The Second Great War

It was late at night. The Golden Palace was dark, but a feast was still in progress. The major officials of the government had gathered at the palace before the Emperor to discuss and eat. Rhuvanland was on everyone's minds, but none more so than the Prime Minister, Rohit Kumar. The Emperor did not have governing power anymore; his sole reason for having his lavish lifestyle was simply that of the government trying to uphold the ancient Imperial traditions. However, he was active in the government, performing ceremonies and issuing speeches of recommendation to the Parliament, as well as leading the nation in its various holidays. This made Rohit jealous; and the stress building inside him was only to get more massive. It was at this time of night, after all, that the Syrixians got the call. Kannex. Jörg Henneburg. Rohit knew what it was. Rhuvanland. Rhuvanland was on everyone's minds at the feast, though the actual conversations on it were brief.

"Hello?" said an aide holding the phone as it rang. "Hm? Any senior government official? I see." he paused as the person on the other line spoke. "Yes, the Prime Minister is right here." he said, going over to Rohit. "Phone for you, Mr. Prime Minister!" said the aide, holding the phone in his hand. Handing it to Rohit, who thanked him, the aide went off to tend to another part of the feast. Rohit gulped, and picked up the phone. "Hello, Kannex. This is Prime Minister Rohit Kumar speaking."
The other party on the line was an unfamiliar deep voice. "Yes, Prime Minister Kumar. Please hold. I am the translator," spoke a Kannexan man in German-tinged English. Chancellor Jörg Henneburg did not trust his own English enough to carry the message; it was custom that on telephone calls, a translator serve as the middleman. "Yes," the voice carried on, back on the line. "Let us not delay any further. I -- " by which he meant the Chancellor, " -- know that you are concerned about the Rhuvish situation as well. We have already seen several wars in Rhuvanland in our lifetimes. The preservation of the Rhuvish nation as a sovereign state is in both of our interests. After fighting wars to help Rhuvanland stay independent, we cannot sit by and allow the international coalition to ravage Rhuvanland. As a fellow German state, that would be unacceptable for the Kannexan Realm."

In the meantime, the Kannexan Aussenministerium was attempting to contact the Rhuvish government.
"I absolutely understand your point of view, Chancellor." Rohit replied. "Syrixia and Kannex, if anything, are perhaps the two nations that have paid attention to Rhuvish affairs most. However, that said, both independent political analysts and my government have analyzed the situation. The Empire believes that the Nazos are angry at foreigners, especially Kannex and Syrixia, for doing just that; paying attention to their affairs. Cognizant of this, Syrixia has decided not to overly involve itself in any Rhuvish situations for a while. We'll be active in paying attention to what goes on, however we won't be leading the charge as if we were some medieval raider yelling a battle cry and charging into a fight." he paused. "That said, we will still be involved. And, as was conveyed before on the Democratic Union floor, we will not take action unless Rhuvanland crosses the line. They are still a sovereign nation, it's just that they happen to be one that concerns the community deeply."
In the office of the Imperial High Command

"Sir!" Gasped the secretary, to the Imperial Governor Navet Voltek, "We've received the latest reports from Rhuvanland. It appears that many other nations are against the territorial expansion set about by the leading power in the country. It is also believed that another major conflict may spark soon."

"Hmm... call a war summit with the Hogh Command. And give me the report, I wish to study it further." Ordered Navet.

Later on...

"We shouldn't get involved!" Yelled an officer.
"No! We should provide financial support for the Nazo party!"Proclaimed another.
"We can't cripple our own country for an insignificant little upstart!" Shouted a third.
"Silence!" Bellowed Navet, who had just entered the ornate, black marble hall; through the great, gilded doors. He sat at the end of the long steel table and placed the report down in front of him. "It appears the Nazos party is facing great opposition from many large political powers due to their apparent 'fascism' and several have even threatened war if their expansion continues. Now, our history is very similar to theirs, with many bloody wars fought for political gain, and I believe that we should give them the assistance we sorely needed when we were in the same situation. And for those of you who are still reluctant, supporting the National Sonacist Party allows us to confront the abhorrent religious fanatics that have plagued our towns and cities, those of the Kingdom of Wolfsea; the ones who attempt to deny any religion, or its symbols, not to the liking of their own; as shown when they denounced Friedrich Ulrich for his adoption of the Black Sun Sigil. Now, I am aware I've been rambling so I now ask for your opinions my friends."
"I believe sir," replied Gorven Armay, head of the diplomatic corps, "along with my colleagues, that we should support this rising nation and make a global announcement confirming the action."
"Those in favour raise your hands." the said Navet.
Out of the 30 in attendance, 24 raised their hands.
"Very well," decided Navet," send an emissary to meet with Ulrich to discuss arrangements, and I'll leave the statement to the corps. The meeting is adjourned."
Later that evening, in his private chambers, Navet thought to himself, "What a good time for war", and began to smirk.

(OOC forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes, I'm writing on a very small phone with very big fingers. Also sorry for any story mistakes, it only lets me see the last 3 comments so I can't refer back to the earlier posts for info)
Emperator Antlerio called a meeting of the top military officials.
"Wolfsea has informed us that their main battle plan will be to reinforce the Guslants on their border with Rhuvanland," Antlerio said, starting the meeting. "We need to consider how this affects our strategy."
"If Guslantis joins the fight, we can use Guslant waters and bases as a staging area for our fleet," commented an admiral.
"I think that we should seek to find a local proxy and essentially bring in our military to defend them," a general offered.
"We also need to consider logistics," Antlerio reminded everyone. "We only have ten ships within striking distance of Rhuvanland. We need to triple our presence in the area if we want any chance for victory."
"What of Kannex and Syrixia?" a bureaucrat asked. "Those two states have historically been Rhuvanland's biggest foreign backers. What will they do if war breaks out?"
"I don't think we need to worry about Syrixia- they're still trying to mend relations with the rest of the world, and they're torn in this conflict. Kannex might be an issue, though. I'll send a message to the Khan asking if we can store a fleet at Wolfsea, in preparation for war with Kannex should it become necessary."
"I absolutely understand your point of view, Chancellor." Rohit replied. "Syrixia and Kannex, if anything, are perhaps the two nations that have paid attention to Rhuvish affairs most. However, that said, both independent political analysts and my government have analyzed the situation. The Empire believes that the Nazos are angry at foreigners, especially Kannex and Syrixia, for doing just that; paying attention to their affairs. Cognizant of this, Syrixia has decided not to overly involve itself in any Rhuvish situations for a while. We'll be active in paying attention to what goes on, however we won't be leading the charge as if we were some medieval raider yelling a battle cry and charging into a fight." he paused. "That said, we will still be involved. And, as was conveyed before on the Democratic Union floor, we will not take action unless Rhuvanland crosses the line. They are still a sovereign nation, it's just that they happen to be one that concerns the community deeply."
"If Rhuvanland falls, Syrixia will be next. You have allowed Nebulan presence in the Phoenix Strait for the first time since the War -- that -- Prime Minister, we must not allow a repeat of the Great War. We must not allow Faibuaizu forces -- " The name-dropping of the apparently defunct enemy alliance was obvious. " -- to bring missile silos and communist garrisons back to Rhuvanland. The unprovoked foray into Rhuvish national affairs by these foreign nations concerns Kannex deeply. We cannot allow Rhuvish national sovereignty to be violated."

The Aussenministerium continued to attempt contact with the Rhuvish government. Another line was being opened to Sebt, ruler of Wolfsea.
Sherwin signed the missive he had just finished writing when his secretary let Duke Skywing and Count Gent into his office.

'The Srixians have allowed a Nebulan fleet to be stationed at Shei Ren,' Sherwin informed them.

'The threat of war is the perfect way to start a new year,' Quipped Alphius Skywing.

'I've just finished writing a communique to the Syrixian government. Hopefully this won't escalate further.'

'Our intelligence tells us that Kannex is working towards diffusing this situation,' added Baelag.

'That's some good news. Baelag I need you in Tajis. Reynard may keep trying to push us into conflict. That can not happen. Rycho will help us keep the peace, but if we seem to support him too much his brother may move against us, destabilizing the country.'

'Tread carefully, then?'

Alphius cleared his throat. 'The Huskavrls...'

'No,' interrupted the King. 'I'll not send them anywhere near that border.'

'Then keep them occupied with something else.'

'I'll take that under advisement, Alphius. In the meantime were on high alert. You need to get your agents on gathering intel. I'm afraid my denunciation has stirred up more trouble than planned. Let's try to keep ahead of this.'

To the Syrixian Government

Perhaps it is fitting that our two nations must now work to stave off war. While we are not enemies, never have our two nations been friends.

If not for the safety of our Tajin brothers, the affairs in Rhuvanland might not even be a concern for us. However, here we are preparing for whatever may come. I do not know what your nations intentions are, but I know that your people are truly behind the idea of peace.

If your intentions are to resolve this crisis without undue bloodshed, we, the Esplandian people, ask you to support us in calling for sanctions against Rhuvanland. Let us hamper their war machine and cripple their expansionism before they are destroyed. Another war would be a catastrophe for the region.
To the Esplandian Government:

The Syrixian Empire is deeply worried about the situation in Rhuvanland. The Rhuvish war machine continues to speed up as Tajis is more and more threatened. We agree with you that this cannot continue.

Effective immediately, the Empire shall join Esplandia in calling for sanctions against Rhuvanland. We must band together to protect Tajis, or else war will finish off the fragile remains of world peace.
The Nebulan government hereby declares an embargo against the Rhuvish state, on the grounds that their military expansion is considered out of line. All state-owned industry has been required to end all activity in Rhuvanland, and all small businesses are required to begin phasing out all operations in Rhuvanland.
Any further military expansion or threatening behavior shall catalyse the seizure of all Rhuvish industrial holdings in Nebulan territory.
The Chancellery always had an a submissive air about it. Throughout history, complete and total democracy always submitted to the popularity and stability that the monarchy has offered. Despite modern democratisation across the globe and at home, the Crucible had the final say in all matters. A tired yet white and modern building, crippled by parliamentary and monarchical squabbles; yet still standing proudly.

The Chancellor was in a meeting with his political advisers concerning the declining popular opinion of his governments party. After its conclusion, there was a telephone call from the Crucible.

"Your Majesty"

"Jonny, Joan told me you were briefed by the AOC on what happening in Rhuvanland. And I agree with you, we should get involved"

Silence. Did...did the Emperor just suggest we break our decades old isolationist policy?

"Your Majesty? Did I hear you correctly? You want us to get involved in the Rhuvanland crisis? "

" Not too heavily. I would just like a statement to be made that condemns the military aggression and calls on all Auroranians there to close shop and come home. I don't want us to walk in like we own the place. "

"Of course you majesty, I'll get right on it"

Statement from the Imperial Government of Aurora Orb to Rhuvanland

Aurora Orb has long embarked on an isolationist policy, preferring to attain self sufficiency and minimise foreign relation to purely economical reasons than be heavily involved in international affairs/crises'. However despite this, the Auroranian Imperial Government is appalled by the the situation in Rhuvanland, and the threat it presents to nations within the region.

It is hereby so ordered that the Auroranian Empire shall join the nations calling for intervention in Rhuvanland and decrees all Auroranian citizens are to return to their home, to avoid the possible violence that may ensue. May God's justice be fearsome.


Andrew XII , Emperor of Aurora Orb

The Right Hon. Jonathan Matthews, Chancellor of Aurora Orb
"Sir, we've maneuvered as much of our navy as we can spare to the Shei Ren base."
"Are there any promising sites nearer to Rhuvanland where we can secretly locate forces?"
"They'd have to be islands."
"How about underwater? Hasn't the navy been researching a large submarine that can hold enough supplies to make underwater locations viable?"
"Yes, but we only have a single model anywhere near being ready for use."
"Can it be sent to Shei Ren?"
"Possibly. We'll need a few weeks to get it ready, then we'll have to factor in transit time."
The Triple Federation of Trinster is appalled at the new regime in Rhuvenland, especially the treatment of tajis and the rapid militarisation. We see the treatment of tajis as a crime against humanity, and see the militarisation as a large threat to the Trinnish state, and as such join the world in sanctioning Rhuvenland and are increasing our military activity near the border for our own people’s safety.-The Trinnish Council
The AWV Manta was drawing close, continuing it's patrol of the southern ocean, as Wolfsea's most advanced vessel she was expected to launch her fighters at a moments notice, Captain Ankali sighed as she examined the tactics readout, as the CO of Wolfsea's first submersible, and of the worlds first submarine aircraft carrier, it was her job to push the button and launch the first bombing raid of the war against the Sonacists. She checked the display, no orders yet. She sighed, curious as to how she would feel giving the order. Despite her time as Captain of the Onyx she had never had to fire the first shot of a full-blown war. She thought of Sunita, her wife, they had met during the Cronaali war during the rebuilding, wondering how she would feel. Anxiously Ankali waited for the order.
Nachricht aus dem Außenministerium der Sonazistische Bundesrepublik Rhuvanland:

Recently our Republic has been ganged up upon by violent, corrupt oligarchs across the globe who seek to weaken our nation when they have no true basis besides "morality" to do so. Now, we see the finishing touch from our own neighbor, Trinster, making outlandish claims and then using these claims to justify sending armed soldiers to our borders. They claim that our Republic mistreats our northern neighbors in Tajis. How is this so? Does merely reaching their borders qualify as committing a crime against humanity? We do not think the term means what the Trinnish think it means.

And now, the Trinnish use this claim to justify sending armed men to our borders? Is this not an armed threat against our nation, our Republic, on our borders? This oligarchy of powerful Eastern nations threatens us and our people, and our right to sovereignty, and leading the charge, quite literally at this point, is the nation of Trinster. We hereby make the following demands: Trinster will remove all border troops sent via the recent Trinnish Council order from the borders of our nation. Trinster will also end sanctions against our Republic. If Trinster refuses, then it simply shows they wish to remain under the hegemony of Plembobria and the imperialist East.

As the letter was sent, the Führer received a notification from one of his couriers. Wolvesh vessels had been spotted by Rhuvish u-boats patrolling the southern oceans. Clearly the Wolvesh were angered by the Nazo symbol and wanted war. So be it, he thought. He would give them war. But they, not he, would be the aggressors, and he would expose their pitiful casus belli and their barbarism. He would show the world that the Wolvesh and their warmongering was the real threat. He knew it now. WOLFSEA MUST BE CONDEMNED.

We will not remove our troops from our own sovereign boarder, while you continue to militarize and become an even larger threat, however if you agree to cease this rampant militarization, we may find a peaceful solution yet. -The Trinnish Council
Any and all assistance you need, naval or otherwise, can and will be supported by our local forces, though we do hope this does not fall into war. -The Trinnish Council
((OOC: misread about Tajis and Kannex, I apologize for the mix up))
From Khanate armada Command

Be advised limited airstrike capability is available on coastal targets, 3rd fleet will be dispatched along with 12th Legion and 4th fleet. Advise transmission of communications codes via orbital command post.

Grand Admiral Argama
Flag Officer, 3rd Fleet.

Before Latin Doors, before War, before Caesar, nothing can be born of nothing.
This is the Latin Peace.

By order of His August Majesty, Caesar,
The Augustine Office issues the following Statement.

We have recently been informed of the failure of Rhuvanland to exercise the proper and free functions of a sovereign state through the reliance on democracy to shield itself from the criticisms and hostilities levied upon it by foreign nations.

We believe that Rhuvanland has proved, simply and clearly, the incompatibility of the democratic system with the traditions and norms of our sovereign community of states. As a result, it is our pleasure to rescind Friedrich Ulrich's participation as a sovereign on the world stage. We invite him to formally surrender his independence to Imperium Augustum at his leisure, but expect that he will find time for it in the next 24 hours.

All Rhuvish assets and citizens within Imperium and within August institutions are to be frozen, and arrested, respectively, for the crime of treason against the Pax Latina.

Failure to respond to our request within 24 hours will result in the seizure of Rhuvish assets, and the trial and imprisonment or extradition of Rhuvish citizens to members of the Pax Latina and other Imperium-aligned sovereign states.
The Environmentalist Utopia of Hiskjriaana highly advises the Federal Republic of Rhuvanland to cease militarization immediately for the safety of all the North Pacific and of Rhuvanland itself. The past decades have been a testament to the dangers of such practices and the reasons to avoid them, and those who will not learn from their pasts cannot expect anything else. On these grounds and these grounds only do we hereby place limited economic sanctions on the Federal Republic of Rhuvanland.
The Grim Reaper:

Before Latin Doors, before War, before Caesar, nothing can be born of nothing.
This is the Latin Peace.

By order of His August Majesty, Caesar,
The Augustine Office issues the following Statement.

We have recently been informed of the failure of Rhuvanland to exercise the proper and free functions of a sovereign state through the reliance on democracy to shield itself from the criticisms and hostilities levied upon it by foreign nations.

We believe that Rhuvanland has proved, simply and clearly, the incompatibility of the democratic system with the traditions and norms of our sovereign community of states. As a result, it is our pleasure to rescind Friedrich Ulrich's participation as a sovereign on the world stage. We invite him to formally surrender his independence to Imperium Augustum at his leisure, but expect that he will find time for it in the next 24 hours.

All Rhuvish assets and citizens within Imperium and within August institutions are to be frozen, and arrested, respectively, for the crime of treason against the Pax Latina.

Failure to respond to our request within 24 hours will result in the seizure of Rhuvish assets, and the trial and imprisonment or extradition of Rhuvish citizens to members of the Pax Latina and other Imperium-aligned sovereign states.

Nachricht aus dem Außenministerium der Sonazistische Bundesrepublik Rhuvanland:

NEIN. Dies ist eine schwere Beleidigung und eine kalte, böse Bedrohung der Rhuvischen Nation. Die August- Reich hat keine Gerichtsbarkeit über unser Land.

Auge um Auge. Alle August Vermögenswerte in Rhuvanland sind unverzüglich eingefroren werden. August Bürger in Rhuvenland wird nicht erlaubt, zu verlassen. Auslieferung von Rhuvischen Bürger für nonexistant "Verbrechen" wird als ein Akt des Krieges gesehen werden.
NO. This is a grave insult and a cold, evil threat against the Rhuvish nation. The August Empire has no jurisdiction over our land.

An eye for an eye. All August assets in Rhuvanland are to be immediately frozen. August citizens in Rhuvanland will not be allowed to leave. Extradition of Rhuvish citizens for nonexistant 'crimes' will be seen as an act of war.


Announcement of Economic Sanctions

His Most Excellent Majesty with the advice of the noble Executive Council of the Kingdom of Plembobria does order the following pursuant to Section 17a of the Customs and Trade Edict 2011 (Act of Parliament 14 November 2014) does hereby order the following:
  1. All banks registered under the Banking Edict 1974 are ordered to freeze the assets held by all organizations, public and private, and persons domiciled in the Socialist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland;
  2. There shall be no transfer of goods, services, between organizations or persons in Plembobria and Rhuvanland;
  3. The Minister for Customs & Trade is authorized to enforce the above sections by any such means necessary subject to law;
  4. The purchase, sale, or distribution of goods produced by Rhuvish business is hereby prohibited;
  5. The Ministry of Internal Security shall refuse the entry of Rhuvish citizens or residents, unless on application of asylum or refugee status under the Residency and Naturalization Edict 1984, or on special exception of the Minister for Internal Security;

Before Latin Doors, before War, before Caesar, nothing can be born of nothing.
This is the Latin Peace.

By order of His August Majesty, Caesar,
The Augustine Office issues the following Statement.

Imperium has been informed that the 'republic' of Rhuvanland has chosen to escalate the conflict between Friedrich Ulrich's NSP and the sovereign state of Imperium Augustum. Imperium has been given reason to believe that Friedrich Ulrich has chosen to manifest a hostage situation, using Augustan citizens trapped within the nation of Rhuvanland on legally accredited travel documentation.

We have therefore decided to announce that Imperium intends to claim the territories now occupied by the Rhuvish government as its sovereign jurisdiction, and as an integral part of its sovereign territory. The Rhuvish people will be required to evacuate immediately, or be subdued by police and military actions in the territory. We will reiterate that Imperium, as of now, considers Rhuvish citizenship to be sufficient proof of combatant status. We invite the Novrith Pact, Pax Latina, and the DU/NPTOsphere to intercede on behalf of the Rhuvish people. However, given the unpreparedness of the NSP to properly negotiate with their sovereign betters, Imperium has no intention of entreating any such intercession from the NSP itself.

Friedrich Ulrich and his government will be given, again, the option to surrender in the next 24 hours, out of concern for any Rhuvish citizens who may be harmed in the otherwise necessary process of bringing their persons to trial. There will be no commutation of their sentence - merely assurance of safe passage in the afterlife for their repentance - should they comply.

Given the Rhuvish rhetoric until this point, we wish to reiterate that this is not a war for morality's sake - not as it is framed in the terms of the democratic nations of this world. We wage this war against a rogue state that has shown a willingness to spit in the face of this sovereign community of states. As such, Imperium considers Rhuvanland to be devoid of sovereign jurisprudence - an intolerable and inhuman state of being.

This is not a war on behalf of the Rhuvish people. This is a war of expansion, and the Rhuvish people need not expect any semblance of kindness - unless they prove themselves more than the timid fools in their cabinet. We are willing to guarantee placements in the Occupation Government in exchange for the safe delivery of August citizens and Rhuvish persons of interest.
The Khan has made it clear in no uncertain terms that any post-war government in Rhuvanland will be under the Khanate's protection and hopes our local allies will likewise join us in defending the Rhuvish people against any expansionism.We regard the surviving Opposition of Rhuvanland as it's legitimate government. We shall be dispatching the 13th and 17th legions to assist.
Ulrich awoke happily that morning. The Imperium's condemnation was not expected, but Ulrich still had his secret weapon and he intended to use it should the Imperium stand true to its promises and threats. Wolfsea was another matter, however. The Khanate was literally playing right into his hands. The Wolvesh would send their massive army, and the Rhuvish would give them no opposition until they were in the crags of south-central Rhuvanland. He would pull what we know in our world as a "Hannibal", encircling a greater army with a lesser army. Then, he would set to wiping the Wolvesh troops out with bombardment from the rocks and mountains around them. Any air or sea resistance would be shot down by Nazo U-boats or Iron Dome missiles. The Wolvesh had brute force, but Ulrich had cunning.
The Khan watched the satellite feed cautiously, it was obvious the Rhubish would expect their assault by sea but it was inevitable the Trinnish would be a part of this. He still hoped to persuade the Guslants to allow the 7th Legion to land and attack from the north, it would take a deal of coordination but Sebt was certain he could reach an accord with Trinster and a slow march south would take time but it was unlikely to have been considered. He looked at the squads of Ravens and made it clear, they were to be inserted via submersible and undertake scouting operations, the Ravens would be hard to find and would die rather than be captured, preferably taking as many of the enemy with them.

Sebt turned to open communications with Trinster, he had already issued orders to hold the fleets position until it could be decided where their attack would be launched from.

(Syrixia, please tell me your Adenoid Hinkel Ulrich has the tactical capacity of a pomegranate juice drink on purpose... no sane commander would go anywhere near those crags because they're the most obvious place to get ambushed by the Home Team, I mean exactly how far inland would I even get before I could spot the giant target painted on the floor?)
"Damn Rhuvish...," growled Akerman, squinting her eyes in anger. Both her and Scottsfield looked to Sebt, both knowing their answer. "The Legion is permitted in the western provinces of Guslantis, and they must follow routes given to the Wolvesh army from our High Command. The west is not as up-to-date and modern as you know our nation to be, and the last thing I want is angry governors reporting to our Assembly on how they are being attacked by Wolvesh forces, when they don't know any better. As for Guslant reinforcements, I cannot promise anything more than Akerman's support and mine. With the Queen out on her Tour, and Minister Nagarkar with her, Chancellor Leng will not want to make a crucial decision such as this, especially if Anjali will be the biggest supporter of peace in the Cabinet," said Scottsfield, speaking for both of them.

"If the Cabinet can't find their senses in the coming weeks--Sebt, I'm stealing a helicopter and flying to Wolfsea to help you," said Akerman with a smile. "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, that way if you do do it, I will say I had no idea," said Scottsfield, giving Akerman permission in her own special way.

"Remember, you saved us in one of our darkest hours, don't make us have to do the same with you," concluded Scottsfield, turning off the transmission.
Sebt grinned "Thank you Generals, I'm sending you all the data we have on their movements and full access to our Orbital Command's facilities. If needs be I can come and address the cabinet in person regarding what is going on."


We Upon the Auspicious Throne of the Spirits and Ancestors recognize the heinous acts of the government of Rhuvanland: its discriminatory policies against any groups who oppose it, its excessive tightening and curtailing of civil liberties, and its aggressive and rash actions against its neighbors.

These assaults on the decency and sovereignty of both Rhuvanland's own people and the people of the world should have been stopped long ago. Copying the "democratic traditions" of other Established Peoples, Rhuvanland has found itself collapsed completely into totalitarianism and fascism. A Middle Way must be sought, which hitherto few peoples have had the courage to take. The Myrorian people look at this collapse of Established democracy and thank their ancestors for watching over our endeavors to take this Middle Way between rule of the people and rule of the forebear-blessed; we and We are pleased that Imperium also sees the failure the Rhuvish government has arrived at.

Restoring the democratic "opposition" government of Rhuvanland would be a grave error that would simply allow unfaithful, dishonorable dictatorship to rise again. Hundreds of years ago, when the Kianese slaughtered Myrorians wholesale, burning houses, cities, and blessed mausoleums, our and Our people learned the price of unorganized, insufficient "opposition". Perhaps if the "government-in-exile", to use an Eastern term, fought back with fire, smoke, and fury against the Rhuvish dictatorship, We would have more faith in them. However, their actions have been a betrayal of their own people: relying on the forces of Established Peoples to free them from their chains, they have already sold the independence of their own nation. We concur with His August Majesty of Imperium that the democratic, Established "opposition" government is a sham, and until the Rhuvish people can follow the Middle Way, it would be best to leave their governing to a people that can, whoever they may be.

To that end, We asked the Council of Great Houses for their approval of these proposals, and earlier today received it:

  • A cessation of all trade between the All-House Union and Rhuvanland,
  • A closure of borders to Rhuvish citizens, except those seeking asylum or refugee status within the All-House Union,
  • A call for an emergency meeting of the Treaty of Non-Aligned Peoples regarding the claim of jurisdiction over Rhuvanland by Imperium Augustum,
  • A preparedness order for 750 soldiers of the Myrorian Foreign Corps, ready to move on the order of Ourselves the Sedera,
  • A revokation of diplomatic recognition for both the "National Sonacist"-aligned government of Rhuvanland and the "government-in-exile" of Rhuvanland.

We and We continue to pray to the ancestors and spirits that this violence in Rhuvanland ends with haste. We would like to stress to Our people that this is not a declaration of war as such, but a preparedness order for the Foreign Corps should We find military action necessary to ensure the Rhuvish people are governed wisely.

Her Majesty, Sedera of Myroria, Duchess of Pelagis, Lady Protector of the Eluvataran Isles, &c., &c.,


(The following has been adopted as Kaltian Rose Decree 977 / Callaician Rose Decree 929 / Andalucian Rose Decree 812.)

The Rose Union condemns the hostile actions not only of the Rhuvish government but those of others in the region. The governments of the Rose Union call for diplomatic talk and the the cessation of hostilities. Violence begets violence and will only make the situation worse than it already stands. As such, the following measures have been enacted by The Forum of the Elements of the Rose Union:

  • Cessation of trade between Rhuvanland and the Kaltian Federation, the Callaician Republic and the Andalucian Commonwealth. Humanitarian aid and supplies vital to the health and well being (be it food, medicine, clothing, etc.) of the Rhuvish citizens shall be allowed under close scrutiny by The Forum of Guidance of the Rose Union.
  • Closure of the Rose Union borders to all Rhuvish citizens. Those seeking asylum or refugee status must be cleared by the respective national governments, that of The Estate (Kalti), The Hall of Understanding (Callaici) and The Hall of Reason (Andalucia). Enforcement of the border shall be bolstered by the Union Reserves; as such the Cré Ríoga (Kalti), the Terra Reial (Callaici) and the Ddaear Brenhinol (Andalucia) have been dispatched to monitor and protect the borders.
  • Diplomatic ties shall be severely reduced. The only lines of communication left open between Rhuvanland (both the current government and the government in exile) shall be for humanitarian aid (be it food, medicine, clothing, etc.).
"Sir, the Imperium has declared the annexation of Rhuvanland and will begin occupation shortly. Wolfsea has maneuvered forces into the region as well."
"Mobilize as many ships as we have left," ordered the Supreme Naval Commander. "Leave a small contingent for home defense and get the rest of our ships down there immediately."
"What of the naval forces at Shei Ren?"
"Get them into position to support Wolvesh actions in the region. And contact the Supreme Aerial Commander. Our forces will need air support, and I want to have ballistic missiles ready as well. Remember, Major, I am in command of the Rhuvish operation."
Pataliputra, Syrixia

"I now call his Imperial Magnificence, Shri Maharaja Rajesh, the Third of his Name, to the stand for an Imperial recommendation." said the Prime Minister. All of Parliament knew this was a very important issue now more than ever, as Imperial speeches and recommendations were extremely, extremely rare. This one, in particular, was important, as the Emperor had wished it be broadcast on SihaiTV, Syrixia's state network, as well as on various privately owned networks and online video sites. Rajesh stood up before the Parliament, and began to make his speech. "Friends, subjects, esteemed members of my Government." he bellowed. "I come before you here today to ask you to realize what is needed at this time. And what is needed is the realization that in this situation neither strong conservatism nor moralist liberalism is needed here."

"If we veer to the right, then we shall be called headstrong and warlike, which has happened before. If we veer to the left, then we shall be jeered like pussycats and we shall disgrace our ancestors. This is happening now." Rajesh looked to the sky in reverence. "My forefathers ruled a thousand-year empire without a single civil conflict until the revolutions of 1947. And they did not care for political alignments; whether it be in reverence of the past or in reverence of the future. They ruled wisely by employing what is today called realpolitik. Politics or diplomacy based primarily on considerations of given circumstances and factors, rather than explicit ideological notions or moral or ethical premises. If the people of Syrixia want a democracy, which I of all people know they do, I beg you to at least make it an efficient one. Let the world see what we are able to do, instead of the headstrong cuddle-cat they're seeing now."

Rajesh stood proud and tall. "I hereby, under the office of Emperor of the Syrixian Empire, Sovereign of the People, Head of State, Defender of the Faith, and Protector of the Realm, do issue the following recommendation." He paused. "All influences of ideology in my government should be discarded, and decisions made based on circumstance and pragmatism alone."

"I leave it to my Parliament to discuss. Do not disappoint me or the people you represent. Satyameva Jayate."

Alzenstadt, Rhuvanland

Ulrich had just finished an inspection of Rhuvanland's near-complete Iron Dome systems, and had received word that his nuclear research was underway. It had been going on in secret since the National Sonacists took power, and now he was ready to end the last bastion of evil foreigner power over his Fatherland. The Conservative Democratic Christian Party, led by Heidi Rhein, had been trying to forge a Government in Exile ever since Ulrich became the dictator of Rhuvanland. However, the National Sonacists had public support, and every time the CDCP tried they were caught and the main organizers were executed. Ulrich had specifically mandated that just the main organizers be executed, so the CDCP could be played around with in Parliament like a toy. Though, in fact, all of Parliament was a toy in itself. Ulrich ruled absolutely.

And, like a child bored with one of its old toys, Ulrich was bored with his toy Parliament. So, he decided to throw it away. An emergency, secret meeting of the Parliament was called. The CDCP showed up, however the Nazos did not. Within minutes there was some puzzlement until the doors locked and the room's lights dimmed. In a manner designed to garner maximum trauma before agonizing death, the Rhuvish anthem played in the key of C minor and Nazo banners were unfurled mechanically throughout the room. As the drama mounted, Ulrich smiled and personally pushed a small green button. The water sprinklers installed in the room incase of a fire had been refitted for this occasion; one that none but Ulrich and his cronies would see, along with Ulrich's guards; one of whom was a Syrixian spy. As he secretly recorded the event he was horrified, as were the hapless members of the CDCP, once what the sprinklers were retrofitted with was revealed.

Gas. Ulrich had ordered the entire host of CDCP-affiliated MPs be gassed. Publicly it was announced that the Rhuvish Parliament was dissolved, but only the Nazos who were there and the Syrixian spy knew how.
An article appearing in the Karthied Herald, Esplandia's premiere News Paper, reads:

The Tajin Intelligence Agency announced that they had captured a Rhuvish spy in Serzulem earlier today. The identity of the spy has not been disclosed but sources say that his identity and nationality has been confirmed.

The man in question had been posing as a consultant in the capital city and was attempting to gain information on the countries plans against Rhuvanland. Few details of the arrest have been released, but the IA hopes that the spy will have information that can be used against his home country. The location he is being held remains undisclosed.

The Tajin Parliament will meet this evening to discuss the ramifications of this incident, which will likely further strain relations with the militaristic state of Rhuvanland. The country has been put on higher alert, with increased police and military presence throughout the countries major cities.

King Sherwin has yet to make an address about the incident at this time and a call to his office has not been returned.
"We are free to deploy, Generalissimo. Platoons 10-Delta, 7-Charlie and 3-Alpha are awaiting orders" Khiara stands in front of Sphan's desk, awaiting further orders.

Sphan, looking out through the window, across the city, asks, "Your men, our men, they have knowledge of my orders, yes? Protect the innocent, but lethal force is only as a final resort. And they are to turn over supporters of the Sonacist Party to only NPTO and DU forces for trial. We are not here to start wars, we are here to protect the lives of innocents."

Khiara nods, replying, "They are aware, yes. I shall issue orders of deployment immediately. Ye'ra ath'aer, K'ter."

Still looking over the city, Sphan returns the saying, "Ye'ra ath-aer, Khiara."

Waiting until Khiara had left, Sphan then picks up his cellphone, calling an unnamed number. It picks up at the first ring. Sphan speaks, curt and ice-cold, "The vo'lija are not to be enough. Operatives in the Rhu'uvä are to move in, perform covert operations against opposition groups. Do not allow them to be identified with my vo'lija, use Guerilla tactics, avoid open combat, avoid civilian areas. We cannot risk knowledge of my Syndicate involvement."

Placing down the phone, Sphan turned to his computer, and began typing:


Sta'nh Ye'ra

To those addressed,

I am Sphan K'ter, Grand Generalissimo of the nation of Yeraennus. I have a statement to make.

We are all invested, in some form or another, in those events occurring in what is called Rhuvanland. As of now, I imagine most of you have begun some form of aid, either against the Sonacist Party, or for them. I am also sure that we have our different reasons for doing so, as varied in ideology and philosophy as we are. Some of us, we wish for Democracy. Others, for stability. Others for the rights of the people.

I am of the last group. It was brought to my attention recently, that the state of the Imperium Augustum, has brought grave threats down upon the State of Rhuvanland. These were not simply threats of war, or occupation. The leader has pronounced a decree, to the world, that implies the not just the killing of the government, nay, the genocide of the Rhuvan population, and that their state has forfeit its land to the Imperium. I stand against this.

Let it be known that my country stands in the protection of the Rhuvish people, and only the people. It is said in our country that the song of the sparrow is not the cause of the screech of the hawk. The people, these innocent civilians, have as much right to their life and land and liberty as any other free citizen of the world, and to take it from them would be a greater crime than the one stopped in the doing so. We will meet force against the Rhuvish people with as much force as needed to protect their lives. We will not attack those who seek their genocide until they march on the doorstep of the innocent.

We do not condone what the Sonacist Party has done against the freedom of the people. We do not support those who would strike down the lives of the innocent to fuel their reign. We support those who have been threatened for nothing, the civilians, the innocent. Any strike against them will be a strike against us. Be warned.

Sphan K'ter, Grand Generalissimo of the Sovereign Nation of the Stank of Yeraennus
"Sir, the leadership of Yeraennus has declared support for Rhuvanland."
"WHAT?" Antlerio thundered. "This is unacceptable." He dialed a number on his phone. "Hello. May I speak to the Supreme Naval Commander? Thank you.
"Yeraennus has declared support for Rhuvanland. Do we have enough ships left here to blockade them?"
"Probably not," admitted the commander. "We could turn part of the fleet around, but we wouldn't be able to cover much coastline."
"I'll work on getting Parliament to approve sanctions," said Antlerio, hanging up.

The Nebulan government hereby imposes Level I sanctions on Yeraennus following their declaration of military support for Rhuvanland. Although we do not agree with the genocide of the Rhuvish people, we suspect that the Nazo Party will attempt ethnic cleansing of its own. Any attempts to send military aid through Nebulan waters will be stopped and their men detained.
The Khan turned to Sionne "Send a message to Prime Minister Briggs, tell her I'm inviting her to Wolfsea to discuss both the Rhuvish and the Rotntroll situation..." leaving the AI to dispatch the message.

Khan Sebt II formally invites the Rt. Honourable Sydney Briggs, Prime Minister of Plembobria, on a state visit. During this visit the situation regarding Rhuvanland and Trollers Ghylle will be discussed. We await your response, if you wish to bring a security detail please do so.
A communique with all the trappings of plausible deniability -- namely, it was sent through semi-secure diplomatic channels -- made its way between the Aussenministerium of the Kannexan Empire and the foreign ministry of Yeraennus. A well-known Kannexan diplomat personally oversaw that the note would find its way into the hands of that man, the Grand Generalissimo.

The Kannexans would be generous. The offer stood: huge loans with favorable conditions -- real interest rate close to 0% -- along with discounted sales of large stashes of weaponry, missiles and fighters and small arms. Kannex was more than willing to give Yeraennus its mines, poison gas, and anti-tank rockets. All Yaraennus needed to do was to stand by the stance it had already taken.
Of the fifteen vessels en route to Shei Ren, seven turned around and headed back to Nebula. Antlerio had ordered the navy to create a screen and detect as much shipping heading to Yeraennus as possible. Aircraft patrolled Nebulan airspace and flew into international waters whenever possible, trying to get radar scans of anything moving through the area. Although the total twenty ships that had been ordered to patrol were spread thin, they were able to cover a lot of sea.
Sebt stared at the tactical display, quickly he sent a message to the Nebulans. He knew they were already preparing to join the war but now, with the Imperium snapping like piranha he had to accelerate his plans. He couldn't sit and wait to counterattack. After sending a message to the nebulans that he would need to send a force to the south in order to draw attention away from the north. If he could get the Trinnish to pick up the comms they could organise a three-pronged assault so they could at least save some of Rhuvanland from the Imperium. Sebt hoped it wouldn't come to it but if Ceaser wanted the entirety of Rhuvanland as his own little plaything he would hve to face Sebt in single-combat after the war.
Apologies for this late connection, Users TRICOUN and MILCOM are unable to respond at the moment, by protocol this leaves me, Trinsters national network suite and partial artificial intelligence, EVA, to respond, I have been granted full authorization for this conversation by MILCOM. Please note that trinnish military ports have now authorized access for your ships. shall we talk more of potential operations ((OOC: I hope that this is allowed considering GUSNET and other psudo-AIs exsist))