Admin Requests

Just a suggestion... but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can this be added to our emoticon stock?

punk d:
Could I please have moderator privileges for this subforum? Thank you kindly. :)
Ash, that area is not really an area you should have admin powers in (bad grammar).

That's really for the Speaker. You may want to just create a new thread and I'll pin it for you.
I just meant specifically for the military sign-up thread, not the entire subforum. If that's not possible, I can do what you suggested. Thanks!
Assuming the Delegate approves, could I get a hidden subforum for Publications inside Communications? I'd need to give you people to mask to see it, so hopefully that's possible.
Gladio announced his resignation from the NPA effective September 30 here. Could you please remask him as a citizen? Thank you.
Assuming the Delegate approves, could I get a hidden subforum for Publications inside Communications? I'd need to give you people to mask to see it, so hopefully that's possible.
*Delegate hat* I approve
*Admin hat* I have made the forum for you and I have set a password rather than make a mask for it. I will send you the password via PM.

Gladio announced his resignation from the NPA effective September 30 here. Could you please remask him as a citizen? Thank you.

FEC beat me to it, but it was done in case you were wondering.
After the Delegate showed his Approval, I have appointed Voronia my Deputy Minister, can you please remask him as such?

Thank you
Is it feasible to have a twitter feed for dTNP somewhere on the forums, a la TSP if you've seen it?
Thank you Eras. NO THANK YOU to the admin who remasked me as a Security Council member, thus effectively stripping me of my global moderator status. Eras said she already got it. :eyeroll:
Democratic Donkeys:
Thank you Eras. NO THANK YOU to the admin who remasked me as a Security Council member, thus effectively stripping me of my global moderator status. Eras said she already got it. :eyeroll:
See.... here's the issue. I did both. Because Elu said you had to be in the SC group for the alerts page. But I forgot the group permissions for global mod were tied to SC. :fish: So I will put it back.
If an admin could also add DD to the govt page whenever they have a chance, please.
Eremiazz and Corrupt Sensations should be removed from the RA and remasked as members, as their TNP nations have moved. >_<
In one day out the other. :P


As a note, we should be all caught up on requests now. If you've made a request and it didn't get answered, you should probably repost it.