Random thoughts go here


Why not?

Okay wait, I heard enough questions about it already:

The swine flu? There are very few cases in Brazil, far fewer than in the US or Canada, and no deaths as of now.

The crime rate? Well, looks like I'll have to be cautious, looking as foreign as could be and not speaking portuguese. Moreover, I'll be on my own during the first days. Oh well...

The other sicknesses, like yellow fever, dengue fever or malaria?
I won't be in malaria-affected areas, am vaccinated against yellow fever and there's no vaccination against dengue. Watch out for the mosquitos...gah.

Or the crashing plane on its way from Brazil (to Europe :o)?
Statistically, now it's over and there shouldn't be anything happening for some years!

Maybe you just don't like South America, aight?
That, and the millions of dongs to be had!
why do you think i moved here instead of Africa?

in other good news, supermalaria has been found in western cambodia thats resistant to the normal superdrugs used to cure it. and i cant use any of the others because they make me insanely paranoid, which is not a good thing in the middle of a jungle
Well at least it would probably be p. vivax, which has a low parasitemia. I read in Discover that there are some cool new treatments in the works, even one that traps the parasite in your blood cell by blocking a protein so it can't reproduce before the liver gets it
wowser, i dont even know what parasitemia is. Those treatments sound pretty rad. hopefully they get developed before the superimmune strain spreads into the east, where i work
yeah, i think its only a matter of time until i get it, but i'm sure i'll survive and have another awesome story to tell from it.

Part of me wants to get bubonic plague. who gets plauge these days? and its apparently fairly easy to cure
People still get the plague. Check out promedmail.com and search their archive for plague. (I think promed is a very cool site. Reports disease outbreaks around the world)
so i went to see Khmer boxing yesterday. in half an hour i saw 2 knockouts and blood. plus an awful lot of cambodians staring at the giant white guy and blonde girl
I knew that people would think there was innuendo in that statement, but the boring truth is just that I have a weird looking banana. I'm still going to eat it, need my fiber and all, wot wot!
I really hope all of US citizens without health care die! You're not getting my tax dollers for your healthcare! Abolish medicare and medicaid, let all old people die like they should! Kill the old people! Support our troops, no tricare, no socialism!
If your only posts in this entire forum are in that trial going on then you are a loser and should consider never logging in again.

