Eulogize the Person Above You

Richard Bucket, loving father and friend to many, died this morning. He is survived by his son James and his loving wife Hyacinth.
Syrixia was not a real giraffe, he was just known to have a very long tongue and next to no gag reflex when tube like items were inserted into his oesophagus.

It is with great regret that he lay here tonight, no more giraffes in TNP pls their lifespan is too short.
The death of Utter Dominance came as a shock to everyone, as he died suddenly doing what he loved; utterly dominating. Unfortunately, he did not utterly dominate.
I still miss Xentherida, maybe I'll still see them around NS or even RL. Their RP will be missed, knowing they did what was right usually.
I enjoyed the utter subjugation of the northern half of Cronaal while it lasted. Alas, I must now leave, so I can take over the rest before Syrixia tries to nuke me again.
Alas, poor Nebula, I kinda knew him, random person. He was allright, I suppose.
I thought Darth Vader pushed him down a pit. Now he's here and wearing sunglasses?
Poor anthropromorphic living ball with a flag on it. He died so young. Well, anthropromorphic living balls with flags on them live to only 1...
"...his husk now only contained broken, bloody bones, protruding from all parts of his body, though even those began to vanish as the hungry ravens picked at what remained of his..."
Cronaal, a candle burning bright burns no more. Like the rending of his nation, so are our hearts.
"...and he floundered for a moment, hard of breath, as his neck was red on one side. Red with blood. His trachea spilled out of his neck, and he slowly coughed up his own throat. The agony was too much, and he..."
We are gathered here today to mourn the death of the man known as Wolfsea. He (as far as we knew) was anti-imperialist, which is cool, and our religions/philosophies were almost creepy in their similarity. A bit obsessed with death though.
Trinster was never really someone I knew well. He will be missed, though.

Dibs on his seats in the Rhuvish Senate
Syrixia CTE'd in great spammery, they shall be remembered as the one and only true giraffe TNP will ever have...
OOC: My oxygen tanks ran out years ago, I just haven't noticed... SSSHSHHHHHH

RIP IndieGirl, I never thought you would CTE, I never even thought you would stop posting.
RIP IndieGirl - She left her glorious post count for Syrixia to overtake. What a saddening sight.