Leave of Absence Requests

Actually, I ought to have removed my own LOA about a week ago. It might be wise to let Grosse know by PM that he is no longer on LOA though.

As it turned out, short staff in the admin team meant that I was at no point completely inactive, but nevertheless, the freedom from pressure to check RA votes is greatly appreciated, as was the understanding of the Speaker during my house move.
I'm aware this is going to span terms but I'd appreciate it if I were covered up until the end of the election:

Expected Date of Return (GMT):October 10th

Reason for Request: Moving out from home in order to go to uni and as I'm going into a privately rented flat on my own I have an insane amount of stuff to organise. Can't guarantee Internet at first, either, so yeah. May or may not be around somewhat but won't be voting etc.
Expected Date of Return (GMT): 27 November 2013 (possibly a few days earlier but definitely by this date)

Reason for Request: No home internet access.
Period of absence (GMT): 13 November 2013 23:06pm to 13 November 2013, 23:16pm

Reason for Request: I really, really need to go to the toilet.
Expected Date of Return (GMT): 27 November 2013 (possibly a few days earlier but definitely by this date)

Reason for Request: No home internet access.


Period of absence (GMT): 13 November 2013 23:06pm to 13 November 2013, 23:16pm

Reason for Request: I really, really need to go to the toilet.

As the time for which the Leave of Absence was requested has passed without calamitous removal from the RA, I shall retroactively refuse to grant this request.
Expected Date of Return (GMT): January 28th-February 1st.

Reason for Request: Minimal to non-existent activity until the end of this month, subject to change.
Expected Date of Return (GMT): At some time in February, let's say 29th. Now seriously, I don't know for sure, read below.

Reason for Request: I'm moving to England in a few days and I need to: 1-prepare stuff, 2-do stuff, 3-succeed at doing stuff and 4-get a working internet conexion. Not necessarily in that order. It all could be done in a few weeks, if everything goes as I (optimistically) expect but living in a place I've never seen in my life will be obviously full of unexpected things, so I let you know.

Thanks in advance
Expected Date of Return (GMT): At some time in February, let's say 29th. Now seriously, I don't know for sure, read below.

Reason for Request: I'm moving to England in a few days and I need to: 1-prepare stuff, 2-do stuff, 3-succeed at doing stuff and 4-get a working internet conexion. Not necessarily in that order. It all could be done in a few weeks, if everything goes as I (optimistically) expect but living in a place I've never seen in my life will be obviously full of unexpected things, so I let you know.

Thanks in advance
hahahah Chas, nooo! I'm back!

Well I'll be fully back some time this week, this Tuesday/Wednesday, probably.


edit: I'm officialy back
I would like to request a LOA for the month of February. I am moving, and while I expect to have consistent internet access during that time, my focus needs to be on that and not on NS business.
I am going to need another LOA through June 7. My daughter is back in the hospital and we are planning to move the end of May... no small feat for my estimated 9 tons of stuff. I'll try to be around as I can, but things are just crazy.
Mr Speaker, I humbly request a leave of absence from 30th April to 7th May due to my travelling and having limited time and access.

Please refer to Gracius Maximus (Assistant Attorney General) for any AG matters in my absence, I would like him to assume my duties as needed.
For anything related to my ambassadorships, ask r3naissanc3r (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
For anything related to LWU ask Evil Wolf (Khan)
I would like to request a leave of absence for basically as long as the speaker will grant for reasons that I will explain shortly to him in a pm.
Granted. The leave granted shall be until the 10th of September.

EDIT: I grant a further extension until the 12th of September, further extension thereafter will be a matter for my successor.
EDIT2: The Speaker has granted further extension, which shall last until the 11th of January.
Please could I request medical leave from the RA for the month of June?

RL gave me leave to see a doctor this morning and my RA membership is one of the things I would least like to lose by not playing for a while.
I have been sort of MiA lately due to RL complications, and I expect to be able to come back around middle June. Could I please granted a LoA?
Just to make the RA/Government aware I will be taking a brief LOA from 1st July with very sporadic on times, but on times none the less:

Expected Date of Return (GMT): 6/7/14 (again, sporadic ontimes in between)

Reason for Request: Moving house.