Random thoughts go here

I get along better with the employee tech people I'm sitting by now instead of the student techs. The ETs are way more geeky and get my jokes.
Exactly. Gerbils. As in, you should never say "shoop de shoop" ever, ever again. Or I will point and laugh at you, in a condescending, mocking-type of way.
My latest guest tried to "gerbil" themselves out of my pit, but I am vigilant.

All lawyers are gerbils.

Have you read "Night" By Eli Gerbil?

What does Pontius Pilate of Monty Python's Life of Brian use to hold his canvas so he may paint on it? A gerbil.

thats the exact reason why i dont want to be stationed to sub duty. even though i'd like to work on the exterior of subs.
What if I started saying "my dog" instead of "my girlfriend"??

My dog and I went for a walk today.
My dog is asleep in bed.
My dog and I went outside and my dog peed.

Hmmm... could need some work. We'll have to send this idea over to R&D for a good polishing up. Coming February 2008!*

[size=-2]*Never gonna happen[/size]