
Remembering the glory days, when men were men, women were women, everthing was in sepia, and this used to be favourite things.
that people think my paper is good enough to read. do you really want 60 pages of "Female Hordes or One Male Units: Comparisons of social behaviour and structure within Mandrills and Hamadryas Baboons"?
no url sorry. i havent yet found any journals desperate enough to take an honours students work yet. i can email a copy if you really want, but its pretty dense and quite frankly, i wouldnt read it unless someone was paying me. cheers for the enthusiasm though :D

as for something on topic. El Syd being back
My muchacho Syb-Syb remembering my Mexico-inspired nick! El Syd Campeador!

Sydia also rides again in NationStates for the first time in 679 days.