I Just...

i just had a really great time tonigt and heard some awesome music that is very new to me! I just wish that the girl didnt have a BF and that i had more than one week to spend with her. Oh well.
I just saw the trailer for 24 season 7. Which won't be shown in the UK until the year 2054.

Holy fuck!! CTU gone?! Tony's back, but eeevil? At least my favourite character, Aaron, is back.
I just woke up (had a dream about a ghost house), put some hash browns in the oven to bake, and put a pot of coffee on the burner. I just want a good start for class today, i'll probably also eat a yogurt and take an orange to class. I just want all my vitamins! :D

That's what they meant when they told me that people who speak english don't know very much about (good) food.
Sorry! But what SR said shocked me a bit....a breakfast like that is just normal, I always thought...vitamines? My record are about 15 mandarines/tangerines (what a stylish word) in one day. No kidding.

(I just noticed there was no 'just' in there!)

That's what they meant when they told me that people who speak english don't know very much about (good) food.
Sorry! But what SR said shocked me a bit....a breakfast like that is just normal, I always thought...vitamines? My record are about 15 mandarines/tangerines (what a stylish word) in one day. No kidding.

(I just noticed there was no 'just' in there!)
I just want to let you know that I think 15 tangerines in a day is excessive! I just want to beat you up for your culinary superiority complex. :fish:
I just need to say that I'm sorry, I'm not as grown up as you, I can still be surprised at the facts I learn. :)

I just didn't want to break it to you, but...it's not a complex, it's true! :shrug:

I just imagined DD trying to beat me up.
I just dont eat well when i live with family. whenever im on my own i eat far better, but for some reason it all goes down the drain when my parents are involved.
I just groaned because the ETS queue music has started up for the 15th time this morning. I am never voluntarily listening to the Raider's of the Lost Ark theme song ever again.
I just learned Beadle has died, which is very sad. Ever watch Beadles About? Great TV, he used to just go trash up peoples cars and stuff.