Honestly, the transition is going just fine. I don't think there is any reason to alarm ourselves or take drastic measures like removing Pallaith from the Keeper spreadsheet.
Most transitions where the incoming delegate is not the Vice Delegate take between 2-3 weeks. Here are the numbers for the most recent ones: Gladio's took 16 days, Pallaith's first took 14 days, Plembobria's took 9 days, and he was one of the most active SC members at the time.
Fiji had a relatively low endorsement count and little visibility on the gameside. So, he's more like the first two than the latter. If anything, given how close Fiji is to Sil, and given that the outgoing delegate is still exchanging endorsements (he should stop), the transition is going faster than expected.
On a separate note, it's amazing to see how motivated people are to remain Keepers. We've managed to make that a title people really want to have.