Admin Requests

Perhaps the Chief JUstice could give some idea who needs access where? With only one admin at the moment it gets very confusing with everyone chipping in left, right and centre.
Abbey and Sanc should both have access to the normal private chambers as well as the temporary private chambers for the Eluvatar trial.
Can we get the lobby subforum back? Or at least some reasoning as to why it was removed?
The lobby threads were moved into the Agora. I did object to this at the time, but am no longer concerned about it, because the Agora forum functions in much the same way as the Lobby subforum used to function, with the subtle difference that the Agora is not located within the Regional Assembly forum.
Can I please request the removal of NPA masking from the following forum users who still have it:

Prince Windsor
Peoples Empire
Can I please request the removal of NPA masking from the following forum users who still have it:

Prince Windsor
Peoples Empire

Darangia and people's empire did not have npa masking to be removed.

I cannot find prince Windsor. What is their forum name? Has it changed?
Can I please request the removal of NPA masking from the following forum users who still have it:

Prince Windsor
Peoples Empire

Darangia and people's empire did not have npa masking to be removed.

I cannot find prince Windsor. What is their forum name? Has it changed?
My apologies! My records weren't updated since he had his name changed.

Thank you for checking and removing those from the list who still retained NPA masking.

When you get a chance there is an outstanding security check in the military thread. I see that you're roughly down to one Admin so no rush. Get to it when you can.
Can I please request the removal of NPA masking from the following forum users who still have it:

Prince Windsor
Peoples Empire

Darangia and people's empire did not have npa masking to be removed.

I cannot find prince Windsor. What is their forum name? Has it changed?
My apologies! My records weren't updated since he had his name changed.

Thank you for checking and removing those from the list who still retained NPA masking.

When you get a chance there is an outstanding security check in the military thread. I see that you're roughly down to one Admin so no rush. Get to it when you can.
security check done.
Four RA applications are currently waiting for security checks: Andrew von Vukschtan, Blake Marks, Supreme Leader of DOAO, and Zyvetskistaahn.
Crushing Our Enemies:
Furthermore, Stersteraved is conditionally approved for RA membership, so as soon as he passes a security check, he can be remasked.
Stersteraved has been checked and remasked.
I need an embassy created for The Isles of Liberty


Kingborough, I am not sure how to get you the mod access you require. that may have to wait for Eluvatar's return.

Isle of Liberty embassy adjusted to match the others. Flag changed to
because that url A) will not disappear and B) will automatically update within a day of any flag change. Permissions also adjusted.

Kingborough has been granted Mod HQ access.
I would like for the RA Meeting Chambers to be deleted and all topics and subforums moved to the top-level Regional Assembly Forum. Then, change the permissions of the Regional Assembly forum to match those of the Meeting Chambers. In other words I want to go from this:

-Regional Assembly
--The Laws
--Membership Rolls
--Meeting Chambers
---Private Halls
--Voting Floor

To this:
Regional Assembly
--The Laws
--Membership Rolls
--Private Halls
--Voting Floor

Currently, the top-level Regional Assembly forum serves only to house announcements/policies from the speaker, and all the threads that people who were confused by the structure posted in the wrong place. My objection to this is (aside from how easy it is to confuse people) that the announcements are more likely to be read if they're pinned in a forum with other threads that people read and post in, instead of at the bottom of a page crowded with sub-forums with no other threads. I'm in the process of reorganizing and updating the speaker-made policies, and part of the reason they are so antiquated and contradictory is that no one pays much attention to the threads in that forum.

EDIT: If the Regional Assembly forum is also supposed to be a place where citizens/non-RA members are allowed to post about the RA, then in that case, let's make THAT a subforum, instead of the Meeting Chambers.
So COE, there is a difference between those two chambers in terms of masking, but the naming of them unfortunately doesn't get at that difference. TNP citizens can post in the Regional Assembly forum, but not in the meeting chambers. But with a name like "Regional Assembly", I'm not sure how the citizens are supposed to know they can have a voice there too. So perhaps a name change would be in order to make it a bit clearer to new people.
I'm saying let's make the meeting chambers the top-level forum, since that's the one that most of the threads go in, and the one that is the core of RA business. If we need a place for citizens to address the RA, or comment on RA business, let's make THAT a subforum. It doesn't really make sense for the meeting chambers to be a subforum of the RA forum, no matter which way it's sliced. So something like this:

-Regional Assembly -where announcements and debate threads are posted
--The Laws
--Membership Rolls
--Voting Floor
--Private Halls
--[New Subforum, to be named] -With citizen posting rights
So we had a discussion on IRC, and the ideas that came out of the discussion are generally as follows.

1) Rename forums as follows Top level RA --> RA + Citizens and subforum Meeting Chambers --> RA only (names are not really suggested to be those) such that it indicates citizens are also welcome to post in the top level forum and the Meeting Chambers is for all the RA specific stuff. This would keep the masking as is.

2) Move all threads from the deleted Meeting Chambers forum to the top level forum and create a citizens only forum, as r3n suggested a name of "Citizen's Lobby" for it. This would rearrange the masking a bit so that Citizens could not (I assume) post in the top level forum.

If option 2 is chosen, it would be nice to either rename the "Regional Assembly" forum to something like "Regional Citizens AND Assembly" or perhaps modify the descriptive text below the name to clearly tell citizens they have a place to post. COE also suggested modifying the first post in the Citizens application thread to point people to the forum where they can post.
I would object to renaming the top-level forum. The forum is there for RA business. While it's fine that citizens are welcome there and can comment on RA business, or petition the RA for whatever, renaming it "Regional Citizens and Assembly" or anything similar makes it sound like it's there for two purposes: RA business, and whatever citizens wanna do. That would be more misleading, I think, not less. Changing the descriptive text would be a good option, I think.

Naturally, I'm pushing for option 2.