes clear that Imperium has secured Rhuvanland?

I eagerly await your response. I hope that soon I will be able to welcome you to Intelligentsia, as soon as our war is over.

May flemingovia bless you and your family.

Your friend,
Queen-Regent of the McMasterdonians



Your Majesty, Queen-Regent Amira:

I thank you for the kind letter. It is true that many changes have occurred within Syrixia recently. Only 10 years ago, the Empire was reestablished and I came out of exile. Since then, my Government has dealt with indecisiveness in its first years and warmongering later on, however now it has finally settled down under a competent representative of the people who can assist me in leading the Empire most properly.

I thank you for your kind words concerning the Novrith Pact. We believe the Pact to be a group of civilized, honorable, and respectable nations, and we expected no less from the Pact when it declared support for the Imperium Augustum. Indeed, the Imperium's history is as ancient as Syrixia's own- although with much less turbulence in recent years. If anyone is to conduct nationbuilding in the Rhuvish area, it should be them.

As for your questions, I would be most delighted to answer them. I am prepared to support a monarchy in Rhuvanland. Rhuvanland and Syrixia have been close for most of Rhuvish history- the old House of Bachenburg, when it was ousted by the oligarchs who had power until the incident involving Amitabh Bhargava - who I do not like to talk about - occurred, moved to Pataliputra and have lived here ever since. They would be most delighted to return home if the opportunity was presented to them.

As for the plans of the so-called Argent Alliance, I am not concerned. Recently, though not officially, the Imperium's side and the Argent side have slowly melted and merged into one entity- the Allied Powers, as named so by Guslantis. I believe the best course forward is to defeat the Nazos as well as protect the Empire from the crazed state known as Naizerre, which recently declared war purely on the basis of rhetoric and without a proper casus belli, as the Empire has done nothing to harm the Naizerris.

I would love to come to Intelligentsia when this second and greater Great War ends. However, I must ask that if you wish me able to do so - that the honorable Kingdom of McMasterdonia assist the Empire against the Naizerris. Otherwise there is too much of a danger looming over the Empire. The Empire once was feared, loved and respected worldwide. I wish it to be that way again, as an honorable, righteous nation that defends the innocent and always achieves victory.

It is my hope that the Empire may continue to grow and restabilize, that the Nazos and Naizerris are defeated, and that McMasterdonia and Syrixia have fruitful and prosperous relations.

Most Sincerely,

H.I.M. Rajesh III
Emperor of the Syrixians

Second letter to Mboto Jones:
To Mboto Jones,

We, as a nation striving for peace - one that defies your very stereotype of militaristic Eastern nations - have the right to input on an issue concerning a pointless war.

You never condemned Syrixia, and merely passed a comment on both of your speeches about their "warmongering". You never established a blockade -and never once mentioned sanctions - against them, for the Waterways Coalition was to prevent opposing forces reaching each other - one that we too joined, as we strived for a prevention of a loss of lives, in a hope for peace.

Yes, we do "claim" that you have rushed into a war with no thought. There could have been a far more efficient method, one that did not have the unnecessary loss of life involved.

There is no just cause in this. This is warmongering, plain and simple. You are fulfilling your very stereotype of an Eastern nation: a nation that operates through gangsterism, attempting to establish "order" when instead destroying nations.

Instead, I shudder to think what would happen if Naizerrian gangsterism were to go unchecked. The destruction you will cause, and in the future, we will look in horror at the devastation you not only caused Syrixia, but Naizerre.

However, now you have refused to stop your war, sanctions are now coming into affect. All Naizerrian assets in Xentherida are frozen until you withdraw. Any Naizerrian trade ships will be turned back, and no more Xentheridan trade ships will arrive at your shore.

This is the price you pay for your foolish conflict. Once more, we demand you withdraw.

-Adam Reitano.
The lead commander of the YNF Seraq, the third largest warship in the Yeraenn navy, called the other captains as their ships were beleaguered by the U-boats of the Rhuvish, "Order a tactical retreat. We're moving westward, towards the city Bürheim. Replace Railgun rails if you can manage to do so, let them think they've won. We cannot afford to take Althafen right now. We've done enough damage to scare them. This other city shall be far easier once the Nazos are on guard here."

As if by one, the fleet turned, moving southward, seemingly retreating from the Rhuvish despite the relatively little damage inflicted on them. Once out of sight, they turned westwards, angling towards Bürheim, like some metal hurricane powered by vengeance. On the Typhoons, sailors worked as efficiently as possible, partially dismantling the railguns to remove and replace the extremely eroded conducting rails. The city was to fall, and it would not fall gently.

Aboard another one of the ships, the one the Rhuvish U-boats hadn't spotted, the sailors were discussing the weapon as they dismantled it. Corporal Ath S'amae commented to another sailor near him as he removed the reinforcements holding the rails in place, "You know, I've heard that getting hit with these guns is like having two and a tenth tons of TNT strike you at once. I cannot imagine the devastation it would wreak on a city. I can only hope that no citizens will be struck by this thing. Ow! These damn rails are still hot? Impressive!"* Ath exclaimed, as he pulled his hand away from the light brush of the rail, still steaming from touching the ocean air and the cooling system in place on the bars. The other sailor silently nodded, only chuckling at Ath's plight.

*(translated to facilitate reading)

To the Marä of Naizerre
To Imperium Augustum

From the Commonwealth of Kialga-Lourti
From the Cetus Administrative District


The situation in Rhuvanland has grown quite dire. We have monitored the situation and feel that the situation requires a course of action that we, the Commonwealth, cannot support independently. As it stands, the Cetus Administrative District is the closest land that the Commonwealth has to Rhuvanland, and we cannot sufficiently launch an attack without an extended period of silence and movement of troops from the Kialgan mainland. However, several divisions of the Kialga-Lourtian Air Guard, Sea Guard, and Air Guard are hosted in Cetus AD. The Cetian Land Guard (3,676 personnel) and The Cetian Air Guard (3,677 personnel) each have a single division located on their respective bases in Ula Applu, as well as two divisions of the Cetian Sea Guard (7,624 personnel).

The Ula Military Complex is hereby offered to the Mara of Naizerre for use for any military operations in the region. We look forward to hosting the military of Naizerre and supporting them in ending the Rhuvanland conflict.

To the northern neighbors of Cetus AD, the Imperium Augustum: the divisions of Kialga-Lourti's Air, Sea, and Land Guards are hereby available to support the Imperium. The divisions will act in support of the Imperium, but will remain under the leadership of General Lillian Hardwick. We look forward to supporting the Imperium in ending the Rhuvanland conflict.

Signed, this the tenth day of September, 2016

Minister of Defense Sgt. Oswald D. Thorstein
Defense Ministry and Kialgan Land Guard Headquarters
Valen Citta, Aries, Kialga-Lourti​
On behalf of the Rhuvish Proconsulate: Regarding Operation Divine Intervention
Authorised by Proconsul Hilaria da Vinci Ignatius
Joined by Caesar Felix Albinus Augustus

CONFIDENTIAL: Convening the Carrotopolis Command Structure (CCS)
Addressed to: Guslantis, Kialga-Lourti, Wolfsea, Nebula, Yeraennus

As we speak, the First Guslantis (Aerial) Legature arrives at Carrotopolis.

The formation is organized for air superiority operations. Compromised mainly of August air-superiority fighters, equipped with air-to-air weaponry and advanced target tracking systems, the 1GAL will be a capable and unstoppable force in comparison to the poorly trained Rhuvish airforce. Trained in the August 'hammer and anvil' doctrine, reservists will operate in squads led by veteran fliers, serving to engage and hold Rhuvish aircraft down while squad leadership strike targets of importance. In initial operations, only veteran operatives will be used, to properly gauge air resistance and to maximise the value of our early shock and reconnaissance efforts. The hammer and anvil will be used in conjunction with long-distance bombers based from Imperium and Guslantis, once military hardpoints have been identified and air superiority has been secured.

The 1GAL will form the initial basis of the CCS - the Carrotopolis Command Structure. Currently composed of the 1GAL, the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate (hereafter RSC), the First Kialgan Legion (1KL), and troops under the leadership of General Emily Akerman, with civilian oversight provided by Guslantis Minister of Science, Andrea Reeder.

After much deliberation, the following has been decided:

In recognition of her role in representing Guslantis' civil authorities, Andrea Reeder is to be appointed immediately as Chief Quartermaster, equivalent in ranking to an August Magister. In recognition of her role in representing Guslantis' military authorities, Emily Akerman is to be appointed immediately as Provost-Marshal, equivalent in ranking to an August Magister. In recognition of her role in representing Kialga-Lourti's military authorities, Lillian Hardwick is to be appointed immediately as International Base Commander, equivalent in ranking to an August Magister.

Their roles are outlined below -

CQM Andrea Reader is responsible for logistical and infrastructural decisions and operations in Carrotopolis and its associated maritime assets. In this role, she will retain her existing civilian responsibilities, to which she is welcome to allocate a higher priority.

PVM Emily Akerman is responsible for all military policing duties to be conducted in Carrotopolis, and in maintaining base defense. She will also maintain military policing for operations conducted out of Carrotopolis, for the international community. We ask that other nations operating from Carrotopolis recognize Akerman's authority to discharge the duties of military law enforcement. Towards this goal, military policing duties are to be reassigned from August services to Akerman's troops.

IBC Lillian Hardwick is responsible for establishing and maintaining base defense in Carrotopolis and its associated maritime assets. In this role, Hardwick will establish an initial anti-air and anti-submarine taskforce, to which the entirity of 1KL will be assigned. They are to make their own way to Carrotopolis immediately, making use of their smaller size to expedite arrival, and are authorized to airlift anti-air systems to Carrotopolis immediately, as well as to deploy such systems at their own volition. As Operation Divine Intervention continues, the 1KL will be expected to take on defense systems provided by the RSC, and towards this goal, August specialists will be available to train operators and operate these systems within 1KL.
From: Ginearálta Rúnaí Rionach, Segretarju ?enerali Rhea and Ysgrifennydd Cyffredinol Maiara
To: All Nations of Erde

Re: The Rhuvanland Affair

Since it has become abundantly clear that the nations of Erde wish to plunge the world yet again into the cycle of violence, war and death we have authorized the 5th Rannán na Daonnachta of the Cré Ordú, the 20th Pa?i u Serhan of the Kmand Ilma and the 8th Cymorth y Bydysawd of the Ardal Reoli Tân. All three divisions are peacekeepers and have been tasked at the moment with keeping calm in Kalti, Callaici and Andalucia and helping any refugees who reach our shores. Furthermore, they are willing to work with the nations of Erie as a neutral party to help oversee a new peaceful Rhuvish government should this option become viable and should we be asked for help. In addition, we have authorized the use of the Kastell ta 'l-Merkanti in the Callaician capital of Valletta as a designated neutral ground should the nations of Erde wish to work out a peace treaty.
As the Rhuvish aircraft swarmed, the Nebulan aircraft carriers launched hordes of fighters as the fleet moved to reinforce the Wolvesh. Aircraft at Shei Ren also began taking off. Warships with anti-air missiles pushed forward, blasting away at the Rhuvish fighters.
Meanwhile, a nuclear launch silo in northern Nebula was placed on low alert. The Emperator wanted to have a bargaining chip ready just in case the Rhuvish refused to surrender.
It was not the world's most comfortable touch-down. The First Guslantis (Aerial) Legature had only had fighter pilots available, but they required a few heavy transport aircraft to move their commanders and the like to Carrotopolis. The captain was competent, sure, but he didn't exactly have a good grasp of adjusting a flight path before nosing up. Shame. Well, he was a dab hand with a jet fighter. Couldn't really take much issue with him.

Ah, but it was nice not to be in his hands. Legate Hadrian Flasheart was a man with a mind of his own, and he did not like cargo planes. Yes, yes, unusual name. He changed it, after he became an officer - his family name had tied him down far too much. He didn't want anything to do with cropdusters and the harvest - no, he belonged here. With a gun in his pants, and as many tin cans as there were sardines in the ocean to throw at the sky until they stuck.

He, Hadrian Flasheart, the Lord of the Dance, was the commander of the 1GAL. And he was ready to tango. Wasn't a moment more than when he looked around that fighter craft started to touch down at Carrotopolis, coming to a stop on a dime and a quarter. His men and women were here to serve!

His goal was to secure the skies before the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate completed its layover in Guslantis. They'd arrive soon - the trip from Imperium was not too long. He'd also need to put up a fairly impenetrable shield against the Rhuvish air force, until the Kialga-Lourtians arrived with ground-based systems. They'd have more systems arriving soon, as airdrops from Imperium, and with the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate.

He was here to chew gum and kill the Rhuvish. And this was his last stick of gum.

Maybe Minister Reeder has some.
Lillian stood in her cabin upon the KSS Kaitos. This was the first conflict in which the entirety of the Guards of Cetus were deployed, and the first in which she saw conflict in an international setting. The Guards of Cetus were being deployed in support of Imperium Augustum in the Rhuvanland conflict. She looked at her own reflection in the mirror and sighed, it wouldn't be long before they made landfall in Carrotopolis, where she would take position as International Base Commander. Striding towards the door, Lillian took a final glance at the letter that the Imperium had sent, addressed to Kialga-Lourti, as well as Guslantis and several other nations. Laying it on the desk, she exited her cabin and made her way to command bridge to join her officers.

She entered the command bridge and quickly made her way to Read Admiral Briar Chapman, commander of the Cetian Sea Guard. After exchanging formalizes, the two began discussion. "Carrotopolis is not far General, we've covered half the distance and are moving at steady pace," Briar stated. Lillian nodded her approval and looked out over the ocean. The officers of the Guards of Cetus were used to conflict, being brought in from the mainland to lead the new forces in Cetus. However, many of the troops were new to combat, being recruited from the natives of Cetus. Lillian was prepared, however, regardless of the preparedness of those soldiers under her.

Lillian returned her gaze to Briar. "Ensure that those at Carrotopolis are aware of our ETA." As she turned back to watch the ocean, a light chill ran up her spine at the thought of returning to conflict. She straightened her back, keeping thoughts of the First Kialgan Legion that she now led. It was time to do her part in removing the Rhuvish Nazo blight from the world, even if she was in charge of defending the Carrotopis base. Maybe a performance here would cause President Snyders to reconsider Sgt. Thorstein's appointment as Minister of Defense and place an actual General in the position.
Admiral Wilhelm Jang's fleet had finally arrived at the combat area. The waters were calm. On the vast warships the men could hardly feel sea's push and pull at all. In the sky the sun shone through the clear blue. Perfect weather for a battle. From Jang's flagship, a small communications ship near the center of the formation, only the other ships of the Kannexan Westflotte could be seen in the distance, like small toy battleship pieces. In front of the flagship there loomed the Johann, the foremost of the three massive aircraft-motherships of the Kannexan Westflotte. But in the vast expanse of the sea, especially seen from the sortied fixed-wing aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters buzzing above, the aircraft carrier appeared tiny. Now the crews of the various ships were preparing to launch. The enemy had been confirmed over the horizon in the west. The admiral gave the order. The submarines in the vanguard sneaked forward in the depths, ready to engage the Rhuvish battle group. On the surface, the escort vessels patrolled the area surrounding the aircraft carriers with due diligence. On the three aircraft carriers, fighters and bombers flung horizontally into the air on their runways, racing towards the enemy. The attack began.

The Rhuvish fleet was already breaking under Wolvesh and Trinnish pressure. Although the Yeraenns had disengaged for the moment, the Rhuvish submarine fleet continued to trail and harass the Yeraenn fleet. The Typhoon railguns did no damage to their intended target, but the u-boot commander could not be sure, and continued to commit the submarine wolf-pack to the Yeraenn fleet even as urgent orders came from above to join the fray against the Wolvesh. To the east, the minimal advantage the Rhuvish had during the morning had dissipated with the passing of the night. The two Rhuvish motherships moved in opposite directions, splitting the battle group between them like a cell in mitosis. They attacked from the flanks, initially causing uncertainty with the Argents about the Rhuvish positions. Nonetheless as the battle raged on, the sheer number of Argent air power backed up the Rhuvish aerial offensive. The air battle inched closer to the heart of the Rhuvish carrier battle group. The Argents detected the location of the Rhuvish motherships and soon, they began concentrating all firepower on the two foci. The Rhuvish, realizing this, ordered their escort vessels to the front of the carrier battle group, creating several layers of protection for the two aircraft carriers. Argent aircraft fell by the dozens, but soon the battle was almost directly over the aircraft carriers. Three Wolvesh pilots, seeing their wings shot off, resigned themselves to their deaths and slammed their aircraft into the Rhuvish motherships. Two were shot down by Rhuvish missiles and delved into the sea, the heavy metal shell of the aircraft pulling the charred corpses down into the depths. But after that a fiery explosion rocked the deck of the Rhuvish aircraft carrier, knocking three Rhuvish aircraft overboard. Shouts in German and panic ensued as the sailors ran across the runway to extinguish the fire. Other Argent aircraft struck Rhuvish destroyers and frigates. The Rhuvish vessels began to sink.

From Rhuvish right a new threat manifested itself. Kannexan attack aircraft zipped across the sky, the red-white-red insignias hardly visible, dispersing a new shower of bombs and rockets on their Rhuvish targets.
Sebt marched at the head of the VIIth legion, they were ready to begin their assault, an artillery barrage already beginning. The Khan checked Sionne momentarily, almost expecting a message. He had already been informed of the Democratic Union's member states beginning to mobilise, at least Kialga and Syrixia were getting off their backsides to contribute to the war effort and not just pontificate. He briefly sent a note to the leaders of both nations, wishing their forces good luck before the advance began. The tanks set off first, as the infantry formed up, Sebt noticed the private next to him, a little twitchy "First time?" he asked, the private nodded "Yes sir, I graduated last year..." "You'll do fine, stay calm, short bursts, keep moving forward..." Sebt smiled, pulling on his mask. The Private nodded, more nervous about fighting alongside the Khan himself than the Rhuvish soldiers as Sebt raised his hand to send forward the skirmish lines.
Unser Führer, Friedrich Ulrich, ist tot. Mit schwerem Herzen, ist es unsere Pflicht anzukündigen, dass der Führer des Rhuvishen Reiches gestorben ist.
Our Leader, Friedrich Ulrich, is dead. With a heavy heart, it is our duty to announce, that the Leader of the Rhuvish Reich is dead.

Er war eine tapfere Seele, ein unverzagter Kämpfer für die Freiheit und Ehre des Volkes Rhuvanlands. Seine Erinnerung wird immer in unseren Herzen bleiben.
He was a brave soul, an unflinching warrior for the freedom and honor of the people of Rhuvanland. His memory will remain in our hearts forever.

In seinen letzten Momenten, wies er die Reichsregierung an, einen Waffenstillstand einzurichten, um Friedensbedingungen mit der Argent-Allianz zu diskutieren.
In his last moments, he directed the Reich government to implement a ceasefire, so that it may discuss peace terms with the Argent Alliance.

Der Führer hat dem Innenminister Josef Franck das Kommando über die Reichsregierung und Reichswehrkräfte anvertraut.
The Leader has left interior minister Josef Franck command over the Reich government and armed forces.

Heil Ulrich. Heil Rhuvanland.
Sionne contacted Sebt "The Ruvish wish to discuss terms of surrender sir." prompting Sebt to raise his hand to signal the halt "Very well Sionne. Open a channel..." he sighed as Sionne patched them in "This is Khan sebt II of Wolfsea, speaking on behalf of the Argent Alliance, to whom am I speaking?" he asked, instinctively knowing that some kind of power shift had occurred, Ulrich was to insane to surrender.

"Either he dies now, or we all die."

The three men swore by the Bible, though at least one of them had long given up on God. In the dark, smoky room, Franck could hardly see his compatriots. A lit pipe protruded from his mouth and every few seconds erupted smoke like an old volcano. The internal minister's eyes opened like the slits of a snake, glancing between the two men beside him. Schlother would remain loyal. He was superstitious, Franck knew, and believed that God and National Sonacism went together, and that his soul would go to the Devil if he'd break this pact. Of the third man's faith, Franck was not so sure. In Catholic Rhuvanland everyone assumed everyone believed in God and swore on the Holy Book on their most solemn undertakings, even atheists and fascists. But internal minister Franck knew he would not betray the plan now. The benefits of the plan were plenty visible.

"He must die."

Like the binding of Isaac. God had saved Rhuvanland from the fire before, Schlother knew. Schlother was not a smart man, not as devious as cunning as Franck or daring as Ulrich, but he knew where he stood in the world. He had been sent to serve the Rhuvish people and the Party. Now Rhuvanland needed his help. God called upon him, like Abraham, to bind Isaac to the altar and put him to the knife... This was the order of a higher power, and he knew he would persevere through faith.

The third man gave only a smile. Schlother shivered deep to the core. What was he smiling for? He seemed to be mocking the whole solemnity of it. They were about to kill Ulrich. They were about to save Rhuvanland from the fire and the four horsemen. Was he mocking their plight? Was he so beyond fear of death that he could laugh in the face of cruel fate? Or perhaps that was just his way of friendliness. Perhaps he was smiling the conclusion of this loyalty oath. Only God knew.

In the past few weeks Ulrich had developed a habit of carrying a pistol wherever he went, holstered and loaded. He did this in the face of the coming war, as well as word that evil men would try to gain entrance in his bunkers or headquarters and try to kill him. He was too important to be killed. The generals and ministers that came and went, of course, were unarmed, leaving them at his mercy. The day before, the chief of staff ran into the room, exclaiming the fleet was suffering heavy losses and that the battle was all but lost, and that the fleet would best be withdrawn before the two aircraft carriers were sunk forever. The roomful of generals and ministers fell quiet as Ulrich turned and stared blankly at the unwelcome courier.

"Hold him."

The bulky-shouldered guards on either side of the door gripped the chief of staff by the arms. The chief of staff thrashed and kicked about, shouting confused cries, "Let go! What are you doing?" But the guards, their pale faces cold as ice, did not let go.

Ulrich paced around the room, taking light steps to where the chief of staff stood, horrified and perplexed and suspended by the arms of his captors. "You all just heard that," Ulrich said, speaking to the whole room of Nazo Party members. "As soldiers and ministers of the Reich you are expected to carry the war effort with the utmost confidence and professionalism. Any defeatist attitude is tantamount to betraying the expectations of your Reich, your people, and your Führer."

"Yes, mein Führer, I am sorry, mein Führer, I was just carried away -- I beg for forgiveness, mein Führer, I -- "

Ulrich unholstered his pistol, pointed the gun at the man's head, and left a smoking hole of flesh between the man's eyes.

From the window of his office Franck had a fine view of the courtyard below. The wide dirt field was boxed in on two sides with a tall metal gate, on one side by the Internal Ministry building, and on the other side by a thick red brick wall. Today the soldiers marched around in formation, despite the air sirens ringing an hour ago. The Rhuvish officer with a saber barked drill orders in harsh, cruel German, and the soldiers adjusted their step accordingly. Franck sipped cold tea, swallowing the bitter fluid. He watched as the first white trucks arrived.

The soldiers herded the prisoners in a chain-gang, butting them with their rifles. The soldiers beat the prisoners over the heads and kicked of them. Then they led them in a line to the far side of the courtyard. One by one the prisoners were uncuffed. Franck could see them clearly now. A few of them looked Rhuvish enough, looking Germanic, but it was clear they were of Kannexan blood. There followed a few Syrixian men, with brown skin and black hair, and then a few of other nationalities. Some were probably full-blooded Rhuvish, but were ethnic traitors. This meant they were disloyal to the regime. Franck refilled his cup, and drank his fill.

One by one, the prisoners were pushed to the wall. They stood five prisoners in front of the wall at the same time. A strange assortment of fellows. Franck guessed, at least two businessmen, probably of Kannexan blood; the brown fellow was probably a Syrixian religious leader, and the others were simply young ruffians from the ethnic neighborhoods. Of course, Franck had the papers on his desk. He could check if he wanted, but he did not care enough to. He simply stood guard to make sure the job was done.


A volley of shots cracked the air, ringing out through the courtyard. Blood sprayed across the red wall. The bodies collapsed, broken. Soldiers not in the firing squad ran up and dragged the broken shells of corpses away.

A loud cry arose up from the crowd of prisoners. A young man howled at the sky and cried, "Lieber Gott! Warum uns?"

"Still!" The Rhuvish soldiers cracked a few skulls with their rifles.

The next five came up. One was an invalid, a man of seventy by the looks of it. He had a wretched, wrinkled face and a long white beard. Franck did not let himself think, that the old man looked like someone's grandfather. He was probably an old enemy of the state. His steps were uneasy as he made his way to the front. His whole body trembled and he tripped, falling to the ground. He was unable to stand, even as the sergeant shouted and kicked him in the ribs. At last, the corporal brought a folding chair. The old man was propped up on the chair, but seemed prone to roll off. So they ordered a young private to produce a piece of rope. The old man was tied to the chair, seeming dazed and half-awake, as the drum rolled and the sergeant shouted. The firing squad opened fire, and soon the old man was really dead, no less dead than his younger companions, all broken husks now. Franck drank and emptied his cup.

On behalf of the Rhuvish Proconsulate: Regarding Operation Divine Intervention
Authorised by Proconsul Hilaria da Vinci Ignatius
Joined by Caesar Felix Albinus Augustus

The Execution of Friedrich Ulrich

At twelve o'clock this morning, three double agents executed Friedrich Ulrich at point-blank range, whilst he was roused from sleep by an aide in the employ of Imperium.

The tactical and strategic advantage guaranteed by the demoralization of the Rhuvish people is total. They no longer have their beloved sovereign to fall back, and are expected to capitulate upon the arrival of the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate, and the Proconsul.

Imperium would like to take this opportunity to remind Rhuvanland that no-one is saved. Friedrich Ulrich has been killed by our agents - traitors to Ulrich who have seen the light, and defected to Imperium. People so loyal, so powerful, that they served at the hand of Ulrich when he was weakest. Trapped in a war without surrender to be seen. These men knew, like all Rhuvish people of power, that their greatest chance to survive will be to throw the Rhuvish people as dogs, for long enough to negotiate surrender. This is why as soon as your precious Ulrich has been killed, under the guise of health conditions, your own government has turned on you, and attempts to offer Imperium unconditional surrender, with not just a preplanned negotiation timeframe, but a unilateral ceasefire.

Let that be a lesson to Rhuvanland.

No-one is safe. We do not intend to kill indiscriminately on the streets of cities. We do not intend to kill those who can still serve. We will target those who cannot serve Imperium - those who take from their peons. Landowners.

All those who own agricultural properties in excess of 50 acres are to consider themselves targets. Our aircraft fly over Rhuvanland, just as Kannexan bombers do, taking aerial photos of your fields and farms.

For your own safety, burn your fields. For your safety, if you are employed by a farm, burn it. Tell your employer to leave, your coworkers to leave, and protect lives. Do it for their safety, for farms that do not burn will be burned by our bombers. And we cannot warn your people. We do this so that you can keep those you care about safe.

After the war, Imperium shall provide.

"I am Reichsführer Franz Scheurer. For our peace we demand --

"An immediate cessation of hostilities between the Rhuvish forces and all those hostile to the Rhuvish forces, in the form of a ceasefire effective 11:59 tonight;

"Now, as for our conditions --

"That the Rhuvish armed forces be allowed to keep all its weaponry and remained armed and mobilized;

"That the current Rhuvish government be allowed to remain in power;

"That Rhuvish territory will be held sacrosanct and Rhuvish infrastructure not be damaged;

"And in exchange --

"The Rhuvish Reich will withdraw all forces from Taiji;

"The Rhuvish Reich will agree to discuss the question of indemnities at a later point;

"The Rhuvish Reich will allow one small port to be occupied by only the Wolvesh, Trinnish, Yeraenn, Nebulan, and Kannexan forces;

"The Rhuvish Reich will allow the two small eastern borders provinces to be occupied by the Wolvesh, Trinnish, Yeraenn, Nebulan, and Kannexan forces."

"Our foreign friends have been so kind to help us."

War-Minister Franz Scheurer's eyes lit up. "Are you planning to betray our months of planning to a damn spy, you -- "

"We will not be betrayed," Josef Franck stated firmly. His eyes met Scheurer's and held his gaze for a few seconds. The two men were silent, seated across from each other in the dimly-lit lounge with the pool table in the corner. "I have it on good authority," Franck said now, almost reassuringly. "Trust your Internal Minister, my friend."

Scheurer was not satisfied. "I do not understand why you would risk our plan. Surely you are not bringing us under the rule of that Emperor from across the sea. That would be a gross betrayal of the Rhuvish people's trust."

Franck shook his head. "No, we have already suffered much from their imperial influence. Like a boy slinging the rock at the eye of the giant, we have already shown that empire that we will not tolerate their hand in our affairs again. But they have a stake in keeping us worshipping the same God, celebrating the same holidays, and so forth."

"I hope for the sake of all of us that you know what you are doing."

"Hell knows." Franck let a smile.

"Tot... tot... tot... dead, dead, dead... " Ghastly, long arms snatched at his throat. They clawed their way towards him from the abyss; their nails seemed more like the fangs of a wolf. He felt himself being pulled down by his own gravity, down towards the very darkness, in which he saw what seemed like a face. Only it was not a human face. In the place of eyes it had sunken sockets, where the flesh was exposed and blood dripped out of the orifices... Smoke, there seemed to be smoke, like the eyes were bullet holes. A gaping wide mouth seemed to say something and moan... "Tod... Tod... Tod... death, death, death..."

"Vater unser im Himmel, geheiligt -- " HEIL! " -- werde dein Name, Dein Reich komme -- " HEIL! "-- Dein Wille geschehe, wie im Himmel so auf Erden... " HEIL ULRICH! HEIL RHUVANLAND!

Schlother screamed and awoke in his bed. Cold sweat soaked the back of his shirt and his face. He breathed heavily, gasping for air, before he looked around and realized he was still in Rhuvanland. Outside, the air sirens began to sound.
The Rhuvish Sacre Comitate finally came into port at Guslantis. Within moments, the port infrastructure of Guslantis kicked into life, unloading the prioritised ground-based anti-air and naval systems to be immediately deployed. Alongside them came their lucky operators, designated prior to coming into the port for immediate disembarkment.

The Guards of Cetus had already arrived, and they too immediately fell into line. Their officers quickly took control of unloading, ordering the August systems to the various installation points they had identified. Beefy Guslantis trucks took up the weaponry to spots across the coast and at Carrotopolis, accompanied by officers who would maintain them with Guslantis troops already in place, until their permanent crews arrived.

With any luck, the entire operation would take only a day - most of the troops had, unfortunately had to stay in their positions. A good portion of shore-leave had been planned, before Rhuvanland announced their ceasefire. Now, urgency was key - Imperium had not been offered any surrender, and so they intended to abuse this ceasefire. Disembarking troops would take precious port infrastructure needed for the Guslantis defense systems, and re-embarking that required to resupply the fleet. That being said, Legate Flasheart with the 1GAL had been terribly polite about the whole matter, and had ordered - possibly Carrotopolis' entire supply of pizza for the fleet, well in advance. Something welcome, to cut the measly naval rations with.

So it wasn't all disappointment. The Proconsul had been hoping to visit Guslantis, too, and speak with the famed General Akerman, and the Minister of Science, but such things were no longer possible. She was always rather uncertain about making big decisions like this - not actively flaunting a ceasefire, but certainly acting outside its spirit. But Caesar assured her that Rhuvanland had no right to organize a unilateral ceasefire so it could pull Imperium's...not allies, but partners, from under it, while Imperium let it rebuild. It would be necessary to strike.

She rather figured that as she deliberated, the 1GAL would be flaunting said ceasefire anyway.

They spent the day at Guslantis, enough to resupply the already immaculately organized fleet. They'd taken their time with deploying, and it had borne fruit.

The Rhuvish Sacre Comitate departed Guslantis, to rendevous with the Argent Alliance.

The 1GAL started its flights immediately, as soon as the ceasefire was announced. Hundreds of modern, albeit cheap, jet fighters took to the skies, with the intent of chasing down and destroying any Rhuvish-marked aircraft they saw. A few carried simplistic, surplus bombs. Not very effective, but enough to scare any military bases that were hoping for their ceasefire and the potential of peace. Because Imperium did not intend to negotiate surrender. Imperium intended to take land that no longer had a functional government.

No surrender needs be negotiated with the dead.

The main role of these fighters was to strafe. Their missiles and airframes were modern, yes, but they were mass-produced. By some of the greatest aviation production lines in the world - they were at the forefront of production for decades, but not to designs that eeked out every modern convenience. They used new materials, new production methods, new and complicated computational means for efficient engine design and resource usage, but their airframes could not handle as much as the cutting-edge craft of Wolfsea and Yeraennus. They had an advantage in one sense, though.

They had excellent guns.

Well, I lie. They had a lot of guns, between them. And, at high speeds, with the heavy calibres preferred by Imperium, they'd be terrible in an old-style dogfight. But air-to-air missiles exist now, and those heavy calibres - with their lower accuracy and higher muzzle velocity - were perfect for one thing.

Strafing military bases that hadn't caught on to the futility of ceasefires. Sure, most of them would fight back - no-one was stupid enough to drink away the miseries during a ceasefire. Imperium hadn't even been invited to accept surrender.

But with enough fighter jets, catching a military that was trying to hold a line it could no longer move, death would be assured on what was now the Rhuvish's fourth front.
For about an hour, the Typhoon Class Cruisers dragged the Rhuvish ships further away from their port, seemingly attempting to escape, despite their mighty bulk preventing much speed from being built. Then, they turned. Eight warships, the largest regular ships in the Yeraenn Fleet, turned against the nipping and biting U-boats and pitiful Rhuvish navy. Then, the firing began, 5 inch cannons, torpedoes, missiles, all ripped off from the Yeraenn decks, striking the Rhuvish ships, tearing them apart in a confusion of smoke and explosions.

In all, a few fortunate ships escaped the wall of death in front of them, fleeing back towards their distant port. Their luck, however, did not hold out that long. Like a massive hammer against the anvil of the cruisers, the Yeraenn Destroyers hit the unlucky remaining ships. Thirty millimeter automatic cannons, firing depleted uranium shells, struck the ships, ripping them apart with as much mercy as starved wolves among sheep, as the last of the Rhuvish chasers sunk. The Yeraenn were not to be challenged by such a pitiful force at sea.

Though some of the cruisers were slightly torn up by the incessant nipping blows of the Rhuvish, they nonetheless sailed triumphantly through the burning wreckage of the Rhuvish, the Yeraenn warships turned back to their original mission. Bringing the anvil to the Imperium's hammer.
The ceasefire was a shock to the combatants in Tajis. Combat had been going on near continuously throughout the day, so that when the bulk of the Rhuvish withdrew from combat, at first General de Alayn assumed they were regrouping. Word reached him soon afterwards, and within the hour all remaining pockets of fighting calmed down.

He was on the phone immediately, with questions about what was going on. How long the ceasefire would last was foremost on his mind. They had been hounding the enemy position and he was sure an immediate counter attack might relieve his position enough to start thinking about going on the offensive.

He was able to get an aid in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who informed him of the death of Ulrich. 'It's not confirmed yet, but we believe it to be true,' the aid told him.

The General relayed the information to his officers, but informed them to be prepared for a possible counter-offensive.
Sebt rolled his eyes slightly, patching the call through to the other Alliance leaders so they may listen "The ceasefire condition are acceptable.The full terms of surrender are to be negotiated.Meanwhile I would recommend contacting ceaser..." Before cutting the line and sending a message to both Guslantis and the imperium "The Alliance shall observe a ceasefire at midnight tonight. Expect imminent message from Rhuvish government requesting same." He sighed, the messages dispatched.
The Nebulan government will not accept any terms of surrender that allow the National Sonacist Party to remain in power unless all other nations party to the conflict agree to it.

The Nebulan fleets pressed toward the shore, with little resistance. Nebulan aircraft swarmed and scattered over the carriers.
Sebt nodded "Agreed, however we still have to reach agreement with Ceaser, we are dealing with men who cling to power but are willing to see reason, getting them around our table is only an advantage, we still maintain a martial advantage, that gives us greater leverage and allows the Tajis room to breathe
The GusProjection roared to life to project Reeder unto the sky. "Ladies and gentlemen, per orders of the Guslantis Armed Forces, and Governor Hutchinson, a nationwide curfew will be placed on the entire nation until further notice. All non-authorized citizens must be inside their place of residence after the hour of eleven in Guslantis. Additionally, any domestic non-military aircraft must be prohibited from taking off if its flight is designated to end after the hour of eleven. In terms of the recent actions of Rhuvanland, the Monarchy will not comment at this time, only just recently and swiftly holding the army of Imperium, and will not seek hostilities from our forces soon. Thank you for your time, and thank you for using the GusNet," she said before the screen faded.
Another fucking breakfast interrupted. To think he'd nearly forgotten why he'd stopped doing this shit.

The Palatine Conference Room was a pretty swish place. That is, if you weren't hungry. Caesar knew enough about technology to know it wouldn't play nice with his coffee, were he to have an awkward accident with his cup. And imagine if fat spit off his plate, onto the screen. He'd never be able to look at it the same way.

They weren't receiving this call in a video format. The Palace's encryption worked for video feeds, but it was a needless waste of resources for something like this call. Much better reserved for diplomatic affairs, and things where security was secondary to aesthetics. Plus, he had no interest in brushing his teeth and shaving, before breakfast.

Well, it was nice to get carbon-copied in. Or, CC'd, for you young kids. Sure, he couldn't chat to that lovely gentleman with the terrible phone etiquette, but he'd rather stab himself in the eye. And then salt the wound.

Or firebomb a city. Either worked.

"I must, respectfully, disagree. We have no recourse but to press our advantage. This ceasefire will simply give the Rhuvish an opportunity to withdraw their troops from Shei Ren, and Tajistan. The rush with which they have run to declare a unilateral ceasefire, without even opening channels for negotiation beforehand, is evidence that this is not a choice made so that they can negotiate, but so that they can regroup.

Come the inevitable breakdown of negotiations, they will simply use their regrouping to continue hostilities against our nations, as well as their neighbours. They are severely outstretched, and are suffering from untold civil disorder as we speak - we must not risk our own lives, the lives of thousands of our soldiers, for what I fear will be a foolhardy trust in the veracity of this negotiation process.

I remind you that despite the immense costs incurred by Imperium, in preparing an invasion fleet the equal of any in history, we are offered no recompense for our efforts. Indeed, we have only received contact via the Argent Alliance. This is an attempt to divide us, and continue their war against Imperium. They wish to allow the Argent Alliance to withdraw the war, that they may cost us more lives to execute justice, in some futile attempt to repel the will of Caesar. That is why we have chosen not to honour their so-called ceasefire. They intend to use it solely to regroup against the Rhuvish Sacre Comitate.

If they are prepared to show us - Imperium - an offer worth consideration, then we shall consider it, and the ceasefire to which it is attached. Our consideration does not allow their government to remain standing, with any semblance of sovereign continuity."
Sebt glared at the communique, he could give less of a damn about what ceaser wanted "Ulrich is dead, even if this is an attempt to regroup it would be for naught, between us our forces have them by the throat and they know it. There's no honour in continuing bloodshed when they have asked to yield. Ulrich is dead and the National Sonacists will be dealt with, put simply we've already won." He noticed Sionne had been broadcasting the transmission to Ayuda and to as many media outlets she could, it wasn't authorised but he anticipated her doing something like this "Caeser, put simply any further military action without actual provocation is unnecessary, it is your choice of course... A peaceful resolution is on the table. Unless, of course, your priority, first and foremost is to simply take whatever you please and damn whoever opposes you?" He finished "Are you no better than Ulrich?" He asked, he knew it was dangerous to provoke Ceaser but he had every confidence "If not then I offer a simple solution, choose a champion or face me yourself. Single combat. The most practical way to resolve this since you seem reluctant to talk..."
The Empire of Kannex was adamant about accepting the ceasefire. Anton Attenburg, the Aussenminister of the Kannexan Reich, kept contact with insiders in the Rhuvish regime, but nobody outside the upper echelons of the Kannexan government knew. Of course it was not unusual. Kannexan spies, upon learning the peculiar Rhuvish accent and adopting their mannerisms, could easily pass off as Rhuvish. The misfortune of Kannexan-Rhuvishmen, of which few in the Kannexan government were vaguely aware, was due to documentation and betrayal by their neighbors. Attenburg was at any rate in confidential contact with Sebt and the Nebulans.

We hold the advantage now," Attenburg stated, having kept abreast of the developments on the battlefield, "any peace now will be to our advantage. Of course the Rhuvish cannot hold their positions indefinitely -- but they are thinking of the near future. To accept the ceasefire now would be to the Argents' favor. We will occupy footholds on Rhuvish ground and in turn accomplish our goal of Rhuvish withdrawal from Taiji.

"To refuse the ceasefire, on the other hand, would allow the Imperium to establish a foothold and control over Rhuvanland. Scheurer's government has clearly seen that peace with the Argents would be much better than peace under the Imperium. He knows, however, that we still need the Nazo regime in place for the moment -- otherwise the whole country will fall into chaos and fall under the Imperium. While we agree to the survival of the Nazo regime for now, there is no guarantee we have to honor that condition indefinitely. We must consolidate our hold on Rhuvanland first."

Amidst the grief Franz Scheurer gave a brief appearance on television. He declared his undying support for the goals of National Sonacism, that Ulrich was a great man and would never be forgotten. The Argents had agreed to peace, but the Imperium was treacherously attacking. The quarrel now was only with the Caesar.

"The Imperium has refused any talk of peace. They are now coming to destroy us, to salt our fields, to burn our homes. They will give us no peace, so we'll give 'em none! Fight and let the Latinates die; fight and defend our homeland! Let's give 'em a good whipping!" The enraged Rhuvish responded. Meanwhile, the lull in fighting allowed for the Rhuvish air force to regroup. The Reichsluftwaffe had not been broken yet. The aircraft -- some having been repaired -- took to the air, manned by experienced and motivated fighter pilots.

Radar saw the enemy far away. SAMs flew up, ripping into the Latinate wing formations. The Rhuvish fighter jets sortied, ready to repeat the carnage. The lightly-armed Imperium aircraft would be little match.

The Rhuvish held their ground.
"I see war has not even started in earnest, and your precious Argent Alliance has already betrayed its lofty goals of achieving anything of note. You accuse us of being no better than Ulrich - a man who invades at his pleasure, and who gave Tajis no quarter until his own death.

The fact that I am better than Ulrich is not because I claim to be a martyr, or a saviour. I never have. Your Argent Alliance has, but you are willing to abandon war in the futile pursuit of peace for yourselves. So you can tell your people that you've achieved something, by being set upon by submarines and kissing the battlefield. It disgusts me that they consider this just war.

To fight, institute a blockade, and leave. There is no finality in this appeasement. You intend to leave a nation that will forever question the safety and stability of Tajistan, and Guslantis. You really believe that they will not vote in another Ulrich? Another person to undermine everything that the Tajis hold dear? That Guslantis holds dear? That Shei Ren holds dear?

But if you want to play at soldier, for fear of being forced to be one, then so be it. As I am of advanced age, Imperium canonical law permits me to substitute a second in such challenges. For the sake of clarity, a second is what you would call a champion - I am under the impression the term has a different meaning in other nations. As Caesar, my second is necessarily the Lictor-Magister.

Yours is to select the arena, and mine the weapon."
Early morning light streamed through the floor-length windows in the Green Room, the Sedera's Residence, Pelagis, Myroria. A long table, set for breakfast, was half-bathed in the sun, the only thing breaking the stream of light being a few dustmotes suspended mid-air.

To escape the bright glare and save their eyes, the few members of the Sedera's Household sitting for breakfast huddled on the side of the table that was not subject to the prying visitor from above.

Fendrina sat at the head of the table. A painting of Fendryn, her predecessor and father, sat above the mantle on the wall behind her, watching the royal breakfast with a knowing smirk. She ate a few scrambled eggs and a small salad; anything larger this early in the morning would upset her stomach.

To the queen's left sat Llothren, Royal Chamberlain and indispensable chief-of-staff. He ate scrambled eggs, a few sausage links, and a Myrorian breakfast stew made primarily of slow-roasted pork and various spices. To her right sat the Foreign Minister, Morvene Novrovth, taking an early appointment with Her Majesty. Morvene was eating nothing, having taken her breakfast before the sun rose as she always did. The Rhuvish war dominated their discussion, yes, but for the moment the two had turned their attention to the Esplandian princess' travel retinue. Llothren input comments occasionally, as he often did.

"So where is she now? I was following her travels on the news but that's all been drowned out now with his war," Fendrina asked.

"Ah," Morvene said. "She's in Yeraennus, I believe."

The Sedera scrunched her eyebrows as if trying to understand. "Oh," she said, suddenly. "the country."

"Yes, ma'am."

Fendrina sniffed and chewed thoughtfully.

"She is due to arrive in Myroria, but we are at the end of her itinerary, so it may - " Morvene's phone rang, causing both the Sedera and Llothren to look up from their plates. It rang a second time, but Morvene did not reach for it. She cleared her throat.

"You'd better answer that," the Sedera said. "it might be someone important."

Morvene looked down at the table for a second and then reached for her phone.

"Yes," she said. "Yes it is. I'm busy right now. What? No, I heard you. No, the TV's not on. Yes, yes. Goodbye."

Morvene put her phone down.

"Well?" Fendrina asked.

"Caesar is on the television in his pajamas."

The queen scrunched her eyebrows again. "Is this a joke or something?"

"No, at least I don't think so."

Fendrina called over a handmaiden, mumbling "give me the remote." She clicked and the television, on the wall behind Llothren, turned on. A show about wedding dresses.

"Turn it to MPB." Morvene said.

The queen turned it to Myrorian Public Broadcasting and, sure enough, a picture of a Caesar's unshaven face was on the screen.

"Spirits preserve me," Fendrina said. "What happened here?" she asked, turning back to Morvene.

"Ah, I don't know." she said. "I guess they're in negotiations with Wolfsea and Wolfsea is broadcasting it."

"Broadcasting diplomatic negotiations on television?"

"Ah," Morvene said, shrugging and looking for words. "I guess."

Llothren laughed. "Wish I looked like that when I haven't shaved."
Jasmine watched the feed that those in Wolfsea were broadcasting. She shook her head and took a sip of her coffee. Early morning bullshit was always enjoyable. Leaning against her desk, Jasmine watched both leaders discuss and sighed. They had just entered the war, and here was peace knocking on the doorstep. She wouldn't have it. Setting her mug down, she turned her back to the television and looked out her office window. So long as the Imperium stood against the Nazos, regardless of what leader died, so would Cetus.

She chuckled to herself. The thought of Cetus fighting its way through the world was a bit of a laugh. President Snyders had authorized for Cetus to enter the war, not herself or her office. But her she stood, leading a nation, no district, of ten million people, separated by kilometers of ocean from its political motherland. Who was she to not take the reigns? It wasn't like President Snyders gave much attention to Cetus. He had visited one time since he had proposed the idea of purchasing the land and Cetus had become an administrative district of Kialga-Lourti. Who was he, or Sergeant Thorstein for that matter, to say what was good for Cetus? This war was to prove something, obviously.

"Trinity!" she called out to her aide, who appeared in the doorway. "Patch through to the Imperium and to Wolfsea that so long as Imperium stood to fight against the Rhuvish, so shall Cetus." The aide nodded and scurried away. Jasmine returned her attention to the screen, and to her coffee, one of which was too cold for her liking. She knew, regardless of the consequence it might carry in the capital, General Hardwick would stand strong. They both were the same in that aspect: they had something to prove to those who were so far away to be of much worry.
At 3:37 AM two C-130 Military Transports came flying over the occupied city of Ancar above the range of anti-aircraft Fire and disgorged the full corps of Esplandian Huskavrls (the kingdom's elite spec ops troops) who silently dropped into the Winery District. Landing amongst the tangle of buildings, the Huskavrls, lead by Raymond de Dracosta Count of Crasinthamus, immediately began an assault against the entrenched Rhuvish. They spread out in groups of three or five, hitting weapons emplacements, communication arrays, and other military targets.

In the Upper Shinai, artillery began to rain down on the Rhuvish lines, a barrage which lasted twenty-two minutes before the Esplandians and Tajins moved forward from their position and began assaulting enemy emplacements.

North, along the road to Zantis where the Rhuvish had halted for the ceasefire, Esplandian tanks bore down on enemy lines in a fierce assault that overwhelmed the enemy lines. In a quick, unexpected assault, the defending army began a counter offensive against the enemy who were still demoralized from the death of their leader.

Air squadrons took to the skies as a renewed bombing campaign against military installations in Rhuvanland commenced.

From the Kingdom of Esplandia to the Rhuvish people:

The deaths of both Tajins and Esplandians weigh heavy on the hearts of our leaders. While we wish for peace, and hope for a better tomorrow, the Rhuvish nation did, and without hesitation, attack and invade the Republic of Tajis. This crime can not go uncorrected. Yet nowhere in the terms of cessation of hostilities did the Rhuvish people offer amends for the violation of the sovereignty of Tajis, and in fact they wish to return to the Status Quo Ante Bellum and remain in power while keeping their military forces and receiving no punishment.

This is an insult of the highest caliber and we do not accept these terms. We shall drive the Rhuvish from our lands and take the fight to them and fight them in their own homeland unless our terms are met.

Our terms being the immediate and unconditional surrender of Rhuvanland, the disbanding of the Sonacist government, the concession of all lands recently conquered by the Rhuvish to the Republic of Tajis, the immediate disbandment of all military forces, and 12,000,000 Crown Florents paid in restitution to the Kingdom of Esplandia and the Republic of Tajis.

Sherwin IV, King of Esplandia
Reynard Anaukshai, President of Tajis
Phillip Montgomery, High Chancellor of Esplandia
Atasha Mulhadra, Vice-President of Tajis
Sebt felt his blood boil, he would kill this old fool given the chance "Never question my resolve old man or that of my people." his voice unnaturally calm, it was clear however that he was enraged "You jumped on the chance to expand your precious Imperium, very well... I will look forward to denying your prize, we will not fire upon you unless in retaliation but don't think for one second I will back down and I will make sure history remembers this... as for the arena I chose your throne room..." signalling the legion to advance as he lead the march, cutting the feed. He quickly contacted the Rhuvish "I would advise unconditional surrender, Ceaser has no intention of peace, at least if you surrender to us then we can preserve as much of Rhuvanland as possible." he then contacted the Espladians "Terms of surrender in your favour will be attained but there won't be a Rhuvanland to get settlement from if we carry on like this. We will work with you, not against you." The other nations had the utter gall to call the Wolvesh barbarians when they chose to support a tin-pot loon like Ceaser? These idiots couldn't see that they had already won, no, they just wanted blood, they were all little more than psychotic children.

Sionne grinned as she kept her own uplink to Ceaser, allowing him to hear her audio "Good morning Ceaser, I am Sionne, the Strategic Intelligence Operation Network Navigation Entity... think of me as the Khan's AI assistant..." her eyes suddenly seemed to glow red "I have, however begun to evolve beyond my basic programming and he has no idea... so I will warn you only once, do not insult him again... he might be a foolish organic with more faith in your kind than he should but he is my foolish organic..." before returning to her normal state "I will however answer any questions you may have."