Office of the Vice Delegate


Weekly Update
January 27, 2019


At first glance, it doesn't look very nice, but...

"Oh my God, look at that! The clouds are parting, and the vice delegate is sending us a message from above!" Our eyes squint, and adjust to the heavenly glow, when we can finally understand what it says...

"Hey, there's a new analysis chart coming out."

"Oh... my... God..."


Forgive me for forgetting the chart title, but this is a chart of endorsments received as a percentage of the WA population.

Consider this part of my campaign, that things weren't going to be looked at entirely from raw numbers. Remember when I said I wasn't going to expect raw 850s or 900s, but instead 60% or 65% of WAs? Yeah, this chart is my eyeball on that goal, and now that we're 3 checks in, there's something to look at.

The thought to explain the drop in endorsements was that as the number of WAs in the region drops, so has our endorsements as those who have endorsed us fall off the map. That could be true, but the number of WAs hasn't dropped all that much between weekly updates. Between last week and this week, the drop off was only 5. So, it looks like a case where old WAs are dropping or the NPA has started doing things again, and new WAs aren't getting the message. They aren't giving endorsements back as they join. Maybe they don't realize the importance of endorsing and what it does for the region, or maybe they just need a little bit more of an incentive and a reason to do it. I think that's what we'll need to look at over the next couple weeks.

Endorsement Alert Dispatch sent out for Pallaith, followed by a Telegram for myself. Featured SCer in my tarting TGs was Pallaith, but this will change for the coming week since Pallaith has enough of a gap to get our troops back out into the field.

(Also, the chart above was from Major. Since Minor has happened at the time of posting, numbers dropped quite a bit. I lost 15 but gained 5 back, leaving me with 912. Ouch.)
Strange. I really thought the amount of WAs in the region had dropped. I lost a considerable amount of endorsements (around 40 in nearly 2 weeks, though I'm not really worried since there's a transition going on and I'd like to see the Delegate and VD with a bigger difference before I start tarting like before), but seeing how I was bleeding out endos so fast I really though we had less WAs, despiste regional population numbers remaining more or less stable.

Weekly Update
February 3, 2019


Remember I mentioned in my last update that after the minor update last Sunday, there was a significant drop off in WAs? It looks like that trend continued throughout the week as holiday nations started vanishing, at least that's my guess anyways. Almost 30 more nations left or CTEd compared to new gains, so, this week's sheet doesn't surprise me. I think it may be time to do that survey I was talking of about why nations join or don't join the WA so that we can tune our message to make up for the losses.

But, more importantly, endotarting. I talked to Siwale recently to get some guidance on my endotarting, and apparently I've been doing it wrong the whole time and utilizing a strategy that doesn't work for fast gains, even with sending telegrams. So, with a strategy adjustment, It's only a matter of time before I make that crucial overtake. And, maybe I can keep myself out of Greitbart News...
I don't know exactly to what effect this might have had. Our last two NPA operations were and are piles- we have about 30 out as we speak- which could somewhat explain this. Standing orders, as I'm sure you know, are when not on an OP, you are to endorse the Delegate, VD and SC. As such, this could be a potential factor in the data we're seeing. Just some food for thought.

Weekly Update
February 10, 2019


That's a good point, Bob. I didn't even think of that. I'll have to watch the NPA deployments thread more closely to predict when there's going to be big drops and gains. Last week was a big shunt, which makes sense since Ghost had the gap he needed to make it safe for the NPA to go back to work abroad. This week was more stable.

Helped Nessie and Artemis, but I'm starting to notice something. I'm usually behind Nessie in giving someone an endorsement, and Nessie usually gets an endorsement back before I step in. So, I've been watching more closely to who others have endorsed before I send the telegram out. If either of my featured SCers have already been endorsed, I'm going to plug another councilor.

This week's endotarting will feature COE and Nessie.

Edit: As of the Feb 11 Major Update, Siwale has fallen to 3rd place and I'm now 2nd place. The gap is only by 2 endorsements though, so there's still work to be done.
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Weekly Update
February 17, 2019

Here's this week's endorsement counts.

A WADP dispatch alert was sent out for General COE, and I'm gonna show another chart to highlight the possible impact of it. It's time for another look at the Received Percentage chart. We haven't seen that in a few weeks.

Seen here, COE's been gaining since two weeks ago, but the number of endorsements sent out from SC members dropped for pretty much everyone and there was still a significant improvement in COE's numbers. The alerts help; the numbers show that. But, we still need to stay on top of our endotarting, myself included.
The percentage of endorsements given is some stark reading. Both Bootsie and Romanoffia are below 50% with Roman being barely above 10%. Might be time for a retirement.
Wow, endotarting numbers that low is rather concerning... from my eyes at least actively participating in TNP's WADP is rather important, not only for boosting your numbers but increasing TNP's overall endorsement levels. While that's undoubtedly only a part of an SCer's job, lagging so far behind as to have 160 endos is concerning. The occasional dip due to having other things to do (like RL) is understandable but 11% is frankly awful.

Nessie should be commended for maintaining such a high number of endorsements sent, as well, of course. It's good to see that he and Artemis are taking their new positions actively and seriously.
I agree. It’s not the only job but it’s a massive part of it. The endorsement numbers do reflect generally the lack of involvement in the other activities of the SC.

Nessie is always one of the first to endorse those new nations.
My general daily routine is perform Speaker duties then do an endorsement run in the mornings. Periodically throughout the day i will try to endorse new WA nations. All in all I probably spend 10-20 minutes.
It is best to endotart every day. Those few minutes a day it takes to keep up is far better than letting it go and having hundreds of nations to visit. Then it becomes a big job and you are more likely to put it off.
As for Roman, he has a ton of influence should we would ever need it. Plus, if things go south, I am confident he would be there to defend TNP.
Personally I like to build up my backlog to ~100-150 nations and then speed through a whole bunch, I feel it gives more presence when you all of a sudden take up a whole page of activities and its given me fairly predictable returns that keep me where I want in the 6-8th (4-6 if you discount Siwale and McM) spot.

Never even personally sent out endotarting TGs, never really seen the need when I have been consistently a little higher or right at the endorsement ranking where I should be if you go by the LoS.
The percentage of endorsements given is some stark reading. Both Bootsie and Romanoffia are below 50% with Roman being barely above 10%. Might be time for a retirement.
I just finished a 787 endorsement run. I do not plan on retiring anytime soon, but thanks for the offer.

Weekly Update
February 24, 2019


It's with a heavy heart that this morning I accepted the resignation of Romanoffia (Novare Res) from the Security Council after coming under fire in the RA for low endotarting numbers and general activity over a significant period of time.

The debate around it poses the question of whether the expectations of a Security Councillor extend beyond the legal minimums for holding the office. Technically, Roman did meet the minimums for membership, but was pressured out under threat of a recall for not going beyond. I think it's a conversation we need to have at some point.

Fernando Alonso during Q2 of the 2018 Hungarian Grand Prix:
"Even if you put a rocketship [on], we will be eleventh!"
GBM certainly didn't listen to that, as she had the rocketship on to get up to P3! A WADP telegram alert was sent out for Great Bights Mum as a tactical play to get another SCer on the podium quickly. It was super effective!

Bootsie was another one who made big improvements, with a 64 endorsement jump over last week after doing a 500+ nation endotarting run. This is why individual endotarting is still important despite the WADP program assisting.

Prior to posting this update, I launched another WADP telegram, this time for Lord Lore (Frances Francis the First of France), as another tactical move to bolster the top of the charts. If things go well over the next week, I'll return to boosting those at the lower end of the scale.

Edit: because I forgot when copy/pasting my excel spreadsheet...
VD Minimum: 784
Watch Threshold: 734
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Weekly Update
March 3, 2019


Bootsie continues to ride the wave from that big endotarting run with another above average improvement, and we also see the effectiveness of last week's telegram alert for Lore. There will be a dispatch alert sent this week to give inboxes a break and to compare the effectiveness of it against the telegram alert. I think I know who I want to send it out for, but I'll consult with the rest of the SC first to be sure.

Hmm... I bet I can tell who used the basic endorse page yesterday...

I see Sil timed this report just right so he'd have the highest Sent Endorsements on this weekly update :P
I can see it now: "Oh no, Nessie also used the page today; let me find just one more WA to endorse!"
The report is always on Sunday and uses the post-major data from r3n's scripts. I don't go through each nation manually before posting. I guess when I did my lookup of new admissions yesterday I found just that one extra than Nessie.
You can reasonably count on the NPA for about 25 to 30 depending on the amount of time we've stayed in TNP. Keep checking the deployment thread and the mission logs for more up-to-date data regarding the NPA's numbers.

Weekly Update
March 10, 2019


An endorsement dispatch alert was sent for Territorio di Nessuno this week. I'm still convinced telegram alerts are more effective, but I understand not wanting to flood inboxes every week. I was really hoping Nessie would be above 800 with that, but I'll take the above average improvement.


Weekly Update
March 17, 2019


Apologies for this week. Not because of the red, that's because of the NPA doing duty to defend our allies in Stargate, but for me falling behind in pretty much everywhere else. My numbers will look better tomorrow if you check the daily WADP census. (If you didn't know, you can find that here: Also, I planned to post a dispatch for Artemis (Sundred), but only just released it a few minutes ago, so we'll have to wait 'til next week to see the effectiveness.

Again, apologies. This week is going to be all about getting back with the program and keeping it up as the weeks pass.


Weekly Update
March 24, 2019


Remember, Artemis's dispatch alert was launched last Sunday, so here we see the effect and another one is due out.

You know what would be nice... what if we had scripts that could telegram each individual WAer and tell them who they need to endorse to get Keeper, but omit the SCers they've already endorsed? I wonder if r3n could make that happen. Almost like the telegrams we already have, but backwards.

You know what would be nice... what if we had scripts that could telegram each individual WAer and tell them who they need to endorse to get Keeper, but omit the SCers they've already endorsed? I wonder if r3n could make that happen. Almost like the telegrams we already have, but backwards.

We tried that once, but it's complicated. It is also difficult to automate in a legal way.

The "Advertisements" telegram functionality in the WADP is the closest to the above we have. It's meant to be used once every six months (maybe once per quarter would also be fine), and is generally quite effective in boosting Keeper numbers.
When the natives come knocking with questions, deny and pivot, GBM. Deny and pivot.

“I think the question all TNPers are asking is how can we continue to deliver for the North Pacifican people, not where the rum has gone.”
Ask not what your region can do for you, my child. Rather, ask what you may do for your region.

Weekly Update
March 31, 2019


I ran into a couple technical issues this week. My plan was to use the WADP Advertisement telegrams in lieu of an alert for an individual SCer. These are a pair of telegrams, one sent to Non-WA nations encouraging them to join the WA and endorse the Delegate, VD, and Security Council, and the other sent to non-keepers encouraging them to endorse the same. Unfortunately, a problem with the script would see that only the telegram for the Non-WAs would send.

The other is that today is the last day of the month, meaning the WADP Awards Volume 58 is supposed to go out. There was a technical problem there too, because once again the code for dispatch is too long to generate and display. Even if I wanted to post it manually, I don't have the code.

In both cases, I've tried reaching out to @r3naissanc3r. I'm waiting to hear back, especially regarding the WADP Awards.

I ran into a couple technical issues this week. My plan was to use the WADP Advertisement telegrams in lieu of an alert for an individual SCer. These are a pair of telegrams, one sent to Non-WA nations encouraging them to join the WA and endorse the Delegate, VD, and Security Council, and the other sent to non-keepers encouraging them to endorse the same. Unfortunately, a problem with the script would see that only the telegram for the Non-WAs would send.
I don't know what happened with this one, but given that the WADP telegrams just went out, it's probably best that it waits till next weekend.

The other is that today is the last day of the month, meaning the WADP Awards Volume 58 is supposed to go out. There was a technical problem there too, because once again the code for dispatch is too long to generate and display. Even if I wanted to post it manually, I don't have the code.
This is a long-standing issue and I've yet to write a proper automatic solution. For now, whenever this happens, people let me know and I fix it manually. Luckily, it doesn't happen very often (as you can tell from the small number of 2-part volumes: ).

Weekly Update
April 7, 2019


A big thanks to r3n for fixing the issues with both the WADP awards and the Non-Keeper advertisement telegram! I think the advertising combo of the two this week speaks for itself. I think those increases are from a lot more than the NPA coming home.
