Office of the Vice Delegate

Keeper numbers (and therefore SC endos) also got a boost from the two card-related programs that began this week.

Looking at the Keeper graph, most of the Keeper increase happened after the release of the advertisement. So that must have been the biggest factor.
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Weekly Update
April 7, 2019


Keeper numbers (and therefore SC endos) also got a boost from the two card-related programs that began this week.

Looking at the Keeper graph, most of the Keeper increase happened after the release of the advertisement. So that must have been the biggest factor.

Indeed! It was an improvement of what... 55 keepers from 3/31 to 4/7? This week we had 20 new keepers. Looks like the NPA is also home, contributing to the fact that this is the first time in my term that all SCers are at 800 endorsements or above. Now the goal should be keeping 800 without NPA assistance.

Nessie is a (loch ness) monster when it comes to endotarting.

Lore, if you've fallen behind, catch up before the sunday major. You'll look good on the sent numbers and get the benefits of it the following week. :P I know, I'm bad for suggesting that. But that's just when the numbers come in. If you wanna be the best, endotart more frequently.

Weekly Update
April 21, 2019


Just before generating this week's table, I noticed and accepted Gladio's resignation from the Security Council. This brings us down to 9 members plus 1 applicant under consideration. A big thank you to Gladio for your service to our region. Would I be wrong to assume this marks the coming of another tour of duty in the NPA? :)

Someone I talked to joked about trying to induce another Reddit rush. Did that actually happen? Haha, wouldn't that be nice? Our population, and number of WAs, and number of Keepers spiked up beyond the fluctuations that the NPA usually causes, and the cards program continues to be a popular incentive to become a Keeper.

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Reddit rushes (and Imgur) have happened and cause an extreme spike in our populations. The RMB gains a ton of activity during that time.

Weekly Update
April 28, 2019


Yesterday, with the help of r3n, we released an update to the Card Lottery program. I'm sure you've seen my telegram about it, but I want to reinforce it here. The Card Lottery will now give additional entries to Keepers who are endorsing more nations than just the Delegate and the Security Council at a rate of 1 entry for every 250 total endorsements given. In order to have the best chance of scoring a Legendary card in a field of over 600 keepers, you'll need to keep up with endotarting and endorse everyone.

Please view our dispatch on the program at this link:, and please upvote it. It's currently the number one top new dispatch, but we want to keep it there for a long time. It's our hope that the program will bring in new nations, make those nations Keepers, and drive more involvement in the community.

To those in the NPA, we currently don't have a way to include you while you're on deployments, and even quick ops like tag raids will continue to disrupt your chances. And with this update, we understand that following standing orders alone will disadvantage you. We thank you for your sacrifice and service to the region.


Edit: With the addition of El Fiji Grande as Security Councillor, I've updated the chart above using this past Sunday's data.
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Weekly Update
May 5, 2019


With the introduction of El Fiji Grande as Security Councilor, the number of keepers took a bit of a dive, dropping from 636 to 579, so 57 nations were notified that they had lost Keeper of the North. Unfortunately, so did the other 579 because of a glitch in the system, and from what we can tell, it doesn't appear that those nations are being notified that they're okay. Bootsie's been inundated with messages from confused keepers. I might need to send something out manually to put a stop to it. edit: I just did.

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Weekly Update
May 12, 2019


And here we are at the start of a new term. Congrats to El Fiji Grande on their election to the delegacy! Now, we have work to do. We need a smooth transition where Fiji rises to at least 2nd on the charts before Pallaith begins the drop down below me. I've sent out both types of alerts this evening, the telegram and the dispatch, to get people to endorse Fiji, and we'll be keeping this up until Fiji gets the endorsements he needs. If you're not endorsing Fiji, then why not? Get out there and endorse him! Here, I'll give you a link to make it easy. Click here: Endorse El Fiji Grande

Also, ignore the VD Min and Watch Thresholds for this week. They're based off Fiji's numbers, which I know makes them unreasonable for now.

Oh, you were expecting an opening address? Did I do one last term? I forget.

In preparation for the possibility of splitting the weekly endorsement checks out into its own thread, I am recording the following actions as prescribed by the original post by Crushing Our Enemies. This should have been done anyways. These actions are since the start of my term, but may also include a timeline of past unrecorded actions if/when I can compile the data. (Will edit this post.)

Jan 6th 2019
Crushing Our Enemies (General COE) nominated for Security Council membership by Unanimous Decision [9-0 (1 Abs.)]

Jan 10th 2019
McMasterdonia has resigned from the Security Council.

Jan 11th 2019
Nessuno (Territorio di Nessuno) admitted to the Security Council.

Jan 12th 2019
New Vice Delegate: Sil Dorsett

Jan 16th 2019
Crushing Our Enemies (General COE) admitted to the Security Council.

Feb 24th 2019
Romanoffia (Novare Res) has resigned from the Security Council.

Apr 8th 2019
Citizenship application from Cormac (Cormactopia IV) rejected.

Apr 21st 2019
Gladio (Gladio II) has resigned from the Security Council.

Apr 24th 2019
El Fiji Grande nominated for Security Council membership by Unanimous Decision [9-0]

May 2nd 2019
El Fiji Grande admitted to the Security Council.
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Weekly Update
May 19, 2019


A few minutes ago, I sent out another Endotarting Alert Telegram to those not endorsing El Fiji Grande. As you can see, although there has been a significant improvement in Fiji's numbers, he still hasn't passed me. Now, I admit I didn't help matters by gaining 21 of my own endorsements, but I need to build a gap just in case Pallaith wanted to go nuclear.

As soon as Fiji passes me, I'll be sending a telegram out to those who are not Keepers of the North asking them to unendorse Pallaith to get this transition done. Some thoughts were being floated about temporarily removing Pallaith from the government spreadsheet as a Security Councilor so that he wouldn't be a necessary endorsement to maintain Keeper and stay in the card lottery, but my concern there is what happens when Pallaith becomes a requirement again, eventually.

I am open to ideas on how to address this, so let me know below, but at the end of the day we just need to be more aggressive in getting Fiji more endorsements.

Would it be possible to have a grace period after adding Pallaith back to the government spreadsheet? Give nations a week or so of warning before adding him back officially for meeting Keepers of the North status?
Or, I don't know if this is possible, but you can add his name on manually, possibly even put it on the WFE, and then add it back to the spreadsheet again.
Honestly, the transition is going just fine. I don't think there is any reason to alarm ourselves or take drastic measures like removing Pallaith from the Keeper spreadsheet.

Most transitions where the incoming delegate is not the Vice Delegate take between 2-3 weeks. Here are the numbers for the most recent ones: Gladio's took 16 days, Pallaith's first took 14 days, Plembobria's took 9 days, and he was one of the most active SC members at the time.

Fiji had a relatively low endorsement count and little visibility on the gameside. So, he's more like the first two than the latter. If anything, given how close Fiji is to Sil, and given that the outgoing delegate is still exchanging endorsements (he should stop), the transition is going faster than expected.

On a separate note, it's amazing to see how motivated people are to remain Keepers. We've managed to make that a title people really want to have.
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Well, in the last few days, the numbers have barely changed. Fiji is still on 952, and Pallaith is on 1081. At this point, I think all the active WA nations have endorsed Fiji, and even if Pallaith stops giving out endorsements, his numbers aren't going to drop unless people start unendorsing him.

Weekly Update
May 26, 2019


Progress. Fiji has now passed me for 2nd place, which gives Pallaith some options. On Thursday I sent a telegram to about 160-170 nations who were endorsing Pallaith but not Fiji and asked them to switch their endorsements. The next TG that'll go out later will target non-keepers to have them unendorse Pallaith. That should close the gap up real nice.

I think the sent numbers show that Pallaith isn't tarting, and neither was I while I was waiting for Fiji to pass me.

Warning issued to @King SillyString for having 0 endorsements following a CTE.

As Praetor pointed out...
16. The Vice Delegate must promptly remove members of the Council whose member nations no longer exist, voluntarily depart The North Pacific, or resign from the World Assembly outside the needs of a NPA sanctioned mission.

As such, SillyString is removed from the Security Council.
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Perhaps it may be worth adding to the spreadsheet how many days since each SCer has logged in...?


The new "Login" stat will track days without activity. Green dot means 0-6 days, Yellow is 7-13, Red is 14-27, Black is 28+ (which pretty much means CTE and removal from the council, if not for vacation mode)
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Weekly Update
June 2nd, 2019


Alright. We got the first part done. Fiji's the in-game delegate, and actually for a brief moment I was back above Ghost, but we seem to be getting our keepers back while the effects of Fiji's indiscriminate unendorsement campaign and my targeted non-keeper campaign trickle on. I should have the next part, passing Ghost myself, done this week. I'm just being very cautious with how many endorsements I've giving out so I don't accidentally overtake Fiji. The gap's not quite where I'd like it, but I'm sure the NPA and SCers can give me some buffer space if I need it.

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Weekly Update
June 9th, 2019


I assure you that the nation of Elevation is not our WA Delegate. Anyone looking at r3n's reports today may notice the nations at the top aren't quite right. Not to worry. It's just a glitch in the report, a glitch that made putting today's data together very interesting...

On Wednesday, Siwale was admitted to the Security Council, so I'm not surprised by the Keeper drop. We also released a new lottery for the keepers that rewards participation in WA voting. The more one votes in on WA resolutions, the more chances they have to win! To be clear, you do not need to vote with the delegate to be counted, but you do still need to be a Keeper of the North.

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Weekly Update
June 16th, 2019


This afternoon, I sent out a WADP alert telegram to try and boost Fiji's endorsement count. We'll see how receptive it is, because we need this boost first to give the rest of us some space to endotart. 1050-1100 for Fiji would be really nice.

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Weekly Update
June 23rd, 2019


Well, I guess if anything, the alert for Fiji slowed the bleeding. However, that delegate endorsement saturation rating is slightly higher than last week. Also, worldwide WAs are dropping, but we're keeping more of our share of them.

We contemplating running some sort of event to encourage more people to endorse the SC, with an emphasis on Fiji, beyond everything we're already doing with the cards program. I don't have any details to share as of yet, but please look forward to it.

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Weekly Update
June 30th, 2019


Today's gonna be a short one. Just some snippets of news:
  • The Security Council procedures have been amended to remove the Regional Alert System, since the functionality was broken with the forum upgrade
  • The regional assembly approved our changes to the Line of Succession. Most notable change was moving Siwale up to P3, which put me 4th and removed my border control powers.
  • Today, we released the 61st edition of the WADP awards. There was a 5-way tie for most endorsements given. I'm wondering if we should add a randomization factor to when we actually run the scoring to try to catch the people who wait for the end of the month off-guard.

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Weekly Update
July 7th, 2019


Today's gonna be an even shorter one. There hasn't been too much activity. We had an applicant to the SC, but they withdrew. They're probably going to reapply later this month.

I do say though that despite the drop in WAs, we didn't take too many losses. Maybe the NPA stepped in?

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Weekly Update
July 14th, 2019


About four days ago, an advertisement from The Northern Light was sent out to about 566 (after 243 blocked it) Non-WA nations who we noticed were participating in card trading, hoping we'd get a boost to the numbers of WAs and Keepers.

Thanks to some help from r3n in finding some statistics... So far this month, on average we've had 10 nations join the WA per day, and since that advertisement was sent out, the only day that exceeded that average was the 13th, when 16 nations joined. Unfortunately, I noticed some NPAers return, which may have skewed it.

I'm hoping as some nations log in and look over their telegrams, more of who that advertisement was sent to join. Although, we have to consider that a lot of those nations may have been puppets, and that it's also the summer slump.

My Percentage of WAs endorsed dropped fairly substantially there, and that's because I missed a full day of endorsing. That also likely explains why my endorsement count faltered a bit despite the region increasing its WA membership count since last week. I've now gotten back up to where I should be.

Weekly Update
July 21st, 2019


I asked for this, didn't I? Ah, the sacrifices we must make to bash some fash, right?


Weekly Update
July 28th, 2019


The summer slump continues as our overall population continues to dwindle. The other two years I went through summer with the region, it was no different. In 2017, we peaked around mid-may with 10.3k and fell all the way to 7.4k near the end of July before rebounding in August. In 2018, it was more of the same, but with not as severe of a loss, going from 10.3k to 7.7k. This year, same time period, but we never got back to 10k. We only made it to 9.2k and we're down to 7.1k. I'm expecting things to get better next month.

The WA statistics still look relatively strong, as we've kept a higher percentage of nations in the WA compared to May. The Dream Metric still looks better. The Mean SC Endorsement Ratio is higher than it was last week. We're really just dealing with population loss as people go on vacations and stuff, probably.

All the statistics I mentioned can be found here:


Weekly Update
August 4th, 2019


r3n asked me to highlight a new function he's created called the TNP Card Queries System. It allows you to do searches for cards by various categories, like looking up all the commended nations, postmasters, or all the rare cards in TNP, for example, and you can use these queries to start developing different collections.

Check it out at I did also ask for a TNP-branded URL, so hopefully that'll come soon and we can add that to our dispatches as another reason why we're the best region for card collectors.


Weekly Update
August 11th, 2019


Not really much to talk about today, but we've got something to look forward to hopefully next week.


Weekly Update
August 18th, 2019


I'm not enthusiastic at all about these numbers. Ongoing fash-bash aside, the recovery from the summer slump hasn't happened yet, and it's getting worse. It's bad enough to trigger another dispatch alert for Fiji, so hopefully that'll build his numbers back up, and so the endotarting I just got caught up on (you'll see it in the census tomorrow) doesn't diminish my gap to him too much while still building a gap to everyone else.

Less than a month to go and elections right around the corner. I want to end this month stronger than how it started.


Weekly Update
August 25th, 2019


Two big things to announce today:

First, we're conducting a survey to gain feedback on our World Assembly Development Program. We would like as many people to participate as possible so that we know what works, what doesn't, and what we can do to make the program better. You can take the survey at the following link:

Secondly, also WADP related, we're making a change to the WADP monthly awards, specifically the rewards for winning the Rising Star, Click-to-Endorse, and Clout championships. The legendary cards we've been handing out are not just going to be given to champions, but to the top ten in each category. If you've been holding back in endotarting because of the difficulty of winning and getting a card, now's your chance to get back in the game! This change will be effective for the 63rd edition of the awards, coming this Saturday.

Both of these announcements will be telegrammed to the region sometime tomorrow.
