OPBlogsenal III

Well then to change the topic away from the "Yummie guey sticky stuff talk", I will say this...

"The best thing about the placenta is the cold placenta sandwhiches the next day"

Go bears!!!!!!!!
Sandwiches not withstanding...


Fuck, yes, it's Div. He shows up on my birthday, and on Tycho's. Coincidence? Nay.
While driving on the highway, a child molester who is also driving might look into the back seat of your car and see your child using their DS back there. According to this terrifying report, the child molester can then - while driving their car - produce a DS of their own and utilize it to divine your home address. You will recall that he is driving on the highway at speeds approaching sixty miles an hour. One hand is on the wheel and the other is managing the gearbox. Thus, there can be no question.

He is entering these messages into his DS with his erect phallus.

The report isn't specific on this last point, but it's clearly present in the subtext. Pedophiles are writing messages to your kids using their dicks.

Tycho FTW.
So here's my latest:

I mentioned on the CyberNations forums (Currently 267 members online) that I could not get my girlfriend anything for Valentine's Day because I'm flat broke. Literally, stone broke. So here's what it comes down to: asshattery on the CN forums. See for yourself. Is it a good response? I rate it up there with one of my best.

I like the idea that MP has compiled a list of my retorts.

Also, Sydia's retort to UPS_Rail's restructure of the region and all that whatnot is the best I've ever seen. Bar none.
F*ck yo*!

I really can't bring myself to offer up a gift idea, i'm afraid anything I think of would be really offensive. :)
When I say "broke," I mean it. Cold-ass broke. Hoping-I-have-enough-gas-in-the-truck-until-Friday broke.

And I have to work tonight, so we can't go anywhere.
I like the idea that MP has compiled a list of my retorts.

Also, Sydia's retort to UPS_Rail's restructure of the region and all that whatnot is the best I've ever seen. Bar none.
You remember me better than I do, what did I say?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure guys who hang around internet forums all day questioning others manliless have never actually kissed a girl.