Vice Delegate's Desk


February 16, 2024
Midweek Endorsement Report

Hello, TNP!

This is now the second edition of the Midweek Endorsement Report, a new initiative as part of my platform promises, which aims to increase awareness within the community about the status of the endorsements of the Delegate, Vice Delegate, and Security Councilors in the name of communication and transparency. In the aftermath of the invasion of Europe, the Security Council is looking at ways to increase the endorsement count of Delegate @Kaschovia to further prevent outside attacks.

Currently, we have 1,065 World Assembly nations in the North Pacific, out of 6,671 total nations - that is a 15.9% WA member rate. 1,065 nations. Of those nations, 789 are endorsing Kaschovia, and 742 are endorsing me. The endorsement rate for Kasch is currently 74%, while my own is 69%. The current gap between the two of us is forty-seven, which is five more than what we started the week with, and as of now, we need the gap to grow by that same number to meet this week's goal. Since Sunday's report, Kaschovia's endorsement count has increased by two while mine, in contrast, has decreased by three.

Currently, I am nineteen endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor, Marcus Antonius (Ethnon) who currently occupies the third-place spot in endorsements. Former Security Councilor Siwale remains among the SC's level of endorsements and is currently in ninth place ahead of one Security Councilor, TlomzKrano (Kranostav). Prospective applicant Fregerson (PotatoFarmers) sits among our ranks in terms of endorsements with 679 endorsements and is ahead of Former English Colony along with the aforementioned Tlomz. Gorundu on the other hand, is quite some way off SC levels. He is in 17th place and is a hundred-thirty-nine endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor. He will have some work to do should he be appointed by the Regional Assembly.

Below are today's updated endorsement charts:




Best regards,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

February 18, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! This has been a rather quiet week in the chambers of the Security Council. It's been more of the same since the last report, but we have been able to be productive despite the relative tranquility at home. Let's take a look at what we have been up to this week.

Security Council Applications

The Security Council Applications of @Gorundu and @Fregerson are now being voted on by our Regional Assembly. The voting period nearing its end, and the results will be released in a few days' time. Until then, we can only wait for the outcome of those two votes. By the next report, it could be very much possible that the SC will welcome a member or two to its ranks.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

Last week, I began to notice that the endorsement gap between myself and Kaschovia is not as wide as I would have liked it to be - which was forty-two endorsements. As a result, I set the following weekly endorsement goal as follows:

This week, the goal is to increase the gap between the Delegate and Vice Delegate by ten endorsements.
As I noted in the Midweek Endorsement Update, the gap has increased by five in the space of five days. That left two further days for the gap to increase. I have slowed down my endotarting to slow down my endorsement increase, while Kasch's will continue as normal. The gap is currently fifty-six endorsements, which is an increase of 9 from Friday's report. The gap was forty-two last week, meaning it has increased by 14 over the course of the week, and the endorsement goal has been achieved with a cherry on top. As a reward, you all can choose TNP's next poll by answering this Google form. The most popular idea (or my own favorite) will be made into a poll. The form will be up for 4 days.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Delegate @Kaschovia:
Kasch has been great in regards to endotarting, and this week has produced results. Currently, Kasch's endorsement count stands at 796, an increase of nine from last week. This is very encouraging for our WA population, and I can already see a milestone approaching in the distance. It won't take long to get there - all you guys have to do is to pull through. This week's goal is to get Kaschovia to 800 endorsements.

Vice Delegate @Chipoli: I will not be setting an endorsement goal for myself this week. The Delegate-Vice Delegate gap has grown quite nicely this week, and I don't want to encourage you all to do something that would offset all our hard work - this again is why I am merely returning endorsements for now. The only goal for you all this week is to endorse our Delegate. If you haven't already, do so now!

Platform Initiatives

I have been putting some time and thought into preparing my remaining platform initiatives - mainly the SC Survey and the completion of the SC Handbook. While I haven't discussed them with the Security Council yet, I will likely do so this week. I am trying to both take my time and ensure that my initiatives are released successfully and are well-thought-out, while at the same time attempting to complete them in a relatively timely manner. Expect more on this front in my next report.


This week, the Regional Assembly will determine whether or not Fregerson and Gorundu are worthy of entry into the Security Council. In the next report, you all will hear about the progress of my platform initiatives, along with next week's weekly endorsement goals. On a positive note, I have managed to release a Midweek Endorsement Report, which I'm looking to make a regular occurrence now. There is no fixed date for their release, unlike my weekly report. As a reminder, Midweek Endorsement Reports will either be released on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday depending on my schedule and availability.




Best wishes,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

February 26, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Greetings, TNP! I'm breaking tradition this time, with this week's report coming on a Monday, instead of a Sunday. In this week's report, we will review the votes of the Security Council applications and I update you all on the midweek endorsement events along with my platform initiatives.

Security Council Applications

Voting on the Security Council applications of @Fregerson and @Gorundu has concluded, and the people have spoken.

More assembly members voted to appoint Gorundu, despite the SC's recommendation, to the Security Council. However, the vote failed to reach the supermajority of a two-thirds majority's support. The Ayes were 23, the Nays were 18, and 9 voters abstained, with 56% of voters voting Aye, which as I mentioned earlier, was not enough for the motion to pass.

The Security Council will still welcome a member to the Security Council. I would like to give my congratulations to Fregerson, who was voted into the Security Council by an overwhelming vote tally, of 30 to 6. We look forward to working with Fregerson and seeing him build off of his experience as Vice Delegate.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

This week's goal is to get Kaschovia to 800 endorsements.
Kaschovia did wonders for his endorsement count this week and has seen growth unlike any other this term. He ultamitely exceeded his goal by double-digits and currently has 812 endorsements, the highest at any point of the term so far. The gap has grown by another 10-ish or so due to my endorsement count remaining relatively stable. Now, I noticed as the goal was met that I had forgotten to include the reward for that week. Now, as the goal has been met, I have to give out the reward. Shortly, one random individual endorsing Kaschovia will be gifted the S3 Legendary Card Greater Eireann. Without further ado, our lucky winner is...

Holy Marcus Empire! Congratulations!

If you want to win a reward as part of the Weekly Endorsements Program, make sure to endorse Delegate Kaschovia and me to be eligible!

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Delegate @Kaschovia:
Our Delegate has made meaningful gains with his endorsements, increasing his count by twelve. I don't know if this is a one-off, but I do hope it is not. This week I will be shooting for the next milestone - which is 820 endorsements. If this goal is met, anyone who endorses Kaschovia will given a shoutout in the next Vice Delegate's report and the WFE (if we have enough space).

Vice Delegate @Chipoli: I will remain cautious with my endotarting activities, but I will look to get out and do some now, based on the advice given to me by the Security Council that the gap between myself and Kasch has grown to manageable levels. I still will not set an endorsement goal for myself to prevent the gap from unintentionally being brought to del-tip levels. Once I'm sure that is safe, I will bring back endorsement goals for the Vice Delegate.

Platform Initiatives

This week, I have managed to present the outline for the Security Council Survey in our War Room. There has been a lack of feedback from my fellow Councilors on this, however, and that, on top of my real-life priorities which were more hectic this week, has caused me to only make a small amount of progress on my initiative, but it is progress nonetheless. As for the SC Biographies, I am gathering the necessary data and information to begin to implement it.




Wishing you luck,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific
Is Corfad allowed to be over the endorsement cap?
Corfad's endorsement activities have come up a couple of times in our discussions, which gave us an opportunity to make a decision on him. Corfad's current endorsement count is 581 as I type this. To put this in perspective, he is 83 endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor, 167 away from myself, and more than 200 away from Delegate Kaschovia. Given the gap between Corfad, the Security Council, and the Delegate, we do not believe he is a security threat at this time. Until he is, we are generally okay with him being a safe distance away from us.
Has Corfad engaged with the security council when approached about his endorsements? Or has he not had the mum treatment yet? If he hasn’t… then why? At this point, he should be engaging and explaining why he is continuing to break the rules.

To expand the above - if he has had the treatment…

1) he appears to not be a citizen, on the forum, or otherwise involved in the region. Is that correct?
2) if the above is true, is it a good idea (especially in a time of war) to allow the endorsement cap to be broken by someone who does not participate in the region beyond endo tarting?
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Since mention was made of having a little chat with mum, I want to jump in here. I've had a conversation with Corfad. My takeaway would put him in much the same category as Yaorozu. Let's remember the Bill of Rights enshrines our freedom to exchange endorsements. The Legal Code specifies situations when the government authorities are permitted to take action against reckless endorsement gathering. It does not say the government is required to ban nations who go over a certain number. As always, tarts are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Since mention was made of having a little chat with mum, I want to jump in here. I've had a conversation with Corfad. My takeaway would put him in much the same category as Yaorozu. Let's remember the Bill of Rights enshrines our freedom to exchange endorsements. The Legal Code specifies situations when the government authorities are permitted to take action against reckless endorsement gathering. It does not say the government is required to ban nations who go over a certain number. As always, tarts are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Yaorozu also engaged when he was spoken to in my experience. He also had good reasons why he didn’t use the forum much and explained those to me.

Believe it or not, I am well aware of the bill of rights and how the provision works. That is why I asked very specific questions, which by the way have not been answered in over a week.

Which leads me to ask, Is the Vice Delegate inactive or on a LoA?
First off, I would like to apologize for the delay in answering your questions. I take responsibility for causing you to wait so long, as I should have responded in a more timely manner. No, I am not currently on a leave of absence, but I can't deny the fact that my responsibilities have slowly been taking up more of my time from NS (although things have been improving lately) - despite this fact, I am making as much effort as I can to serve this region as it's Vice Delegate. Your question hasn't been overlooked or ignored. The Security Council and I have been discussing possible responses since you first brought it up. Corfad has been on our radar for a very long time, and we do not take violations of our endorsement procedure lightly. That said, I hope this response covers all the bases of your question.

Regarding Corfad's engagement with the Security Council, I can confirm that he has indeed communicated with us on the subject of his endorsement behavior. While you are correct that he may not be as actively involved on the forums or in our broader regional affairs, we have received responses from him, indicating that he is not disregarding our inquiries and is aware that he is in violation of the SC Procedures. In light of the changes our region has undergone with our endorsement numbers in the past 11 months, we have been actively exploring different apparatuses to adapt to the modern endorsement levels and practices and their impact on our regional security. This is the reason why we've developed a regional law to draw a clearer line for these types of situations.

While Corfad has been over our so-called "soft cap" for some time, that does not mean we will allow our residents to continue to endotart recklessly and potentially poise a threat to us. This is a time of war, and in the past, I have emphasized the need for alertness when watching potential threats, especially due to the tricks our enemies have played against us as recently as last term. The longer individuals are in violation of our laws, we'll have more and more eyes on them and will continue to crank our dial up. Rest assured, we are closely monitoring the situation and are prepared to take further action if necessary - so far, the situation simply hasn't escalated enough, but if it does, we'll be ready.

March 12, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! It's been a bit since I last hosted this thing, but we have now reached the midterm point of this term. Looking back at the first half of it, I'm pleased to report that we haven't faced any external threats from our enemies, and the North Pacific itself has remained safe. This is great news, especially during a time of war. Moving forward, the Security Council and I will continue to protect the region as promised, and even add a cherry on top too. The last 2 weeks have been somewhat uneventful on the outside, although you should expect that to change in the near future with the introduction of my new intiatives!

The Endorsement Situation

Since it has been a while, I decided that I should give you all an update on how the WA endorsement levels of our region's top brass have changed since the last report from my desk on the 26th of February.

Delegate @Kaschovia has started this period with 812 endorsements. That number only continued to increase during the week, which peaked on March 3rd, six days after the report on the 26th, at a total of 829 endorsements, which would have smashed the original endorsement goal of 820. Shortly afterward, the North Pacific Army was called away for business matters, which caused our WA numbers to drop. By March 6th, Kaschovia once again had 812 endorsements, which is what we started the week with. His count had further dropped to 809 three days later. Following the return of our soldiers, Kaschovia rose back up to 819 endorsements, which ultamitely was a net gain of 7 endorsements and was a single endorsement away from meeting the goal. However, since the goal ended up being exceeded not long after the report, I will consider it to be met and will recognize the individuals who helped protect our region and endorsed Kaschovia recently later on in the report as that was the reward I promised.

As for myself, I experienced similar endorsement patterns to Kaschovia. At the time that the previous report had been published, I had 743 endorsements. Just like the Delegate, my levels peaked on the 3rd of March, at 751 endorsements, which was also the most I've had the entire term. After the NPA deployed, I experienced an even harsher drop, bottoming out at 732 endorsements on March 9th, which is a total decrease of 19, which most likely can be attributed to my cautious endorsement practices (which I explain the reason for here). From yesterday to today, my count has increased by a total of seven, which brought me up to 739 endorsements, which is a net decrease of 5. The gap between the Vice Delegate and Delegate at this moment is 80 endorsements, an increase of 11 endorsements from the last report.

At the moment, the closest Security Councilor to me is Great Bights Mum. She currently maintains an endorsement count of 718, which is 21 behind myself and 101 behind Delegate Kaschovia. Siwale is the only nation that is above a Security Councilor (Kranostav) at the moment. He is in 11th with 662 endorsements, while Kranostav, in last place in terms of Security Councilors, is nine behind him with 653 endorsements. Siwale has not been actively endotarting within the past week. Corfad currently has 577 endorsements and is in 12th place. He is 76 endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor. Currently, he has an endorsement gap of 162 and 242 endorsements from myself and Kaschovia respectively.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

This week I will be shooting for the next milestone - which is 820 endorsements.
I went into detail on how Kaschovia's endorsement count evolved throughout the last week. He managed to not only meet the goal but exceed it and jump up to 829 endorsements during the week following the report. While his levels have since decreased to a figure that is below the goal, I believe the hard work our residents do to protect our region should be rewarded with what I have promised. I would like to give a shoutout to the following nations who have endorsed Kaschovia in the past two weeks:

Nightmare Acropolis, Gallicelestia, Texaska, Sangang, Imperiuse, Republica Guilleana, Fluvoria, Western Raby Iandiake, The Fortunian Islands, Gridlands WA puppet state, Aquatian, Kastonvia, Tomasica, Flaeze, The Eur-asian Federation, The Best Empire, Newfound American State, Auvangad Eng, Republic Phoenix, Banosha, Thalenthar, The Republic of Sloviskia, Ijonia, Brother and Friends, Radicalized Shawarma, The Discipled, The Ancient Roman Federation, Tringapore, Northern Tatria, Nechavia, Polleend, Taylor Swift Lands, The Court of Dreams, Cosamaloapan, Sewalsh, Lafay, Nu Elysium, Eastern Pealia Ame, Georgina Isles, Etherion Circadia, Aoncarpa, Esvane, The northern Polish territories, Planetary Soviet Socialist Republics, Fikus Forus, Picairn, United States of Dictators, Samund Facobs, New Matzeratia, Runionring, and Democatic Donkeys.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Delegate Kaschovia
: Given the return of The North Pacific Army to the homeland, along with the rising levels of endorsements we've seen recently, I'm feeling pretty optimistic about setting an endorsement goal. We've shown that we can increase our Delegate's endorsements by ten, and I will ask that of our resident once more. This week's goal for Delegate Kaschovia is 830 endorsements. If this goal is met, I will give a copy of S3 Greater Cesnica to a random individual endorsing Kasch.

Vice Delegate Chipoli: Since the gap between myself and Kaschovia is only continuing to grow, I feel that this is a good time to bring back the endorsement goal for myself. This one will be a little more challenging, as I will remain cautious with my endotarting to preserve as much of the gap as possible. This week's goal is to get my nation back to the endorsement count before the WZT operation, which in other words, is around 750 endorsements. If this goal is met, I will give you all the opportunity to collaborate on the Security Council survey by adding your trivia questions to it.


While I didn't have much news or information to bring from our chambers, I hope you all enjoyed reading this report nonetheless and checking out what was going on with the status of our endorsement levels. I'm planning on releasing another endorsement update that will cover Monday through Friday and will check in on how the endorsement goals are moving along. As for the second half of the term, my goal is to implement all my platform initiatives. Planning has started on a few of them, and progress has been made, albeit slowly. However, there is still plenty of time to get them done, especially given the fact that my activity should increase once again. I'm hopeful that we will continue to build on the first half of the term to produce an even better second half. See you all next week!




All the best,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

March 15, 2024
Midweek Endorsement Report

Hey, folks!

As promised, I'm publishing an endorsement report updating the region on our current endorsement levels of the important regional security figures in our region, such as the Delegate, Vice Delegate, and the Security Council. I will also give you an idea of how our residents are doing in the WA, which can help us answer important questions about our recruitment and outreach. The Delegate-Vice Delegate gap is continuing to grow, and we are discussing the future of my endorsement behavior in light of this development.

The North Pacific currently has a 15.2% percent WA nation rate. This is the number of residents currently in the World Assembly, in other words, 1,092 of our total 7,145 residents. At the start of the week, Kaschovia and I had 811 and 732 endorsements respectively. The gap between us at the time was seventy-nine. Since then, our endorsement counts have risen a fair bit, due to a combination of our NPAers returning from deployment and natural endorsement growth. Kaschovia grew by seventeen endorsements (to 828), while my endorsement levels increased by twelve, with my endorsement count at 744. Due to Kaschovia outpacing me in endorsement growth, the gap continues to grow, which is currently at 83 endorsements. If you're interested in statistics, 75.8% of WA nations endorsed the Delegate, and 68.2% are endorsing me. Kaschovia and I are both within five endorsements of the weekly goal! If you want a shot at a reward, whether choosing the regional flag or a legendary card, join the WA and endorse us now!

The closest Security Councilor to me remains Great Bights Mum, whose endorsement count has grown by two recently. She is 25 endorsements behind me. The non-SCer with the highest endorsement levels is Siwale in 11th place with 661 endorsements. He is a former Security Councilor and Delegate, and is trusted by the region. He currently is not actively endotarting. Behind me regarding non-SCers is 13th place Corfad, with 579 endorsements. Corfad is 77 endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor, Kranostav, 249 from Delgate Kaschovia, and 166 endorsements away from me. The Security Council has been keeping an eye on him for a while and will continue to do so. To know more about the Council's response to his behavior, refer to my answer above in this thread.

Below are today's updated endorsement charts:




Bonne nuit,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

March 19, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Salutation, TNP! This report is on a Tuesday once more. This one will be shorter than last week's since the Security Council has had a quiet week. That often can be a good thing, however, seeing as we haven't faced many threats from our foes in that time span. Of course, that doesn't mean we'll let our guard down, and we remain on alert and on the lookout for even the slightest movements. My platform initiatives remain in the early stages of development.

Changes to Security Council Procedure

The Regional Assembly is voting on a bill that will change how the Security Council measures our so-called "soft endorsement cap". The Council and I have worked on it for a few months and are pleased with what we've developed. I cannot disclose any more specifics of the bill, given that I post this report publicly, along with the fact that the voting period has not concluded. Once it does so, I will get into how it works, and report whether it passes or fails. If any of you reading this is a member of our Regional Assembly (i.e. a citizen), I highly encourage you to vote "Aye"!

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

This week's goal for Delegate Kaschovia is 830 endorsements.
Kaschovia came just short of this week's endorsement goal, reaching 829 endorsements, just 1 away from what was needed! Despite this, I am pleased to see a continuation of a very encouraging trend. While our endorsement levels faced some stagnation at the beginning of the term, they have since consistently increased. While I would love to reward the community for the continued gains we've made, the rules are the rules, and I cannot give out a reward if we haven't met this week's goal.

This week's goal is to get my nation back to the endorsement count before the WZT operation, which in other words, is around 750 endorsements.
It is a similar story to my own goal as well. While my endorsement levels have increased, I admit that I still have held off on endotarting, allowing Kaschovia time to increase the gap between us. I missed the endorsement goal by around five, with my count being 745 endorsements. That said, I promise I will increase my endorsement activity, which gives my nation a chance to grow its levels.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Delegate Kaschovia
: I'm going to make this week's goal slightly more ambitious - but not by much. I do expect the endorsement levels on our Delegate to continue increasing. That said, if we could make another leap of around 10, that would be great. This week's endorsement goal for Kaschovia is 840 endorsements. I will be keeping the reward of S3 Greater Cesnica from last week. If you're endorsing Kasch, you have a chance to win a free legendary card!

Vice Delegate Chipoli: As I promised, I will slowly begin to increase my endorsement activity to make reaching my goal more feasible. Like Kasch, I expect my endorsement levels to continue to rise, and hopefully, we can reach both goals this week. My nation's endorsement goal for this week is 755 endorsements. I will once more keep the same reward from last week, which is the ability to submit a trivia question to my upcoming SC Survey.

The Future

My plans for the upcoming weeks are simple. I will continue to work on the survey, and hopefully move it past the early development stages. I'll additionally look into getting some more forum threads declassified and release a batch of discord logs to the public. In the next week, I will be leaving on a trip that will last around 6-7 days which will cause my activity to be reduced a fair bit. I will make an announcement on that once the details are clearer. Other than that, business will continue to proceed as usual.




Wishing you luck,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

March 25, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Greetings, TNP! I frankly do not have much to report today, but I can continue to build off what I mentioned in my last report. We've passed new legislation and made changes to our Security Council procedure. Along with that, our region remains safe from the attacks of our foes. Hopefully, it will continue to be safe in the next week or so. That said, this report will be much more brief than what is usually expected from me.

Changes to Security Council Procedure

As I mentioned in my last report, our Regional Assembly voted on new legislation that would make changes to the procedure of the Security Council. The bill, proposed by @Rocketdog and titled the"Endorsement Simplification Act", passed the Regional Assembly 23-8, with ten voters abstaining. The purpose of the bill was to improve the calculation for reckless endorsement gathering (how the SC determines which nations' endorsement levels have grown too much), and make it consistent across VD/Delegate transitions. The law change will also help to maintain a reasonable distance between the SCers and the rest of our WA Residents.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

This week's endorsement goal for Kaschovia is 840 endorsements.
We have fallen short of meeting our endorsement goal for this week. Kaschovia only grew by one endorsement during the week, with his current figure standing at 830. However, this is not due to his endorsement activity by any means, and there is an explanation for the lack of endorsement growth. The North Pacific Army has been quite active this week, and our soldiers were deployed for most of the week, with their WA nations out of the region. As you will see later, this affected my endorsement count as well.

My nation's endorsement goal for this week is 755 endorsements
My endorsement levels followed a very similar pattern to Kaschovia's. I have returned to regular endotarting for the time being, and have endorsed around a hundred nations in the past week (which, for the record, is an estimate and not an exact figure). Like our Delegate, I grew by one endorsement throughout the week, and currently have 746 endorsements. That figure will likely remain stable for the next week as well.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

As a result of my impending absence, I will not issue any weekly endorsement goals for this week. It would be practical to take as much off my plate as possible, given that I will be occupied for most of the remaining week. Even if there isn't a goal set for this week, I encourage you all to join the World Assembly, endorse delegate @Kaschovia, myself, and the Security Council! In the meantime, I'll end this report with the usual graphics.




Until next time,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

April 18th, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! It has been a while since our last report. I admit, I have been a bit slow in returning to regular activity coming back from my trip, and I had to clear another hurdle that were the exams at the end of my marking period. However, I can be the most active I am for a while, which leaves us in a great position to finish the end of the term into the next one. I'll admit, this report won't be like what I expected it to be when I drafted it for the week due to unforeseen circumstances impacting the game of NationStates. On Sunday, April 14th, the NationStates website went down due to a hardware failure in a crucial disk, causing a significant amount of data to be lost, and rendering the game unusable. This leaves me without any data from the World Assembly. Another reason for the lack of reports recently is that simply put, there has not been much to report on lately, and things have been quiet in the Security Council, which more or less is a good thing. I'll take this report as an opportunity to lay out the plan for the rest of the term and how we're going to accomplish our remaining goals.

For the rest of the term, my number one priority will be the release of the Security Council survey. I will plan to release it in a couple of days, as I have already added quite a trivia few questions and have already worked out the points system. I plan to run it for a week and ideally, announce the results a few days before the beginning of the May General Election. I know that I have left myself a short window of time to achieve this, but I believe it is an achievable goal should the Council and myself work productively on this project. By the end of the term, I will declassify the last few threads from the January - May 2023 term in the Security Council War Room, which for reference is Gorundu's Vice Delegacy. I do plan to work on releasing the next full term of Discord logs as well, which is a project that desperately needs more work. I also plan to update as many dispatches as I possibly can before the end of the term, hopefully leaving us in a good spot next term. The NationStates outage will also impact some of my existing programs as well, mainly the Weekly Endorsement Goal. Many of the rewards offered were my cards, which I collected over the last couple of months. Much of the data lost impacted cards, and it has been reported that months' worth of data has been lost. This means that legendary card rewards may no longer be feasible unless anyone generously donates their cards towards this effort. Any new cards, preferably legendary to make up for the ones lost are greatly appreciated. As for reports from the Vice Delegate's Desk, expect one to come every week. I know I haven't been hitting on the Midweek Endorsement Updates as well this term, but to finish off the term strong, my goal is to release one every week. This is a goal that I know in these current circumstances out of any, I can reach.

As the region approaches the light at the end of the tunnel that is the term, I can reflect and say that there are areas where we have succeeded, but plenty of areas for improvement as well. I will look to serve this region, 100%, to the best of my ability for the remainder of the term, as it often is not about how we start, but how we finish. And I know that we can finish strong.


Vice Delegate of The North Pacific
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bro did you delete my previous comment

previous comment: when is next update

kinda sus VD deleting comments
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May 20, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! This is your Vice Delegate speaking for the first time this term. I want to thank the region for giving me four more months in the role of Vice Delegate, and I am grateful to you all for having faith in me. I deliberately waited until the conclusion of the first week of the term, to allow myself to reflect upon its progress. It's going relatively well in the Security Council, as we've had a calm and smooth first week as we look to get Delegate @Simone into the in-game Delegacy. Let's start by reviewing our progress on that front.


Simone started the term with 589 endorsements, which put him in 13th position. For comparison, outgoing Delegate @Kaschovia had 811 endorsements. This means that the gap between the two nations was 222 endorsements - the amount of endorsements Simone needed to gain to get the in-game Delegacy. By the 14th of May, Simone had already gotten well over 600 endorsements, all the way up to 623. Concurrently, Kasch's endorsement count gradually decreased, eventually falling below 800. Simone continued to make steady progress and began climbing the charts, reaching 653 endorsements on May 18th, which was good enough to place him in 7th, ahead of Security Councilors Fregerson (PotatoFarmers), Sil Dorsett, Rocketdog (Xagill), and TlomzKrano (Kranostav). Kasch had declined to around 787 endorsements by this point. Somewhere around this point, the North Pacific Army was deployed, causing both the Delegate and the former Delegate to lose around 8 and 12 endorsements respectively. Currently, Simone has now made up for the withdrawal of our armed forces and sits at his highest figure yet, 658 endorsements. Kaschovia, in contrast, has leveled out in the high 770s, and currently has 776 endorsements, to be exact. That is a gap of 118 endorsements. This means that it has decreased by 104 endorsements over the course of the week, or 47%.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Every week, in my capacity as the Vice Delegate, I will set an endorsement goal for both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. These goals are intended to encourage our residents to join the World Assembly and endorse the Delegate and Vice Delegate in exchange for the possibility of receiving rewards while protecting the region by strengthening our regional security! This week, with the transition in mind, I am especially looking to increase the Delegate's endorsement count.

Delegate Simone: Simone has been making some very nice progress with the transition, and I would like it to continue. This one will be a big goal, but a big reward. This week's endorsement goal for Simone is 680 endorsements. As a reward, I will give two random individuals a copy of S3 Greater Cesnica each. To be eligible for the reward, you must be endorsing Simone!

Vice Delegate Chipoli: In such a time like this, the Vice Delegate's endorsement count needs to be as high as possible to prevent outside invasions, or in case the WA Delegacy needs to be taken in the interim. I will be setting a high goal for myself as well, which will be 770 endorsements. If this goal is achieved, I will allow the community to choose my nation's primary banner for a week by popular demand.

The Future

For now, the Security Council's top priority is a swift completion of the delegacy transition. Although we anticipate it to be a lengthy one similar to Kaschovia's eight months ago, we are confident that we can complete it in a timely manner, and hopefully quicker than last time. Things have been going relatively well, and the transition has been making progress. Hopefully, the momentum can keep going into next week. Also on the to-do list is wrapping up forum declassification from the January-May 2023 term and the Security Council survey release, which I promised would come at the beginning of the term. I will update you all on these initiatives in next week's report.



Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.


Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.


Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

May 27, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Greetings, TNP! I am pleased to bring you all a new edition of the Vice Delegate's report. We have been going strong over the past week, and have made great progress with our primary objective, which is the transition of the WA Delegacy to newly elected Delegate @Simone. The SC has been relatively tranquil as the transition has been the main center of attention, and I can report that we have not faced internal or external security threats this week. Hopefully, this trend will continue.


During our last report, Delegate Simone had 658 endorsements and was in 7th place. The gap between him and then WAD Kaschovia was 118 endorsements. Simone continued his momentum from last week and managed to move up into 5th place by the 24th of May. Near the major update of May 25th, former Delegate @Kaschovia resigned from the Delegacy, leading it to be passed to me as the Vice Delegate. This was planned by the SC in order for one of our own to hold the seat, and to have one less nation in the equation. The gap was around 12 between myself and Kaschovia at the time so, that is how many endorsements we lost. By this point, Simone had increased his endorsement count to 674 and moved to 4th place. Over the next two days, Simone would further gain 10 endorsements, putting his count at a total of 684. Currently, my endorsement count is 767. This puts the gap between myself and Simone at 83 endorsements, a decrease of 35 from last week.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

Simone has been making some very nice progress with the transition, and I would like it to continue. This one will be a big goal, but a big reward. This week's endorsement goal for Simone is 680 endorsements.
I set a bold goal for our Delegate, and thanks to your help, he has met it! Simone has continued to consistently increase his endorsement count and is moving quickly up the rankings, and I hope to see more good work from him. He even has slightly exceeded the goal, by 3 endorsements. As promised, I will give away my two legendary copies of S3 Greater Cesnica to the random individuals who are endorsing the Delegate. Without further ado, here are the lucky winners:

Congratulations to... Jenha and Lemsrow! You should see your reward in your inbox shortly. Remember, to be eligible to win prizes such as this one, endorse Simone Republic!

In such a time like this, the Vice Delegate's endorsement count needs to be as high as possible to prevent outside invasions, or in case the WA Delegacy needs to be taken in the interim. I will be setting a high goal for myself as well, which will be 770 endorsements.
While we managed to reach our first goal, we couldn't do so here. I was just short of 770 endorsements, ending up with just 767. However, I recognize that I still have experienced a nice level of growth, and I thank everyone who has endorsed me over the past week nonetheless. Let's see how we do for this week's goals.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Every week, in my capacity as the Vice Delegate, I will set an endorsement goal for both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. These goals are intended to encourage our residents to join the World Assembly and endorse the Delegate and Vice Delegate in exchange for the possibility of receiving rewards while protecting the region by strengthening our regional security! This week's goals are intended to decrease the transition time, or how long Simone takes to reach #1 in endorsements.

Delegate Simone: The delegacy transition has been going well so far, and I would like to see the pace it is going continue. This week proved that the more ambitious goals I set can be reached, and we will shoot for the stars again. This week's endorsement goal for Simone is 710 endorsements. This time, I will give away two cards of players who are known to have sloths as their symbols! Two lucky individuals endorsing Simone will receive S3 Maowi and S3 Siwale respectively.

Vice Delegate Chipoli: Not only is it crucial to increase Simone's count, but it is important to have a high endorsement count on our Delegate at all times. I am setting an endorsement goal for myself during the transition, in order to have as many endorsements on the Delegate as possible, to decrease the possibility of del-tips, and to increase our WA voting power. The goal for myself will be relatively modest however, only 775 endorsements. If this goal is met, a nation endorsing me will receive a copy of S3 Gruenberg.

The Future

The Security Council's top priority remains the Delegacy transition. We are closer to completion now than we were at the same stage in September, so things are looking encouraging. I don't have an exact date when Simone will assume the Delegacy, but it looks like it will be in the first half of the term at the current pace. Other than that, I have begun to declassify the remaining forum threads from the January- May 2023 term and will look to present them to the rest of the SC later this week. Look out for them in the Security Council archives later on.



Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.


Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.

Bonne Nuit,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

June 7, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! I have returned with another report from the Vice Delegate's desk. This has been a slow news week in the Security Council, so I'll keep this report relatively brief. This week, a massive CTE wave hit on June 3rd, which led to a game-wide reduction in WA nations. My endorsements were hit particularly hard, and I dropped from the high 770s to the mid 760s in regard to endorsements. The delegacy transition has continued moving along smoothly, and I estimate the transition will be completed in the next couple of weeks - hopefully by the end of the month at the latest.


Note: This report covers the period from May 27th to June 3rd.

At the time of the last report, Simone's endorsement count was 684, while mine was 767, a gap of 83 endorsements. Over the span of this period, I continued endotarting to increase our WA voting power, and due to the security benefits of having a high endorsement count on the WAD. I peaked at around 779 endorsements on June 1st, with Serving Delegate Simone neck and neck with @Marcus Antonius for third place. He had 709 endorsements at the time, a gap of 70. However, the major update of June 2nd saw many members of the Security Council and residents of TNP and other regions due to the aforementioned CTE wave following the NationStates server crash. While Simone only lost 4 endorsements, I was hit particularly hard and lost 14 endorsements. However, the silver lining was that the gap was reduced to 60.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

This week proved that the more ambitious goals I set can be reached, and we will shoot for the stars again. This week's endorsement goal for Simone is 710 endorsements.
In a somewhat unlucky fashion, we were agonizingly close to reaching the goal I set for Simone. He peaked with 709 endorsements on June 2nd, but due to the massive CTE wave, he dropped slightly below that and could not get the desired objective in the timeframe of one week. Since then though, he has overtaken our goal, but it is too little too late.

I am setting an endorsement goal for myself during the transition, in order to have as many endorsements on the Delegate as possible, to decrease the possibility of del-tips, and to increase our WA voting power. The goal for myself will be relatively modest however, only 775 endorsements.
Unlike Simone however, my goal was reached before the CTE wave, as I peaked at 779 endorsements the day before. While my endorsement count has since taken a hit, I would still like to appreciate our efforts and success in achieving this goal and distribute the reward. The only lucky nation to receive it is...

Vexilia! Congratulations! You will receive your reward in your infobox shortly.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Every week, in my capacity as the Vice Delegate, I will set an endorsement goal for both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. These goals are intended to encourage our residents to join the World Assembly and endorse the Delegate and Vice Delegate in exchange for the possibility of receiving rewards while protecting the region by strengthening our regional security! This week's goals are intended to decrease the transition time, or how long Simone takes to reach #1 in endorsements.

Delegate @Simone: The light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to show itself, and even though we have plenty of work still to do, the end is in sight. I have faith in Simone to continue the strong pace at which he is going, and that is why I am setting an ambitious goal. This week's endorsement goal for Simone is 750 endorsements. It's the biggest one yet, but I believe in you guys to do it. I will offer the reward I did last week: two nations endorsing Simone picked at random will receive S3 Maowi and S3 Siwale respectively.

Vice Delegate Chipoli: Since we are nearing completion of the transition, I will not be setting an endorsement goal for myself this week. I endorse all WA nations to endorse Simone and get him into the #1 spot in endorsements as soon as possible!

The Future

I have hit a bit of a rough patch in real life and will operate on reduced activity until the 16th of June to give a little extra attention to it. However, I will continue to work on my projects, such as the SC Survey and declassification. Discord declassification is currently ongoing. I'm looking to release multiple terms at once to eliminate the backlog built up over the year. I will work to develop an action plan with the Security Council for my remaining projects so that they can finally be completed in the near future. Due to my reduced-activity schedule, I will not be hosting a town hall this week, although I must say that it was a great pleasure to host the last one! For the rest of the summer, things should be smooth sailing for me bar my real life throwing any curveballs at me - which it has done in the past, mind you! Until then, I will see you all next week.


Note: Chart displays the figures for June 3rd.


Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.


Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.

Until next time,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

June 21, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Greetings, TNP! I am pleased to bring you all another report from the Vice Delegate's desk. A lot has happened since I last wrote here, including the conclusion of my period of reduced activity and the completion of the transition. Other than that, it's been a pretty dormant couple of weeks in the Security Council. Now that we've completed our number one priority, the rest of the term will be dedicated to completing my platform objectives, which I will log in this report. Without further ado, let's dive into things.


On the major update of June 17th, 2024, the North Pacific Army was deployed in a successful effort to push Delegate @Simone to 1st place in endorsements over myself, which as a result gave him WA Delegate status. The transition was completed in the span of one month and six days, or 36 days. This is an encouraging improvement from our last Delegacy transition (@Pallaith -> @Kaschovia) which was completed after 3 months and two days, in which the delegacy gap was a much more significant one. Simone rose from 589 endorsements to his current endorsement count of 754, a gain of 165 while having to overcome an initial gap of 222. While the Security Council attempted to minimize the endorsement loss of the WA Delegate, a few massive CTE waves did not help our case, although regardless I admit that we could have done better in that regard. Our WAD endorsement count dropped by 57, from Kaschovia's initial number of 811 endorsements. I thank the Council for assisting in the transition and congratulate the Delegate on completing the long journey to the in-game seat.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

The light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to show itself, and even though we have plenty of work still to do, the end is in sight. I have faith in Simone to continue the strong pace at which he is going, and that is why I am setting an ambitious goal. This week's endorsement goal for Simone is 750 endorsements. It's the biggest one yet, but I believe in you guys to do it. I will offer the reward I did last week: two nations endorsing Simone picked at random will receive S3 Maowi and S3 Siwale respectively.
While you may have observed that Simone has reached 750 endorsements, the time limit for the endorsement goal is a week, and the goal can only be met during that span - and I note that more than a week has passed since the last report due to my period of reduced activity. A week after our last report (June 14th), Simone's endorsement count was 719, which was not enough to meet the Delegate's endorsement goal.

Since we are nearing completion of the transition, I will not be setting an endorsement goal for myself this week. I endorse all WA nations to endorse Simone and get him into the #1 spot in endorsements as soon as possible!
As mentioned, I did not set a goal for the Vice Delegate, so a reward will not be given out in this case.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Every week, in my capacity as the Vice Delegate, I will set an endorsement goal for both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. These goals are intended to encourage our residents to join the World Assembly and endorse the Delegate and Vice Delegate in exchange for the possibility of receiving rewards while protecting the region by strengthening our regional security! Now that the transition is over, I would like to continue on the positive gains made by the Delegate and the Vice Delegate.

Delegate Simone: The Delegate is currently at around 750 endorsements, and I would like to continue building that number up to make up for the losses on the WAD Delegate. Given Simone's recent growth, I'm going to be an ambitious goal-setter and set a target of 760 endorsements. If this goal is met, I will give away one copy of the legendary card S3 Maowi.

Vice Delegate Chipoli: My own endorsement goal will not be as ambitious as Simone's, since I'm keeping the Delegate - VP endorsement gap in mind, as it is crucial to prevent any possible delegate tips and security threats. This week's endorsement goal for my nation is 740 endorsements. Should this goal be met, I will give the community a chance to suggest a poll idea in the future. I will pick my favorite one from a list of suggestions.

The Future

As I mentioned in the introduction, the rest of the term's focus will be going through my platform objectives and completing as many of them before September as I can. In future reports, I will list my campaign promises and go over the progress on each of them. That way, I can focus on certain projects that need more time, be transparent, and hold myself accountable for my performance. I recognize that I have not scheduled a town hall in a bit, and if I find time in my schedule I will host one week, so expect an announcement on that later.



Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.


Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.

So long,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

June 28, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! I hope you all are enjoying yourselves right now. As often happens in the Security Council, since we are a reactionary body, not much of anything has happened this week. As such, this report will be kept rather brief. I, of course, now have to dedicate myself to two crucial offices as part of my service to the region after a recent appointment, so this may perhaps be a tad fortunate. Alas, it's time to get into the meat of the report.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

The Delegate is currently at around 750 endorsements, and I would like to continue building that number up to make up for the losses on the WAD Delegate. Given Simone's recent growth, I'm going to be an ambitious goal-setter and set a target of 760 endorsements. If this goal is met, I will give away one copy of the legendary card S3 Maowi.
Simone has shown excellent endorsement growth rates so far, but this week that rate has slowed. Simone's endorsement count did not change very much during the week and has remained at 750, around the same where it was last week. Therefore, no reward will be given out this week.

My own endorsement goal will not be as ambitious as Simone's, since I'm keeping the Delegate - VP endorsement gap in mind, as it is crucial to prevent any possible delegate tips and security threats. This week's endorsement goal for my nation is 740 endorsements. Should this goal be met, I will give the community a chance to suggest a poll idea in the future. I will pick my favorite one from a list of suggestions.
This goal was not close to being met - in fact, my own endorsement count decreased throughout the week. This is largely in part due to my gap managing - I have slowed down my endotarting again to increase the endorsement gap between Simone and myself, which is not as large as I would like it to be. The fact remains the same though, which is that neither of the endorsement goals for the week were met.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Every week, in my capacity as the Vice Delegate, I will set an endorsement goal for both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. These goals are intended to encourage our residents to join the World Assembly and endorse the Delegate and Vice Delegate in exchange for the possibility of receiving rewards while protecting the region by strengthening our regional security! Now that the transition is over, I would like to continue on the positive gains made by the Delegate and the Vice Delegate.

Delegate Simone: I am confident that the Delegate can get back on track after facing a couple of bumps this week, given his generally positive growth so far, which I mentioned previously. The endorsement goal stays the same - 760 endorsements. The reward will stay the same as well, and I will give away one copy of S3 Maowi should this goal be met.

Vice Delegate Chipoli: I will not be setting a goal for myself this week - this will be because along with my gap management, I will not have any time to endotart as I am occupied for the entirety of next week (more on that later), and it wouldn't be fair to set an unattainable goal for you all.

Platform Objectives

As previously said, the rest of the term's focus will be going through my platform objectives and completing as I can. Starting from this report, I will go over my platform objectives and discuss the progress I've made for them.

SC Survey: The SC Survey is taking longer than I would like for the term, and I hoped it would have been ready by now, but that is not the case. The stage where I was last week in its development is the same as it is now. I recognize that I could be doing a lot better on this front, and that's why I will now be making the development of the S C Survey my #1 priority (relating to my duties as Vice Delegate, at least) when I return next week.

Reworking the SC Handbook: This is a project that has been put on the back burner in favor of the SC Survey, and will be my next area of focus after that project is completing. Not much progress on that front has been made either, though past Vice Delegates have left me with something to work with.

Town Halls: One of my goals was to hold town halls as often as my availability allowed me to. I have held one town hall this term so far, with around 5-6 audience members in it. Based on how that one went, I realized that I prefer the participants to ask me strictly NS questions, so that will be what town halls look like going forward. This metric can clearly improve, though it has proved somewhat difficult for me to carveout time for these. I did plan for one this week, but my new role ended up taking up much more of my time than I would've liked, so that didn't work out. To make up for it, I pledge to hold a town hall during the week that I return (more on that below).


For the duration of the next week (June 29th - July 6th), my availability will be reduced due to real-life reasons. It will likely be a while before my next report as the month of July will be unexpectedly busy for me. For this reason, I am restructuring the Vice Delegate's reports. The next report will be a monthly recap for July. This will allow me to focus on other projects in both of my roles, along with my real-life duties during what will be the busiest time of the term. From that point forward, reports will continue weekly, as they have been in the past. I will not be taking a formal leave of absence and will continue serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs and chair of the Security Council in the meantime. Until then, I will see you all when I return!



Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.


Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.


Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

August 19, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hey, TNP! It's been quite a while since the last report. I wrote in the previous edition that I would take the month of July off for reports, to allow me to focus on myself and my newfound responsibilities in TNP. However, I ended up taking a longer break than initially anticipated. Nevertheless, I have returned and am looking to end the term on a high note. A report will be published every week for the remainder of the term, and I Midweek Endorsement Reports will be making a return to provide the region updates on our security, while at the same time keeping things here fresh.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

As no goals were set in the previous report, we begin this week's report in this section. Every week, in my capacity as the Vice Delegate, I will set an endorsement goal for both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. These goals are intended to encourage our residents to join the World Assembly and endorse the Delegate and Vice Delegate in exchange for the possibility of receiving rewards while protecting the region by strengthening our regional security! Now that the transition is over, I would like to continue on the positive gains made by the Delegate and the Vice Delegate.

Both myself and the Delegate have been facing a downturn in endorsement numbers recently, and our counts are at the lowest points so far during the term after remaining steady for most of it. I have fallen below 800 endorsements, and currently have 686. The Delegate, after mostly hovering around 750 endorsements now has 735. I encourage our residents to join the World Assembly and endorse the Delegate and Vice Delegate, along with the rest of the Security Council. Those who do will have a shot at winning the following rewards.

Delegate Simone: If Delegate Simone reaches 745 endorsements, I will give away a copy of the legendary S3 The IGER civilization card to a random person endorsing him.

Vice Delegate Chipoli: If I reach 700 endorsements, I will give away a copy of the legendary S2 Kylarnatia card to a random person endorsing me.

Future Plans

With the time that the rest of the term gives me, I believe these platform objectives are achievable and can be done. Below are my plans for them.

SC Survey: There is an outline ready for this project, and there have been numerous delays that have prevented this from getting done from the project. This will be the Security Council's priority for the remainder of the term.

Town Halls: Town Halls will now be held weekly. Questions can be asked of me relating to my duties as Vice Delegate, such as projects, updates on regional security and endorsement counts, and more.


This is a rather short report, but the truth is that this term has been a very quiet one in the Security Council and that there has not been very much to report on - hopefully, things will prove to be more exciting in the next couple of weeks. Until then, I will see you at the Midweek Endorsement Update.

Screen Shot 2024-08-19 at 5.15.33 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-08-19 at 5.13.12 PM.png

Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.

Screen Shot 2024-08-19 at 5.13.31 PM.png

Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.

Best wishes,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific
Last edited:

August 23, 2024
Midweek Endorsement Report
Hello, TNP!

As promised in the last report, the Midweek Endorsement Reports will be making a return. These endorsement reports aim to increase awareness within the community about the status of the endorsements of the Delegate, Vice Delegate, and Security Councilors in the name of communication and transparency.

Currently, we have 1,007 World Assembly nations in the North Pacific, out of 5,621 total nations - a 17.9% WA member rate. Of those nations, 747 are endorsing our Delegate, Simone, and 694 are endorsing me. The endorsement rate for Simone is currently 74.1%, while mine is 68.9%. The current gap between the two of us is fifty-three. Since Friday of last week, Simone's endorsement count has increased by nine, while my own increased by three, which shows our WA numbers are slowly trending up.

Currently, I am forty-nine endorsements away from the closest Security Councilor, Pallaith, who currently occupies the third-place spot in endorsements. Former Delegate Siwale and Minister of World Assembly Affairs Comfed are the highest-endorsed non-SCers with 532 endorsements each, twenty-four behind the closest SCer, Fregerson (PotatoFarmers), who also has the lowest endorsement count on the Council. Directly behind them is Corfad, with 531 endorsements, and former Security Coucilor Just a Lore (Frances Francis the First of France). All non-SC nations are currently compliant with Article 5.2 of the Security Council Procedure, which essentially means that their endorsements are in a good spot and that there are no possible threats to our "soft cap".

Below are the most recently updated endorsement charts:

Screen Shot 2024-08-23 at 11.21.53 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-08-23 at 11.23.13 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-08-23 at 11.22.53 PM.png

Best wishes,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

August 28, 2024
Vice Delegate Report

Hello, TNP! I've got another report for you all, coming not long before the beginning of our next general election - which I will make a statement on later. We'll be covering the progress that has been made on last week's endorsement rewards, the rewards for this week, and my plans for the upcoming general election.

Last Week's Endorsement Rewards

In the period leading up to our last report, our WA numbers were trending down, and I set high goals to encourage those trends to reverse. Unfortunately, that has not proven to be the case. The Delegate and I now have lower endorsement counts than what we started with, and neither of this week's goals have been met. Simone's was 745 from his count of 735. It changed by ten endorsements - just in the wrong direction. Hopefully, that won't be the case this week. My goal was 800 endorsements from an initial number of 686. Similarly to the Delegate, I suffered a decline in endorsements - to a greater degree, even, as I bled 13 endorsements. Neither the reward for the Delegate or the Vice Delegate will be given out as the goals were not reached.

Weekly WA Endorsement Event

Every week, in my capacity as the Vice Delegate, I will set an endorsement goal for both the Delegate and the Vice Delegate. These goals are intended to encourage our residents to join the World Assembly and endorse the Delegate and Vice Delegate in exchange for the possibility of receiving rewards while protecting the region by strengthening our regional security!

The Delegate and I have taken some serious hits to our endorsement count lately, a continuing trend from earlier. I would like to start strong going into the next term, by getting our endorsement levels back to where we started. By implementing this strategy, we'll take it week by week and slowly make up for our losses instead of attempting to get it all back in one go, which I consider a bit too ambitious. Hopefully, the goals below find the right balance of being within reach but not too easy. I'm re-using the rewards from last week, since I don't want to simply hold on them - I want to give them away!

Delegate Simone: If Delegate Simone reaches 735 endorsements, I will give away a copy of the legendary S3 The IGER civilization card to a random person endorsing him.

Vice Delegate Chipoli: If I reach 680 endorsements, I will give away a copy of the legendary S2 Kylarnatia card to a random person endorsing me.

Election Announcement

I teased an announcement on my election plans in the introduction, which may have been given away not long ago, and make no mistake, I will make one now. Well, this isn't much of an announcement, per se, more a statement of my intentions. I've proudly served as the Vice Delegate of my home, The North Pacific for nearly three terms, keeping charge of our regional security and taking control of a position which had seen its role transform following the beginning of the war nearly a year ago. I have enjoyed this role, and it was a pleasure to return to this office to revitalize our regional security, and as only the 2nd Vice Delegate in history to serve three terms, and the only one to do it non-consecutively. That said, I think it's time I allowed a fellow regionmate of mine to be the next Vice Delegate - and as a full member of the Security Council, I'll be along for the ride as well. I hope that the next Vice Delegate will be competitive, and I really hope to see another TNPer's vision for the office - and I ought to take a break from campaigning, as the last time I was not a candidate in an election was January 2023, five terms ago.

TLDR: I will not be running for re-election.

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Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.


Note: Chart endorsement figures may not be entirely accurate.

May the games begin,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

September 12, 2024
Closing Statement

This is it. The end of the term has come. As you can tell from above, this won't be a typical report, but rather a chance for me to thank the region for giving me a chance to serve not one, but two terms as Vice Delegate. It really has been a pleasure, and I have enjoyed working to secure and maintain our regional security when we are at war, when the role of Vice Delegate had to adapt to the change in the gameplay sphere, and was more important than ever. I would also like to extend my gratitude to my fellow Security Councilors for providing support and advice for me whenever necessary and will continue to serve on the Security Council and be an active contributor to our region's security branch. As for my future in the position, it's safe that this will be the last time writing in here. I am, of course, honored to have served as Vice Delegate for 3 terms, which is a joint record, but I would now like to focus on other areas of the region I am passionate about - namely the executive. Finally, I would like to congratulate my successor, @Sil Dorsett on his election victory. It's safe to say that the position of Vice Delegate will remain in good hands.

Signing off,

Vice Delegate of The North Pacific

September 15th, 2024
Vice Delegate's Weekly Report

It's Sunday! You know what that means! The Vice Delegate Report coming to you live from the Security Council Forum in Magicality City.
Opening Remarks

First of all, I want to thank all the citizens who voted. Regardless of whether you voted for me or not, or voted to reopen nominations or not, you showed up and you made your voice heard. I also want to thank @Neptune for stepping up to the plate. Neptune, I hope you will take the next four months to ask questions, learn more about the job, and strengthen your platform. That goes for everyone out there as well. I'd like to see some new faces take a shot at this job. You will learn by the numbers; I will teach you. (Except on stuff that's classified, of course...)

As I said in my "campaign" thread, I don't see my term being super innovative. I see it more as me being a caretaker this time around. I don't plan on radically changing things, but the things we do have I will execute in full and to the best of my ability.

The Election Situation

With the Delegate Election nominations being re-opened, this delays us knowing who we need to push. As it stands now, the four candidates are as follows:
Blue Wolf II, at P157 with 272 endorsements
Dreadton, at P27 with 452 endorsements
Picairn, at P46 with 407 endorsements
Pallaith, at P3 with 639 endorsements.

Once we know who the Delegate is, we will start campaigning to boost their endorsements, including the use of dispatches, telegrams, and card rewards as incentives.

Security Council Status Sheet

I'm bringing back my old chart style for the SC Status report. Here's how it looks today:

(Numbers on this report are from earlier in the day, thus why Pallaith's number doesn't match what I said earlier.)
EDIT: If you notice, the number of WA's last week is 0 on the sheet. This was because I didn't know how many we had last week. Turns out I was actually tracking that with my daily scripts, so I was able to go back and check. The number was 981, so we are down by 13 in that regards.

As I mentioned in my platform, I am becoming increasingly concerned about whether SCers are going to be able to maintain the necessary 500 endorsements to stay on the SC if our numbers atrophy. Thankfully, we actually had an increase across the board this week, despite the drop in total WAs.

That's all for tonight. I don't anticipate my reports being very long winded. Plus we're still deciding on a new Delegate, and we'll have to see how much work we have to do starting this Friday.



Oh, one more thing. I'm reopening the Vice Delegate's Desk for public commentary and questions. Keep it clean, don't troll, but keep me honest.
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September 22nd, 2024
Vice Delegate's Weekly Report

It's Sunday! You know what that means! The Vice Delegate Report coming to you live from the Security Council Forum in Magicality City.

The Transition

Habemus Delegatum! Congratulations to Picairn for their election victory. Now that we have a Delegate, it's time to get to work. As you'll see in the status sheet down below, Picairn has quite a ways to go to take the in-game Delegacy, but has made significant improvement over the past week. (Unlike me, who needs to get a move on...) To help Picairn along, I've repurposed the dispatch I had that pinged people if they weren't endorsing Simone and cleared and recast it for Picairn. You can find that dispatch here: If you've been pinged by that dispatch, sorry, but also not sorry. You should endorse Picairn! I also promise you a similar dispatch will be issued for me really soon, so you should endorse me too if you don't want pinged again! Telegrams might also be going out for further encouragement.

Security Council Status Sheet

There was a slight shrinkage in WAs this week, and about equal losses across the board with the exception of Picairn. There also appears to have been a great deal of turnover, as evidenced by the drop in endorsements given out. I promise you I did catch up before posting this report, and I will get back to endotarting daily. It is a habit I need to set again. Also, you will notice in the chart I am continuing to track Simone's endorsements, but will not be tracking endorsements given by Simone. That's why that's blank. Also mostly because my scripts are no longer tracking him.

Pro tip for you: Are you on our Discord server? The bot has a command that will tell you everyone who hasn't endorsed you! Try " !nne " with your nation name, and it will give you a list of everyone who needs to endorse you. If you press the floppy disk emoji, it'll give you a file to download with the list, broken up into lines of 8 nations to use when telegramming. Just don't try chasing down the delegacy with that tool if you aren't authorized, and chill if you're starting to get close to the legal limits.

See you next week!


September 29th, 2024
Vice Delegate's Weekly Report

It's Sunday! You know what that means! The Vice Delegate Report coming to you live from the Security Council Forum in Magicality City.

Security Council Status Sheet

Staffing Notice

Simone has applied to be a member of the Security Council, and this is under discussion. However, since Simone is not yet on the council, an effort was made to replace Simone as WA Delegate with one of the Security Councilors. As you'll see in the status sheet down below, Pallaith will be holding onto the seat for the time being. We thank Simone for his service as WA Delegate.

The Transition

Picairn has made significant progress, however, gaining 118 endorsements and making 23 overtakes over the past week. Side effect: The number of Keepers of the North has also gone up since last week, but we need about 50 more in order to recover completely. Picairn needs 144 endorsements to overtake Pallaith.

I've also moved up one spot, gaining 45 endorsements, and also, critically, meeting the Vice Delegate's endorsement minimum, barely. I need 67 endorsements to overtake Pallaith. To help with this, a dispatch just like the one I made to help Picairn was made to encourage those not endorsing me to do so. You can find that dispatch here: I sent it via The Northern Light so it looked a bit less self-serving and more official.

Please make sure you are endorsing both >> me << and >> Picairn <<.

That is all for now. Next report in seven days!

Will the Vice Delegate be issuing general endorsement charts showing the top 15 or 20 nations in TNP like his predecessor? I found those to be quite informative.

October 6th, 2024
Vice Delegate's Weekly Report

It's Sunday! You know what that means! The Vice Delegate Report coming to you live from the Security Council Forum in Magicality City.

Security Council Status Sheet

Picairn and I both had decent pickups, though it does seem as though we're slowing down a bit. I'll have to think about how I want to incentivize pushing Picairn further. I also still have 50 to go to catch up to Pallaith, but the recent pickups are helpful.

The Top-25

Per Halsoni's request, I'm also going to provide a list of the Top Twenty-Five in endorsements. Everything in this sheet is public knowledge. Anyone could recreate this list if they wanted. It shows the Top 25 nations, what their forum accounts are if I know them, whether they're a registered resident, citizen, GA, DM, Minister, etc., and, for those not the Delegate, VD, or in the SC, how far back behind the SC and the VD they are. When the transition is done, the Vice Delegate should be holding a reasonable gap to the Delegate.

The VD Minimum (90% of the WA Delegate's endorsements), the 85% Line for LC 5.4.23 and the 80% Line for LC 5.4.22 are also displayed, showing a nation's compliance. Obviously Simone is on his way down after his term as Delegate, but other than that, everyone is where they need to be. Corfad is the closest at 72% of the WA Delegate's endorsement count.

Advance Notice of Absence
I will be absent from Sunday the 20th until Saturday the 26th while I am out of town. I will be appointing a Acting Chair for this absence at some point, no later than the night before I fly out. As soon as I arrive back home, I'll end the absence and resume duties. The weekly report for the 20th will either be on the 19th or really, really early in the morning of the 20th.

Please make sure you are endorsing both >> me << and >> Picairn <<.

That is all for now. Leave your questions below and I'll get to them.


October 13th, 2024
Vice Delegate's Weekly Report

It's Sunday! You know what that means! The Vice Delegate Report coming to you live from the Security Council Forum in Magicality City.

Quick note about the status sheets. I was working on a script to make the status sheet a little less tedious for me to make. Not sure how it was automated in the past, but I know that was a r3n thing. The status sheet will now be based on the Daily Data Dump that happens after Major. The top-25 sheet will have live data, meaning SC numbers between the two sheets will not match.

Security Council Status Sheet

Picairn continues to climb up the order, gaining a place. I too gained a place, but that was only because Simone fell down the order as expected. There will be a dispatch update shortly to encourage those who are not endorsing the two of us to do so. While I don't have details right now, there's been talk of raffling off some Legendary cards as incentive for certain benchmarks. If there is a plan finalized, I'll make a quick note in this thread.

The Top-25

There has not been too much movement except for Ostonives not only climbing into the Top-25, but up to P21, displacing Jeltronian WA Mission.

Reminder of Upcoming Absence
I will be absent from Sunday the 20th until Saturday the 26th while I am out of town. I will be appointing a Acting Chair for this absence at some point, no later than the night before I fly out. As soon as I arrive back home, I'll end the absence and resume duties. The weekly report for the 20th will either be on the 19th or really, really early in the morning of the 20th.

Fun Fact: Did you know that The North Pacific has zero nations that qualify for the alternative influence requirement to apply for the Security Council? That's right! The influence requirement to apply to the Security Council is currently 182,500 OR an influence rank of Apprentice. We have no Apprentices! The next level down is Squire, and we have 122 of those. Also, did you know that in order to maintain 182,500 influence, you need 507 endorsements?

Please make sure you are endorsing both >> me << and >> Picairn <<.
