I Just...

I just want to say I have no commitments like yours and while I commend your virtue, I will go there and have a blast. Though I am thinking it will probably have to wait and it will come down to either Utah, or Amsterdam as my summer vacation.
I just know that regardless of your final vacation destination for the summer, i'll most certainly be living vicariously through your experiences until i can experience them myself.
i just duct taped an alarm clock set for 4 AM to the inside of my sisters Box Spring. I only wish i could be awake to see her reaction.
i just wish our local homeless celebrity had a neat name like hobo jack. Kotex Deb isnt nearly as fun sounding. Nor is her alarming state of dental disrepair.
I just collected my first birthday wishes from facebook. :lol:

I just wanted to report some errors: someone called me "Mr. Cloak", someone thought I was 21 (a flattering mistake), and someone seems to think I have the clap. :P
I just found a faster way home via the Chesapeake Bay bridge-tunnel. I just realized it cuts off 60 miles of my trip for only $12, and I don't have to go through DC or Baltimore. :D