Describe the Person Above You

^ knows most things about <. What I look like, sound like, my name, age, where I live, has my credit card details, scanned copy of my birth certificate and blood samples.
Oo-er, missus!

That would possibly be the greatest thing ever. It'd be like Tolstoy meeting Dostoevsky. But less Russian.

If / is ever in Northern England...
^ makes me blush a whole freakin' lot. If there was a forum with just ^ on it, I'd visit in as much if not more than I do this this one.
^ is correct, sir. I am also making cookies. The nice thing about summer is you can make cookie dough and it's so hot that you don't feel guilty about not baking it. I'm going to freeze it in cookie-portioned balls and snack on them instead of bake them. Maybe that makes me weird.

I don't care. MMm. Chocolate chips.
^ is clearly of the British/Australian group that has never had frozen cookie dough. You weirdos. What kind of people don't eat frozen cookie dough balls?! Sheesh.
I'm of the persuasion that the whole of United Kingdom cuisine was based on a dare.

^ and his countrymen eat things that most cats would have the common sense not to eat.
Crumpets are nice, though. Imagine...bread, but more dense, sweeter, and that's been perforated by knitting needles. Grill and serve with butter.

I'd like to serve / with butter! Filthmonger that I am.
< cannot seriously believe that ^ has facial hair; ^ is probably well aware of the virtues of Veet. Or at least bleaching.
It's true...I'm more of a temperate jackass. :pinch: And I obviously need more sleep. Or less heatstroke. One of the two.

^ isn't a skankdog either, but if ^ was a skankdog, then skankdogs would totally be in style.
/ shouldn't fret, there is 0% chance of < becoming a Skankdog, Swamp Donkey or any other unpleasant animal/whore euphemism.