The Oppressed Peoples of Lauliko
Received: 14 days ago
Erhh ... hello? Hello? Ähmmmm, no one's here. I'm just cleaning, you know, emptying paper bins and cleaning stuff.
Öhh, endorsing you! I don't know 'bout that nuthin, but i can perhaps tell my boss ... how do you write "endorsing"?
Uhoh, and my boss told me not to pick up that red phone. What i'm gonna do now? Shit! Ahh, i tell no one! I just leave a message on this table ...
"Dear Mam President. Pleeze endose ..." what was his name? " ... this guy from, errr, Joe Dental? No, Joe Dean and some guy from California? You know, this people from abroad! Just greet them, okay? He seems to be nice!"
We greet to you! We have possum pelts! Very warm! Very soft! You buy?
You have of the lovely forest whale. They very nice! We do the embassy thing! You want embassy? We too! How we do that? We learn and do that with the gracious and excited.
You be the UN delegate thing. That very important, yes? We humble with your honor and admire your flag with the waving of it! It be very nice! You and your descendant be must very of the proud!
We would help of you with the influence of that region thing, but we are not with the invading and violent. We trade! You must be very good at the violence! We admire your power and influence. It very nice!
Warm and soft offerings of random peace and kindness to you and yours this season of well-wishing forgiveness and honesty!
We go away now.
Obviously a TG meant for TAO.We have possum pelts! Very warm! Very soft! You buy?
Spell check?hi i aksidently made a proposel to reapel and i dont think its rite some dud from the game seid iv allredy dun 2 things rong and seid if i do a nother thing i will be kikt awt of the game
Senior Citzens Should Not Do Labor? Are You Crazy? No Offence, But Until That Gets Off Your Screen, I'm Withdrawing My Endorce Ment, And Putting You On My Dossier. Plese Don't Be Mad, But You Should Respect Them.
tg 7 hrs ago:you dirty asshole
drown in your own shit
Shut the crud up, idiot. I'd rather DIE!
I felt compelled to share this gem.The Federation of Luxembourg states:how do i leave an adspam on your rmb
Former Republic of Winner12345:"The Needs of the Many are greater then those of the Few or the One"
Hello and welcome to NationStates, I'm The Nomadic Peoples of Former Republic of Winner12345 of the great region NOVAC and I'm here to invite you to our region. Our support of Freedom, Democracy and Liberty truly do not know any bound. We promote the act of Democracy in regions of the world. Since we are a new region we offer many great opportunities in our Government and Military. We are a free and open region so there is no threat of being ejected, banned or suppressed. I look forward to seeing you in NOVAC.
Sincerely,The Nomadic Peoples of Former Republic of Winner12345
Mi Goreng:I cook for you yes?
You buy you buy?
$2 spring roll and dim sum?
Very nice, i cook in wok for u, you buy ? yes?
Very happy, yum yum I cook now for u.
King Mitchabe:Hi there! You've heard from the rest, now hear from the best: ELITE REGION OF GLOBAL COMMAND, or the ERGC. We're one of the newest, most active, fastest growing regions in NationStates and we're about to take this game by storm.
The creator of the ERGC, KING MITCHABE, has hand selected your nation,The Respublika of Zemnaya Svoboda, to help lead this soon to be powerful region. He has reviewed your reports and has found your nation to be the perfect addition to the newly found region.
In the Elite Region of Global Command the sky is the limit and we're always looking for ways to help our citizens be more involved if they want to be.
As with all nations, yours has started out in one of the game-created regions. Because these regions are dangerous, prone to invasion, and so unstable that the regional government is sometimes overthrown, most nations soon move to player-made regions like the ERGC -- places where they can join in with regional culture and get involved in the regional government, or just sit back and live in peaceful isolation if they want. The ELITE REGION OF GLOBAL COMMAND is the best place for your nation to grow and flourish, and we are looking for nations like yours to join us!
If you still have questions, telegram me and I'll get back to you!
As soon as you except the offer of joining this new, elite, and powerful region, you can stand side-by-side with Nation States finest and help me lead this great region in it’s upcoming lifetime moments of virtue. Make your decision wisely.
See you soon,
Eluvatar:Mi Goreng:I cook for you yes?
You buy you buy?
$2 spring roll and dim sum?
Very nice, i cook in wok for u, you buy ? yes?
Very happy, yum yum I cook now for u.
Slurp a Nurp:hell naw, slob a knob
Bob Mjilica:Greetings:
I come to you on behalf of Europeia and I want to congratulate you on on the founding of your Clothorgonz!
Being a new leader can be tricky, with many different factions trying to pull you every which way, and I hope I can give you some friendly advice! One of the first things you have to do in game is chose a region.
Choosing a region is alot like buying a new car: you want one that will keep you safe, can go fast, and looks good! The Conquerors is all of that for your nation!
- We are safe. No invasions are possible thanks to us having an "eject and ban" button that will stop any potential invaders in our tracks along with an active and dedicated regional founder.
- We have always been moving fast: we have an offsite forum where your nation can work with other nations to gain power in the World Assembly and get involved in regional government and games, for example.
- I mean, as a region we look good. We have a small population, so you will have an opportunity to be an influential leader. This means that the instant you join, your nation gained power via being influential in a rising region. Because of our small population, our democratic system allows anyone to jump in and contest for elections. No nation is too small to get involved, as our WA delegate is a small nation as well!
-We are going to be involved in raids once we get the opportunity to have three WA nations in our region.
So..If you are ready to make the first step in being a great leader by moving to The Conquerors all you have to do is click the link to The Conquerors and then click the link that says "Like what you see? Move your nation to The Conquerors today!"
If you still have questions, send me a telegram and I will get back to you!
Yours Truly,
Bob Mjilica
The people of Finanism feel indebted by your offer, but the public demands an answer to a pressing question: what if turtles could fly? The people refuse to comply if you are not courteous enough to provide an answer.
The Republic of Oh My Goodness Gracious (16 minutes ago)
Gosh darn you for posting right before me.
I mean golly G meniscus. You've interrupted the entire continuity of the RMB.
The Republic of Oh My Goodness Gracious (12 minutes ago)
"hahaha my bad"
I don't find it funny. Indeed, it is the height of diplomatic immaturity to attempt to atone for a diplomatic insult on the interregional scale by replying
"hahaha" and then simply if not irreverently, "my bad"
I am appalled. Please direct me to your in-game mother if you have one of those, so I may speak to her on the phone.
Failing that, I suggest you please check yourself before you wreck yourself.
The Republic of Oh My Goodness Gracious (7 minutes ago)
I don't think that can possibly be right.
She's far too old to be your mother.
I want your mother not your grandmother. I have no interest in yelling through the phone at some deaf old lady.
Come on now, chop chop. No more delay tactics.
GBM is waaaaaaaaaaaay to old to be your mother.
All you've given me is two old ladies and a sphenisciformes.
If you don't start behaving I'm going to call the TNP Security Alliance on you.
They always do a cracker jack job with hooligans such as yourself.
What an utterly preposterous statement. No one puts crack in cookies thinking
"Oh golly gee, I'm sure he loves crack cocaine."
They do it with the intent of inflicting harm upon the recipient of the cookie. That would be me.
Henceforth thereby you are liable for damages and will likely be excommunicated by the TNP Security Society.
The Republic of Oh My Goodness Gracious (4 hours ago) I do not keep changing the name. I have maintained the name is the TNP Security Battalion.
Besides, "Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?"
Or however it went. The point is it is Shakespeare, which means it is better than you.
Secondly, no we can not be friends. You attempted to poison me with crack cocaine.
I mean Oh My Goodness Gracious!
What AREEEE You Doing?
I truthfully don't know. But I'm sure the TNP Security Situation will find out.
The Republic of Oh My Goodness Gracious (4 hours ago)
Most astute of you to keep track like that, especially for a cocaine salesman.
Quite silly of you to do that you know.
I've gotten world from a very eccentric and completely out-of-the-loop source that influence is to be scrapped in the coming months.
At least in the Pacifics.
So hold onto your raincoat because it's about to get wet honkligger
The Republic of Oh My Goodness Gracious (4 hours ago)
Do you have any class?
When you are talking to a handsome fellow such as myself you can't just ask questions like that.
You have to seduce me into answering without my even realizing it.
If you want a gorgeous house you don't just walk up to the owner like a neanderthal and ask how much.
You take him out for drinks and get him smashed while winking at his wife all night.
It's called inserting yourself into the relationship. You have to make nice and flatter people if you want them to really spill the beans.
You have to learn these things. I'm only giving this lesson since you don't have a mother, a predicament of which I can sympathize.
Keep your eyes open and your nose smooth.
The Republic of Oh My Goodness Gracious (4 hours ago)
She is too old to be your mother, we've been through this.
You bore me.
I will now scan the region for anomalies and be on my merry way.
You have been reported to the Dog Lord for your crack cocaine laced cookies.
Additionally, I have taken out a restraining order against you. Should you attempt to circumvent it I will call the cops.