Admin Requests

Could S1E please be remasked as an NPA Soldier? Thank you.


Funkadelia has missed 4 consecutive legislative votes, and has not voted in over 20 days. They are hereby removed from the RA, and from their position as TNP Justice. :

Funk has been masked as citizen.
Okay as a heads up folks; As I will be continuing on as admin I will be recording here things that I have done for transparency purposes. I will make some requests for other administrators to do and we will see how it goes.

I've added moderation privileges over the Foreign Affairs areas to Sanctaria.

I have removed the access of the Speaker to the executive council. The law that required that was repealed a while ago. Other Delegates could restore that if they wish.

I have also archived the Westphalia Embassy.

I have changed Internal Affairs -> C&E and restored Communications to its own forum.
Could you please remove Borndisaster's Deputy Minister masking and Defence forum moderator privileges, and re-mask him as an NPA Soldier? Thank you.
Can you please remask Kiwi as an NPA soldier and remove S1E's NPA soldier masking and re-mask as a member of the Regional Assembly? Thank you.
Small things regarding the Communications forum:
1) Is it possible to get the subforum up high with the rest of the ministries? It's kind of lonely and out of place at the bottom, and all the other ministries get a good view.
2) Could I get the subtitle renamed? We're not just for the Wire- something like "Responsible for keeping TNP citizens and the world informed"

Small things regarding the Communications forum:
1) Is it possible to get the subforum up high with the rest of the ministries? It's kind of lonely and out of place at the bottom, and all the other ministries get a good view.
2) Could I get the subtitle renamed? We're not just for the Wire- something like "Responsible for keeping TNP citizens and the world informed"

May I have an archive for the Diplomatic Corps created please (preferablly with the same conditions as the Diplomatic Corps forum itself (i.e. only DC members can view it)).
1) Is it possible to get the subforum up high with the rest of the ministries? It's kind of lonely and out of place at the bottom, and all the other ministries get a good view.
2) Could I get the subtitle renamed? We're not just for the Wire- something like "Responsible for keeping TNP citizens and the world informed"

May I have an archive for the Diplomatic Corps created please (preferablly with the same conditions as the Diplomatic Corps forum itself (i.e. only DC members can view it)).
Do you want the archives in the standard archives folder or in the delegate subforum?
Delegate subforum thanks.
And done. Let me know if it works. It has the same masking as the Diplomatic Corps subforum.

Let me know if you're able to moderate within it as well. I am not a fan of making people moderators but that seems to be the modus operandi here.
You have "Cabinet" as Moderator, which is fine, but I'm not in the Cabinet group, so you'll have to add it to me individually.
The ad hoc cabinet system makes special permission groups awkward, and as a general rule we have had to task mod permissions for specific subforms to an individual account. The trick is that someone has to keep track of changes in incumbents for those positions so that the permissions can be given and withdrawn accordingly.
The ad hoc cabinet system makes special permission groups awkward, and as a general rule we have had to task mod permissions for specific subforms to an individual account. The trick is that someone has to keep track of changes in incumbents for those positions so that the permissions can be given and withdrawn accordingly.
We changed that and made the "Cabinet" group responsible for all cabinet (bar NPA) areas to cut down on the paperwork.
Former English Colony:
The ad hoc cabinet system makes special permission groups awkward, and as a general rule we have had to task mod permissions for specific subforms to an individual account. The trick is that someone has to keep track of changes in incumbents for those positions so that the permissions can be given and withdrawn accordingly.
We changed that and made the "Cabinet" group responsible for all cabinet (bar NPA) areas to cut down on the paperwork.
Is that why I was given a separate group?
Yes, I did that Ash.

I'm not a fan of a username as moderator. Too many changes to be had. Thus I created the special masking you have.
I think that's smart, especially with the sensitive info that the Def. Min. has access to. From an Admin perspective, it's much easier to simply remove my masking rather than go into every subforum. That makes sense to me.
Could an admin please enable Fast Reply in the Registration and Membership forum? A lot of replies need to be made quickly there - VD approval, admin checks, speaker admissions.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Could an admin please enable Fast Reply in the Registration and Membership forum? A lot of replies need to be made quickly there - VD approval, admin checks, speaker admissions.
I endorse this suggestion.

Please, it'll be very helpful.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Could an admin please enable Fast Reply in the Registration and Membership forum? A lot of replies need to be made quickly there - VD approval, admin checks, speaker admissions.
I endorse this suggestion.

Please, it'll be very helpful.
Could an admin pop over to the RA application thread? We've got four people needing security checks/remasking. Thanks! :)

Edit: Oh, and darcia's TNP nation has CTEd. Remask as former citizen please!
Just a suggestion... but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can this be added to our emoticon stock?
Could an admin pop over to the RA application thread? We've got four people needing security checks/remasking. Thanks! :)

Edit: Oh, and darcia's TNP nation has CTEd. Remask as former citizen please!
Could I please have moderator privileges for this subforum? Thank you kindly. :)
Ash, that area is not really an area you should have admin powers in (bad grammar).

That's really for the Speaker. You may want to just create a new thread and I'll pin it for you.