Sorry bout dat. Slip of the mouse.Jamie:Any reason I was re-masked as former citizen? Last time I checked, I still have a nation in the region.flemingovia:DonePaulWallLibertarian42:Admins! Jamie has missed 4 legislative votes and have not voted in the Regional Assembly in the past 20 days and therefor should have RA Masking removed for inactivity. Thank you.
Former English Colony:Everything is done, Chas, you or Treize will have to let us know if he's got the appropriate access. I'm pretty confident but would like a confirmation.
Bump. Also removed Bootsie's NPA masking if he/she still has itGladio:Can I get a security check for Sentinel, if he passes give him NPA masking
Thank You
Okay, so I've checked the settings, it *should* be appropriate in terms of read etc.Ever since my Super Mod was removed, I am no longer able to view other people's threads in the Editors Desk, even though they appear when looking at the last active post.
To make sure the settings of Newsroom and Editors Desk are correct:
1) For the Newsroom, those in the Communications joinable group should have full access (view, read, reply, start) to the forum. Those in other masks should have only view access to this forum, to avoid the ghosting issue.
2) For the Editors Desk, those in the Communications joinable group should be able to create new threads, see only threads created by them, and also be able to post in those threads. In addition, COE, mcmasterdonia, and myself should be able to see and post in all threads. Nobody else should have any other access to this forum, not even just view access.
1) DoneCan you:
1) Give me mod in the Executive Council Chambers.
2) Allow me to use Topic Autotools everywhere inside Delegate's Government.
Bootsie is done.Gladio:Bump. Also removed Bootsie's NPA masking if he/she still has itGladio:Can I get a security check for Sentinel, if he passes give him NPA masking
Thank You
Thank You
r3naissanc3r:I have lost moderator powers everywhere inside Delegate's Government. Though nominally a moderator of those forums, I can't actually take any moderation action.
Can you fix this please?
I have already successfully dealt with the matter is a most creative fashion.Grosseschnauzer:Roman, the Court area is always more sensitive for the mod/admin team to address, because it can be hard for us to assess whether the issue is IC in the courtroom or something else that may involve the enforcement of ToU/ToS and the other forum rules which we've adopted and followed.
I would suggest that you (or another Justice) review tthe thread to be sure that the Court has clearly cautioned what the conduct is, that is unacceptable as decorum, court rules, or as forum rules. If it is the former, then post the enforcement of the Court's decorum standards, and split out the offending posts and move them to the lockbox. If it is the latter, then if the Court privately agrees, ask a Global Mod or an admin to look at it (Report CP or thread in the Mod HQ area), and if a forum issued caution or warning is deemed warranted, one of us will I'm sure be glad to do so, and post something for review by the team as to a warning to the user.
The Court has had its issues in the past, so we here are a little bit gunshy of being misconstrued if anyone on the mod.admin team moderates a post in the Court area. (Fortunately for you an admin is also a Justice on the Court, so if you ask Ator to take a look I am sure he'll wear the admin hat for you.)