I Just...

I just played CoD4 online until I gain the rank of Gunnery Sergeant.

If anyone knows how not to die by getting bombed by planes please tell me, 'cos it's my only cause of death. Spawn, bomb.
I just want to see this in all its glorious action on youtube.  A little help, Syd?
You mean me? It wouldn't be all that exiting, my best kill ratio so far is a pathetic 12:7. Haven't shot anything online since my Call of Duty 1 days!

As for the game itself, here's a vid showing off the mental multiplayer, plus they guy doing it is about as good as me; http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EwViW9nkTuw

It's a bit of good, an uber-quick single player campaign though. I give it nine prisms out of ten.

I just reviewed a game!
i just dont get the whole stabbing instead of shooting things. If this were Call of Duty:Cavemen it would make sense, but they use modern weapons and tactics in CoD4. Stabbing is for ninjas, man!
I just want to clear the record by saying i dont play computer games. I play video games on PS2. I'll be upgrading to PS3 in September.
I just got my books for this semester. I just got a lot of plays, even though I am not a theatre major, it's because the teacher is the Acting Professor, she's teaching a Women's Studies course on women and their portrayal in media.