OPBlogsenal III

Didn't you get to be deputy or something like that or am i in the wrong dimension again?
Oh dear.

You didn't go through that mysterious door in the basement did you?

You did?

Oh dear.

You're fallen into the Sixth Dimension. You better get outta here quick before King Fausto finds you!

That is an answer only the two love birds can give.

(you csif=dove OPA=eagle hawk)

The rest of this imaginative plot is put into place by U-2 (NO not that group)

Details later=your own imaginative thoughts put into words into the blog.

Joker feels a slap coming on. *runs and hides in the nearest dark corner*
My dad woke me up. He was watching "A-Team" and the theme song was playing quite loud. Then I got up made chocolate chip pancakes for my sister and I and watched "The Break-Up" with my family. Wasn't that funny.
A little something from Knob of the Penny Arcade boards. Especially for Sydia and IndieGirl.

I don't agree with it, so a shooting of the messenger is not appropriate.


However, I must say that it made me pause and chuckle.
Knob is. That's blasphemy about Syd Barrett, that is. Even David Bowie admits he wouldn't be David Bowie if it weren't for Pink Floyd.

-=shakes angry fist=-
After much discussion and thought, I dedicate this blog to the posting and discussion/dissection of Penny Arcade.


Somehow, this is always how I picture Zelda fans.
Wii have a syntax error. Nice link.

I like how the fat guy is wearing a hoodie. All the Zeldamaniacs that I've ever known wore hoodies.