Describe the Person Above You

^ has made it my goal to wake up people thousands of miles away.

Must be as funny as possible...
What's red and sits in the corner? A naughty strawberry.

:pinch: Sure, blame the joke. I've had dates like THAT too. :rofl:

And on that note, I think it's time IG ran off to bed. :hug: thanks ^, for keeping me company while I beat off my insomnia.

That sounded better in my head, but I'm not going to change it.

Filthmonger that I am.
Unless a keyboard counts as heavy machinery, I think we'll be alright. ^ is not allowed to feel guilty. Or quilty. Unless it's cold and ^ needs a quilt. Then quilty is okay. But only then.
< was trawling through the photos thread to look at all the beautiful peoples when I saw a quote by DD in his callow youth, which I snatched up.

/ is worth a billion sig lines.
That's true. Every other member of the female gender is the silver medal now.

/ 10:51, so it'd be a bit early. I might, shock horror, go out and spend some moneys in a bit.

EDIT: I just realised that in no way described ^^ is great. Buh.