@Fregerson will also require masking, and both need to be added to the government sheet.May I receive Election Commissioner masking please?
Done.@Fregerson will also require masking, and both need to be added to the government sheet.
Fregerson's oath: https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7019276/post-10305126
Wonderess's oath: https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7019276/post-10305633
Done.May I, @Wonderess, be masked as a Justice and added to the government sheet?
Election Results Here
Oath of Office Here
Thank you!Done.
Please remove Angshire's masking as a Deputy Minister for Communications, moderation of the Communications group, and any moderation ability over the Communications Forum. Thank you.
Done.I'd like my Deputy Minister masking removed.
Done.Please mask @Cosmosplosion as Deputy Minister: Appointment and Oath
Also, can all the WA Deputy Ministers (@Fregerson, @Morover, @Bobberino and Cosmo) be given mod permissions for the WA Affairs subforum and ability to manage the WA Affairs group.
Done. But I’m not happy about itIm finally doing it,
Can I change my username to Rocketdog
Fails - mobile IP.Requesting an Admin Check on @Hiram Lopez .
Done.As per my Notice of Absence and the activation of Speakers Office Continuity Protocols could @St George be given Moderator permissions over the RA forum and the Private Speakers Office (unless the mod perms for the RA grant it to all of it's subforums as well.), or the appropriate permissions to act in my stead?
Also, may I have @Rom masked as Deputy Speaker and added as a manager of the Citizen and Resident groups?
Thank you!
Leaves sloth and other admin treats, (such as rum, Vegemite and so on.)
Done.I hold like to merge the accounts under @President Rhodes and @Rhodes please. I accidentally doubled
Done.@Dinoium has failed to log into his forum account for two weeks and so has abandoned the office of Gameside Advocate.
I believe I have fixed this by removing the limit on number of conversation participants per message. Unfortunately, the only way to test out this change is to send out a message to over 50 of our users (which is not something I'm going to do). We'll therefore use this special election's private voting message to test it. Election supervisors: please let me know if you have any difficulties messaging more than 50 users at once.Would it be at all possible to remove the cooldown from sending multiple mass-conversations for this account, @The Ballot Box, and @The Polling Place?
Archive.Please close and archive the DSA embassy thread: https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/forum/5001794/
The embassy is now closed
Done.Resignation: https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7431579/15#post-10308340
Oath: https://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7019276/26#post-10308341
Announcement: New Minister of Communications and Press Secretary
New Minister of Communications & Press Secretary Good evening, Firstly, I'd like to congratulate @Artemis on ascending to the Vice Delegacy once again. This has created another vacancy in the Ministry of Communications for the final month of the term. I am pleased to announce that...forum.thenorthpacific.org
Mask me as Minister, with group managing authority over Communications, pls. Also, de-mask me as Deputy Speaker.
Check your PM.I would like to put in a request to have my old forum account deactivated and removed for this to be my primary account for TNP forum posting. For email privacy if an admin/mod wants to reach out to me I will supply them the email the old account is tied to via private msg.
Merged.Request account deletion of this account so I may use my new account SirBinx as my main for TNP forum posting.
Done.I'll need @Robespierre and @Cosmosplosion to get manager access to Communications.
Done.Please grant @Vivanco management access to the radio group
Passes.Requesting an admin check on @Islands