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  1. BorkWI

    Overview of the Kingdom of Faltsu

  2. BorkWI

    Overview of the Kingdom of Faltsu

    Military: Uniforms: Weapons: Vehicles:
  3. BorkWI

    Overview of the Kingdom of Faltsu

    Economics: The GDP of Faltsu is 700 billion Credits(¢) (1.3 trillion¢ PPP). The GDP per capita of Faltsu is 22,000¢ (35,000¢ PPP). Currency: The currency of Faltsu is the Faltsish Credit (¢), and it has a 1:1 ratio with the IBU.
  4. BorkWI

    A Friend’s Recommendation (my first Eras RP!)

    Music for this post: Xel woke up a few hours later. He reached for his phone on the side table blindly. He felt the letter that he was supposed to have read. Finally, he found his phone. He sighed audibly, picking it up and bringing it towards his face. The screen...
  5. BorkWI

    Major Cities of Eras

    City Name: Denburg Nation Name: Faltsu City Population: 7 million Is national Capital City: Yes Percentage of Nation’s Total Population: 4.3%
  6. BorkWI

    National Anthem Thread

    Here is the Faltsish National Anthem: “Vive De Faltsish Kinnek!”
  7. BorkWI

    Important People and Government in Faltsu

    POLITICAL PARTIES OF FALTSU: Nei Monarchei: This party was born after Xel took power. It is a reformed version of Julien’s monarchist party that includes more democratic things to gather more support from the people. This has worked in Xel's favor as party popularity has increased since the...
  8. BorkWI

    Important People and Government in Faltsu

    HISTORIC PEOPLE OF FALTSU: Julien Den (Jule-line) Age: 57 (at death) Sex: Male Race: Human Height: 6’1” Weight: 238lbs Religion: Tetist Messianism Spouse: Rose Den Occupation: King of Faltsu Official Title: Kinnek Julien III Bio: This is Xel’s father. He passed away unexpectedly in his...
  9. BorkWI

    A Friend’s Recommendation (my first Eras RP!)

    Eras RP: King Xel paces around his newly renovated room. He hears 4 knocks on his door. “Just a minute Violet!” He yells. “Okay!” Replies Violet. He walks into his en-suite bathroom, taking off his black t-shirt and throwing it into the hamper. He puts on some deodorant, and combs his...
  10. BorkWI

    The Faltsish Military

    Uniforms: Weapons: Vehicles:
  11. BorkWI

    Random Faltsu Worldbuilding Stuff

    Terra-Platinum Cigarettes: (credit to goy for letting me use his template) This is the luxury brand of cigarettes in Faltsu. Instead of the traditional white paper, it comes with black paper with a gold strip to prove to your peers just how rich you are while you stand outside the club with...
  12. BorkWI

    Economics of Faltsu

    Currency: The currency of Faltsu is the Faltsish Credits (¢). It has a 1:1 ratio with the IBU.
  13. BorkWI

    Currencies of Eras

    Nation Name: The Kingdom of Faltsu Currency Name: Faltsish Credit Currency Symbol: ¢ Value in relation to the International Banking Unit (IBU): 1:1
  14. BorkWI

    Historic People in Faltsu

    Julien Den (Jule-line) Age: 57 (at death) Sex: Male Race: Human Height: 6’1” Weight: 256lbs Religion: Courantism Spouse: Rose Den Occupation: Kinnek of Faltsu Official Title: Kinnek Julien III Bio: This is Xel’s father. He was killed in a bombing that started the Isles war. He also gave away...
  15. BorkWI

    Overview of the Kingdom of Faltsu

    Size and Population: The size of the Kingdom of Faltsu is 115,732km² (44,684mi²). It has a population of 32 million people, with a population density of 276 people per square kilometer. Note: This map does not include the many high speed two lane country roads that span the inland areas...
  16. BorkWI

    Important People and Government in Faltsu

    The Palais: (Pal-aye-is) This is the place where the Royal Family and important ministers (all of which will be most likely listed in this thread soon) live, and where most governmental stuff takes place. (This is basically equivalent to the White House irl). It is located in the capital...
  17. BorkWI

    Eras Map Claim Thread #3

    [/spoiler] ~LL
  18. BorkWI

    Voting: September 2020 General Election

    Delegate: 1. TlomzKrano 2. Praetor 3. Gorundu 4. 9003 5. Pigeonstan Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: 1. Dreadton 2. Bobberino 3. New Francois Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: 1. Abstain Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  19. BorkWI

    Apply to join the Cards Guild

    Card Collecting Nation: Waupun Island I acknowledge my obligations under the Charter of The North Pacific Cards Guild and agree to comply with these obligations.
  20. BorkWI

    Citizenship Applications

    Nation: Waupun Island I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I...
  21. BorkWI

    Voting: May 2020 General Election

    Delegate: 1. < Prydania > Would you like to reopen nominations? No Vice Delegate: 1. < Abstain > Would you like to reopen nominations? No Speaker: < Highton > Would you like to reopen nominations? No
  22. BorkWI

    [FT]Intergalactic Institute of Stellar Cartography

    Hello. This is to just keep me on the map.
  23. BorkWI

    [FT]Intergalactic Institute of Stellar Cartography

    Hello, I'm a bit confused on the claim thing. Questions: 1. Are we claiming entire star systems, or just planets. 2. If I wanted to just claim "1" star system or planet, how would I go about doing it? Thanks in advance for any replies!