
Strawberry ice cream made with real strawberries and that has strawberry chunks in it when it gets kinda melty and leaves your mouth all cold and strawberryish.
Teasing your little brother for making out with his girlfriend in the basement where you could easily stumble upon them when sent down to get stuff out of the storage room.
3 User(s) are browsing this forum (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)
3 Members: Sydia, IndieGirl, syber rad

Good times!
Unhappiness = being excluded from the OOC triumvirate, partly because of the time difference, and partly because of this:

Political science - methods applicated in international studies
Multilateral diplomacy and international organisations
Political economy II
Economic and social history of the Third World
International Economy A
History of juridicial and political theories
Economy of sustainable development
International public law
International relations I
European expansion and decolonisation in the 19th and 20th century
Demography and anthropology of people
Economical geography
Contemporanean economical history

Quite a lot for 3 months! But which one not to take? What's your opinion? Heelp!
Indie's an American, Syb's an Aussie and I'm an Englishman (not in New York), time difference? Pfah! And you're in the OOC quadrumvirate, VZ!


I'd drop Political Economics II.
Okay then, let my courses have the full blame. 42 hours of lessons each week? Yay. Today for example, from 8h to 18h with only 2h hours of break.

I'll need to drop 3 lectures at courses at least, and PE II is obligatory. There, we have an english prof, she looks like giving cooking lessons actually (attention, irony! An English giving cooking lessons to French-speakers! :P ), but nothing very intellectual. She's a good prof, though. But the people mock them because of her accent. How nice!

Happiness? An unexpected postcard with dirty comments.
Aussie unis only making you do 4 courses every 6 months, although im pretty sure ours each of those courses is a fair whack more than you foreign types
My three flatmates!!

Like during the last year, I will live this year with three girls again!
And again, I'm the youngest one around! And hopefully my three special mummies will want to cook for me as much as the girls of last year.

Getting ^ a super rare Halo hoodie.
