Admin Requests

Can the "Senior Gameside Advocate" position on the government spreadsheet please be changed to "Lead Gameside Advocate"?

Can I get any and all ag related permissions and maskings I have be revoked, I just realized I can see the members' only part of its subforum.
Given my appointment and subsequent oath of office, may I please be masked as a Deputy Minister?
Posting this here because Loz hasn't yet. Could I and Quietdad have moderating powers over the North Pacific Army and Defense subforums, and access to the High Command subforum? Plus could Bobberino and Owenstacey have access to the high command subforum too? Context here, QD is Chief of Staff, I'm Deputy MoD and Bob+Owen are Adjutants who need access to the high com subforum for paperwork. You can ask Loz if you want to make sure he's good with this request, he is
This needs to be requested by Loz here (or signed off by them) please. I'd also like clarification, should all of NPA high command have the moderating powers or is this going to always be on a person to person basis? - Done now per conversation with Loz

Yeti, Alex Thompson now NPA
GA renamed
Carttica is now Imaginary
Kleon_Cuthlion merged with Eternith into 1 user

I think this means we're caught up on Admin Requests. If you have something outstanding, you should probably post it again as a reminder.
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Can arietti please be removed from the gov't spreadsheet as a Gameside Advocate and removed from the GA group?

It seems I have moderation abilities in the Culture HQ forum. I don’t believe I’m supposed to have those :P
Can @Highton please be added to the Gameside Advocate group and also added as a gameside advocate on the gov't spreadsheet?

To fulfill my duty to the office of Speaker, I do declare the following:
Are NPA/members now:
Mr Tickles

Bill Kennedy - No such user exists, I am assuming you are talking about Eraver?
flemingovia - can't edit an admin, he'll have to self-edit

I don't think any of the people listed as being in office actually hold an office, so nothing done with them.
Can Praetor be given access to Hyacinth House, please? This used to be controlled by the Senior Diplomats joinable group.
There seems to be some discrepancies between the citizenship roll and the masking of members in forum such as @Malta Comino Gozo. I wanted to make sure that this was not an issue with others as well. BTW: Malta requires citizenship masking.
Can Crushing Our Enemies, SillyString, and Eluvatar please be given access to the executive council subforum if they don't already have it?

Requesting this once again as this no longer seems to be a profile option.

My Isimud account is no longer accessible to me due to a password change. Also my previous email accounts are likewise inaccessible for the same reason. The current Janus account was created specifically to post this message.

My IP address will likely have changed and will be associated with a cell phone. The only way I can think to prove myself Isimud is to move my nation so you can check my nation events. I won't have a home IP for at least 2 months.

Ideally I'd like to have the Isimud account deleted and a name change from Isimud => Janus effected while maintaining my Janus password and email address.

Thank you for your consideration.
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Requesting this once again as this no longer seems to be a profile option.

My Isimud account is no longer accessible to me due to a password change. Also my previous email accounts are likewise inaccessible for the same reason. The current Janus account was created specifically to post this message.

My IP address will likely have changed and will be associated with a cell phone. The only way I can think to prove myself Isimud is to move my nation so you can check my nation events. I won't have a home IP for at least 2 months.

Ideally I'd like to have the Janus account account deleted and a name change from Isimud => Janus effected while maintaining my Janus password and email address.

Thank you for your consideration.
The way to prove yourself Isimud can also be to login to the tapatalk forum and send an admin a PM to prove you're Isimud.
Thank you, Eras, for the prompt response. Sadly the TNP tapatalk forum will neither allow me to register or PM anyone, though I now have a tapatalk account as Isimud...I think.

Edit: yep=>Isimud.
Hello! I want to ask how to find and use my draft? I saved my draft days ago but because I am not familiar with the forums, I am trying to look for it but i could not get it again. Please help!
*Cough Cough* I think one of you people need to take away my Justice Role.

Hello! I want to ask how to find and use my draft? I saved my draft days ago but because I am not familiar with the forums, I am trying to look for it but i could not get it again. Please help!
I don't even... where do you think you saved a draft? I personally don't see an option anywhere to save a draft.