Proxy, your nation is in the process of being screened by the Vice Delegate along with the Administrative Team. We tend to process these in batches as it is somewhat cumbersome.Proxy of Demescia:I previously applied for citizenship and I was accepted, but now I'm just a resident. I tried applying for it again, but nothing happened.
I'd like to take over the diplomat role if there is now an opening!JacobAlanHenson:I'd like to renouce my citizenship and job, been since Dec. 2015.
Will contact Foreign Minister for new diplomat job.
The Deputy Speaker, Administrative Team and Vice Delegate all have to clear you in the screening process before your status is changed. You can check the updates under "Admin Requests" in the "Regional Assembly" thread.Darklord:Hi,
I'm posting here because Deputy Speaker said that I officially granted citizenship but my avatar still says 'Resident',so I don't know what else do I have to do.I will really appreciate if someone can give me further informations.
Your masking has not yet been changed. I literally just asked the admins to update it. As always, your patience is appreciated and it will be done promptly.Stephen M. Abarca:uhmmm.. i have a question, if i'm a citizen, why do i still have a 1-star ID (member) not the 3-star for citizen??
just got confirmed today
---- i do wish a concise reply regarding this topic, preferably from the executives or other personas with qualifications to do so
Go here, scroll to the bottom and you will see an add reply button. Post this:Union of the three tribes:How do I get the citizenship? I don't understand what the site, that says how to do it, wants me to do.
This link will take you to the citizenship application thread: of the three tribes:How do I get the citizenship? I don't understand what the site, that says how to do it, wants me to do.
Go to this link: hereUnion of the three tribes:How do I get the citizenship? I don't understand what the site, that says how to do it, wants me to do.