Admin Requests

Please correct the spelling of the "Defence" forum within the Delegate's Government forum.
It should read either Defense, D-Fence, or a D with a fence emoticon.

Your often unnoticed hard work is greatly appreciated!!!
Lord Byron:
Please correct the spelling of the "Defence" forum within the Delegate's Government forum.
It should read either Defense, D-Fence, or a D with a fence emoticon.

Your often unnoticed hard work is greatly appreciated!!!
It is not incorrect. It's correct under British English. I fail to see why it being written in its current way is a problem.
Lord Byron:
Please correct the spelling of the "Defence" forum within the Delegate's Government forum.
It should read either Defense, D-Fence, or a D with a fence emoticon.

Your often unnoticed hard work is greatly appreciated!!!
It is not incorrect. It's correct under British English. I fail to see why it being written in its current way is a problem.
Very sorry Admins.
I am not familiar with British English.
Although I still think a fence emoticon would be better.
I was going to post in the AG's Back Office. But I can't seem to find it.

Am I losing my mind, or am I just getting old and my eyesight is fading?
Many of us are from Commonwealth countries so I wouldn't be comfortable saying one spelling or another is "correct."
I am quite comfortable. As long as the language is "English", then given a choice the spelling of England should be preferred. Let the jumped-up colonials do what they will, the queen is correct, and it is her language.

Just because Noah Webster was barking mad, it does not mean that the rest of us have to follow his example.
Todd McCloud was removed from the RA for forum inactivity on March 14th. Apologies for the delayed notification. There was another member removed concurrently, and I am working to find out the identity.
Ok, so I need some AG's office work done. But I need it done specifically by MCM - Elu and Flem have conflicts. Here's what needs doing.

1) There needs to be a new masking group created, called Special Prosecutor.
2) There needs to be a new subforum, visible *only* to the Special Prosecutor, created within the Courts.
3) MCM needs to go look in the AG's Back Office, for any threads related to TNP v. Eluvatar, and move them to the Special Prosecutor's office.

This is kinda super important, because for ethical reasons I am unable to use or even view my new office until this is addressed. I do not wish to compromise the ongoing TNP v. Eluvatar case, you see. I will be asking our Delegate to appoint a Special Prosecutor to handle TNP v. Eluvatar. That person's masking will be requested by the Delegate when they are selected.

Please let me know when the above have been completed, so I can get to work. Thanks.
Ok, so I need some AG's office work done. But I need it done specifically by MCM - Elu and Flem have conflicts. Here's what needs doing.

1) There needs to be a new masking group created, called Special Prosecutor.
2) There needs to be a new subforum, visible *only* to the Special Prosecutor, created within the Courts.
3) MCM needs to go look in the AG's Back Office, for any threads related to TNP v. Eluvatar, and move them to the Special Prosecutor's office.

This is kinda super important, because for ethical reasons I am unable to use or even view my new office until this is addressed. I do not wish to compromise the ongoing TNP v. Eluvatar case, you see. I will be asking our Delegate to appoint a Special Prosecutor to handle TNP v. Eluvatar. That person's masking will be requested by the Delegate when they are selected.

Please let me know when the above have been completed, so I can get to work. Thanks.

I did (1) and (2) as I saw no conceivable conflict. The mask is called "Temporary Special Prosecutor Mask". Whoever is assigned can use the normal "Prosecutor" group just with that mask instead of the "Prosecutor" mask.

(3) remains to be done.
Eras has volunteered to take care of the thread-moving - I kinda forgot she was an admin >_< - so that should be done shortly too. Thanks.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Todd McCloud was removed from the RA for forum inactivity on March 14th. Apologies for the delayed notification. There was another member removed concurrently, and I am working to find out the identity.
The other one was Joshua.
Belschaft needs masking as a Deputy Attorney General. I know the group is Deputy Prosecutor, but can we change that to Deputy Attorney General? I like consistency >_>
Belschaft needs masking as a Deputy Attorney General. I know the group is Deputy Prosecutor, but can we change that to Deputy Attorney General? I like consistency >_>
Once Belschaft posts his oath, it will be done.
Can I please request that Ravania have his NPA masking removed if he doesn't already? Thank you.
Query: Why has my masking changed to 'former citizen' ? I have continued to maintain my TNP nation, Pirates Lair.

Edit: Not that it particularly matters, I just found it curious. You could mask me as a Foreign Envoy representing TWP.
Presumably a clerical error. When the "Registered Citizens" (now "Citizens") group was created, this involved review of a very large number of former Regional Assembly members. I invite you to apply here.
Thanks, that could be the reason indeed.

I don't wish to join the RA at this time though, thank you. It would feel like a conflict of interest to me, as I lead the Provisional Government of TWP currently.
That's not the RA application thread, its the Citizenship registration thread.

I suppose I should have said "register" and not "apply."
I would like to request permission to register a second account on the TNP forum, in order to separate my duties as a foreign ambassador from those as a hopeful upstanding citizen.
Can we change Deputy Attorney General to Assistant Attorney General? I like that better I think. >_>
Empress Astarial:
I would like to request permission to register a second account on the TNP forum, in order to separate my duties as a foreign ambassador from those as a hopeful upstanding citizen.

I will defer the final call on this to Eluvatar and Flemingovia. I believe that it is acceptable to have multiple forum accounts as long as only one is in the Regional Assembly. Eluvatar makes use of both "Eluvatar" and "Zemnaya Svoboda" for example.

Can we change Deputy Attorney General to Assistant Attorney General? I like that better I think. >_>

Done Gaspo.