Admin Requests

Hey, McMaster or whoever could change the TNP-Euro event subforums, may you please change the "Spam-a-lot" part and rename it "Out of Character"??

I think that name suits better its function.

Thanks in advance!

edit: well, in fact may be better like it is now, what do you think?
Daniel S has moved their TNP nation to another region, and should be remasked as a member.

RepublicofTrebinje's TNP nation has ceased to exist, so they should be remasked as a former citizen.

Mysteron has failed to log into the forum for 30 days, so they should be remasked as a citizen.

Thanks admins! :tb2:
Since the only people who should be posting new topics in the Voting Floor are the Speaker and Deputy Speakers, could you remove the ability of Regional Assembly members to do so? Someone got confused and posted a thread there today - it'd be nice to avoid that in the future.
Apologies for the way I worded that last post. Considering Geniva has taken the oath as deputy minister here, could his display group be changed? Thank you, Eluvatar! :)
Windy/Windsor has been removed from the RA - I'm not sure what's going on with their nation, but it hasn't existed since February? :unsure: I guess they're a former citizen?

Isidor C. Anumia has been removed from the RA for missing the last 4 legislative votes and not voting in the past 20 days. They should be remasked as a citizen.
Windy has been remasked and Global Moderators now moderate the university ;)
It appears that Windsor is still masked as an RA member. Oops?
Apologies for the way I worded that last post. Considering Geniva has taken the oath as deputy minister here, could his display group be changed? Thank you, Eluvatar! :)
He needs to be added to the govt page too.
Thank you for the follow-up, Sanc and Elu. While going through the older posts on the military sign-ups thread, I noticed that Solm had RA masking. This is usually COE's domain, but as Solm does not have a nation in TNP he should be remasked as a former citizen.
Windsor was still a global moderator as there was a mistake with the original request to remove him as he had only just joined them. Iirc I discussed that with SS at the time.
Democratic Donkeys:
I don't have the ability to adjust your permissions, but I have pinned your thread for you.
Thank you very much, DD.

I don't mind not getting permissions... I won't be pinning a lot of threads anyway.