Thank you, Prime Minister!
*Hersfold leads a second round of applause.
Before we close for tonight, I'd like to make a few final recognitions.
First off, congratulations to all the recipients! It's hard sometimes to offer congrats during the ceremony due to all the hustle and bustle, but you all have deserved each of your awards! Well done!
Next, many thanks go to everyone who helped out with the ceremony! Our judges, first of all, for offering their time to cast their deciding votes - Flemingovia and Erastide, our impromptu tie-breakers who got recruited on IRC last night when I hadn't heard from DD - Cakatoa for a job well done presenting on a tight RL schedule - Gaspo for his valiant attempts to try to attend, foiled at the last minute do to RL - Grosseschnauzer for his willingness to present his four prestigous awards himself - and of course, Award of Honor Recipient Thel D'Ran for another year's worth of beautiful awards, the last ones of which came in just under an hour ago. Thank you all for your hard work.
And finally, thanks to all of you! It's a great joy running these ceremonies, and I'm glad we were able to put one together at such short notice. Your nominations and enthusiasm about the whole event is what made this possible and wholly worthwhile. Thank you all a thousand times.
So now, with all the awards gone, it is time for us to bring the ceremony to a close. Congratulations once again to everyone, and most importantly...
Merry Christmas!!!
(Is it actually snowing??