Eulogize the Person Above You

^ was a long term citizen of TNP. Surprised everyone with his ability to avoid achieving anything during that time

(sorry that was a bit mean)
{just for your knowledge I was only resident,only recently got citizenship :yes: }

^ Syrixia's end was a dangerous mix of culture and nukes
^ At least somebody else will be the first endo now other than that sod.
I'd never eat my kin
wait does that make me a furry if they are my kin

^ Still isn't called danklord.
I need glasses don't I

Who is quak anyway

^ Is so dull I've ran out of things to call him.
I need glasses don't I

Who is quak anyway

^ Is so dull I've ran out of things to call him.
quak1234 is one of the deputy speakers and his avatar is a cat

^ lost his way among so many buttons and run out of food
^ CTE'd yesterday, only took about 3 minutes for Aredun to reform it'self and capture his land
I honestly wouldn't be surprised. Filthy Aredun post fascists.

^ Isn't called danklord.
^ after desert cats extinction,desert rats,without any predator to concern them,increased their numbers too much and the result was that they run out of food sources
^isn't you and forgot his own name: was found in the parking lot behind a supermarket with customers claiming that he had been running around in circles yelling something about not knowing his own name before impaling himself on a blunt fence post
^ I can't wait to take him out and parade his lifeless corpse on the town, a la "Weekend at Bernies"