Maybe you should just try not to give out free cheats and admin powers? Just saying.
Well I ment the powers to smite people and fly at will.St George:No one has admin powers except for myself, so I've no idea what you're talking about.
I will replace those iron tools the next time I am on.
I thought only the mods could use fly?St George:Fly is useful and I won't be limiting it.
You can never have too many cookies. Worst comes to the worst, they'll be the official currency of the Blackwater Republic.Tortoises:I may also have accidentally made 8 stacks of cookies.![]()
Best. Currency. Ever.Xentherida:You can never have too many cookies. Worst comes to the worst, they'll be the official currency of the Blackwater Republic.Tortoises:I may also have accidentally made 8 stacks of cookies.![]()
Where is the New Federation?primeboy1:well, the New Federation mainly uses that white stone (cant remember its name) in its processed form as currency (Hyperinflation Ho!!!!)
Throwing words like Anschluss casually like that doesn't do much to dissuade the growing perception of you as a crypto-Nazi.Syrixia:Okay, phew. That means we don't have to anschluß![]()
Eh, I'm planning on turning the new state of Yercon into a march or client state. Possibly a trade company even.Yeraennus:Eh, I'm planning on Annexing Mercon.
So because I make a country Nazi-ish means suddenly everyone thinks I'm a Nazi? For your information, I find exploring things that people tend to shun interesting. I've made Rhuvanland communist too, as well as a monarchy and an oligarchy earlier in its history, and I'm not a communist, oligarchist, or a monarchist.Vazos:Throwing words like Anschluss casually like that doesn't do much to dissuade the growing perception of you as a crypto-Nazi.Syrixia:Okay, phew. That means we don't have to anschluß![]()
I don't mean creative mode, I like being in survival, I mean the /fly command so it doesn't take as long to get to places without a warp. (such as finding the ever elusive jungle which we have now caught and placed in a cage(warp) because it took 30-60+ minutes of flying to find it.)Lord Ravenclaw:Yeah, I've not added creative mode to people nor will I be doing so.
As for that, it may be QwickTree - thought I'd disabled it. Or something. I'll look tomorrow.
Is there a plugin for locked chest now, if so what is it?St George:Command blocks and flying are now enabled.
As always, suggestions for plugins etc are welcome.
Looking into it. Any suggestions?Tortoises:Is there a plugin for locked chest now, if so what is it?St George:Command blocks and flying are now enabled.
As always, suggestions for plugins etc are welcome.