Do you want to learn more about the North Pacific Common Market Association? If so, you've come to the right place!
What is this North Pacific Common Market Association you speak of?
The North Pacific Common Market Association is an aptly named common market trade bloc operating not against but in conjunction with the Red, Blue, or any other trade blocs that exist, have existed, or may spring up in the future.
What are the advantages of joining the NPCMA?
There are many advantages to joining. Hiskjriaana is known throughout the region for its punitive tariffs, but when you join the NPCMA, they all but disappear (for the most part)! Along with the elimination of regional barriers to trade, there is a great deal of other reasons to join. The NPCMA brings manufactures in many different countries closer together, resulting in greater competition, which in turn results in increased firm efficiency, which substantially helps all economies involved. When the increase in production and consumption meet changing demands, market efficiency makes leaps and bounds. These are only a sample of the many reasons the future will be brighter if you join the NPCMA.
Don't trade blocs put tariffs on imports from non-members?
One of the great things about the NPCMA is that it doesn't! We believe in reducing barriers to world free trade one nation at a time.
How does one join this NPCMA?
Simply fill out the form below:
Who is all part of the NPCMA?
The current members of the North Pacific Common Market Association are, in order of application:
The Environmentalist Utopia of Hiskjriaana
The Empire of Syrixia
Das Kannexische Reich
The Grand Union of the Andulan States and the Liren Republic
The Kingdom of True Sebland
The Kingdom of Aquilia
The Confederation of Kalti
The Kingdom of Plembobria
The United States of New Sekai
The Grand Federation of Xentherida
The Republic of South Cronaal
The Constitutional Monarchy of Ryccia
The Empire of Gim
The Technological Republic of Norvalkin
The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno
The Stank of Yeraennus
The Republic of Salvarity
The Kingdom Republic of Ceretis
The Triple Federation of Trinster
What if I have questions, comments, concerns, and/or rants?
Please direct them here: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7427410/1/
Thank you for looking in to the North Pacific Common Market Association!
What is this North Pacific Common Market Association you speak of?
The North Pacific Common Market Association is an aptly named common market trade bloc operating not against but in conjunction with the Red, Blue, or any other trade blocs that exist, have existed, or may spring up in the future.
What are the advantages of joining the NPCMA?
There are many advantages to joining. Hiskjriaana is known throughout the region for its punitive tariffs, but when you join the NPCMA, they all but disappear (for the most part)! Along with the elimination of regional barriers to trade, there is a great deal of other reasons to join. The NPCMA brings manufactures in many different countries closer together, resulting in greater competition, which in turn results in increased firm efficiency, which substantially helps all economies involved. When the increase in production and consumption meet changing demands, market efficiency makes leaps and bounds. These are only a sample of the many reasons the future will be brighter if you join the NPCMA.
Don't trade blocs put tariffs on imports from non-members?
One of the great things about the NPCMA is that it doesn't! We believe in reducing barriers to world free trade one nation at a time.
How does one join this NPCMA?
Simply fill out the form below:
[b]Full Nation Name: [/b]
[b]National Currency(s):[/b]
[b]Representative to the NPCMA:[/b]
Who is all part of the NPCMA?
The current members of the North Pacific Common Market Association are, in order of application:
The Environmentalist Utopia of Hiskjriaana
The Empire of Syrixia
Das Kannexische Reich
The Grand Union of the Andulan States and the Liren Republic
The Kingdom of True Sebland
The Kingdom of Aquilia
The Confederation of Kalti
The Kingdom of Plembobria
The United States of New Sekai
The Grand Federation of Xentherida
The Republic of South Cronaal
The Constitutional Monarchy of Ryccia
The Empire of Gim
The Technological Republic of Norvalkin
The Disputed Territories of Territorio di Nessuno
The Stank of Yeraennus
The Republic of Salvarity
The Kingdom Republic of Ceretis
The Triple Federation of Trinster
What if I have questions, comments, concerns, and/or rants?
Please direct them here: http://forum.thenorthpacific.org/topic/7427410/1/
Thank you for looking in to the North Pacific Common Market Association!