Am cat doing cat things. Nothing sus here.
- Pronouns
- They/Them
- TNP Nation
- Waupun_Island
Size and Population:
The size of the Kingdom of Faltsu is 115,732km² (44,684mi²). It has a population of 32 million people, with a population density of 276 people per square kilometer.

Note: This map does not include the many high speed two lane country roads that span the inland areas of Faltsu.
[More maps coming soon, including the addition of the Isles of Farrun, and an environment map!]
The capital city of Denburg lies in the Kapital Distrikt. It has a population of 7 million and is one of the best places to live in Faltsu.
Picture of Denburg:






The culture group for Faltsu is Luxembourgish. 99% of the names used for people and things reflect that.
More to be added soon!
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