Admin Requests

Could someone direct me to the old complaint filings threads that were archived?

EDIT: I'm specifically looking for the how to file a complaint thread.

I found something

...but says i do not have permission to view. I did see in the legal office archive some of the private office threads, but for some reason this public one i couldn't find.
Empress Astarial:
I would like to request permission to register a second account on the TNP forum, in order to separate my duties as a foreign ambassador from those as a hopeful upstanding citizen.
Permission has been granted.
Justices could probably do with the permissions to edit in this forum, because that's where the court decision archive is. Either that or it can be moved to somewhere we do have perms, and Elu's code updated. Because I'd rather be able to update it myself rather than pester a Mod/Admin to do it.

EDIT: Eras dealt with it. Mostly. The thread needs shifting to a forum that isn't read-only - it won't let me edit the posts :duh:
Former English Colony:
Crushing Our Enemies:
Venico and Welsh Cowboy have been removed from the RA for forum inactivity.
Removed from the RA, although I will note Welsh Cowboy is in the NPA so he has been left in it.
I just noticed this myself when reviewing the NPA memberlist documents.

Could Welsh Cowboy please have his NPA masking removed? Thank you.

-Message regarding Jamie's masking redacted.- (See his message below.)

Can I also ask where the archive tool for the NPA forum will send NPA topics? I want to have a tidy up but I don't want to send documents into the open where any user may see them.

Thank you.
As mentioned by Kiwi, I need the delegate masking. As well as that, I need my justice permissions removed since my resignation as Temporary Justice obviously came into effect when I won the election.
In view of my appointment by Ravania as his counsel here, I request masking to access the relevant materials, including the archive of prior cases decided by the Court.
A lot of my Moderat- all of my Moderator powers over the subforums under the jurisdiction of the Culture and Entertainment Ministry seemed to have been revoked. I don't think I've been replaced yet...
I still do not have access to the case archives, such as this case (I get an access denied message from that link). I'd appreciate an admin addressing my masking ASAP so I can be fully informed when advising Ravania regarding his legal defense.
Alvino Castillon:
A lot of my Moderat- all of my Moderator powers over the subforums under the jurisdiction of the Culture and Entertainment Ministry seemed to have been revoked. I don't think I've been replaced yet...
Are you basing it on your name no longer being there or on the ability to actually moderate? Cause the first was changed to reflect cabinet being able to moderate so your specific name no longer shows up. But if you can't actually moderate then I need to check settings.
Blake Marks has been removed from the RA because his TNP nation moved elsewhere.

AnarchistParadiso has been removed from the RA because he has not logged into the forum for over 30 days.

Also, Flemingovia has been removed because his TNP nation ceased to exist, but I don't think any remasking is in order...
Clicking on the the "Laws" link and then the "Rulings" link that follows, only 3 of all of the rulings listed there are actually linked.

Is there an issue? Also - if we wanted to number the rulings in some way is that possible?
punk d:
Clicking on the the "Laws" link and then the "Rulings" link that follows, only 3 of all of the rulings listed there are actually linked.

Is there an issue? Also - if we wanted to number the rulings in some way is that possible?

I'll be able to fix that pretty quickly: it's a configuration change I need to make to match the change in how the decisions are saved.
Thanks for updating the links, Elu.

How about the second part I asked about, if we wanted to change “undefined” into some type of numbering system, would this be possible?
Democratic Donkeys:
Could the endorsement section of the alerts page be updated?
I changed the header for you, but I believe the formatting of the endorsement rankings is something Elu has to change.
Thanks, DD. :)

Also, another admin request: the government page also needs updating.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Milograd has been removed from the regional assembly following his resignation.
Since he stated he wanted Envoy masking on IRC, I've used the auto tool to move him back to that group.
Democratic Donkeys:
Could the endorsement section of the alerts page be updated?
I changed the header for you, but I believe the formatting of the endorsement rankings is something Elu has to change.
Thanks, DD. :)

Also, another admin request: the government page also needs updating.
Jamie, what did you want changed on the alerts page? I think it auto updates endos and other data....

Only Elu can change the gov't page.